TO LEU. }rriO-I;ET v two-Lock-up.Shops,, one Con- ; •*- stablo-sts. vicinity, suitiiblfe. iish, shop" jor othor small trade ;■' othery corner Hatai•tai and-, Arawa roads, suitable, grocer 'sroongi-opoi-i;- reasonable, rents.. Apply 33, Uonry-st., Kilbii'nie. ItO LET, Double Front Bed-Sitting- ., ■ I'OPJ",..every, cony.,. 275., 6d. Xo!.. '1462.- 270,- The Terrace, (opp.' "Donbank?Jj. . LET,', burnished. Bed-Sitling-room, |^Q-|gc|jnor ni n g .tray, Trnin. ParU/ jnnu.i J ji iiv i .isT(i,v shpD,;iß9 y wjiiisrst. a- p--1 -*- ply on promises..' ' ' irl \O LET,, large: lied-Sitting-room; tol , ' . every cony., fireplace suit' 2or 3 j friends.. 161;. Tho, Terrace, ,'TOIO' LEII, Furnished' Rooom-; 2' beds, jJt homely' peoplp; 7. Wiibb-sfc. j*|?.'Q- LET;"a. Detached' Furnished ' Bed'r -*■ r00m,." respectable working man. Apply, 9; Kn.igge.av. ." T^°^E^' Si"c'Q Furnished; Bedroom.- ---!-^ 92; - - PR-U). LET;, Furnished: Double.' Bedroom, .-» lireojace, d:, all' convs. 183, Viv.-iaii-st. - ■ ■' ; ' " -■■". rg^O: LET,,' Mahina Bay.; near. Bay's Bay, •*. bus from town passes, 6-rd: Houser charmingly,, situated in. 17; aore& off ground, lawn, and! bush-, facing, sea-. Particulars, Distncfr EubJiq. Trustqe,. Wellington,. ' Ai RQ- ST-RJiEp.-—Shop,/ 3, rooms; also -CX F-latj- 5: rooms. Baker.- Bros., nextHannah's, Lambton-qy. BED- and; breakfast; single rpoms, also : 2n-di Elat; partly., furnished, rent 30s. 41, Dcron-st. Tlel: 26-902; .' fiD-SITTENG-ROOM-, '•""suit gentler ) man.diiring: session.;, toll, handy. Bar.-. liamonfa. Buildings, 299, Post. EDrSiraaN&BDCJM 1, ' av.ery; '"c.qhy.7 ;own: stove, alscßed^Sittingj witlnsmalli room attaohed; own. stoy.e. 27( 'Bhompson-sfa,-off-Webb-sti, toR Willis-sfa . CtLOSE Earliameufc Buildinga^-Largp -" Unfurnislied; Bachj. gas,, range, lighti" own.meter; A'nply • 174', Sydpey-st; West, CIGMEOa-TABEB-' : Bbd;SitWrig,rbpm; _ l> suit two. gentlbman; breakfasb 6p r tionaL; tel:;; liandy Parliament Buildings, King-68; terms. ' ' ■ ■' ' !]"F\TJ.]SfEDJN; Exhibition—l£{ ypu- want. !j■■*?■, Central; Business.; 'Eremisos,-' \y>ute-' ijHuUpn^ Band; Agenoy,. 207; George-sfe, Piinedinj ' ' ,' . n'" ". : .', ■ ' ' ElASajßOtfUNE—lTiimished. 4rrd. Got-. M. tagp,. bat-IU-oonij Avaslihouso, c.1:," with' or, wiUioub garage, Write; 321, Evg, Post:. ■"" -' . ■■■■. TjilifR'JfISHEQ : Brdnt- Sitt-mg-room, 'firci ■* placej double bedioom, separate, gas cooUor,. cpnys,^ 3., mu}utes-, tram-. ' 53; I'odmahrsfc, Brooklyn,. -,-—■ - . TEJ^NI.SHEI?i\ Double- T^oom, suit, two. -*P _ girls,, also. Bacli,. suit:-tjvo,.' mates, 120; V.ivJantSk ;■ terms moderate,. ; . "E^WINISHED. ■■•" Double" Boa.-Sitting r J A.; '.'