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HIGH WATER. To-day-^lota 55m a.m. ; llh 20m p.m. To-morrow— llh 46m a.m. ; Oh p.m. ARRIVALS. January 2&— Blenheim, «.». (5.20 p.m.), 120 tons, Watson, from Blenheim, January 25— Mapounka, e.s. (7.20 p.m.), 1203 tops Kennedy, from Oreymouth, Westport, nntl , Kdsoa, Fussenjrera; Saloon,— JJwssea M'Oormack, Mollery, Clark, Neilson, Bennett, Gibbs, Sampson, ll'tiuire, Murphy, Coats, Brown, Cox, ,o'Leary, Batohelor, Pnqe, Ainsworth, Ladl<i}*, MiTligran, Bradley, Raven-, Dement, Mesdamea Tytnous and child. Knell and 3 children, Priest, Morrish, Hull, Jaokson. and 2 children, Creaswell, Alleo nnd 3 children, Rtoknrd, Nevo, Messrs. Morrish, Warren, Tymons, Skinner. Tybels, Fcvo, Rickard, Knell, Thomusson, ReatalJ, O'Donnell, Soott, Hmton, Cresßweii, Taylor, Seymour, John, Harrison, Tester, Rothehild, Einniburgh, Dodge, Qltey, gnpdgrass, Jones, Davies, NaJd«r, Adama, Kaster Guy; 14 steerage. Jaftu»ry 25— Pateena, &c. (8.10 p.n>.J, 1212 tons, Stewart, from Ptcton, and Nelson, Passengers : Saloon— -Misses Wild-, Mandl, Woodman, Hoult, M'lvor, Valentine, Weir, Est'iourt, Woodward. Mason, Mestlamw Stockbrid:ge and 2 children, Eaetoourt, Messrs. Woodman, Maiidl, ThojnnsBon, Cameron, D'Emden, Fairchild, Jones, Rowley, Wakelm, Powell, Brother, Garlnth, Gwnse)". Duncan. Allan, -I<ewj»;. leverage., Jahuiry 25— Penguin, s.». (11.55 p.mO, 824 ions, iNnter, from Picton— sl passengers. JanuSrv 26— Maori, 6.5. (7.30 a.m-), 3389 tons, Manning," from Lyttelton. Passengers : Saloon -Misses Henderson, Timms, Longfhoti, Carey, Hamilton, Ott&Son, Ellis, Milne, Ainsy, Boyd, lieehner, w ou lton, Williams, Tansley, Devlish, Gill, Burvidpe, Noe, Pattinson, M'Donald, Sommerville-, Bailey, Robinson; Molma. Warnocfc (2), Elder, Harrison, Shaw, Satchell, Brewstcr, Bollard. Bcndail, Cox, Eames. 'Hill, Lockay, Gear, Smith. Mesxlnmes Luke, Henderson, Anderson, Law, Veale. Kennedy, Guane, Gill, Patrick, Wilson, Platt, Buok. Mowlem, Temple, Fulton, Shaw Elder, Satchell, Robertson, Baker, Robertson, De Ronffiagnc, AVison, Hilliflry,' Jackmari, Hollis, WilkinJ, Colonel Loveday. Dr. Temple, Mesars. Hendersqji, Anderson, Colley, Jacobs, M?rsh, Wragg, Shone, Fletcher (2), Low, Madden, Morrieon, Robert-son. East Wynne, Brtwn, Bali*r, Brindley. Luke. Ramsay. Pointer. Young, Allata, Stnoey/Sierewrigat^ Hind, Gill,' Wi|«on,> Morris, Vheichey, White, Temple, Bennett, Ohrisfrophus Reich, Douglas. Luke. Bannehr, King, Jacobson, ' Sievwrighfc, Johnston, airier. Irvirje, Griffiths, Storer, Smith. Mason, rtnberteon, (Jims, Oook, Pye, Wibon. JJ'Leapan. Ward. Barrett, Hillary, Alphers, Webster, Richards, ' Hoi} ja ; 74 eteerAge. January 26-^Takapuna, s.a: f8 a.nuV 1036 tons, "Hiiichings, 'from Onclinnga and New Plymouth.8 naewncfer*. January 26— Tllonowai, s.p. (12.10 p.m.), 3433 'inaj\ , BeinfCh, from Dunertin, and Lyttelton. P(»8 T eengers : Saloon— Misses Rudd, Xorraan, Ruirh"ton, Ilm-court. Billons. Karchcsa. Xoung, Twfcnine, StepTienson. MacdonnW. Glasgow, Wood / (2). Mittliev,-?. Meifiames Baldw'n, Meredith, Masters, KeAnfedy. itushlon and child. Cook, Fletoher, Onycn. Ritchie, Windmill, Harlc, Gal Ucliar.e nnd' child. Spray nnd child. Connell, Wood. Messrs. Mcstere. Rudd (2), Roberts. Dull, Mnrnine. Rnshtou. 