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HIGH WATER. Today—B.3 a.m.; 5.22 p.m. Tomorrow—B.4l n.m.; U.O p.m. ARRIVALS. THUItSDA?, APRIL 50. MAItAMA. s.a. (.1.30 p.m.), 0107 tons, Totcn, from Sydney, via Auckland. TAMAHINK, s.s. (6.20 p.m.), IUS9 tons, Sliarpc, from Flcton. OMAXA, s.s. (7.35 p.m.), 2550 tons, Howie, «from Melbourne, via Napier. JTKIDAY, APRIIj 30. AWAIIOU, m.s. (1.50 a.m.), 410 tons, Coldicult, from Cisborne. ABAIIUKA, s.s. (5 a.m.), 1007 tons, Hay, from Nelson. IIOLMLKA. s.s. (0.10 a.m.), 551 tons, Kanorva, from Mercer. KANGATIKA, t.e.s. (7 a.m.), 0152 tons, Invin, from Lyttclton. TAUPATA. M.s. (7.10 a.m.), 2CS tons, Collins, i\lKAru mm.s nlmab a.m.), 24S tons, MacMlllan. from Taraliohe. I'AKUItA, s.s. (11.10 a.m.), 71S tons, Kaucrva, from Napier. DEPARTURES. THUKSDAY, Al'RIJj 20. Tl3 AUOIIA, anx. scow (4.15 p.m.), 103 tons. Sawyers, for Westport. lIAWKUA ra.s. (5 p.m.), ISS tons, McLaclilaa, for Patea. HOKITIKA, m.s. (3.40 p.m.), 203 tons, Kaldor, for Grejmouth. MATAXCI, s.s. (7.30 p.m.), 1306 tons, Wlld- , mi\n, for Nelson. WAIJINK. s.s. (7.30 p.m.), 4436 tons, Kane, for Lyttellon. ECHO, iiux. scow (8.5 p.m.), 120 tons, Miles, for Blenheim. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Coastal Traders. Karepo, Westport, today. Inaha, Patea, today. Tamahlne, l'iclon, tomorrow, 3 p.m. Matauul, Nelson, tomorrow, 5.30 a.m. Waliinc, Lyttelton, tomorrow, 7 a.m. , Ciale. Wangunul, tomorrow. Kapiti, Wanganul, tomorrow. Storm, southern ports, tomorrow. Kaiinco, Greymouth, tomorrow. . Port Walknto, southern ports, tomorrow. Karu, GrcyniHtilhi tomorrow. Wainul, southern ports, tomorrow. Kaptmi, Paten, tomorrow. Alexander. Motucka, tomorrow. Totara, Westport, toniorrow. Kohl Nelson and Days, ZnO. Gael, ■Motucka, 3rd. Kalmlro. Portland. 3rd. Breeze, southern ports, 4th. Kaimai, Groymoutta, sth. Kcho, Blenheim. sth. Ilolmlca, southern ports, sth. Waipalii. southern ports, Gth. Breeze, WimgJimil, Cth. Overseas Traders. Waitaki, southern ports, today. Jiuahinc, New riymoulh, tomorrow. Manju Mam, Auckland, 2nd. Toiigurlro. Auckland, 2nd. Awatea, Syduey, 3rd. Doric Star Auckland, 3rd. Tees, Lyttelton, 4th. Onawa Wiilfciikonti 4th. Golden West, Auckland, Oth. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Coastal Traders Tamahino, IMcton, today, 2.45 p.m. j Arahura. Nelson, today, 7.30 p.m. Kausalira, Lytteltou, today, 7.-13 p.m. Xc Arolia, Westport, today. Taupata, Map'un, today: Nlkau, Tarakolie, today. Ilolmlea, southern ports, today. Talisman. Nelson and bays, today. Ilawora, Vatea toniorrow. Knplti, Wnnrannl, tomorrow. Ktorm, WaiiEanul, via Picton. tomorrow. Gale, southern ports.- tomorrow. . Awahou, Napier, tomorrow. Tort Wftlknto, Auckland, tomorrow. Waipalii, Duncdin, tomorrow. Waiiuii. Napier, tomorrow;. Kapimi. Patca, tomorrow.' Echo,' Blenheim,: 3rd. ■ ' . Inaha, Patea, 3rd. il-ii-l Orevmmith ' 3rd. Pakura, Picton. 