*,; fireplace^ every., convenience';board- iff r.equir.edl' Suitable- one or- two. friends, 36; Grawford-rd; ,'. Kilb'fcrne.. TElijAJiE'- lp-r.o,6ined;.; I-louse; bungalow; MtJi'. st^'le;- spaoipus. and'-sunny.' rooms; j ey.e.ry, cotiyenieiipe;,, eto.: ;■" moderate, irent, ; 'neaiv Jx>hn-sU. 23,, Baniell-st.,' N.ew-. jtowji.. : .. ' '.-■ "■".■" ' , '-. "K^EtßTiJil'N^S' Rooms, siinny. position, XV harbour., view. Write 147; 'EygJ 3?ost,. ';T AJ-^Br 'l?oubl.e-f*ont<idv. "Shop;' 'and; '[ XU-- Dwellings, in- shoppiiig; ; -.centrd,. Lyalli jßay, Apply at Shop^ 'W-7; Onepu-rd., on ; Tjipsday. . .. :':-.;: , . ■'■' 'VK' ARCJE- Front Bed>Sit.tihg.-room,' two !-f.' singlo., buds; also.singlo. one, comfortable, every convenience. 539; The. Terrace. cTE OGKrtJl^ Shop, centre'"Ne\vtbw.ri,.re-Jc-i'- cejitly;h<3me-madß-bakery.;.^ all' ap.-/ ?pliancqs ;■-.' start) immediately.; easy rent.. ; Salmon, Biddiford^sfc. CSSt"44O). :"■■■' : ;j: YAtt,'.; BAy-^-Eavge-- Pouble-fronted; j-*-?;- ShpOj witji-. living, rooms., andj -aljj iconys., right at cat stop';' immediate, pos- | session^ Apply-J:. Ht-' ■ Bb.thuueJ aiid»Cd.",-- ---; 15A-156, geiithei'stonrst. ... .- '■"■ -.-■■;'■,■■ ] I^I^MY j?urnisi7Suf Dflubl.o. Bed-SittipK-: • i,3i. .■,. grouhi flopi;, -§r.eplaeei every, icQu.v..,:'Bftsiii; Reserve.'''.'l 9, 'Ellico-s.t. ' . ■'"" !^YNJS.: or.r2;' lar^o. TJlri^urnisljpd; Bopnis,". l^-r- with, fireplapes; cheap teni. !6i!'Hut-: ;ahcß.opf.rd.;,' pit 1 J-ohu-'st-.; ' -".;....• jTO/iMLy-iiViriisli.ed B.aqh;'Eastbourne^ iX. 10s; :l?uker,uji,; 3 rooms,, 12s.i 6d;'.-SJ i;o.oms, fuinished;, 'Kojburn E^in,,' £2 l£s,;. rCity, . Flats and "" Hpjyos.' yoj^pg's,' '■Bowen.-sji. ": ' : ' ."'' .' :, "CBE'CO.NJS, (aoar : Sta.tio.n)l-TS.m'all, Dairy i ■*-,-'■' Kanm,;. 28. acres, good' 6;rd. •, liou,se, ybaUiropm, linen,, press,, patttry.'; "hot water.' service; offers invited. Write E>'g.' |P6,st'.'.'". : ; -■: ■'■'■■ '■-;.' -:- " ''" PROEESSieNAt. Menr-^arge.; "c'ommodio.iis. Dou,ble Bed-Sitting^ropm, suit (two. friends or- m.c.;, board optional. 163,' jTerrace. ; ' N ..' '' " SEATOUNr^S-goodi Koomsi all; modern convs., very. Targe section;: lpy'ely: post! : tion^ long 'lease, if; required,': £2; 12s, 6d- ; per- week. Apply A. E. jffills; and" Go;," ■ 12,; Panama-st. '-.:'■ , ' :"■■' . ; QINGLE. Furnished Bedroom, s.uit.'Hady 11^-7 or gent; breakfast optional. ■ 72, :W;ebb-st. 'Tel. 22r43J.:' : '"''',"■- _: ' QIN'GLE' Furiiishe'd ■ Bedroom;:''also,' I£s Young Lady.;to,.share, large Er'ont : Room., 5, Broadw.ay.-tei;., off Wdbb-'st. 7Tp wQ. Frbnfc, Finished; or Partly-furnish- ■-*■ cd.. Rooms,"' kUcneuei(te, iireplaces, .range, stove, c. light, h.. pointr private home, no. obiection. child; rent moderatq, ■ home Sunday. 132> Tasinan-st! ,"'..' ' TTriSIFVIiiNIgEEED Flat of 3 rooms and VJ; kitchenette, with "all con vs. Apply ' Tinakori.