'Moult. Braa?t>ll, M'Millnn. Soms. Foote, Dalglensh, Knight', Young;. Liw, Wilfcea. Rel.»e-, Shanks, -Stfwort, Erjinsr, Ritcliitf, Km.. Car«ey, Smith, Con-nail, Harle, Barrett; .22 January 26— Te Anau, f.e. (12.50 ' p.m.), 1652 66n?, Lfnd«»v, from southern port*. January E6— W-\ihi, «.s. (5 p.m.),' S2 tons, Oarer, iron Blenheim. > , t . January, 26— Opawa, a.« v (5.10 p.m.), HO tons, Nicholas," from Blenheim. ••'•'January 26— Hawea, e.s. (5.30 p.ra.), 1758 toils, Tatci.froin WdStpori: •lanuarv 26— Rejrnlus, as. (10.30 p.m.), 685 tons Sellare, fr.oin Westport. " January 26— Larjro Law, (10.30 p.m.), 3974 tons; Henderson, from Newcastle. Janu»rv 26— Queen of the Souths c.s. (10.50, 198 tons, Harvey, from F6xfcon. Janunrv 27— Stormbird, sa 1 (1.20' a.m.), 217 ton?, M'lntvre, froth Wanganui. ' Jsnuary 27— Kaituna. sjs. (1.20 a.m.),. 1977 tons Stewart, from Westport. January 27— Manai-oa, c.». (6.5 a.m.), 122 tone, Hart, from Havelock and Pelorus Sound. ' January 27— Adrere, sjb. (7.15 a.m.), 77 tons, .Ftek, from i'atea. - • - _ ,' -„.,. • "DEPARTURKB. • ' ■ ■ • January 25-^-Kotuku, s.e. (5.25 p,m.),- 1054 tons, JHcholeon, for" Grey movtb. .■!• .- .Januasy .25— Orati, as. - (5,50 , p.m.), 215 tons, Eobertson, for Wnnganui. '""January 25— KamWa, e.s. (8 p.m.); 1425 tons, '-.Reidf for Weetport. - „ . _ -January 25— Rotomahftna, c.«. (11.5 I p.m.), 1777 ,6ms.. Collins,, for LytteUon.-NK i paafengers. January' 25— -Yrahura, s.B. (11.35 p.m.), 1596 "tans, 'lamberivlor Nelson, Westportj and Grey- . tnouth— <llQ passeSngerff. ' January 26— Jsr.e Douglas, s.g. (5.30 a.m.), 95 tons, Irvine, for JS.'lson. January 2&-rj3fa.r "of; AtfstrsUa, aft (6 a.m.), 6825 tons, Kearneyrioi Gisbonno. January 25— Huia, e.s. (10 p.m.); 127 tons, -Dowoli,. for Motueka. " - January 26— Penguin, e.s. (midnight-), 824 tons, ~Hyirt£ri "for Kelson. Jamufy ft— Manama, c.c. (12.J5 p.m.). 122 -tons, Hart, -for Motueka.-'-VESSELS VS POUT" THIS AFTERNOON. ' Taranaki-street Wharf. — Regulus. Jervois quay Brenstworke. — Mapourtia. Queen's Wharf.— (Right) Takapuna., Kaituna, Stsori ; (left) . Queen of the/ South, Opawa, Stormbird, Aorere, Geni, Monowm. ■"' Cttstomhrnipe-quay Breastworks. — Manama, .Blenheim, Washi. i Wool Wharf. — Declimont* -Looh Gaxve. , Railway Wharf.— Largo Law, Pukaki, Hawea. f ' f ' Waterloo-quay Breastworks.— Bellflower, Echo, Eunice. ■ . - GlaegowWhaT'.— Delphic .Aiheuic. „, In Sjreaw.— H.M.S.S Powerful, Challenger, Pettusua, PyramiiSj Prometheus, and Pioneer, AmoKur*, ' Kiipara. " On '-Slip.— Kini. ■ " '•" ' ■ ' EXPECTED ARRIVALS. - Penguin, Nelson and Picton, 27th Pateena, Nelson, 28tlldripaka, Patea, 28th Oreti, Wangjuiui, 28th ltotomaliana, Lyttelton, 28th Hnia', Motueka, 28th „ Tasman, Nelson and Motueka, 28tfi . Couinna^Onehvnga and New Plymouth, 28th Talune, Auckland, Gisborne, Napier, 2Bth 11 Wafat'u, Lyttelton -v^a, coast, 28th. ■v . Alesander, Wanganui, 28lh - Hlnemoa, porfhern ligUthoueea, 28th . Tutanekai, West Coast, 28th "liana, Patea, 28th ' ' ' '-Knpiti, Pate*. ?Bth * - l Monaroa, Motuelm,. 22th < '.. Defender, Westport, . 