3rd. ' Breeze Wanganul, 4th. Kohl, Nelson aud Bays. 4th. Kalmlro. Oreymnuth, 4th. Ilolmlea, New Plymouth, sth. Kallngo Westport. sth. Wainahl', Nelson. Gth. Breeze, southern ports, 6th, Overseas Trader!. Marama, Lyttelton, today. Cmana, Lyttelton. tomorrow. Waitald, Bluff, tomorrow. Port Denlson, Boston, 2nd, daylight. ] Ardenvohr, Lyttelton. 3rd. Manju iMaru. Lyttelton, 4th. ... : Awatea, Sydney, 4th. Ituahine, London, Dtli. 4 p.m. lianjjitane, London, Gth, noon. | Upan-u, Port Chalmers, 7th. BERTHAGE LIST. . Arahura—Queen's Wharf No. 12. Aidcuvolir-jlvipitea Wharf. Awahou—Queen's Wharf No. 6. (lalo-rKlng's Wharf. Hulmdale- micro's Wharf No. 11. Ilolmlea—Queen's Wharf No. 2. Inaha—King's Wharf. Inh'n ■ Clyde Uuay Wharf. Kalkorai—Fryatt Quay. ■ Maori—Patent Slip. Marama—Plliltea Wharf. ■ : Matal—Lytteltou Wharf. '. . ■: .MaunKaiitil -Patenl Slip. . Niltau—Queen's Wharf. Omaua—Queen's Wharf No. I*. ..<,. , Pakura—King's Wharf. Port Uenisou—KiuK's Wharf. . Hangatira—Ferry Wharf. ' ■ Rangitane—Glasgow Wharf. Ituahine—Glasgow Wharf. Talisman—Queen's Wharf No. IS. Tmnaliluo—Queen's Wharf No. 4. Taupata—Glasgow Wharf. Waipahi—Queen's Wharf No. 11. Waitakl—Taranakl Street Wharf. INTERCOLONIAL SERVICES. AWATEA. left Wellington Tuesday for Sydney; duo Sydney today; leaves Sydney' today for Wellington; due Monday; leaves Wellington Tuesday for Sydney; due Syduey May 'WANGANELLA, leaves Auckland today for Sydney: due Sydney Tuesday; leaves Sydney May 7 for Wellington; due Wellington May 11. (Huddart, Parker.) MAUNGANUI, leaves Wellington May IS for Sydney; due Sydney May 12. (U.S.S. Co.) PACIFIC MAIL SEBVICES. AOUANC.t. left Sydney Th\ir?dav tor Vancouver; duo Honolulu today, Victoria Thurstlav, Vancouver May 7; leaves Vancouver May 12 for Sydney; due Honolulu May 19 Suva May 28, Auckland May 31: leaves Auckland June 1: due Sydney June G. (O.S.S. NIAGARA loft Vancouver April 13 for Sydney; duo Suva today, Auckland Monday; leaves Auckland Tuesday: due Sydney Slay 8: leaves Sydney May 13 for Vancouver; due Auckland May 17: leaves Auckland May 18; due Suva May 21. Honolulu May 28, Victoria ,'B.C.) Juno 3, Vancouver Juno 4 (U.S.S. Co.) MONTEREY, left Melbourne Monday, leaves Sydney today for San Francisco; duo Auckland Monday; leaves Auckland Monday; due Suva Thursday, Pago Pago May 7, Honolulu May 12 Los Angeles May IT, San Francisco May lt>. (Burns. Phllp and T and W Young.) MARIPOSA. left San Francisco Tuesday for Sydney and Melbourne; due Honolulu Monday, Pago Pago May 8, Suva May 11, Auckland May 14;' leaves Auckland May 14; due Sydney May 17, Melbourne May 20. (Burns, Phllp, and T. and W. Young.) LOADING FOR NEW ZEALAND. CORNWALL, leaves Liverpool May 15 for Auckland (due June 21), Wellington (July 1), Lyttelton, Port Chalmers, aud New Plymouth. (Federal Co.) IfORUSDALK, leaves London May It for Wellington (due June IS) aud Auckland. (S.S. GABRIELLA, leaves Newcastlo April 30, Sydney May 1, for Napier and Glsborne. . (U.S.S. KARETU, loads Newcastle about April 29, completes Port Stephens, Port Kembla, and Sydney, for Bluff. Dunedin, Tlmaru. and Lyttelton. (U.S.S. Co.) KAIRANGA, loads Newcastle about April 30' for