HIGH WATER. .To-day.—3.ll a.m.; 3.30 iuii. To-morrow. —1 a.m.; 1.21 p.m. ARRIVALS. SUNDAY, 1 nth FEBRUARY. MAT.iNGI. s.s. (3.45 a.m.), 1349 tons. Hay, from Kelson. WAHIXH, s.s. (7 a.m.), 4031) tons, lnviu, from LytleUon. HOLMDALE. s.s. . (5.."!."• a.m.), CSI tous, Williams, from Wanganul. KAPl'l'r, m.s. (9.35 a.m.), 212 tons, Smith, from Wangauui. KOMATA, s.s. (10 a.m.), 2113 tons, Wliyborn, from Westport. KOHI, aux. wow (4.5 p.m.), 125 tons, Goldic, from Hovcloek. KOTITI. M.s. (1.50 p.m.), Cl tons, 'Williams, from Little Wanganui. SURREY, s.s. (5.H0 p.m.), 5561 tons, Lettington, from Napier. FAIKBURN, aux. scow (5.40 p.m.), 95 tons, Sawyers, from Little Wanganul. TAMAHINE, s.s. (0.30 p.m.), 1959 tons, Kane, from Plcton. MONDAY, 10th FEBRUARY. JOHN', s.s. (12.5 a.m.), 342 tons, Holm, from New Plymouth. FAKUI'.A, s.s. (1.40 a.m.), 700 tons, Coldicutt, from Gisborne. KAHIKA, s.s. (3.50 a.m.), 1172 tons, Huntly, from Westport. HALERIC, s.s. (5.55 a.m.), 5160 tons, Maun, from Auckland. TALISMAN, aux. sell. (9.30 a.m.), 97 tons, Henry, from Takaka. MIRRABOOKA, ni.s. (10.5 a.m.), 5979 tons, Bergendahl, from Auckland. DEPARTURES. SATURDAY, 14th FEBRUARY. ARAHURA, s.s. (7.50 p.m.), 1596 tons, Wild- . man, for Nelson. MAORI, s.s. (8.10 p.m.), 3488 tons, Morgan, for . Lyttelton. IXAHA, m.s. (11 p.m.), 251 tons, Gibson, for Patca. SUNDAY, 13th FEBRUARY. j'I'AUPATA, m.s. (5.50 a.m.), 171 tous, Wahlstrom, for Motuoka. HUANUI, aux. scow (U. 15 a.m.), 144 tons, Cummlng, for Gisborne. SOMMERST.AD, tanker (10.20 a.m.), 5923 tons, Nyhuss, for Palambang. MONDAY, 16th FEBRUARY. MAKAROA, s.s. (11.10 p.m.), 2598 tons, for Cook Strait. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Opawa, Blenheim, to-day. Arahura, Nelson, to-morrow, 5.30 a.m. Maori, Lyttelton, to-morrow, 7 a.m. Tamahmc, l'ictou, to-morrow, 0 p.m. Kapuni, Patea, to-morrow. Echo, Blenheim, to-morrow, llawera, Patea, to-morrow. Progress, ' southern ports, to-morrow. Karma, Lyttelton, to-morrow. Hauraki,' Lyttelton, to-morrow. Inaha, i'atea, to-morrow. Ulimaroa, Sydney, to-morrow. Taupata, Motueka, to-morrow. Nikau, Mapua, to-morrow. Oplhi, Lyttelton, to-morrow. Rata, Tarakohe, to-morrow. Kulm, Lytleltou, to-morrow. Northumberland, Wanganui, 18th. Kapiti, Wangauui, 18th. Kaimai, Groymoutli, 18th. Cambridge, Now Plymouth, 19th. Kaimiro, Oamaru, 19th. Storm, southern ports, 19th. Walnui, southern ports. 19th. Canadian Transporter, Timaru, 20th. Waimarino, Gisborne, 20th. Maheno, southern ports, 20th. Ruahine, Napier, 20th. Kollti, Karamea, 21st. Breeze, southern ports, 21st. i Holmdale, southern ports, 21st. l'aliura, Napier, 22nd. • PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Matangi, Nelson, to-day, 7.30 p.m. Wahlno. Lyttelton, to-day, 7.45 p.m. Holmdale, southern ports, to-day. Talisman, Nelson, to-day. Kotlti, Westport, to-day. Opawa, Blenheim, to-day. Kapiti, Wanganui, to-day. Fatrburn, Karamea, to-day, Maori, Lytlclton, to-morrow, 7.45 p.m. Arahura. Nelson, to-morrow, 7.30 p.m. Inaha, I'atea, ■ to-morrow. Haivera, Patea, to-morrow. Kapuni, Paten, to-morrow. Progress. Now Plymouth, to-morrow. Kuku, Nelsan, to-morrow. John, Dunedin, to-morrow. ITalcrlc, Lyttelton, to-morrow. Nikau, Motueka. to-morrow. Karma, Auckland, to-morrow. Oplhl, Nelson, to-morrow. Echo. Blcnholm. to-morrow. Pakura, Glsborno. to-morrow. Kohl, Nelson, to-morrow. Otaio, Lyttelton, to-morrow. Taupata, Mapua, to-morrow. Surrey, Port Chalmers, to-morrow. Itata, Westport, to-morrow. Mlrrabooka, New Plymouth, to-morrow. Surrey, Port Chalmers, 17th. Komata, Westport, ISth. Kaliiki, Greymouth, ISth. Tamahlne, Pictou, 18th. 3 p.m. Port Pirie, Lytteltou. 