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' - w SO -MUCH FOR"- - -.'.' • ■'.'. •' .' i\ .... EYES/TO D 0!../. . . PICTURES!, Motoring! Reading! Your eyes must be' always ready to work for you . quickly, easily,' without;' tiring. If yoW eyes cannot/keep the _ pace they need care. Enjoy the accuracy and comfort of . modern : lenses—let .us,. help you care for your eyes. ."•.., '-'■'. /' . ;: . BARRY& SARGENT LTD. : / : OPTICIANS, ' / : '...■' ."■../:•'■ 118/Willis:Street, .' ; ./.-.: . . •/;'. ...Wellington.. .'■ // / E. A.. Sargent,. .. / // / ■ '!'■ .••■.' Managing Director. .. . / .-;/ '.. ;i .'■'..''.„''"'' '.'"".'■'■ / ■ WANTED TO SELL. /; j WANTED. Sell/, Ensign 'Folding Camera,! ' " ' : 2% x 3Yt iilm,.F(i.3 lens,: perfect;' £2, with case. /39 ililnefTerrace,'■ .Island: Bay, near Crow's Nest Cabaret. .■'./■'.■-.'■'■'■ •■. 1 TX7ANi"ED. Sell, Foreign' Finchfes, ■ V -'Nightingales; .Goldfish, 'Birdl Cages: NeH'towußird Shop,-'ll2 Adelaide Road. WANTED to' 5e11,, '4 sound -''secdnd-hand H.D. 550 x 18. motor'tyres, f. Write 921 /Evg. Post/ ■:■-: :■ !■ . : '"./ ■';■■■ WANTED to Sell, Chappell Rano, pfer- . ... feet condition, ■ dark- rosew.o'od/case. 115.. Meih' Street.. ■"' : - ■ :.:///v- ''■ :"'' ■■'' "■■■ \ Sell immediately-,. Superior *." Furniture,, Piano,-. Chesterfield, Carpets, .Crockery, etc., Ring26rsl2.- ■■■''. ; j//' WANTEi>S6li;Singer Electric Portables,- ---: **■ . bargains; .New English 'Motors, ~'£s 10s;/Needles,:-Parts.,;.Globe; Op'era'House.WANTED . Sell,. .Modern 'Oak.Bedroom, ;.r"//I)ining;,/Che'sterfield-Suites,./30, per ceiit.. .belowv.retail.-..Silverstone.s;. Auction'-. eers, 110' Lambton* (juay, opp. Occidental■ ■: ■. ANTED Sell, Bedroom Suites, Chestbr- . field Suites, Dining Suites; Duchesses,Wardrobes, etc. / Save- money-at :•, Davis 8r05.,: ;57-59';Lower/Cuba /Street/: ./f /./: ANTED: Sell—Davis, Bros.'.■. Furniture 1 Mart : have..-. best; selection Househ6ld. Furniture; :V saye' money,':-visit/our: rooms,. 57-59-L6wer::'Ouba:,Street:-' :■ '^;- .:.->,-I-:.'.': WANTED Sell, r'Cha'ppell". Player Piano,: . Carpets,: Runners,'Chestei'field: Suites, Easy Chairs.:: Davis sßros.' iAuctipu; Room, 57-59 /Lo.wer'.-Ciiba-. Street." :■;:>/ ■'■ - ■'.": /' i. '■■ , \\T ANTED ;•■ 5e11,.. Wonderfnl Assortment;' *', Household'•; Furniture, /Carpets; ■',etc.: ■Davis Bros;; iHuge/Furniture/. jiliit]':iSJrSQLower' Cuba..Street/ (below. Jaines'Sniith). ; '; ANTLD/Sell; 60;Bui/galo'iv Pianos, bar/gain .prjcee/frpm £15-to J845;: terms fioni ssvweekly -rNimnio'srLtd.': '~:-■'■• ..■•■ .;: VX7ANTED /Sell,: Rebuilt, ..GuarauteeJ •"'*'-"'Pianos,- cohditionas/newi/Brinsmead; Broadwood, Haake.;'->etc; ./.Termß :£rom ;S« weekly '''Nimmo's/ Ltd.:;-/■ ?^'/v;/"/> ■■■ ''ODiin.the .£.-per/week,"-: the-new/"Eas : -' ■'lp-:.ier-to-pay/:tlie;-KennerVWay'."^Conie';in-and have your chpice'/of three i shops',■■ Manners. Street; 'Lambtori1. Quay',':and..'Petone. BcstrFuriiifareKihljWellipgton.://^,-:'':i'-i.: 3D in thej;£'.per;.weekl-Do/you want, any-,; ~; r thing-easier. /j/Why: go without? .You' need not, come now. Every.; sale, ■confidential;'-.