A meeting of the New Zealand Executive of the British Red Cross Society was held yesterday afternoon, there being present Hon. Dr. Collins (chairman), ilesdames Wigram (Clnistchurch), L. Blundell ■(Wellington),-Messrs. Eobertson (Auckland), Flesher (Christchurch), Burnett, and Tripp (Wellington), and Mr. Galloway, secretary.
Lengthy discussion took place on the question of the centralisation of funds, and in view of the action of the Nelson and Ashburton sub-centres in refusing to forward their funds to the centres, it was decided to write to the War Fund Office, requr sting- that such action be taken as might be. considered necessary. It was- decided to ask the opinions of the other centres with regard to the date of the next annual meeting. Reference was made to the representation of the society at the forthcoming Dunedin Exhibition, and it was resolved that the matter of arranging for a stall be left in the hands of the Dunedin Centre.
Accounts amounting, to £141 were passed for payment.
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Evening Post, Volume CIX, Issue 53, 5 March 1925, Page 9
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Evening Post, Volume CIX, Issue 53, 5 March 1925, Page 9
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