19th. Storm, Wanganul, 19th. Gale, Plcton, '20th. Wainut. Napier,- 20th. Waimarino, southern ports, 21st; Holmdale, Wanganui, 21st. Breeze, Wanganui, 21st. Maheno, Melbourne, via Bluff, 21st. BERTHAGE LIST. Mirrabooka—Queen's Wharf No. 1 south. Kotiti—Queen's Wharf No. 2. John—Queen's. Wharf No. 2. Holmdale—Queen's Wharf No. 3. Tamahinc—Queen's Wharf No. 4. Kapiti—Queen's Wharf No. 5. Karma—Queen's Wharf No. 6. Walrau^-Queen'a Wharf No. 8. Kohl—Queen's Wharf No. 11. Echo— Queen's .Wharf No. 11. Matangl—Queen's Wharf No. 12. Progress—Queen's Wharf No. 13. Opawa—Queen's Wharf No. U. Kuku—Queen's Wharf No. 13. Matai—Ferry Wharf. Wahino—Ferry Wharf, i Komata—Railway Wharf. ; Surrey—Glasgow Wharf. I Talisman—Glasgow Wharf. Tasmania—King's Wharf. ! Otaio-^Klng's Wharf. ' Pakura—King's Wharf. Hawera—King's Wharf. Kapuni—King's Wharf. Fairburn—Plpitea Wharf. '■ Port rirle—Plpltca Wharf. Haleric —Thorudoii Breastwork. Hauraki —Taranaki Stret Wharf. Oplhl—Tarnakl Street Wharf. Kaliika—Miramar Wharf. ICaiwarra—Patent Slip. Kaikoura-^Patent Slip. Putiki—ln the Stream. Kaitokc—ln the Stream. INTERCOLONIAL STEAMERS. MAUENO, left Melbourne 12tb February for Wellington, via Bluff, Lyttelton; arrived Bluff to-day, due Duncdln to-morrow, Lyttelton Thursday, Wellington Friday; leaves Wellington Saturday for Melbourne, Tia Milford Sound and Blufl1. (U.S.S. Co.) MARAMA, left Wellington 12th February for Sydney; duo Sydney to-morrow; leaves Sydney Friday for Auckland and Wellington; due Auckland 24th February. (U.S.S. Co.) MAUNGANUI, left Sydney 12th February for Auckland; due . Auckland to-morrow; leaves Auckland Friday for Sydney; duo Sydney 24th February. (U.S.S. Co.) ULIMAROA, left Sydney 12th February for Wellington; due Wellington to-morrow; leaves Wellington Friday for Sydney; dlie Sydney 24th February. (Huddart-Parker.) ROYAL HAIL STEAMERS. AORANGI, left Sydney Cth February for Vancouver, via Auckland, Sura, and Honolulu; due Honolulu Friday, Vancouver 27th February. (U.S.S. Co.) ' MAKUItA, leaves Sydney . Thursday for San Francisco, via Wellington, Barotonga, Papeete; due Wellington 23rd February; leaves Wellington 24th February; due Rarotonga 23th February, Papeete 2nd March, San Francisco 13th March. (U.S.S. Co.) MOXOWAI. leaves San Francisco Wednesday, for Sydney, via Papeete, Rarotonga, and Wellington ; due Papeete 28th February, Raro-Icmir.-i 3rd March. Wellington nth March: leaves Wellington 10th March; due Sydney 11th .March. (T.S.S. Co.) NIAGARA, left Vancouver 4th February for Sydney via Honolulu, Suva, and Auckland; due Suva Friday; Auckland 2,'ircl February ; leaves Auckland 2-Jrh February; duo Sydney 2Sth February. (U.S.S. Co.) LOADING OVERSEAS. ASHBURTON, learen .Sew York 15th r«bruary for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Duocdln, and Australia, via Suva; due Auckland about 20th March. (W Wallis.) ATHELQUEEN, loads at San Pedro about 19th February for Wellington. (U.S.S. Co.) CANADIAN CONSTRUCTOR. le»«i Hallf*x 25th February for Auckland, Napier, Wellington, Lyttclton, Timiru Duuedln. (C.N.S.) CANADIAN VICTOR, leaves Halifax 25th March for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Timaru, Duncdln; duo