-Manners--! Street, -.'-.Lambtpn Quayi'-'aiid/ Petone.'-. ; The/jLeading /Furni-. ture. Stores;:;'"' "/:/;/' :?";:■.-'■'.-.}■■' /:--.;,.-.,-;,■- ---"TT'S easier, to pay/the Kennerway." .^e, +" i)ia\'e; thousands/, upon/; thousands-;of; customers.'-:.Why:.not you. Zf stores.-'Opp.' King's Theatre;;./ Opp /D.1.C,;-and;: oppi. Schopl,- 'Petone/' .■'- ."/". -,:'':".-.-i':'.-■'-' '/::: ', , -1-:-' T:lSfEN.t,'to-This!! Would you lend/your -H. -.Chesterfield Suite to -a :nei.ghbour.;dpwn tlie'lstreet'.fo/r'2s, .6d..-per.- week;;;*,Ofv<;ourse; you ;'-\voiild iot.' 1 ...:.: You : : \vo.uld ? say,//No, yp'li,-might-'spoil!it; -I wpukbndt'thinklof;it.; But.:K.ennei-'s!:Spi|l: ,{' Suites /froni;''2s'/6d; pe^ weekV'Beautjfuliclesigns;', ./:*;;■:'/ p/"// / KEN;N;EII'S /take/cash, /-laybj;,,amii.ea/s-: .. . *rieH'-'of.;;:terms';s.;'G^ your ;Furniture:before■;Easter."} Sp'e'^iaFlJar-. gains. '3 ■ Stpres,;,'Manners '■Street,:,.. Quay,1, opp. .-pj.'C.'i and .■*'Jackspn/,Stree't,.!..Petprie.'V GLIDE! Glide! Glide' along to Jthe .Glide-/ //Rink. :Fu"rnit^ire^:Fact6ry;;::-^Yaliefield : Sttete.Hundreds of Bedroom, Dinitig-room, antl,-Chesterfield Suites, ,from:-£:7-lOs.; Jjist think of; it? .Note; address;/opp,. /Reserye, latefsk^ti'ng'.'..rink."-'-,'': {''y":;~""--//'./:'*-!r:/:.:|-.y-.----iP LLDE-RINK'-for'v Furniture,.,.;" MV-Direetito/Public,'!--Wakefield,; Street,; next .Magmis/'.-Motors. //'.You ■■will. save pounds., .-.-See/ us/before ■ going', elsejivhere.Cash a'hd:layby.'6nlyi ;■ ,/.■.:-;/■■:-;■.'/;/:■'/>. •;,:■. POTATOKS— Ki'ush :'N(;w 'Potatoes;/ 50lb-•*-;;;/4;6d;..28ib/2s a ed^ifree.ideliyery.'.Also Wheat;! Pollard,irMixecl Grain, etc., .lowest rates^i; Gaudinand SoT),-:;Te1.:.52-420.L' U^v ASTER Gifts of ■ charm and: distinction' ; —China, Crystal, Pottery.,/,' Inspection invited. , Aubrey Gualter and; Co.; 149 Feaf^herston Street', and 197 Lambton; Qy. I IN.OS 1 ■ Linos! Linos I■< 60 new designs, •". ■ 2 yards« wide,-. 3s: 6d :yard;.;Passage Linos, ls x 6d, 2s 3cL 2s;/Ud/yard. ,R?dforrl'g ;trtoektakinp"'Sale. /- ; ':;'■-/':•:•.: rjADFORD'S-: Stocktaking Sale! //Furni- ■*■* : ture, Carpets,:.-: Bedding, Blankets, etc., at bargain prices on easy -lermsr.,33-37 Manners/Street;-"/:/-;/' -.'i V 'J:'-U'•'■'< '~:i :-:■/:,'- IPURNITURE and Upholstery-yisil; our ; factory «howro6m; take ad vantage: of factory : to 'public,' prices. ;■ Wellington Cabinet Co.. Ltd.. 73 and ,77: Boulcott St. CHRONIC Constipation ;.' banished■■:■ jby' , : Lubrolax; contains.'"'the wonderful AgarAgar: prescribed by doctors the <world^ over.' Perrett.' Chemist. ■: ,-',:',''■:':;':', ■:'f :--' McGOVVAN AND MAGEE. LTD.VrCoaJ Merchants, Customhouse Agents and Carriers. '22 j Customhouse .Quay. -.'/Tel-; 42-006 (3 lines)1-'/- ■■>/-;, .-''-/-':/?;-:---■'■.>:';-?.i.--'J \rUGENT.WELCH; Exhibition of VVater.43 colours' from-March?'ls to/March! 27 at'McGregor Wright's.'lls'LambtbnQy. T ADIES-^Have your Fur.'Coat/and Fur ■r-4..