The annual meeting of the Eoseneath Progressive Association was held last night in the Boseneath School, Mr. R. W. Burbidge presiding over a good attendance of members.
The first, annual report and balancesheet was presented and showed the association to be in a very healthy position. The activities of the association have borne fruit in different directions, not the least important being a grant of £1400 from the City Council for drainage for houses adjacent to Grafton road. The association had been successful on approaching the City Council with regard to road repairing, water supply, and street lighting, several much-needed improvements having been effected since the last meeting. It was noted with satisfaction that the Postmaster-General had made a definite gromise to Councillor A. L. Monteith that as soon as the automatic telephone exchange is in working order he would consider placing a t>ooih adjacent' to Roseneath terrace, Thane road, and ■ Palliser road. This would satisfy a long-felt want in the district. Certain definite arrangements had been arrived at with regard to improved fire alarms. .
• The subject of encroachments on public rights-of-way was very' fully discussed, and the meeting regretted that the council had not seen fit to do its duty in this matter. Regret was also expressed that so far nothing had been done to improve certain dangerous corners in the district, special attention being drawn to the corner at the junction of Hawker and Shannon streets.
Pleasure was expressed by members that at last there seemed a definite possibility of a motor bus service 'to serve Roseneath Heights, and the. following motion was approved: "That this meeting heartily supports the proposal for Roseneath to be served with motor buses by the City Council, and will do all in its power, to make same a permanent success."
The chairman explained the position with regard to the Supreme Court action regarding the proposed cable tram, and said it \^'as hoped a decision in-the action would be given by the Court of Appeal at the end of March.
The chairman also reported on the result of a deputation from the ratepayers to the State Fire Insurance Department and the Fire Underwriters' Association. As a result it was confidently anticipated the rates of fire insurance would be reduced. It was pointed out that the present high insurance rates were ridiculous in view of the fact that a good road directly connected Roseneath with the Constable street fire station.
Councillor A. L. Monteith addressed the meeting and threw light on some apparent anomalies which existed, but on his recommendation it was decided to instruct the honorary secretary to write to the City .Council calling attention to :\the fact that £800 placed "on the Estimates last year . for . improvements to Maid a Vale road had ,not been expended. Votes of thanks were passed to the president and also to Councillor A. L. Monteith for his courtesy and help in bringing the interests of the association before the City Council. The meeting i unanimously decided to send a letter of appreciation for past services to Mrs. Blaxall, a member of last year's committee, who has left the district.
:The election'flf officers for.the ensuing year resulted as follows:—President, Mr. B. \V. Burbidge (re-elected); vice-presi-dent, Mr. J. A. Fergusson; honorary secretary, Mr. E. H. Stickney (re-elect-ed) ; committee, Messrs. V. Wise, J. Erendeville, H. R. C. Gyles, R. Cashman, and Mrs. Rae.
Evening Post, Volume CIX, Issue 53, 5 March 1925, Page 9
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