Auckland 6th May. (C.X.S.) CITY OF SWANSEA, leaves New York lljth March for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Tiniaru, Dunedin. (W. Wallis.) GOLDEN COAST, loaves Los Auseles 2!Uh February for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton Dunedin, and Auckland; duo Auckland 2(itli March, Wellington 3rd April. (Burns, Phllp.) HERTFORD, learea Liverpool 14th February for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Port Chalmers. New Plymouth; dut Auckland 16th MRrcb. (W. Wallis.) IXXAItE.v; loads at South Arrica middle of March for Auckland and Wellington. (Speddim:. Ltd I ■ KATOA, loads, at Newcastle 20th February, completes at ■ Sydney, for Duncdln. Lyttelton. Timaiii, Duuedln. Bluff. (U.S.S. On.) KALIXOO. loads at Con's Harbour Ifilh February, completes at Newcastle, for Wi'Mini:ton. (U.S.S Co.) i KAKTIGI, lonrls .il Adelaide eatl.v iv March, i
completes at Melbourne, for Auckland and Duneilln. (U.S.S. Co.) MAHANA. waves Lundon lSth February tor Port Chalmers, Lyttelton, and Hiwkes Bay, rl» Sura; due I'cirt Chalmers about Ist April (S.S. and A. Co.) MAHIA. leaves Liverpool 2Stb February tor Auckland, Wellington. Lyttelton, Dunedln, »nd Bluff, duo Auckland "th April, Wellington tboul Ulh April. (S.S. and A. Co.) NARRADA, loads at Calcutta during Alarch nna April nnd completes at Penang, Singapore, and Samarang for Auckland, Wellington. Lytteltcm. Dun.'din. (U.S.S. Co.) ORAM, leaves Liverpool 14th March for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Timaru, Dunerlin; due Auckland 25th April. "(W. Wallis.) PORT HOBAKT, leaves New lorK listli fetjruary for Auckland, Wellington, Lyiteltta. Dunedin i duo Auckland about 2Sth March (C. and D. Line.) POOLTA, loads at Grafton and completes at Port Stephens and Newcastle, for Auckland, Gisbornc, Wellington, and Greymouth. (U.S.S. Co.) PARRAKOOLA, from Los Angeles leaves San Francisco mil February, for Auckland and Wellington; due Auckland Bth March. Wellington 11th March. (Spcdding. Ltd.) PORT HUNTER, leaves London 11th March for Auckland an a Wellington: due Auckland about 15th April. (C. and D. Line.) TAMAROA, leaves London 25th February for Wellington and Auckland; due Wellington 31st March. (S.S and A. Co.) TOLKEN. leaves San Francisco 4th March. Los Angeles Sth March, for Auckland and Wellington ; due Auckland 3rd April. Wellington 6th April. - (SpeddlnK Limited.) TONGARIRO, leaves Liverpool 28th March for Auckland, Hawkes Bay, Wellington, Lyttelton, Timaru, Dunedln; due Auckland 27th April. (■W. Wallis.) '"AIHEMO. leaves Los Angeles 18th February for Auckland, Wellington, Nelson, Bluff, and Australia; due Auckland 15tb March. (U.S.S. Co.) VESSELS OVERSEAS. ARMADALE. left New York 17th January for Auckland, Wellington. Lyttelton, Dunedln. Port Kcmbla. and Melbourne; dim Auckland 23rd February. (W. Wallis.) CANADIAN HIGHLANDER, left Halifax 21th Jauuary for Auckland. Wellington, Lyttelton. Timnru and Dunedln; due Auckland Olli March: Wellington about Utb March. (C.N.S.) CITY OF DIEPPE, from New York, for Auckland Wellington, Lyttclton, Dunedln; due Auckland Sth March, Wellington about 15th March. (W. Wallis.) CORNWALL, left Antwerp 22nd January tor Auckland and Wellington; due Auckland about Uth March. (N.Z.S. Co.) FUKU MARU. from Japan, for Auckland, Wanganul, Lyttclton, and Port Chalmers; due Auckland Kith February. (Kempthorne, ProsS°GOLDE?