2Bth Wimmera, Sydney, 29th , Rotoiti, Onehunga and New Plymoiith, 29th Opnwa, Picton, 29th Arahnra, West Coast and Nelson, 29th Manuka, Dunedin and Lyttelton, 30th ocesn-coine Steamers. Corinthio, left Plymouth 13th December, via , Capetown and Hobart ; due about Slat January. Rippingham Grange, left Liverpool 23rd Norcmber, via Auckland ; due nbout 31at Januar.v. -• Kszembe, left Vancouver 24th December, via. Suva and Auckland ; due nbout sth February. New Orleans, left New. York 10th December, - Via ''Auckland; due about Bth February. r Nerchafia, left London 3rd December, via Australian ports and Auckland : duo nbout 12th February. Lord Sefton, left New York 28th November, via Australian ports and Auckland ; due about the 16th February. Ruapehu, left Plymouth 30th December via Ometown Hobart ; due about 16th February. Tokomaru, left London 14th December, via Auckland ; due about 16th February. Oswestrv Grange, left Liverpool 16th December, via Hobort and Auckland ; due about 20th February. Kia Ora, loft Liverpool 2nd January via Auekltnd; due about 21et February. Indralema, left Nqw York Bth December, via Australian ports and Auckland ; dus about thp 19th Febnmry. Marere, left London I9th December, via Australian ports, Auckland, and Napier ; due* about thp 28lh February. Rolvain. left London 11th January, via Auckland; due about 9th March. Aberlour, left New York 2nd January, via Port Chalmers and Lyttelton; due about the 15th March. Surrey, left Liverpool 18th January, via. Auckland ; due about 21st March. Star of Scotland, left London 17th January, via Australian ports, Auckland, and 1 Napier ; due about Ist April. Star -of England, left New York 14th January, via A\iztralian ports and Auckland; due ■lbout Nli Apul. Strathavon, 'eft New York 19th January, via Australian ports and Auckland ; due about Bth April. Sstlioe Vessels. luvernmv, left Liverpool ISth November. Daniel, lrft Clarenoe River 9th January. Helen Denny, left Newcastle 18th January. I'tIO.IECTED DEPARTURES. Takapuna, New Plymouth and Onehunga, 27th Monnwai, Napier, Gisborne, Auckland, 27th Te Anau, Picton, Nolaon, West Coast, 27th Queen of the Bonth, Aoston, 27Ui Maori, Lyttelton, 27th Waihi, Blenheim, 27th Stormbird, Wanganui. 27th Opawa, Blenheim, 27th Aorere, Pntefi, 27th Blenheim, Blenheim, 27th Regulue, Westport, 27fch Tasman, Nelson and Motueka, 28th | Talune, Lyttelton and Dunedin, 2Sth ] ' Mapourika, Picton, Neteon, West Coast, 28th Alexander, Nelson and West Coast, 28th Rotomahana, Lyttelton, 28th Huia, Motueka, 28th Oreti, Wanganui, 28th Penguin, Picton, 28th Kahu, East Coast, 28th Mana, Paten, 28th Defender, Karamea, 29th Kiripaka, Patea, 29th Pateena, Picton and Nelson, 29th Wakatu, Lyttelton via coast, 29th, Eotoiti, Picton, Nelson, New Flj mouth, an* - Onehunga, 30th Wimmera, South, Hobart, and Melbourne, 30lh Manuka, Napier, Gl&bornd, Auckland, and Sydney, 30th Athenic, Monte Video, Rio de Janeiro, Ttaejiß? , Plymouth, and London, 30th Muama, Sydnej^ 51»ti

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Bibliographic details

Evening Post, Volume LXXV, Issue 22, 27 January 1908, Page 6

Word Count

SHIPPING. PORT OF WELLINGTON. . Evening Post, Volume LXXV, Issue 22, 27 January 1908, Page 6

SHIPPING. PORT OF WELLINGTON. . Evening Post, Volume LXXV, Issue 22, 27 January 1908, Page 6


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