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- HOW'S YOUR-KNITTING? :' "■:.■/_-.. hows Y9UR KNimNG.?/..,:;.;. ; TTJON'T ■say. you haven't started yet? I-~ Goodness me, what: a 1 chance'for busy. : fingers over the 'Easter holidays! Let's help . you;, choose your; wools! .Pick out. the i patterns you'd like to.make! Explain the: ins-and-outs if :ypu're: hot..quite.sure!- /C. Smith's expert staff offer you good-service , aswell as good.wools!., '<... .:' : .-; / t ■;./'■ >CUBA 'STREET' ; WELLINGTpN.i _,/ /SITUATIONS; VVANTED.^. ;-.'.' TV ANTED,/ a /Position, 'as .: Housekeeper '.-■'. "'.-■ or .".Day Work: Preference.'"'"9B2 -Efg. ' J?°st.-- ':■■■■'" ":".;':■/:-/./'V^./;.:/ ':,/.;,-;-■/ . :\\7ANTED,. Work for: 2 ;weeks,.. good cook- " "-■ (references).; 920 .Evg. '.. Post?/ / ,j :. T ADY Housekeeper . seeks, ":;Positidn; -M ■ /gentlemen '.preferred';-: local "oreden- ' tials. 937 ;Evg. -Post. /,/ /., - ■:': '. ■V. ■/';'. ■'■■;/ /;/,-/ 1 TfEMALE. Cook/wants'position,- hotel or ■*- . ;,guest-house;.;references;.^^ '936 Evg. Post.--.-' ' - /../ ..-o ■ ■■*/',■%■■ -~.' ■-.: .'/;:::/-;■•;-: _./-■ ."PIRST-CLASS .Waiter wants Work, ship, 4- /. club,; and hotel-experience.l:9 49 AEyg; Post;1:.:/....;<;";:,-.;;..:.:'. .■.;.".••', '■.-'■•', ■'' ':':<■'<■. :,^.i: T?MP.LOYMENT :, wanted, : by -:- Active; J-i. -Middle-aged; Gentleman,-position,;, of. trust;, bond'it'1 necessary':/'::"lntegrity;-"- 930' Evg.,;EosL;-': „■ j..'■>',■,';■."r:j/B/ -r/'/';' v: v;^:/' 'TITAN, 25,;,7..year5'/driving ./.experience,' xtx , -yrfji tackle anything; excellent'jrefs. 922JEyg.;;Post:////:-/'/: --, ,;-.';v,-;' /.Vy k ■'-' :■ /■ , SENIOR, LEGAL TYPISf^ZI" 7: Q / YEARS' .-'experience, .//excellent prefer-'. *^-/ ehces.-just'arrived W,ellihgt6h;;desires' Position.:;439.Evgi/Post.-,/;.;/;-.;/. ,-. ;i,x'(..: ■;/.;: l'/V./;/-XVVANTED;/TO;':BUy;/ ; /-;/:v:/i/; ■•"- ture, anyi. quantity, for spot/cash' Vivian Street:/ Furniture \ Market 'oOd' - Trades '/Hall-;-:.:-:/ :'■• ,.;.';;:- /; ;1 \y;-:: i-^-.-i'^::.- ; ■.■' TVTANTED,to;Buy, Second-hand Furni. ;T" ; ture,- any quantity up- to 6 r6oms,'.lor cash; • Day is Bros., 57: Lower. Cuba , Street. Tel.-'42419.-'-;;'. :\■-/.;;a: :: ,-j'g//....-. ,;:.) ->-.'y \-l VI^ANTED to Buy, Second-hand i Furni-- ■'•.»■» ■' ture,; any-'qiiantity/up to''6rooms;;f6'r' cash; . Davis !Bros., 57 Lower Cuba- Street. Tel: :42-419.-"//'-;-/a-//:.//,.3--/r'- r 5 i .y;-,,, i ,j,/ : YXT'ANTEDBuy, urgently; Furniture, Car- :,'*- -pets;-Furnishings,-^Sewing,-1 Machine, and Piano, for cash; alsdl'Office.Desk and Safe;j 743 ■Evg. Post:-^ ■\/}-,)h:^y ;^];'. j-i ■WANTED;, to Buy:.1 .Single & Article ?. to .:".',/ House /Full •■ of; Furniture;/top.ipriee. SilVerst'one;' and :•' Cpv,',-110 ' Lambton■; Quay, ;ppp./Oecidental/Hotei;':,Tel.'-4>279., //. /,'-. ■T^ANTED .'-Buy,/;, T-wb-gailon ;,Separatpr p -; ..».»,,; i-goodv order,1; urgent>;:; Apply.- ra.-, tor,"; Young,.. Post;Agent;,.,Johnsonville.-; ■ \^AN.TED,."4 : string;;Doiible:.Bass,y good -i^T:./.-condition; 'cash'.waiting.'.