HIGH WATER. To-day: 2.35 a.m.; 3.3 p.m. To-morrow: 3.30 a.m.; 4.2 p.m. ARRIVALS. FRIDAY, 22nd AUGUST. KAIMANAWA, s.s. (4 p.m.), 2416 tons, Corby, from Westport. HIMATANGI, s.s. (4 p.m.), 479 tons. Bald, from Lyttelton. TUTANEKAI, s.s. (5 p.m.), 881 tons, Burgess, from Cok Strait. SATURDAY, 23rd AUGUST. MATANGI, s.s. (5.35 a.m.), 1349 tons, Hay, MAORI, s.s. (6.55 a.m.), 3488 tons, Irwin, from Lyttelton. PORT GISBORNE, m.s. (7.5 a.m.), 8001 tons, Hayter, from Lyttelton. MIDDLESEX, s.s. (8.35 a.m.), 8575 tons, Clarke,'from Auckland. DEPARTURES. FRIDAY, 22nd AUGUST. NIKAU, s.s. (4 p.m.), 248 tons, MacMillan, for Tarakohe. GALE, s.s. (5.15 p.m.), 934 tons, M'Kcnzie, for Dunedin. WINGATUI, s.s. (6.25 p.m.), 2378 tons, Sharpe, for Auckland. NGAIO, s.s. (7.30 p.m.), 1203 tons, Vasta, for Nelson. WAHINE. s.s. (7.50' p.m:), 4436 tons, Cameron, for Lyttelton. OPAWA, m.s. (8 p.m.),' 110 tons, Radford, for Blenheim. KUKU, s.s. (9 p.m.), 224 tons, Larsen, for Kaifcctira. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Tamahine, Picton, to-day, 6 p.m. Wainul, Lyttelton, to-day. Kahika, Greymouth, to-day. Ngaio, Nelson, to-morrow, 5.30 a.m. Storm, southern ports, to-morrow. Talisman, Walotapu, to-morrow. Opawa, Blenheim, to-morrow. Gunbar, Napier, to-morrow. Progress, southern ports, to-morrow. Opihi. New Plymouth, to-morrow. Wahine, Lyttelton, to-morrok. Kohl, Havelock, to-morrow. Breeze, Onekaka, 26th. i Kapuni, Patea, 25th. Waimarino. Auckland, 25th. Makura. San Francisco, 25th. Kuku, Lyttelton, 26th. Raisdale, Auckland, 2Gth. Koutunul, Wanganul, 20th. . Maunganui, Sydney, 26th. Alexander, Picton. 26th. Nikau, Motueka, 27th. Kaimai, Greymouth, 27th. Waipiata, Timaiu, 27th. Holmdale, southern ports, 27th. Gale, southern ports, 28th. Oabriella, Sydney, 28th. Karepo, Portland, 29th. Calm, southern ports, 29th. Holmdale, Wanganui, 29th. Waikouaiti. Lyttelton, 29tli. Canadian Cruiser, Lyttelton. 29th. Brynmoor, Port Chalmers, 29th. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Matangi. Nelson, to-day, 7.30 p.m. Maori, Lyttelton, to-day, 7.45 p.m. John, southern ports, to-day. Hlmatangl, Wanganul, to-day. Koutunui, Wanganul, to-day. Waikawa, New Plymouth, to-day. Komata, Westport, to-day. Poolta, New Plymouth, to-day. Ngaio, Nelson, to-morrow, 7.30 p.m. Wahine, Lyttelton, to-morrow, 7.45 p.m. Tamahine, Picton, 25th, 3 p.m. Opawa, Blenheim, 25th. Walnui, Napier, 25th. Opihi, Dunedin, 25th. Progress, New Plymouth, 25th. Talisman, Nelson, 25th. Makura, Sydney, 26th, 4 p.m. Kapuni, Patea, 26th. Storm, Wanganui, 26th. Waimarino, southern ports, 28tli. Kohi, Nelson, 26th. Gunbar, Napier, 26th. Kahika, Greymouth, 26th. Alexander, West Coast, 20th. Breeze, southern ports, 26th. Kuku, Kalkoura, 27th. Middlesex, Lyttelton, 27th. Port Gisborne, Glsborue, 27th. Nikau, Nelson, 27th. Kalmanawa, Westport. 27th. Maunganui, Auckland, 27th. Holmdale, Wanganui, 27th. Gale. Picton, 28th. Waikouaiti, Auckland, 29th. Kaimai, Greymouth, 29th. . Raisdale. Lyttelton, 29th. Waipiata, Auckland, 29th. Calm, Wanganui, 29th. Holmdale, southern ports, 30th. BERTHAGE LIST. Orepuki—Queen's'Wharf No. 2. • Tamahine—Queen's Wharf No. 4. Koutunui—Queen's Wharf No, 5. Inaha—Queen's Wharf No. 9. Matangi—-Queen's Wharf No. 12. Kahi—Queen's Wharf No. 13. John—Queen's Wharf No. 13. Opihi—Queen's Wharf No. 2. . Tutanekal—Ferry Wharf. Maori—Ferry Wharf. Komata—Railway Wharf. Kalmanawa—Railway Wharf. Port Gisborne—Glasgow Wharf. Poolta—Glasgow Wharf. Wainul—Glasgow Wharf. Middlesex—Plpitea Wharf. Kaitoke—Tuorndou Breastwork. ICartigl—Thorndon Breastwork. Kalwarra—Lambton Breastwork, Harama—Clyde Quay Wharf. Katoa—Mlramar Wharf. Paua—Burnbam Wharf. Maul Pomare^Fatent Blip. Kaikoral—Patent Slip. Pakura—Patent Slip. Putiki—ln the itream., Mararoa—ln the stream. Corluna—ln the stream. INTERCOLONIAL