(By "Aperture.") AVERAGES. Tho averages of all competitors in tho undermentioned clubs, who competed in tho W.M. R.A. inter-club matches arc as follows (the number of matches in which each competed is shown in parentheses) :— Hutt Ladies, is tirade. —Mrs. Cavnye (S), RO.SB; Mra. Hex Uonkin (8), lij.Tri; Mrs. K. W. Chine IS), 1K.50; Mrs. I. Kushton (7), 65.71; Mrs. L. K. l'elham (7), 01.11; Mrs. K. Veltch (5), liS.ltt; Mrs. F. U. Ward (1). 67.00; Miss N. Howe (I), (i-l.SO; Mrs. Murray (2), 63.50; Miss lilrd (l).-(iU; Mra. Hadeu (1), til;: Mrs. Orr (!), fll. Hutt Valley .Ladies, I! Grade.—Miss I'olutou (S), 67.1 a; Mrs. Taylor (8), Oti.SS; Mrs. C. Kightingalo (S), 05.63; Mrs. M. Greenfield (S), 05.38; Mrs. O. Muy (S), 05.25; Mrs. Lusty (S). 04.85; Mrs. Nicholas (8), 04.50. Karori. A Grado.—l,. A. Caldwcll (S), 08.25; O. E: U. I'rankland (S), 05.25; W. J. H. Hanse (8), OS.IuJ It. roller (S), 07.38; J. I. King (5), (iS.IO; T. U. Jt. Boon (5), C 7.00; J5. C. 11. Itockd (2), CS.OO; V. Barnes (2), fiU.SO; H. 1». rjoro (2). 05.00; Jt. Drake a'), 05.00; D. C. Morgan (2), U.'S.OO; J. IS. itUehte (1), 08; 11. C. ltoon (1). 07; Miss L. Harper (1), 6H; If. Hands (I), OH. Karori, B Grade.—ll. C. 11. Itockcl (8), 00.C3; D. C. Morgan (8), 05.00; It. Drake (8), 04.58; V. Barnes (7), 03.57; L. J. Wrako (li), 00.31; J. B. Itltchlo (li), 05.50; 11. Webster (3), 05.00; t\ Field (3), 03.33; H. Hands (2), 07.00; Mrs. J. Staples (2), 05.00; It. I'orter (1), OS; Mrs. Hands (1), 00. Ouslow, B Grade.—ll. Weeds (8), 00.03; W. ¥cttes (8), 00.25: O. i'cltcs (S), 05.75; R. W. Swnnger (S), 04.13; V. Freeman (7), 67.57; F. R. Bradahaw (7), 07.4;!; I). Small ("i), 00.00; E. Curtis (2), C.VOO; A. Butt (1), 03; W. A. KOnslow,'C UGr<u!c.—A. Butt (0), 03.11; W. R. I). Jettcs (It). 62.M; C. W. Dccdman (9), 62.78; H. Apllu (7), 0:;.2l); F. Taylor (7), 02.2!); J. Barlow (6), 60.17; W. A. Kelly (4), 05.50; C. Lindsay (3), 01.07; I. Wright (2), 60.00; I). Donnlsson (2), 5D.50; F. Freeman (1), 07; It. W. Swanger (1), 65; V. M'Kay (1), 02; Miss Bradshaw (1), 61. I'ctono Central, 15 Grade.—lt. Marsdcn (S), 66.25; J. Kraid (8), 05.00; K. W. Eaton (7), 68 00; V. Ga.iliin (7), 00.13; If. Hobbs (6), 65.67; W. WatTingtou (5), 07.10; J. C. Ucvlno (3). 65.33; H. May (:i), 00.07; A. ¥.. Ffrost (2), 07.5; It. Mglitlngale (2), 66.50; JI. J. N. Grcagcr (2), 00.00; !i. Jones (1), 07; J. C. Ashman (1), 06; H. Woodliead (1), 00. Pctone Central, C Grade.—ll. May (9), 67.50; J. C. Devlno (9), 67.22; S. Jones (9), 66.89; J. C. Ashman (9), 60.07; A. li. Ffrost (9), 66.22; A. Jones (9), 00.00; W. Saunders (9), 63.8!): F. Young (II), 63.8!); H. Woodliead (|7), 65.43; F. Lusty (7), 63.50; J. Jcu'erlc3 (7), 60.57; J. Finlay (0). 01.00; N. M'Donald (5), 61.80; VV. Finlay (5), U0.40; S. Henderson W, 62.75; S. Ashman (4), 55.25; E. Orr (4), 55.75; E. J. X. Greater (."), 62.67; W. Warrlngton (2), 63.50. Petono Ladies, IS Grade.—Miss V. I'ratley (8), 66.63; Miss £. Gregory (8), 65.25; Mrs. A. Porter (7), 65.71; Mrs. J. Johnstone (7), 61.56; Mrs. C. K. Wild (7), 04.50; Miss J. M. Jones (0), 62.53; Mrs. It. Scott (4), 63.00; Miss D. Wild (I), 02.75; Mrs. Marsden (2), 64.00;' Mrs. I'ratley (2), 04.00; Mrs. Aldridge (I), 04. P.W.M.C. Ladies, B Grade.