Auckland. (U.S.S. Co.) . KALINGO, loads Newcastle May 17 and Sydney May 10 for New Klymoutli and Wanganul. (U.S.S. Co.) KAIKORAI. loads Newcastle about May 13, completes Sydney, for Wellington. (U.S.S. "ivEIFUKO MARU, leaves Milko May 3 for Auckland (duo May 25), Wellington. Lytteltou, and nuncdin. (Wright,. Stephenson.) KAURI, loads Adelaide about May 13, completes Edllhburg for Auckland, Napier. Duncdin, and Bluff. (U.S.S. Co.) LIMERICK, leaves ua angles April SO for Auckland (due May 27), Wellington Lyttelton, Duncdin, and Australia (U.S.S Co.) MARAMA. limds Syduey ntiout May b for Auckland and Wellington (U.S.S. Co.) QUEEN VICTORIA, loads Texas Gulf May — for Auckland (duo Juno 23) and Now PlyHOTORCA, leaves London May 3 for Auckland (due June 13) and Wellington 'June 18) (N.Z.S Co.) SOUTH AFRICA, leaves San Pedro about May 2 for Auckland (due May 23), Wellington. Lytteiton and Duncdin. (T.O. Co.) STOCKWBLL .eaves .New torn April SO for Auckland (due May 30) Wellington Lyltelton inrf tlunedln (Port Line.) SYDNEY MARU. was to leave Moil April 27 for Auckland (due May 15), Wellington (May 18). Lyttelton, and Dunodln. (Federal Co.) WAITAKI, leaves Melbourne May 11 for Bluff, Dunedin. Lyttelton. and Wellington. (U.S.S. Co.) DOMINION BOUND. •BRANDON, left Antwerp February 18 for ruickliind (due Slay 3) and New Plymouth. IN Z.S Co.) CANADIAN CONQUEROR, lert Halifax March 22 far Auckland (due May fi). Wellington (May 10), Lyttelton, and Duncdin. (Fedora) Co.)

CITY OIT ORAN, left New' York April 10. Newport News April 12. for Auckland (due May 11) Wellington Lyttelton and Dunedin ( Co.) CANADIAN CHALLENGER, left Halifax April 24 for Auckland (due May 31), Wellington (June 7), Lyttelton, and Uunedln. (Port Line.) , . (fOLD KN WEST, left Los Angeles about April 1 for Auckland (iluo April 30), and Wellington (May (i). (Burns, Philp.) JOHN KKUDhbA .en ueuan April 25 for Wellington; duo May 13. (U.S.S. Co.) MAIIIA leti Lunuon March a foi Australia (to discharge) and New Zealand (to load May June) (S.S nnd A. Co.) MAETSUYCKER. left Saigon April 10 for Auckland (due May 11) and Wellington, via Sourabaya Port Moresby Samaral Itabaul. Port Vila, and Noumeau. (Johnston and Co.) NORFOLK, left London April 10 tor. New Zealand Ito load) (due May 241 (N.Z.S Co.) ' NARBADA, left Calcutta April 2 for Auckland (due May 7), Wellington. Lyttelton, and lJimediu, via Rangoon, Penang, Singapore, Samarang, Probolinggo, and Banjoewangi. (U.S.S. Co.) MELBOURNE STAR, left Liverpool April 24 for Auckland (due May 25), Wellington, Lyttelton, and Port Chalmers. (Federal Co.) PUR'I CllALMlilto .etl Lunuuii April lv tot Wellington (due May 20) Lyltelton Timaru and Bluff (Port Line.) FOlt'l UUNTEK. lert London March 25 for Dunediri (due Maj <J) Lyttelton and New Plymouth (Port Lino.) PAKEHA left Liverpool April a for auclsland (due May 10), Wellington (May 23), Lyttelton ImnedlD and Timaru (S.S and 4 Co.) - REMUERA, left London April 35 for Auckland (due May 22) (N.Z.S. Co.) TAIROA left Liverpool Marco 27 for Australia (to discharge) and