-rd. • , • VACANT '— Qqmfor-table,'■ Furnished' Flat, s.itting-roqm, d. bedroom,' separate kitchenette, gas meter,' h.w., c.l. ord House, left, "side Har-. ■ greaves-st, off Wallace-st. ' ■ - ITyANTEID to. Let,' 2":oi" 3 ; Unfurnished: .T- T - Rppu^s, no cqr;- . fares, business people preferred; full use housed occupant nway all day. Apply 312, Evg.' Post.' WANTED to Lot., D. Bodro'6,ii,'s miimUis Goyt. B.uilcUugs, "gpod view, no. chiklven'. ' Write 164, 'Evg.'"Post. "^ir ANTED to Lot, 1 Room'to lady <?n- ---■ . " » ■ gaged during., day, or- elderly' nuin o[ sober habits. 200, Po^t Agency, Is'ewtown. -.-■•'■• . : : W ANTED, Pressmaiier; 'Milliner, " or UemsUtchpr, to. tal<o half of Shou, ■ i-cnl, ?55.; good windows, City; no capital required. Reply 240, Kvg. fpst. '; ' W'ANTJSO -to Let, G'arlton-rd"., Lyall , Bay—2-rd. Wliarc; nofc flash, "but beautiful view. Apply... Owner, Box 34, e\ NICE Largo Airy' Rooms, iireplaces, 'V up-to-date eouvs., to]., train stop' sunny locality, 123, ]?irie-st. ■ : i} FURNISHED Rooms, Mt. Victoria; <^ bedroom, living-rcom, sunny position, 23s good tenant; Pearco, '. Agent, 45, Eugby-'st. O NISW Furnished" Rooms, ' kitchen-' & ette. pantry, separate meter, call phont, c.1., 30s. Suit couple. 5, Stokesst., Newtbwn. . -." ■■"■ ■ ~. , f\ UNirUUNISffiSD Rooms. 27s 6d or -* 4 Unfurnished Rooms, £2 7s 6d. "Use all con vs., including 0.1., li. and c. water, tol.; 3rd section Courlenay-pl., Island Bay. Ring 24-307. O FURNISHED Rooms, Hataitai. becl<J room, dining-room, kitchen; eplf-coii-tained, 3 minute's car-stop; '355. Pearcc Agent. 45, Kugby-st. - ' fT-EOOMED House to Let, "Lyall Bay, *J sunny position, references, requiredrent in advance. £2. 5s week. Tenant to buy floor covevings cheap. Tel. 25-257, or wrjte. 222, Evg-. Post. MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED, Pupils for Piano and Theory. Thorough grounding-, rapid advancement; J3l Is term. Write 169, Evg. Post. ..." NGAGEMENT Kiiig S a f s ;il y - prices .. next week at' ' SmitVs, Jewellers, Lainblon-qy. See. wind.ows. \S7"riEN r BuyiiiK oT^^JimJiniJmiuTcT » * kcc; Viuc and C.v., Auctioueurs, 107, G.uslojnlipiisc-q.v. Tel. -.gC-6i71" r~ii/iLI)LAIN TS--J:!eMWV.e {l" w " c^uscTXalTo I*-^ Ooljijittui's .Chilblijin Ciii'syiee, safe' sure; they fix Ui.e blood; 2s 6d, p o >t [tee! 11. Joli.ns.ton, (Jujyt-st. "OILLOW Slips, la; Sheetings.''sinsie A from 12s Cxi, double from 16 5 6d rlr ' teua" o? llin*' -"^ Uod's Biitohcry, Cour'-
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Evening Post, Volume CIX, Issue 149, 27 June 1925, Page 2
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961Page 2 Advertisements Column 6 Evening Post, Volume CIX, Issue 149, 27 June 1925, Page 2
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