— Mrs. L. Emmett (S), 07.50; Mrs. S. A. Fuller (8), 67.00; Mrs. Cunliire (S), 00.25; Mrs. Davies (S), 01.50; Mrs. Warner (0), «-1.53; Miss Lusty (5), 00.20; Mrs. Ward (5), 04.20; Mrs. Kothcray (1), 04.00; Jliss Cuulill'e (2), 65.00; Mrs. Cleaver (1), 01; Jliss Halsall (4), 03. "EVENING POST" CLUB. Last week the Ouslow Club brought in a fair representative number of their members for a friendly shoot with the "Evening Post" Club. As the visitors fur outnumbered "The Post's" resources, all names were pooled, and three teams, ten a-sido, wcro drawn. Tho results were reckoned from a possiblo 50, witli optional slghter. A close match ensued. Miss Koppok's team winning by one point from Miss Knell's, with Mrs. Fcttes's third. One possible was scored in each team—by Mr. O. Fettes, of Onalow, and by It. Allen and G. Earl of the •'Evening Post." The evening concluded with supper and a welcoming speech from Mr. U. .Nickless, to which Mr. Wright, president of the Onslow Club, and Mr. Portcous, a vicepresident, replied. Mr. W. It. D. Fcttcs, another vice-president, was among the party. Tho following are the details of tho shooting:— Miss Koppok's Team: It. Allen 50, Jlrs. Nickless 49, H. Nleklcss •!!!, Miss Koppok 45, A. Goldsborough 45, Mr. Forlcous 44, Mr. Fettos '11, Miss Fetles 43, Miss Bradshaw 43, airs. Wilkinson 41; total, 45ii; average, 45.3. Miss Knell's Teum: c. Earl 00, V. Ginl 49, J. Bradley 48. K. M'BowoH 4S, Miss Knell 40, W. M'Gratli -Hi, Mr. Weeds 45, W. nanlcy 42, Miss Hooper 11, Mr. Lindsay 37; total, 452; average, 45.2. Mrs. Fettes's Team: O. fettcs 00, M. Lemmer 47, M. Marshal] 47, W. 11. D. Fcttes 40, K. Fife 45, Mr. llonnisou 44, W. .Tamieson 44 Mrs. Fettes 40, Mr. Wright 37, Jliss Butt 07; total, 437; average 43.7. HUTT CLUB. Tlio annual presentation of prizes took place iv tho Hutt Club's social room la3t Wednesday evening. Mr. P. B. Goldfinch, who presided, extended a hearty welcome to Messrs. Haase Wrigley, and Wilson. Mr. Goldfinch regretted that it was found inadvisable to hold the usual annual function to which representatives of all clubs could bo iavited. After the toast of tho King had been hononred, Mr. C. Lambert proposed the toast of the B grade team, and heartily congratulated its meritorious victory. While under the captaincy of Jlr. 11. Y. Caldwell the team had not suffered defeat for tlio last two years. Its brilliant performance (481 ex 490) In tho shoot-off with tho P.W.M.C. and tho South teams was eminently satisfactory. Mr. Lambert eulogised the members of the team four of whom wero outstanding, and the other throe deservedly earning thoir place in the team. Mr. Goldfinch was complimented for tho part he had played iv coaching tho team. Mr. Caldwell's keenness and ablo leadership was also much appreciated. Tho latter was unfortunately confined to his bed with influenza when tho shoot-oil' took place, but the selection of Mr. Gittings, a C grado shot, was amply justified when bo achieved the wonderful scoro of t>9 ex 70. Jlr. Caldwcll replied on behalf of his team. His associations with such keen team-mates was one of great pleasure. Ho had now completed his third year as captain of tho team, during which time they had lost only onematch, wliilo flic draw with W.W.M.C. (481 each) would long be remombored. He bad been struck with tho very Jlna spirit of hospitality they had received from all clubs. . Tho toast of tho New Zealand Association was proposed l.y Mr. L. S. Hare. He said tho present year had been a very strenuous one for tho officials. Several now competitions had been instituted, and tho largely increasod entries In all events