BOARD AND RESIDENCE. 1 WANTED,; Cadet to Share large sunny liocvn in reimed home; terms 22s 6d weekly. A pply 128, Evg. Post. ' W' Sober Young Man, Private Board-Residence; single room. Staff terms. Write 215, Evg. ; ~\fffiAS'EED, \te. Board, m gqocl home, ■ TiW Married 1 Couple or Two'"Gents; 'overy comfort; .another boarder; at car ;stpp," Kilbirnie. Write* 186, Evg-. Post. 'iCy'ANTED;- rße^ectable Young Man If to share room- with another; soft washing and mending- done. Apply 113, Tasniniirst.. ■ ■ -' 'ANTED, .Board and Lodgings vicinity near Public Hospital '..Write 672, Post Agency, Kewto-tra. j ■"W't^T 3? 1?' Young; Solicitor, quiet j J.v. Lodging-, kelbtirn or district. Write 234,, Evg. l?ost. : j 'ANTED Board in quiet home, for elderfe lady. Reply 279, Evg. Post. fTSJANXBP; Bpar.d| and; Residence by ■•»•»■ -marrijSd couple, out all day. Write ,ill, Bosk Ageucy, .Now,to,iyn,. • TXTArj'iVED, by student, Private. Board. ; T'»> Kelbmn• or Terrace, good "homo essential. Write 292, Evg. Pest. .. ' "^^jT^^'—-P'- '■"? ?ounff married couple, : Y. f"' Board'- iri" private family;" vise "piano ; State teriiisl- 335, JSvg.'; .Post.' '-" W ANTED by Business Girl, -Board . with-privates." faraijy, wtihin waUlung 'distance; Gourtohay-pl. .Write 345, Evg. ' ; I'ost. ■.' ' .;.'. .- .- ;■. ■. ' . ; ■ [^MAWmD, by. Youug. Lady.vßoand/oi- ■ T<ls Hart Board, with private farhilyj ccii-!; ; tra):. ■ Write, 155, Evg. -Posfe. : ■ '" . jT^ANTED/by next; Monday, Comfort- ; •"," able. Board by. man, wife",'"and !daughter, Newtown not objected to; j terms,moderate. -Replies, must state terms :or,- will' nob b& considered 1. Replies to i 120;. Xv St ; Post. •'• .. , ::. ;\\^ ANTED, immediately,' by man,'wife. : ; »'Wand;-son> Comfortable: Board,'vicinity iNewtown .preferred; moderate. ■"- Replies, |statin{r» torms, to. 115, Evg. Post. "' j 'AK.TBP;. Board by 'Married Couple, with: pcivatd- 'fqinily.'' Beply,. stating teiWs,'9BS, Evg. Post. "'*'■'* ■'■*"" T>qAS,JJ.-P v esidenc.e, or 1-. 'Part^-2 or' ; : 3 -Si*^ '- • friends, share. Jarge ■frbiit room. Mpdei-,atQ.,18,'/Paiji)'e'rrst.-. tJpper Willis-st. BOAjRD.RESIDENCE. offered, "". Geritle- ...* man, best, position, City, office, hours. 59, Boulcott-5t..." ' -'•'.';.'"■■ " '- -* ; i "ES.QAKpr'wajited, by" Young." Lady. ~r in JCR, Goyornment; single ■ room; ' Mt. A\i«tpria,. preferred. Par.ticulars. "to 192, I Eyg."- Post:"' "••"->" : -.-'•--■■;■-•; -.■-;- BO AR D-Residonce Wanted;' in Hataitai, ! " by Young Mair' 1 (single room). Write 156;, Eye. Post."^ ■' " ' '' ' " ' ■'.-'. BOARDj a'iid' Residence;—Vapaucy- fpr ; ■ working lnan, boarder iDj q.uiei, select .home. Igß, 'X'inako.ri-rd: : *;"'.' . ."• {PIOSIiFORa'ABLE' IJome offered Young; t^-'Business/GenU'eman,' to isjiaxe TObin,' City, lunph-out. week" da-ys, 255, soft wasliing:!'