STEAMERS. MAUNGANUI, left Sydney yesterday for Wellington and Auckland; due Wellington Tuesday ; leaves Wellington Wednesday; leaves Auckland 29th August for Sydney: duo Sydney 2nd September; leaves Sydney sth September for Auckland. (U.S.S. Co.) ULIMAROA, left Auckland yesterday for Sydney; due Sydney Tuesday; leaves Sydney 29th August for Wellington; due Wellington 2nd September; leaves Wellington iith September for Sydney. (Huddart-Parker.) MAHENO, leaves Melbourne Thursday for Wellington, via Bluff, Dunedin, and Lyttelton; duo Bluff Ist September, Dunedin 2nd September, Lyttelton 4th September, Wellington sth September. (U.S.S. Co.) MARAMA, laid up at Wellington for vrlnter months. (U.S.S. Co.) ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS. AORANGI, left Sydney 21st August for Vancouver, via Auckland, Suva, Honolulu; due Auckland Monday; leaves Auckland Tuesday; due Suva 29th August; Honolulu sth September; Vancouver 12th Septembor. (U.S.S. Co.) NIAGARA, left Vancouver 20th August for Sydney, via Honolulu, Suva, Auckland; due Honolulu Wednesday; Suva sth Septomber; Auckland Bth September; leaves Auckland 9th September; due Sydney 13th September. (U.S.S. Co.) MAKURA, left San Francisco Gth August for Sydney, via Papeete, Rarotonga, Wellington due Wellington Monday; leaves Wellington Tuesday duo Sydney 31st August; leaves Sydney 4th September for San Francisco, via ports. (U.S.S. Co.) VESSELS OVERSEAS. ARMADALE, left New York 16th July for Auckland. Wellington. LytUlton. Timaru, and Dunedin, via Suva; leaves Suva 23rd August; due Auckland 27th August; Wellington about 2nd September. (W. Wallis.) ARLINGTON COURT, left Ocean Island 16th August for Auckland;, duo Auckland 28th August. (H. and M., Auckland.) ANTIOPE, left Casablanca 14th August for Auckland, New Plymouth, and Wauganui; due Auckland Ist October. (H. and M., Auckland.) BALACLAVA, left Singapore 10th August for Wellington; due Wellington 31st August. (Shell Co.) CANADIAN TRANSPORTER, left Montreal 26th. July for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Timaru, Dunedin; due Auckland 2nd September: Wellington 17th September. (C.N.S.) CANADIAN LEADER, left Montreal 31st July for Auckland and Australian ports; due Auckland about 10th September. (C.N.S.) CARRISO, left Anacortes, America, 18th July for New Zealand ports. CITY OF LYONS, left New YorS Ist August, for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin; due Auckland 4th September, Wellington about 11th September. (W. Wallis.) FERNWOOD, loft New Orleans 14th August for Auckland, Napier, Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin, Wanganul, and Australia; due Auckland about 20th September. Wellington about 30th September. (G. H. Scales.) GOLDEN CRUSS, left Lot Angeles Ist August for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin; due Auckland 27th August; Wellington 4th September. (Burns, Philp.) HERTFORD, left Liverpool 16th August for Auckland, Hawkes Bay, Wellington, Lyttelton, Port Chalmers, New Plymouth; due Auckland about 24th September, Wellington 2nd October. (W. Wallis.) lONIC, left Southampton 18th July tor Auckland and Wellington; due Auckland 26th August. (S.S. and A. Co.) MATAROA, left Southampton 15th August for Wellington and Auckland; due Wellington 16th September. (S.S. and A. Co.) NARBADA, from Calcutta, Penang, and Singapore, for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Timaru, Dunedin, and Bluff; left Samarang 15th August; due Auckland Ist September. (U.S.S. Co.) PEN'YRRYN, left Cuba 11th July for Auckland; due Auckland about 28th August. (Spedding, Ltd.) PIPIRIKI, left New York 16th August for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin, and Australia; duo Auckland 21st September, Wellington 27th September. (W. Wallls.) RUAPEHU, left Southampton I*l August for Wellington and Auckland; duo Wellington about 10th September. (N.Z.S. Co.) KUAHINE, left Southampton 15th August for Wellington (passengers only), Port Chalmers, Lyttelton, limaru; due Wellington about sand September, (N.Z.S. Co.),