had given causa for much satisfaction. Tho secretarial duties and the general management of the association had boon most efficient. Great credit was duo to tho executive officers, who had effected, marked improvement in every way, so much so that tha association had now been placed on a solid foundation. Mr. P. B. Goldfinch, who replied, expressed his appreciation of the hearty manner in which tho toast had hceu received, and thanked Mr. Hare for his kind remarks. Undoubtedly the sport had mado wonderful progress, and in splto of the abnormal condition of things, the number of entries received was a record. Mr. Wannell, tho secretary, was eulogised for Ills work and for his Instrumentality in procuring the Winchester Cup. Tho centre was at present in Wellington, but might be moved elsewhere if that were tho general wish. There soemed to bo a consensus of opinion, however, that thero was general satisfaction with the present arrangement. It was regretted that tho number of entries received from ladies had fallen so much below expectation that their omission from futuro programmes might bo soriously considered. The toast of tho Wellington Association was proposed by Jlr. U. Y. Caldwell,' who paid a tribute to tho chairman, Mr. Haase, to the secretary, Mr, Wrlgloy, and to tho executive officers. The championship meeting, ho said, was an unparalleled success. Tlio practice which had been introduced of presenting shields to winning clubs had resulted in a better feeling of harmony and good fellowship. Tho very high standard of marksmanship augured well for the futurd of tho sport. Messrs. W. J. H. Ilaose, L. P. Wrigley, nnd C. C. Lambert replied on behalf of tho association. Mr. Haaso admitted that a keener interest was being evinced. It was the desiro of the delegates, he said, to eclipso previous records. Ho paid a trlbutn to Mr. Wrigley for his great work In connection with tho championship; also to Jlr. Lambert for his unstinting devotion in the interests of tho spurt. Ho gave full measure of praise to tho Hutt Club, whoso progress iv tho fuco of almost insurmountable adversity w.-is nothing short of miraculous. The severe setback early iv Ibo year when tho Hutt Kivcr flood had almost demolished the range, the loss of several excellent markanidu, and a season of depression had Dot daunted tho club, nor had it in any way lowered tlio very high standard which had been achieved. Mr. L. I. Wriglcy congratulated the B team on its success. Ho deprecated his share in tho championship meeting, declaring that without tho committee nothing could have been dona. Ho specially acknowledged, however, the services of Jlessrs. D. Robertson and .T. Staples. The Society of Miniature Kitlo Clubs ia London had forwarded tho B.S.A. olllcial team scores; an extra point had been awarded the Wellington team, contrary to expectations. The final results aro not expected until towards tho end of November. Mr. Lambert endorsed Mr. Caldwell's eulogistic reference to tho chief executivo officials of the association. Mr. Goldfinch called upon Mr. Haase to present the prizes won during tho year to tho following competitors (all cash trophies, it was stated, had been handed back to the club) : C grade intcrclub aggregate (O. Ching Memorial Cup and Miniature), K. CHUngs; B sradn Interclul) aggregate (Morris Cup nnd miniature). N. Solomon; A srado interclub aggregate (nare Cup and miniature). L. Haro;
