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It is unusual fou any owner racing in a big way on the flat in.England to admit he has made it pay, but, a few weeks ago, Lord Astor, when addressing a party of Bucks farmers, emphasised the fact that lie ran his farm and racing stud on strictly business lines. He Baid that he started his horse breeding when ho was an undergraduate at Oxford,, and when every penny counted. "It is probably in consequence,-"- he added, "that I have had a certain measure of success, and now, after 3j years, I have a very substantial balance at the bank as a result of my. racing activities. It isn't every owner of racehorses who-can say that." •

Other racing news appears o.ii page 6.

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Bibliographic details

Evening Post, Volume CXVI, Issue 29, 3 August 1933, Page 8

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MAKES HIS RACING PAY Evening Post, Volume CXVI, Issue 29, 3 August 1933, Page 8

MAKES HIS RACING PAY Evening Post, Volume CXVI, Issue 29, 3 August 1933, Page 8


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