- Renovated br\ Remodelled: now;; don't wait '•■■for'--, winter, rush ;-.,we ■ do.the;cleverest i furSvofk' 'in: New Zealandi'./Euri.Tailors, Ltd.,-63' Manners Street .(next^Jame^^Bell,. Tailor?)."-.: ~- •-->;-■■';/> v;-,; ,:■;;,/■ f~V' '-'-'' HARRIS; Tweed, c.Angora -finish, ,'.s6in 1 wicle,..Dark:,Rose, Grey,: Navy,-.. Green; 9s. lid/for 7s. lld.',vAVlnteheacl,"and?Peiirs: T: A-DIES—If you'have! an/old Fox/F.ur: *~i- ;.-. we can make it into a^arro.w/Fourr tail/Crossoyefi Stole.and Dye it/any-colour. We/are: the ; :i originators:/,of ."this -process:Call and. see/sample ;pf/work:. done .-'and, different/styles.', /.Fur Tailors,. Ltd:,i 63 Maimers' Street.'/-';. ,-:-:-'VV-'-:'.-' .;■.'/-;''/> EAyY;.Quality,;Wilton .Carpet, slight-: ly ■ imperfect,, beautiful fawn stipple, 11 15ft: 9in',by. lift Gin/for. Half-price;, was £23 15s, for £11 ,17s/.6d::/ Genuine' bar-/ gain. .Yeats,: .Willestori;: Street, opposite •Stewart, Dawson's-'corner. : :....-/'■'.•■.: -. j ■' I?LECK Tweed; all./wool, ■■ 36in, .Bottle, '■*? ■ Wine, .Navy,,: Brown; -Black. ,3s lid for':26.:lld...'.'Whitehead and 'Pears: '- , ; PIANO- ACCORDION,:.low/ pitch,; "So- . ;. prani," 120 bassj-'owner.leaving coiin-/ try; any reasonable offer/ considered;' on, view Burton College' of'M-usic,'{S3 Manners Street, Wellington. •'■■.-■ ; / ,; - .'. '-.' :■'-. SERGE,: all .wool,- .indigo//, /dye,, 40in, guarantee on.selvidgej'Navy:onlyi/6s lid for 4s 6d.-'; Whitehead-and :Pears...;: / RIGHT Red Oxide/Ready-niiSed Roof Paint. - Auld and Gleesou, 1171 Taranaki. Street. ■ Tel.' 51-654. {■■■ : .\' ■ , .'' ERMANENT Middle.: Green :: Ready- : mixed Roof 'Paint. Auld and-. Gleeson,;ll7/Taranaki/Street:/:Tel;. 51-654J-' XAINERS in: 0i1,;.': English . and local ..brands.'Aiildaifid Glee-Son,--Tl7 Taranaki/Street.., .Tel.';sl'-654. -. . IDDIE Cloth,, all wool, 54in wide, Red, . Dai-It Pink, Fawn;.Nayy'..: Ideal .for coats.::.' 10s 6d for ~9s ,6d/yard. ;. Whltehead and: Pears. ,"■;'■' .-. I '■■■ ; / : ■.■'• • C4.RPET ■: at , Half-price, i Heavy' ■ Quality Wilton Carpet, fawn, stipple, 15ft-9in by lift Bin, slightly imperfect in colouring;' was £23 15s, for £11- 17s 6d, Real bargain.,, Yeats, , Willeston.- Street,; opp:-/Stewnrt Dawscin'g/Corner. / ' , E- Bargain Wool and Silk Novelty ■ -Dress Material, Brown,- Wine, Navy. 2s.'lid ior Is ll%d. /Whitehead and Pears." • ■' '•'•■ ' '" ■'< " TE ARO FURNISHING CO., 103 Cuba Street—Furniture arid Furnishings on easy term's. Tel.' 53-285.". .'■''''■' F~IBROUS Plaster Sheets, only white carded sisal-used, stock sizes in large quantities. C. J; Phelps. 10 Bay Road, Kilbirnie. . ■ EXCEL Cement Building Board for; all. external: purposes, garages, etc., SOa per hundred square feet. Obtainable only from C. J. Phelps, 16 Bay Road, Kilbirnie, Sole Manufacturer and'-Patentee. '

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Evening Post, Volume CXXIII, Issue 70, 24 March 1937, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 Evening Post, Volume CXXIII, Issue 70, 24 March 1937, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 Evening Post, Volume CXXIII, Issue 70, 24 March 1937, Page 1