New Zealand (to load May-.lune) (S.S and A Co.) TAMAKOA, left London April 19 for Auckland (duo May 23) and Port Chalmers. (S.S.. and A. Co.) TRELYAN left Nova Scotia April 13 for Auckland (due May 2"). New Plymouth, Wanganul -Welllnston Lvtteltnn and Dunedin . WAIANA. left Barry (Wales) April 14 for Auckland (due mid-June). Wellington, and Uunedin via Sataga and Colombo. (U.S.S Co.) WESTMORELAND, left London April 2 Cor Wellington (due May 13) and Auckland (N.Z.S. Co.) DISCHARGING ON COAST. AKAROA, from London; for Wellington.: (due May. 6) ; at Auckland; leaves Tuesday. (S.S. and A. Co.) AiUJKNVOHR, from New York; for Lyttelton and Duriedin; at Wellington. (Federal Co.) CUMBERLAND, from Liverpool; for Bluff; at Dunedin; leaves tomorrow, (Federal Co.) DORIC STAR, from London; for Wellington ; at Auckland; leaves Saturday. (Bluo Star Line.) ' KAIKORAI, from Newcastle and Sydney; at Wellington. (U.S.S. Co.) LAIUUIBANK, from Ocean Island; for New Plvmmith- at Auckland. MANJU MARU. from Milke; for Wellington, Lyttelton, and Dunedin; at Auckland; leaves tomorrow. (Wright, Stephenson.) MARAMA. from Sydney: lor Lyttelton; at Wellington; leaves tomorrow. (U.S.S. Co.) OMANA, from South Australia and Melbourne; for Lyttelton and Tarakono; at Wellington; leaves Saturday. (U.S.S. Co.) TONGARIRO, from Liverpool; for Napier. Auckland;'leaves tomorrow, (federal"Co.)" WAIKOUAITI, from Newcastle and Sydney; for Lyttelton, Oamaru. and Blutt; at Timaru: leaves today. (U.S.S. Co.) WAITAKI, from Melbourne; for Wellington: at Lyttelton; leaves today. , (U.S.S. Co.) LOADING IN NEW ZEALANO. ALLISR, loads Lyttelton early May and Dunedin ; leaves Dunedin May 8 for European ports. AKAROA loads Port Chalmers May », l.yttclton, and Wellington (due May , 15); leaves WellinctOD May 21 for Southampton ond London, via Panama and Kingston (S.S aud COPTIC loft Bluff today for Port Chalmers, Auckland,' Wellington (May 8-11), and Lyttelton; leaves Lyttelton May 14 for London, via Avonmouth, Liverpool, and Glasgow, via Capo Horn. (S.S. and A. Co.) . IJORIt STAK" loads Wellington May 3, Lyttelton, Napier, and Auckland; leaves Auckland May 20 for London, Avonmouth Liverpool, and Glasgow (Blue Star Line). ; HORORATA, at Port Chalmers; leaves tomorrow for Timaru and Lyttelton ;-lcuvcs Lyttelton Thursday for Hook of Holland, London, an 1 West Coast United Kingdom ports. (Federal C ) 'MARAMA, at Wellington; leaves today for. Lyttelton and Sydney. (U.S.S. Co.) iNARBAIIiV. loads AucKlauu May. (, completes Wellington, Lyttelton, and Dunedin, for Singapore, Calcutta Penang, and Samarane. (U.S.S Co.) , OPAWA, at Auckland; leaves tonight for Waikokopu, Wellington (duo May 4), and Port Chalmers; leaves Port Chalmers May 9 for nuston, London, Avonmouth, Liverpool, and Glasgow. (Federal Co.) ■ ~ I PORT CAROLINE,'at Timaru: leaves tomorrow for Bluff, Wanganul, and Wellington (due May 13); leaves Wellington May 1G for London, via Cape Horn. (Port Line.) PORT DUNEDIN, at .Auckland; leaves tomorrow lor Napier and Wellington (due May G) ; leaves Wellington May 11 for London, via Cape Horn. (Port Line.) rORT BRISBANE, at Lyttelton; leaves tomorrow for Port Chalmers; leaves Port Chalmers Thursday for London, via Capo Horn. (Port Line.) „. , FORT DENISON, at Wellington; leaves Wellington daylight Sunday for Boston and Hallfax. (Port Lino.) RANGITANE, at Wellington; leaves Wellington noon Thursday, for London,, via Panama. (N 7, S. (in.) ; .