} WEST, left Los Angeles 31st January for Auckland Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunecl'in; duo Auckland 26th February, Wellington Sth March. (Burns, Phllp.) MAIMOA, left Liverpool 17tn January for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin; dv« Auckland S4tn February, Wellington 2nd March. (S.S. and A. Co.) MELBOURNE MARU, from Japan via Australia, due Auckland 26th February, Wellington Ist March. (W. Wallis.) OTOKIA, left San Pedro 25th January for Wellington; duo Wellington 19tb February. (U.S.S Co.) PORT ALMA, len London Bth January for Port Chalmers, Lyttelton, Bluff, rla SuTa: dv« Suva 10th February Port Chalmers 22nd February <O. and I). Line.) HANGITANE, left Southampton 13th February for -Wellington and Auckland; due Wellington about 19th Starch. (N.Z.S. Co.) RANUITATA, loft Southampton Kith January tor Auckland and Wellington; due Auckland 19tli February, Wellington ■ 20th February. (N.Z.S. Co.) SOMERSET, left London 30th January for Lyttelton, Port Chalmers, Timaru. New Plymouth, Nelson; duo Lyttelton .about 91b March. (N.Z.S Co.) TAINUI. left London 30th January for Auckland and Wellington; duo Auckland 7tb March Wellington 14th March. (S.S and A. Co ) TEKOA. left Liverpool 24th January In bal-. last tor New Zealand; duo New Zealand about 3rd March <\V. Wallis.) VESSELS DISCHARGING. CAMBRIDUK, from Antwerp, at New Plymouth. (N.Z.S. Co.) CANADIAN TRANSPORTER, from Halifax, for Tlmuru; at Dunedin. (C.N.S.) CUMBERLAND, from Liverpool, for BIulT; at Port Chalmers. leaves Port Chalmers ISth February. (W. Wallis.) (iOLf)EN CLOUD, from Los Angeles, for Dunedln: at Timaru. (Burns, Philp.) HALKKIC, from San Pedro, for Lyttelton, Dunedin, and Australia; at Wellington: leaves Wellington 17tli February. ((fc H. Scales.) HAUItAKI, from Los Angeles, for SVelllngton, New Plymouth, Auckland, Napier, and Australia; at Lyttclton; duo Wellington 17th February. (U.S.S. Co.) KIWITEA, from llobart, Editbburg, Adelaide, nnd .Melbourne, for Duuedln; at Timaru; leaves Timaru ICth February. (U.S.S. Co.) ■ MATAROA. from London, at Auckland. (S.S. and A. Co.) MIRRABOOKA, from San Francisco, for New Plymouth ant! Australia; at Wellington; leaves Wellington 17th February- (Spedding, Ltd.) OTAIO, from Liverpool, for Lyttelton, Dunedin; at Wellington; leaves Wellington Uth I'cbriiary. (W. Wallis.) PORT PIRIE, from New York, for Lyttclton; at Wellington; leaves Wellington 19th February. (C. and D. Line.) IIUAPEHU, from London, at New Plymouth. (N.Z.S. Co.) TAIROA, from Antwerp, for New Plymouth; at Auckland; leaves Auckland about 24th February. (S.S. and A. Co.) VESSELS LOADING. ANGLO CANADIAN, to call at Timaru; at Dunedin; leaves Timaru 21st February for Dunkirk, London, and Hull, via Panama. (G. H. Scales.) CAMBRIDGE. loads at Wellington, Napier, Gisbonie, Auckland; at New Plymouth; leaves New Plymouth ISth February; leaves Auckland Uth March for London and West Coast pints of the United Kingdom, via Panama. (W. Wallis.) CANADIAN TRANSPORTER, to call at Timaru, Wellington, and Auckland; at Duncdin; due Wellington 20th February; leaves Auckland 23rtl February for New York, Boston, and Halifax. (C.N.S.) COPTIC, to call at Timaru, Port Chalmers, and Wellington; at Picton; leaves Picton 17th February; due Wellington 24th February; leaves Wellington 2Stli February for London, via Panama. (S.S. nnd A. Co.) CUMRERLANn. to call at Bluff, Lyttelton, Wellington (23rd February), Wanganul, Kapler ; at Port Chalmers; leaves Napier about 6th March for London, via Panama and Curarao. (N.Z.S. Co.) HERMINIUS, to cull at Port Chalmers. Timaru Wanganul, ami Wellington; at Lyttelton; leaves Lyttelton 10th February; due Wellington 27th February; leaves Wellington 3rd March for London and the West Coast ports, via Panama. (S.S. and A. Co.) MATAROA, to call at New PlJ"!"""1" and Wellington ; at Auckland : due Wellington 28th February; leaves Wellington 11th March for London, via Panama. (S.S. and ''.NORTHUMBERLAND, to call at Wellington; at Vaneanul; due Wellington 18th February, leaves Wellington 21st February for London Avonmouth. Liverpool, and Glasgow. na ''^RT DUNLIN?' to call at Port leaves "Wellington 24th February for Southampton and London, via Panama. (C. and D. LIFOnT ■ FKEMANTLE, to call at Gisborno Auckland; at Lyttclton; leaves Lyttelton 10th February; leaves Auckland 21st February for London, via Panama. (C. and D. Line.) PORT VICTOR. loads at Opua (18th February) Auckland, Gisborne, Napier, }V»neuml. .Wellington (10th March); ' »••*« We H°*2 xlth March for London, via Panama. (C and D'RANGITATA loads nt Lyttelton (about sth March) Napier. Auckland, Wellington (23rd March I*. leaves Wellington about 28th Marcn for Southampton and London. via Panama. %UAHINE. to call at Wellington; •it Napier; leaves Napier 10th February; leaves Wellington 2Sth February for Southampton and London, via Pitcalrn Island, Panama, and Curacao. (N.Z.S. Co.) , IHHPEHU. to call at Oamaru. Timavu. Picton Wellington; at New Plymouth; leaves New Plymouth 19th February; leaves \\ cllington 2Sih February for Southampton and London, via Panama. (N.Z.S. Co.) SURREY, to call at Bluff: at Wellington: leaves Wellington 17th February; leaves Bluff 21st February for London and West Coast ports of'the United Kingdom, via Panama. (W. WaI'""kKALANDIO, to call at muff; at Lyttclton ; leaves RlufT Kith February for London, via Panama. (S.S. and A. Co.) ISLAND SERVICES. TOFUA, from Apia and Suva, arrived at Auckland to-day. (U.S.S. Co.) MAUI POMARE, frrom Nine and Apia, via southern ports and Wellington; is at Auckland, and sails from Auckland to-morrow for Nlue and Apia. (G.B. and II.) TKKS, leaves Lyttclton to-morrow for Waitangl. (G-B. and H.) WITHIN WIRELESS RANGE. The following vessels are expected to be within range of the uuder-mentioued wireless stations to-night:— Auckland —Artnadalc, lonic, Laburnum, Mnuuganul, A'entura, Tnranaki. Chatham Islands. —Maimoa. Wellington.—Maori, Waliine, Tamahine, Otokla, Aoraiigl, Niagara, Rangitiki, Kangitata, Huntingdon, Port Fairy, Cornwall, Tekoa, City of Dieppe, Port Brisbane. Kinl. Ullmaroa, Mirrabooka, Marama, Port Pirie, Ruahlue. Northumberland, Mamllius, Sommerstad, Hauraki, Halcrlc. Awarua. —Discovery, Maheno, Wakakura, Kiwitea, Canadian Transporter, Whalers. PERSONAL. Mr. F. Abcrncthy bus relieved .Mr. 11. G. Waller as second enriuoer on the Molmdalc. Mr. D. Nicholas Is at present second mate on i Hie. Holmdiilc. .Mr. N. M'Leod. second refrigerating engineer on the Tiiiroii. is ashore on nick leave. i I' I. Christie is) in command of the i Viiiioa, which is nt present at. Auckland, ami