- Tel. 21-075. "" '"'" *' ' -',' ' > eOM'FOR.TABKE' Board: ahi'Eesidence ! ' offered to gontlewoinan ;at ■ work during- da;'.^ Reply. 317; ■ Exg. • Post. ELEESMERE; 318;": WilJiß^stV, lias "ViSs '- anoies' for" Gentlemen Boarders. Tel. -i 20-642. :; .. :':;.- :*'"■:-"; .-■ ' ;•■'-- .-■--. j f^'-.OQJX ' rHJom's,' offered ' 2 Y^oiing ' Men; V?p":'.' share." room, 1 section Courtenay-pl 1.; rnidtjay' meal: out, soft washing, mending," 2?s 6d.SveekJy.-. AVrite.2B6; Evg; Post." 'r' TEIJOME, offered to. refined .Business; Girl,' -EX ■*; with;: pjiyatel family^' at' Kilbirnie; terms,, moderate. .152; : Evg. Pos.C. ' :'."..'■ ~K., AEIjY,- enCTg'ed""diiriiig, day^: 'reqiuros JUj."'ifulJ:'brysa)jtiiaJ|''BDar'd:R«sid§rice,,"!re-, j fined. i3r.iv.ate. family,. vicinity ; Terrace ". pro- i forred," tel. essential. '161. Evg. Post. I MOTHER with.; child;' 3. "yeirs. old,-xe-: ! .^quires, B.oai;d : and;-Residence, in good locality, central. : State terms 318,- EA'g:"'! Post. V" '■■'■' ■■ "'": ■' ';'"■"'; :.■■•-..;. •■---- ■•* ■< SUPERIOR-, ■'■...Bpard'"; .and, "Lodgings, *3s -.- ■ handy; to, towp," required by B,usi-. i ness, man; ■' -bjqd-sitting-rqo'm.;' with ' .\ Plentiful supply'of-:hot" >yater: Apply. ;339 ( •Evg:.'" post.'. ,^ ?;..':.;• y;-, SUPERIOR Privato, Board-Residence-, , .. . single robni/gpivt, ■ balcony i;qoni for '' married; couple.''.2slj~ Tho^'Terja.ce."'-'■'■;'■ ■'' ■ fFfMWOiXadies reixuite., 80a.r,d,, o.r ■ one, on -&.; ■ ;■ two." KiU'nished Rooms,*- or small ."Flat; ' central.'' Write. JB4, Evg:*: Post. :" fBIAVO-'StiicHoiis-'Studeuts dosi;-(i Board, Js.". in. oiMieal l^elburn. . .\Vrite 290, Evg.' Post- *v >'■ - ./■' .;■'.■'■■''"-" . "' : ■ •-'" '"■■■■"'•"—: ■"V/v4IGA^NGIES in ;*privato."family "for ! ' *•' "■■ .Gout,'single room; and Young Jjady to shnroVrooiri.vwitlv business lady. Vary ;conifortoble home, centra,!. • Tel. "22-461.; '-.> I "VTAeANCIES •"■'' for Board.ere {men>, ) y singlo: and sli.are-room. 41, Grb'uzA !' n 'Ce'S^- ■' ' '■'■'•'■'':- '■'' ""-: ■-■•"■■" '- ' '-''.' '''.'; 1 y VA.CAr>tC.IE3:!.for 'Qontleraeu Boarders; *J term's, moderate, 'good,'home;" t.e1.,"a11. I conveniences." 22," Sy'dney:sty East." ''' ' j ■ pETv^^ANQY. for respectable '. "man ' to. i_ ' »■'. ■': ■■■ Shwe; Hoom, 1 niin. iambton. 15," I M!u.lgyaye^sfc ■'-'.-. - . .' :• :.:,'V: ; j Biismes's Man wants "Private ■ i -*. '.■■.' Board,, qiiiofc home, single, room, j jhandy, town. Write 158,' Evg'.' Post." ' '' I "TT^OUNG Lady! and G.ent' require Board,. I -*- in private' home, city preferred. ; \Vrite:-ZSO. Pcust Agency, Nawtbwn. ' I "TpOUNG" Miin Requires "Board, central:-I-1 Reply, stating 'terms, to 264, Erg. ;Post. : : .- ■■■'..'■"' "'". ■ ' •': i Q-TV ELIVIO,. Guest House; 9?;- iiiltst.