■■V-Riiig.'l6-258.'' T> ICYCLE;: to suit. ;boy,;. must - ( be \ in- firlt-; '■frf,■_ classs.condition./, and./,/ .complete.;;with." usual,/;: accessories;-:// Rin'g^^^ v63-226-/b'etween i 9/a'.m/.faridv-8;p;m;j/-:::/:;:;///;:; : -;;-.;^,.,v;': /,.; TpßESSEDßutton>Mould,:.suitable-dress-Jy ■;-■:.. maker:/:; 940 iEvgy-'Post-.y. /• \U'U. v- ly' ■/ T^H AND ALLAH,, Ngaib—About:4,rooms,; -rV .'/.not i;,necessa'rjly ; :.ren6v_ated,/good'; sec-., tion;';'inspecttEaster;' .{'icular.B• 120 :Evg.' 'Post; j.:''-:/';X'-/^'^V:'/>':'":;:':':^;'::;?,'/*:o1<v./. ARORR-Mo'dern.,Bungalb wj^ s: .roomsi" ~. /:kitche.nette/,'(3- bedrooms);•rooniigarag/e preferred;', good' iash'deposit./rStat'e.l6west ;pric'e.. ;:.:Write; 976.. Evg. Si-Pas. t.\.' ¥U>:^'>£: V /A.P.ARTMENT.-or.-Bbardih'g House,:,cen-. £\ ,; tral;*Syill:i' buy/.'/co/nten.ts-i; oh-"terms';-;. ■>vith./:'f^irrdSp'6sitj^fe'aspnable;/.iprihci»k ;only.-;;:977"Eygf:P6st.;i:;j4^:-'v-K:fe-V"--:%/:----6;PULLETS; or:-L .Y;6u'ng ';;Hens,;; '.';Sussex,: "■.Orpington;-Minorca preferred;;-price, .Wtc.;:!;Je1.;27^263 1 .6r/975rEvg;:T Jost;-v':-/ :j.':-; eENT3:..ypur,.F.urniture;.:Carpetig;veto;, (to i: Silverstorie's ■•A'uctioni,^lart; 110';Lambi; tonrQtwy;:;vTel;^4l-279.;;::'AccpuntSi^ettJed; 'immediately;';/'-./''-'.//-.':'1/^:-'' ■/(^.■.-a/-^' TPURNITURE;:• J:.CarpetH,;-/Machines-:for '■*■;' Jbest'icash price: on- premises,, and;caxt-. age,ifreej,''.iJ1Ring:40r372.6r 1 the.pld-, e'stablißh'ed'Tfi : rm..King^vays,/I'Auc^ Lambton':Quay./■■'''.'■.-:■ '-U'l "■ ■"■>.■: '■■'' /' ': .■ : S' OyEREfGNS,; Old: Gold; Silver; Suits f .'Tools,; Sports /Goods, •Miisicai; Binocu-, lars,! Trunks;' * Firearmß.ete:,/: Wanted, urgent: .C.^:Paris", .'Kia:;Ora; vPawnbroker and- ■Dealer, 120/ Manners ./Street - ; . Tel.----53-723J:;:'Op.p 'yPla!!a'/Fheatre./':? t.; v-/:■; ■:■■. WOODWARD'S. 121.Vivian Street-;are Cash -''Buyers of. Ladies' and '/Gents Superior, teft-off:).Clothing.;; Boots,: Shoes. Travelling Bagai'etc. Tel.; 51r243;-; /' '?.}, ': GARS= Wanted," /Cars^-Highest' prices; /.immediate ca«h:: Wrighti'Stepheneon « Garage; <97 Taranaki Street. Tel:/55 r 12a..'' ■ TTSEDi .Cars bought: for cash, exchanged. V>•' or gold for. commission ;'-highjest. price*. Independent Motor 'Sales. 138. Wake6eld fftreet./-''-.'/:1//-"'':/:^--■-:;-:/: :;i-?^'-"':;-'!;-;:''-::: MRS. MIET, Gash- Buyer any quantity ~' Ladies', and^ Gents' Superior- LeftHDff Clothing, /Boots, etc:, j Old Gold,:/ Silver; best prices.?;TeL 61-760., -125 Vivian :St;■'■ 'K■■> RGENTLYin need of .Good Used Gars, cash-waiting. Wellineton Motor*;! 15 Tory- Street;'' Tel- 51-502.:»■• '■ :/>; - :v/' / - x:.-. i E Pay Highest Cash Price:for Furniture, ■tur'e,- Carpets, etc. '■'■ Rine ua; before selling.-Tel/52-973.'': fv':-;i.'-^:>'V?;'-':f---i:':-" RIFLES.' Jewellery, Old .Gold;- i.Clo/thr. ing; Tools: Sporting, Travelling/ Musi-, cal 'Requisites; Binoculars, 'etc.'/' Highest prices of money advanced: -MontedePiete Loan-Cd:,: 129 Willis Street,- opp. YM.C.A. ■•(latelHoteVSt. ,Gepr K e BldK:).,Tel./52-249./. : : /,'v,y AVANTED;TOE SELL; ';!.'