To-day's weather chart for tho colony shows line weather everywhere with the exception of Port Chalmers and Greymouth. Writing of the condition of things in the Mauawatu district the Manawatu Times says :—": — " As may be imagined, the terribly dry season being experienced in this district is exerting a very disastrous effect on the milk supply to tho various factories. Feed is almost an unkowti quantity, and competent authorities estimate that there will be a difference of fully 50 per cent, in the total milk supply during the year as compared with the previous year." Messrs. Lyous & Daly are making excellent progress with tho construction of the new road through the hill on the Miramar Peninsula close to Crawford's windmill. It is expected that the work will be completed in about a month, and there will then be a level road between Kilbirnie and the range overlooking Worser Baj'. The following changes in the lighthouse service have been decided upon .—Assistantkeeper D. Partington, at Cape Foulwind, is to become principal keeper at Mokohinau, Auckland, vice Mr. A. Counell, who is to be removed to Turitiri, Auckland, where he is to succeed Mr. N. Simpson, who is to become principal keeper at Moeraki, Otago. AssistantKeeper Reeves from Cape Sauuders is to fill a similar position at Cape Foulwind, aud will be succeeded at the former place by Assistant Keeper Sanders from the Brothers. A meeting of creditors of E. D Dunne, clerk, was held this morning. The debtor, under examination, attributed his insolvency to want of regular emoloyment for some years. He admitted that he had married when he was only receiving a salary of 30s a week. He denied that he expected money from Ireland from his late father's property. The meeting was adjourned for a week to enable the debtor to draw up a statement of his receipts and expenditure for the past year. Mr. Hindmarsh appeared for Mrs. Hayes, a creditor. The funeral of the hte Mr. W. Clark, who was recently killed by hushfelliug at Paecoa, near Auckland, was well attended at Karori yesterday. The members of the AVellington Good Templar lodges were present. The funeral services at the graveside were conducted by Bro. Hope, D.C.T Bro. Petherick, P.D.C., and Bro. W. J Weston, D.Chap. While being brought from Wangauui to Wellington some three years ago a man named Alexander Hogg escaped from custody, aud search for him proved unavailing. The charge against him was that of having stolen clothing valued at £4 and £9 in money from H. Woods. The other day Hogg was identified while serving a sentence in Dnnedin Gaol, and having been brought to Wellington he was charged at the Magistrate's Court this morning with the offence alleged to have been committed three years ago, and also with escaping from the lawful custody of Constable llattie. On the application of Inspector Peuder the prisoner was remanded till the 27th iust. The general meeting of the New Zealand Liberal and Labour League called for tonight is postponed, no hall being available. The meeting is to take place on Thursday next in the Oddfellows' Hall, Lambtonqnay. Final arrangements have been made in connection with the reunion of the New Zealand Workers aud Wharf Labourers' Union. The members for the city and suburbs and the Major have been invited. Judging from the sale of tickets success is Assured, >
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Evening Post, Volume LV, Issue 144, 20 June 1898, Page 6
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