■....'.'■ RUAHINE. at New Plymouth; leaves ' today for Wellington (duo tomorrow) ; leaves Wellington 4 p.m. Wednesday for Newcastle-on-Tyne, Hull, and London, via Panama and Plymouth. (N.Z.S. Co.) WAITAKI. at Wellington; leaves tomorrow for P.luff; leaves Bluff: May 3 for Melbourne. WAIKOUAITI, loads Lyttelton April 30, Oamaru and Bluff, for Sydney and Newcastle.(U.S.S. 'Co.) ' 6ERVICESTO ISLANDS. M ITU \ leaves Wellington tomorrow, Auckland May' 6, for Nukualofa, Apia, and Suva. <Uj'bVUl( pOMARE, due back Lyttelton May 10 from Apia and Nlue. (T. ,T. Gardiner.) TEES from Chatham Islands; due Lyttelton (duo Monday) and. Wellington (due Tuesday). (3P. J. Gardiner.) . WITHIN WIRELESS RANGE. The following vessels nro expected to ho within rango of the undermentioned wireless stations tonight:— ■• : Auckland. —Kahvarra, Kekcrangit, Mam Fomare, Narhada, Niagara. ; Wanganella, Triaster. Brisbane Maru, Fernmoor, Golden West. Goslar, Manju Maru, Monterey, Opawa, "Wellington.—Rangatira.. Tamahlnc, Wahine, Nucula Aoranei, Awatea, Kalingo, Marama. Waltakl, Arawa, Karamca, Mnetsuycker, Mataroa, Mariposa, Port Hobart, Rangitata, Baranga, Remuera, Huahine, Tamaroa. ; AWarua.—Paua, Walkonaiti. Recorder. Triona, Berengaria, Cape Horn, Comorin, Coptic, Cumberland, Karafuto Maru, Mooltan, Narkunda, Nieuw Holland, Nleuw Zeeland, Drama, Orford | Ormonde. Oronsay, Otranto, Queen Mary, fctrathaird, Thorhlld. . Chatham Islands. —South bea. AWATEA AT SYDNEY. Tho Awatea arrived at Sydney at 7.40 this morning from Wellington. She will leave there today for Wellington, arriving here on Monday. TEES DELAYED. , Delayed at Chatham Islands hy jbad weather the Tees is now expected to arrivo,at Lyttelton on Monday, and will reach Wellington on lues-, day at the earliest. ' SOUTH AFRICA FROM SAN PEDRO. The tanker South Africa is expected to leave Pin Pedro about May 2 for Auckland. Wellington. Lyttelton, and Dunedin. She1 is due at Auckland on May 23. . .. ■ BY TELEGRAPH. SYDNEY, April 30. Arrived—Awatea (7.40 a.m.), from Wellington. At Newcastle.—Karctu, from Wellington. . SUVA, April 30. Sailed—Niagara (9 a.m.), for Auckland. PICTON, April 29. Arrived—Matua (6 p.m.), from Wellington. TARAKOHE, April 29. To Sail—Nlkau (8 p.m.). for Wellington.

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Evening Post, Volume CXXIII, Issue 101, 30 April 1937, Page 12

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SHIPPING NEWS Evening Post, Volume CXXIII, Issue 101, 30 April 1937, Page 12

SHIPPING NEWS Evening Post, Volume CXXIII, Issue 101, 30 April 1937, Page 12


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