-'/:./<-' ASTER (Campers;? "= Trampers!'; ■ Tents;1 Camp /Beds,,,Packs,;-Ground/Sheets, Sleeping .Bags, "all"your^requirement's/: at Gordon'and G0".;;25 Lower,-Cuba: Street.'1/ SUPERPHOSPHATE—2BIb. 25, ; -3d, i>s6lb V? 4s,Tl2lb'7s 6d; Sulphate of'Ammpnia, and Nitrate of Soda. 141b;2s 6d, 281t> 4s 6d: Delivered., Meadows, 45-028:;' Pet'ohe,63-922; /^ARBONATi bf/Lime'3s'6d;:per;cw.t.'.'2s, V! v per;%ewt; :Unslacked Liipe,'4s:6J, per tiri'jrdelivered.' rMeadows ; (near. Library).1 45-028: Petone, 63-922. '■ V'-f;> k^'S •::■■*■:'-. ■-.<. T>6T ATOES, 281 b ;■ 2s ■■ 3d. i? 561b k4s;; ; 1121b' ■V 7s 6d; free delivery to?any.suburb., Meadows. '114 ; Wakefield ■ Street .1: (near. Eibraryh>!'4s-028:. Retone;l:63-»22 -;/|//;/■'.; BLUE Lupinsi/ideal ?;for'/digging 1 in^:7s' : 6d/per;•:. bushel; ?• is- per v%; bushel. Smaller ■ Lots- 2d per Ib.'-iMeadpwV-".(near. Library). 45-028,; Petone^Branch/03-92^? rA LL-WOOL Sheer .Georgette, ;54in/wide, **-: double."dye.; Black'£-:::;9s:lld for.6s':lld.'; .Limited 'quantity/ .TChiteheacUand/.Peara.. TE iARO FURNISHING CO.; 103 Cuba , Street^fFurniture and Furnishings'^ on easy, terms. '/Tel: 53-285. ,7/'■■'/'.- •-■'J:■■/*' '■■.■■'■ IDING and Tramping Breeches ' (men's or women's) ;:'.Paliasses 'Tunics, Lace,-to-knee : 'Boots, ■', Khaki,' '•;■ Sliorts, ..Shirts, Packs;-BoysV. Shorts,:v.etc;; Army. -Stores; 8-10 /■Brandon/: Street, -/Open- /Thursday night//-' ".;'■/ ;/r-/i::l':'l.' r'-'J' /CHEVRON Tweedsj' camel' -finish,'' twoV'- tone. 56in wide,"B:different;' designs. 8s lld:fo'r/7s-lld, ••Ideal for coats.-.White- ;- head arid Pears.'/; >:"-.; <;■ /./ /: T~ E ARO FURNISHING CO., 303 Cuba -. Street—Furniture;, and'-Furnishings on easy terms. Tel.' 53-285. :.',:- ■■'-■'■■i ■:■'.;' "■'■ ' NE\V ZEALAND AVines are as, good « 'imported wines and 'should at-leasl be tried : before .being (criticised.::':';'■: ... AT no. other: Hotel;: can you /Buy so much Quality, for- so.; lit tie nymey of you can atthe Carlton. ' -■■'.' ■ ' ; tJHEKRYmay be; in short supply .from O Spain, but there is a plentifiil /supply: of New, Zealand Sherry at the.Carlton. SHERRY, quarts 3s/ 6d, : -pints- -2a; • Madeira quarts Ss 6d;-pints. 2s; Port Wine, quarts 2s 9d. Proeurablosolely, •: thoCnrlton Hotfl. WillJP Street'"/"/:: -..- r< TE ARO - FURNISHING/CO., .103 Cuba Street —Furniture, and Furnishings' oil casyjterms. . Tel.; 53-285. /:- .;::'-;:.//!':. DIAGONAL Fleck.Tweed,- 16pz 'weight,- .'.■•. Navy,: Brown; Wihe,: Greeh, : /Js:Jlld for. 5s lid. j One.1 /yard'•"'makes/\'a/.skirt. Whitehead ..and Pears.,:.:.'.. :../: ';/■■:'.' (COCKROACHES,■SiIverfish,. Ants, Rats, V' Micei Borers, ' Bugs, etc.,: eradicajted without'; poisons: Free leaflets; Houghton and Byrne (N.Z.) Agency; 19 Tory St., Wellington..--: ,- ■', *v'■'.':: --.-. -.--^ '■'..

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Evening Post, Volume CXXIII, Issue 70, 24 March 1937, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 Evening Post, Volume CXXIII, Issue 70, 24 March 1937, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 Evening Post, Volume CXXIII, Issue 70, 24 March 1937, Page 1