SOLOY, left Galveston, Texas, 3rd August for Australia and New Zealand. SILDItA, left Singapore 14th August for Auckland and other New Zealand ports; duo Auckland about sth September. (Shell Co.) SOMERSET, left Liverpool 19th July, for Auckland, Wellington. Lyttelton, Dunedin, and Bluff; due Auckland 27th August; Wellington 2nd September. <\V. Wallls.) TAItANAKI. left London 25th July for Lytt'lton and Port Chalmers via Suva; due Lytteltoil about sth September. (S.S. and A. Co.) . WAIRUNA, left Los Angeles 16th August for Auckland, Wellington, aud Australia; due Auckland 13th September. (U.S.S. Co.) ZEALANDIC, left Liverpool 2nd August for Auckland, Wellington, Lytteltin, Dunedin; due Auckland sth September. (S.:l. and A. Co.) VESSELS DISCHARGING. BRYNYMOR, from Bunbury. for Wellington ;at Port Chalmers: due Wellington about 29th August. (G. H. Scales.) CANADIAN CRUISER, from Montreal, for Dunedin; at Timaru; leaves Timaru 23rd August. (C.N.S.) • GOLDEN COAST, from Los Angeles, at Dunedin. (Burns, Philp.) KAWATIRI, from Newcastle, , at Kapler. KALINGO, from Coff's Harbour, for Wanganui, preymouth; at Timaru; leaves Timaru 23rd August. (U.S.S. Co.) LADY LEWIS, from Nauru Island, at Wanganul. (H. and SI., Auckland.) MIDDLESEX, from Liverpool, for Lyttelton, Dtinedin; at Wellington; leaves Wellington 27th August. (W. WalUs.) PAKIPAKI, from Liverpool, at Timaru; leaves Timaru 23rd August for Port Kembla. (W. Wallis.) POOLTA, from Grafton. Port Stephens, and Newcastle; for New Plymouth, Lyttelton, Bluff, Greymouth; at Wellington; leaves Wellington 23rd August. (U.S.S. Co.) PORT ALMA, from London; at Napier; leaves Napier 23rd August for Townsrille. (C. and D. Line.) RAISDALE, from Bunbury. for Welllncrnn, Lyttelton, and Dunedin; at Auckland; due Wellington 26th August. (G. H. Scales.) RANGITJKI, from Southampton; at Bluff; leaves Bluff 28th August for Lyttelton to commence loading. (N.Z.S. Co.) WAIKOUAITI, from Newcastle and Sydney, .at Lyttelton. (U.S.S. Co.) WAIKAWA, from Los Angeles, for Neve Plymouth, Nelson, Lyttelton, Dunedin, and Bluff; at Wellington; leaves Wellington 23rd August. (U.S.S. Co.) VESSELS LOADING. ARGYLLSHIRE, nt Auckland; leaves Auckland 27th August for London and the West Coast ports of the United Kingdom, via Panama. (W. Wallis.) CANADIAN CRUISER, to call at Dunedin, Wellington, and Auckland; at Timaru; leaves Timaru 23rd August; due Wellington 29th August; leaves Auckland Ist September for Xew York, Boston, and Montreal, via Panama. (C.N.S.) CORINTHIC, at Auckland: leaves Auckland 27th August for London) via Panama. (S.S. and A. Co.) MAMILIUS. to call at Bluff (23rd August), Port Chalmers, Timaru, Lyttelton, Ne"w Plymouth, Wanganul, Wellington-; due Wellington 12th September; leaves Wellington 16th September for London and the West Coast ports of the United Kingdom, via Montevideo. (S.S. and A. Co.) PORT GISBORNE, to call at Gisborne, Auckland; at Wellington: leaves Wellington 27th August; leaves Auckland 3rd September for London, via Panama. (C. and D. Line.) RANGITIICI, to call at Lyttelton, Wellington, Napier, Tokomaru Bay, aud Auckland; •it Bluff; leaves.Bluff 28th August; due Welliugton about Ist September; leaves Auckland about 16th September for London, via Panama. (N.Z.S. Co.) REMUERA, to call at Timaru, Lyttelton, and Wellington; at Port Chalmers; due Wellington about 27th August; leaves Wellington about 29th August for Southampton (passengers only) and London. (N.Z.S. Co.) . ISLANDS SERVICES. TOFUA, left Niue yesterday for Pago Pago and Apia. Returns to Pago Pago. and thence to Auckland direct, where she is due on 3rd September. (U.S.S. Co.) WAIPAHI, left Auckland 21st August for Rarotonga, Aitutakl, Atiu, and Mauke to load fruit for Auckland. (U.S.S. Co.) WITHIN WIRELESS RANGE. The following vessels arc expected to' be within range of the undermentioned wireless stations to-night:— Auckland.