ho has associated with him tho following officers:— Chk'l1, Mr. P. Oliver; second, Mr. 0. Almond; third, Mr. C. 'Meyer; fourth, Mr. L. Miller; wireless operator. Mr. W. Burnett; chief engineer, Mr. J. Nalsmlth; second, Mr. S. Walker; third, Mr. J. Stovelcy; fourth, Mr. W. r. Lcouvc; nfth. Mr. J. Bullock; sixth, Mr. D. Wnlburu ; seventh, Mr. J. Whittle; chief rcfrigeratlni; enplheer, Mr. XV. Richardson; second, Mr. iN. M'Leod; chief steward, Mr. A. Roberts. TAINUI LEAVES BALBOA. The Talmit, en route from Southampton with passengers and cargo for New Zealand, sailed from Balboa on Saturday afternoon. She is due at Auckland about 7th March. PORT HUON LEAVES PANAMA. The Port Hnon, which left Wellington on 24th January, for London, sailed from Panama on Friday. THE ORARI. The Orari, the second of the two motor liners ordered by the New Zealand Shipping Company, leaves Liverpool on 1-lth March for Now Zealand ports. She is coming out under the agency of the Federal .Company. ARMADALE REPORTS. The Armadale, en route from New York, reports by wireless that she expects to arrive at Auckland on 23rd February. MAUNGANUI FROM SYDNEY. The Matmganui, en route from Sydney, reports by wireless that she expects to arrive at Auckland at 6.3o'o'clock to-morrow morning. THE CORNWALL. The Cornwall, en route from Antwerp, arrived at Panama on ltth February and sailed the following day in continuation of her voyage to New Zealand. She is due at Auckland.about 6th March. NAVIGATION WARNING. The Secretary of the Post and Telegraph Department has been advised as follows by the sueprlutendeut of the Awarua Radio Station : "Following navigation warning .broadcast by Hobart Radio Station at 2.5 p.m., on, 15th February; Masters of vessels proceeding along the north coast of Tasmania are warned to keep a- look-out for floating wreckage from Dredge Nereus, which foundered on 12th February at 5..10 a.m., about IS miles north of Low IJead.''" BY TELEGRAPH. LONDON, 13th February. Arrived—At London, Port Wellington. Sailed—From Seattle, Nordic; from San Francisco, Vacuoline; from Honolulu, Niagara. SYDNEY, 14th February. Arrived—Makura (5.40 a.m.), from Wellington. LONDON, 14th February. Arrived —At San Francisco, Monowai; at Panama, Port Huon; at Colon, Tekoa. Sailed —From Southampton, Rangltane; from San Francisco, Southern Cross. AUCKLAND, 14th February. Arrived —Mataroa (7 a.m.), from Aapier; Waimarino (11 a.m.), from Portland. Sailed—Mirrabooka (2.15 p.m.) and Port Plrle (4.35 p.m.), for Wellington; lonic (5.15 p.m.), for London. DUNEDIN, 14th February. Arrived—Cumberland (2 p.m.), from Ljttelton; Wakakura (12.45 p.m.), from Oamaru. AUCKLAND, 15th February. Arrived—Kaponga (5 p.m.), from Greymouth. LYTTELTON, 15th. February; . Arrived—Maori (7.30 a.m.) and Waipiata (4 p.m.), from Wellington. ... LYTTELTON, 16th February. Arrived—Breeze (5.45 a.m., from Wanganul; Kaitoa (11.25 p.m. yesterday^, from Tarakohe; Parera (10.30 p.m. yestterday), from.Gisborne. DUNEDIN, 15th February. Arrived—Wanul (1.40 a.m.), from Lyttelton; Anglo-Canadian (7.45 a.m.) and Canadian Tranpsorter (9 a.m.), from Bluff. PATE A, 16th February. Sailed.—Kapunl.. (8.50 a.m.), for Wellington. Arrived.—Hawera (8.25 a.m.),lnaha (8.30 a.m.), from Wellington. AUCKLAND. 10th February. Arrived.—Tofua (H.3j a.m.), from Suva.
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Evening Post, Volume CXI, Issue 39, 16 February 1931, Page 12
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2,809SHIPPING NEWS Evening Post, Volume CXI, Issue 39, 16 February 1931, Page 12
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