Strand Cup, K. Gittlngs; Witoiinlic and Oaldwoll Cup, I-. Hiiro; U Rradu championship (Eoyd Cup and miniature). W. <.\iok; club clianiplonslilp (Wilford <3u<> and miulaturc), h. Hare. The toast of club champion ami of tlio B gratio champion was proposed by lUr. I. ]». Goldfinch. Mr. L. S. Hare, Iho club champion for tlio second year in sutxcs.-.Um. liml joined tlio club in 1027, and had immediately made his presouco felt. JIo was it marksman of exceptional ability. Tlui club championship was a series of 15 10-sliol shoots, all to count. Such hard conditions, with Keen opposition, proclaimed tlio trno champion. Mr. Clilnu. who was rumier-up, "chased" Mr. Jlaro to the "last ditch." Mr. \V. CuoK's success in the faco of very Wen rivalry marked him tin an outstanding shot. Jlr. Uare and Mr. t'ookc loth replied. Tlio toast of kindred dubs was proposed by Mr. I. \V. Cliliiu. Hutt had set a. high standard which other clubs were doing their boet cither to emulato nr to better. Messrs. YV. J. It. Haase, h. I. Wrlk'lcy, and A. V. <;. Wilson replied on behalf of the Karon, Harbour Board, and Public Rurvlcu Clubs respectively, 'i'ho A, B, ami C grado shields were won by tho Harbour Board, Hutt, and I'ubllc Service Clubs respectively. Friendly matches, prirately-owned rides, and ten-shot competitions or nractlco shoots were attributed as the reason for tlio lilcli standard that prevailed. Tho toast of "Aperture" (Mr. A. V. (J. Wilson) was proposed by Mr. tj. Kay, who said tlio "notes" had dono more for the sport than could be assessed. Mr. Wilson thanked Mr Kay for his expressions of coodwill, and thanked tho club for tlio nearly and spontaneous manner In which thu toast had been received. Without co-operation the column could not be the success claimed for it. He thanked the various publicity olllccrs for their contributions. A little and often was preferable to too much at long Intervals. • Tho toast of thu interclub asurcgato winners was proposed by Mr. K. Velteli, and responded to by Messrs. Hare, Solomon, and Gittlnes. Mr Kay proposed tlio least of Messrs. Lambert and Morrison in recognition of their untiring efforts In preparation of that evening's event. These two gentlemen suitably acknowledged the encomiums. The evening was brought to a close with "Auld Lang Sync." PETONE LADIES' CLUB. Following are the results of competition for trophies presented by Messrs. D. M'Keuzic, J. Torter, E. Jones, and A. JK. Ffrost (the competition covered shooting for four nights, the "A" grade tiring under the "Lord Hoberts system, and is grade under a handicap) :— A grado: Mr. i>. M'Keuzic's trophy. Miss .1. Jones (20D.35) ; Mr. J. Porter's trophy, Miss Gregory (205.1). H grade: Mr. K. Jones's trophy, Mrs. Jones (257); Mr. A. Ffrost's trophy. Miss K. Jones An "Own Start" handicap competition for Mrs. Strong's trophy was won by Miss V. J'ratIcy with "0 Miss M. Wilson runner-up with 63. The club championship aggregate will close on -Hli November. In the A grade Mias Gregory is leading, with Mrs. Johustouo occupying second place. Mrs. Aldridgo Is leading in the b grade, Miss E. Turner being runner-up.
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Evening Post, Volume CXII, Issue 102, 27 October 1931, Page 16
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2,289MINIATURE RIFLES Evening Post, Volume CXII, Issue 102, 27 October 1931, Page 16
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