—For Saturday only: Veronica, Raisdale. For Saturday and Sunday: Aorangi, Antinous, Arlington Court, Armadale, Carriso, Haurakl, lonic, Limerick, New Zealand, Rona, Tofua, Vacuoline, Plume, Waipahi, Ulimaroa, Penybyrn, City of Bedford, Fernglen, Moeraki. Chatham Islands.—Somerset. Wellington.—For Saturday only: Maori, Wahine, Tamahine, Ngaio. For Saturday and Sunday: Niagara, Maunganui, Waikawa, Poolta, Port Alma, Golden Cross. For Sunday only: Makura. Awnrua.—For Saturday only: Makura. For Saturday and Sunday: Hamilius, Henzada, Karctu. THE MAKURA. The R.M.S. Makura, en route from San Francisco, via ports, has reported by wireless that she expects to arrive in the stream at 7 o'clock on Monday morning. She will berth between 8 a.m. and 9 a.m. at No. 1 south Queen's Wharf. She is to sail at 4 p.m. on Tuesday' in continuation of her voyage to Sydney. LATER REPORT FROM lONIC. A further wireless report has been received from the lonic, en route from Southampton, stating that she expects to reach Auckland at 11 o'clock on Tuesday morninK. She is duo at Wellington about Ist September. CORINTHIC FILLING UP. The Corinthic. which is completing her Homeward loading, arrived at Auckland , this morning, and is to leave thero at -5 p.m. on Wednesday for Southampton and London, via Panama. ARI^ADALE AT SUVA. • En route from New York to New Zealand, the Armadale reached Suva on Thursday afternoon, and is to leave there to-day for Auckland, where she is due on Wednesday. She is due. here about a week later. THE ARGYLLSHIRE. The Argyllshire, which has been loading for London and the West Coast ports of t1 "nttod Kingdom, arrived at Auckland this n m to complete, and is to sail finally on V . BY TELEGRAPH. SYDNEY, 22nd August. Sailed —Maunganui (4 p.m.), for Wellington. AUCKLAND, 22nd August. Arrived—Corinthic (9 p.m.), from Napier. Sailed—Ulimaroa (11.15 a.m.), for Sydnoy; Kiwitea (12.15 p.m.), for Greymouth. AUCKLAND, 22nd August. Arrived—Canopus (9.50 p.m.), from Westport. AUCKLAND, 23rd August. • Arrived—Argyllshire (5.45 a.m.), from Tokomaru Bay. Sailed—Raisdale (6.30 a.m.), for Wellington. NAPIER, 22nd August. Arrived—Parera (5 p.m.), from Wellington. Sailed—Paua (5.30 p.m.), for Wellington; Waimea (G.lO p.m.), for Auckland; Cunbar (11 p.m.), for Wellington; Mako (midnight), for Waikokopu and Auckland. LYTTELTON, 2.lrd August. Arrived —Wahine (G. 45 a.m.), from Wellington; Storm (5.35 a.m.) and Progress (8.35 a.m.), from Timaru. DUNEDIN, 22nd August. Arrived—Brynymor (8.20 a.m.), from Bluff. BLENHEIM, 23rd August. Arrived—Opawa (6.30 a.m.), from Wellington. To sail —Opawa (3 p.m.), for Wellington. NEW PLYMOUTH, 23rd. August. Sailed—Opihi (10.15 a.m.), for Wellington. NELSON, 23rd August. Arrived—Ngalo (6.30 a.m.), from Wellington. To sail—Ngaio (3.30 p.m.), for Wellington. PATEA, 23rd August. Sailed—Kapuni (9 a.m.), for Wellington. KAIKOURA, 23rd August. Arrived—Kuku (8 a.m.), from Wellington. NAPIER, 23rd August. Arrived—Parera (12.10 a.m.), from Welllng- - EORT CHALMERS, 23rd August. Arrived—Holmdale (5.30 a.m.), from Wellington. LYTTELTON, 23rd August. Arrived—Wahine (G. 45 a.m.), from Welling°t'o sail—Wahine (8 p.m.), for Wellington.
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Evening Post, Volume CX, Issue 47, 23 August 1930, Page 12
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2,062SHIPPING NEWS Evening Post, Volume CX, Issue 47, 23 August 1930, Page 12
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