— : K> A • firß>o]ass' house" for Gasualj Permanent Guests.: Suites of Rooms, break-" | fast and attendance. Also'Plats'an-ang- ■ ec(; suit Parliamentary people. " Tel.' 2257. QTRAND. Private Hotel, 63, Ghuznee><J- st;, has Vacancies for Boarctors from 32s 6d \ye'okly,"6f 7s*6d p'er:cla'y.": N)S TISMORE,' 55, '■ Boulcott-st:,.' hal o -, ". yacanoies Double and'Single.Rooms"" s .'JP.e?J,oc" accommodation."* r Terms "moderate. ,Tal. 87^:" '"" '"\ ~ '' . •-:■- -■", A Privato'HoteV (qff'Guba- ■*■■*■ 6W,. 59, Qhuznee-st.,. h, now, under the..alanagcnicnt of S. G. Stacqy, late'Sel--wyn fiotel. Casuals' '10s a day, pefmancnts. by \rraiigeinent. . ' '■ ' "'"'":•"' : "V^ANTE Pi-iqixoles prevent- , »» .holes in stockings' aiid' socks,' 2s Gd .p,ei- pan-. .J. W.'afartiii.'.Cpiirl'eiiay-pl.'" ; ~VS7"'AN il'HU~Nixolcs 'raqkov^allung'. a T". pleasure, :.ind. prevents that holo ili :tho alopltinp. Mrs. Collins, GQtirte|)"ay_-p]. : "VJS/ 7ANTED; p,rosMiia!fer' join "Lady - in\ " *.. Busmoss; good stand; "only small ■■capitijl- -required -business." Addi-'ess 89,: High-iit., IJaiiiieyirke, -.- -; ;" '■"';:"' -.•'-'.;.. "ik^rA-N'.l.'lSp. Xnqwn.-=Big reductions""~iu .? r all Enamehvure.' Startling" discounts oil' Pyrex .Ware',- Teasets, and Dinner Ser- : vices. The Kinis Hard\vai-e. ' ' '; ! "^ST^ANTED, Marripd Couple "to". Adopt '" Baby Girl of;good parentage. Write 156, Evg.' Post. ' '■" ■ W'ANTE.D. Khbwnrr-Sal.e . Sneciafs:. pas Lighters, fid each; Set Tin Canisters, ■5 tor 3s 6d; Wood Rolling Pins, 9cl each. At the Sims Hardware. - ' W rAiS;TEU .Known—Kymac cleanses . .the Throat and.Mouth after Smpki»g. ' '■-.:" ""-■'". TrarANTND Known—Stpckluking Salo! »V Golt Balls', to clear, 3s each. A nico sjst Ga.i-.-lon . Tools.' to clear, 2s set. . The Siiiis^j-liirdwure'.- " ■ ' WAITED; Ku6wn-:D.csEbrt Forks,' best HlieliiuLfinake. usnul price 12s ■ 6,d; Sal.q Price 7s 6d the half-dozen." The Siuis ■L-llardware. ' " : ' " ' "■'■ WANTED— Wear" Nixol.cs, csp.ccially . useful for. golf and tennis. 2s 6d per nan-. Aorman- Aitlten.' C'purtenay-pl. W• ANTED Knojvn—Table and Dessert Knives, a few lines to clear regard--I.QSS of cost. . Th.o Sims Hnrdwiire. WANTED Known—Learn to Gvit your own: Frocks; any style, taught, by Tailor; 2s 6d lesson. Write 261, Evg.: Post. ' . ; "f&rAN'rJSD.. ICn.own-^Nutnjeg .Graters, „" f eut-li;-IsiU-li.ei, Spppns. 3d each; Soup blraniei-s. Is: Sets Skewers, 6d set. J.he tsD.ns l-fardwuvc. .-"; . W"AN'p.vJ)--3";ani "no -more:.-.'" WeiilNixoles. 2s Gel' per pair. Samson W.. Wholgsple Agenll cJrifteiiay-pl. .^7"ANTI.SU. to Jfe.j-r.uw, J^OO," first y » i!iorl,?agc, oij City properly. Ap: pi;' a 52, ]jvg. Pust. .-.',--.. *34- 3??™?' is a.)i"we take to"Dv6" Your
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Evening Post, Volume CIX, Issue 149, 27 June 1925, Page 2
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986Page 2 Advertisements Column 7 Evening Post, Volume CIX, Issue 149, 27 June 1925, Page 2
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