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Onr reports of yesterday's Legislative Council proceedings, the Cadman-Roes ca=o, and the City Council meeting, besidos lettors to tho Editor, appear on the fourth pugo. Our Supplement to-morrow will contain, amongst other matter, articles headed as follows: — "Mat's Husband," "Duped," "A Strange Adventure in tho Solomon Islands," " A Maniao Helmsman," " Old Finger-rings," "'Hazing' Carried to Extremes," " A Woman's Boxing Saloou," " Signalling Mars," " Kissing as a Fino Art," "An .-Kstlioto'a Epigrams," "The Faithful Dog," " ConvictMarrioges," " How the Queen Travels," " A Historic Estate," " Fight Between Snakfs," " Temperance Column," "Nows in Brief," "Tit-Bits," " Wit and Humour." " Puzzlo Column," " Ladies' Column," &c, &o , Arc Mr. George Rennor, of tho Kaikoura Star, has announced his intention of contesting the Ashley seat at tho general election in the interests of Liberalism, Labour, and denominational education. Mr. E. D. Boan is gn.zotted Deputy Registrar of Marriages, Births, and Deaths lor tho district of Patea. James Glecson, of Bulls, is appointed a Factory Inspector. Notice of tho incorporation of the Wellington Convalescent Homo appears in tho Gazette. Mr. C. E. Daniol is gazetted a Trußtoo of tho Master ton Cemetery, rice Mr. R. M. Galloway, resigned. Although tho voting at the publio meeting hold at Thomas' Hall on '1 hursda7 night was decidedly against tho proposal to borrow JJOOOC for a recreation ground at Thorndon, the Mayor has decided to hold a poll of the Thorndon and Lambton Ward ratepayers, sovoral burgossos who are favourable to tho scheme hating undertaken to bear tho necessary expense The aunual balauce-Bhcot of the City Council was laid beforo that body last evening. Tho Mayor pointed out that the Auditor-General had disallow ed an item of -£35 incurred in connection with the reception of the present Governor. His Worship said that ho was willing to pay the amount out of his own pocket, bnt tho Council might think it wonld not be right if he did so. He suggested that the proper course would be to increase tho Mayor's salary by £35. Councillor Anderson gave notioo of his intention to move in that direction. On the motion of the Mayor, the balance-sheet was adopted. Fahautunui is about to lose one of its oldest and most respected residents — Mr. J. M. Smith, whoso medical advisors find a warmer climate nocessury for the restoration of his hoalth. During tho past five years Mr. Smith has taken an active part in all local matters, aud has rendered valuable services to his district. On Wednesday night ho was presented with a handsome pipe and matchbox and a sympathotio address from the Horokiwi Valley Cricket Club, of which he has been President for a considerable timo ; and ho was afterwards entortaiued by the mombers at a smoke concert, whero toasts were duly honoured, and songs given by all present. Mr. Lennen presided at tho piano. Tho quarterly District Meeting of tho Manchester Unity Oddfellows, for the purpose of conferring degrees, was held last evening. Tho officers present wero :— Bros. S. K. Johnston, Prov. Grand Master; R. Mothos, Depnty Prov. Grand Mastor; R. Smith, Prov. Examining Officer and Warden ; T. M'Kenzie, Prov. Treasurer ; and S Waters, Past Pjov. G.M., Prov. Trnsteo. Bro. A. Porrin was advanced to tho Past Secretary's degree ; Bro. A Munro, to tho Past V.G. degree ; Bros. J J. Eason and F. Westbury to tho N.G. degree; and Broß. C. W. Johnson, R. R. Laurent, C. Hausman, and W. Miles were advanced to tho most Honourable Purplo Dogree. Itwa3 resolved that lettlers of sympathy bo forwardod to tho Prov. CS , Bro. J. ICorshaw, and P. P.G.M. J. Clark, who aro suffering from influenza. Wo have lo acknowlodgo tho receipt from tho Now South Wales Government of three interesting Parliamentary Papers — ono dealing with the working of the Labour Bureau in Now Zealand, and the others with Village and Industrial Settlements, and tho annual report of the Department of Minos and Agriculture. An enormous andienoo— numboring boweon 30i)0 and 4000 people— assomblod within the doors of tho Skating Kink last niffht to listen to tho concert by Pollord's Lilliputian Opera Company. So immense was tho audience, that evory inoh of floor space, as well as the side galleries, aud even that above tho dressingrooms, was taken up. Hundreds who arrivod after half-past 7 o'clock woro unablo to got iosiclo, and hundreds of those who wore inside and wanted to get out again on accouut of tho stuffiness of tho atmosphere, qould not. Seveival woro carried out in a fainting state. As to the concert, if encores may be taken as a criterion, thpn it was a great success, every vocal item excepting tho last two was redomanded. Miss Emily Metcalfe, Miss Marion Mitchell, Miss Lily Stevens, Mibb Nellie Wilson, Miss Emily Evorotfc, and Masters Stevens and Qtiealy woro the vocalists. Tho littlo ladios ncquilted themselves very oreditably, particularly Miss Metcalf in the Romance from " Faust " (" When all was Young"), Miss Mitchell in "Tako a Pair of Sparkling Eyes " (Gondoliers), Miss Wilson in "To a Far Countroe," and her duet with Miss Everett, " In the Dusk of Twilight," and Miss Stevens, who saug " In Old Madrid." Tho songs oC Masters Quealy and Stevens wero of a comic nature, and were sung iv character with much sucoess. Mr. Arthur King was direotor, Mr. Fred Pollard leader of tha orchestra, which contributed two selections, and Miss A. Pollard accompanist. In reference to fonrs which have [men expressed as to the safuty of tho crowd in caso of a panio the management state that all the large firo escape doors wore open, and man was stationed at each throughout tbo evoning. The weekly mooting of the Wesleyan Mutual Iranrovomont Society was held in the Taranaki-Btreet Classroom last evening — tho Rev. J. J Lewis in the chair. A debate on the question, ''Is tho New Zealand Ministry worthy of support?" took plaoe, Mr. J. H. Helliwell leading in the affirmative and Mr. W. J. Helyer in the negative. A division resulted in the question being negatived. Missos Luko aud Harvey contributed a pianoforte duet. Next Thursday evening will be devoted to musical and literary work. Madame Antoinette Sterling, the famous contralto, who is now on a tour to the colonies, will give the first of her two concerts at the Opera House on Monday, 3rd July next. Madame Si erling was born about 1850 at Storlingville, in tho State of New Tork, and is said to bo able to trace her descent to William Bradford, one of tho original Pilgrim Fathers, who crossed in the Mayflower. Sho vory early devolopod a voico of extraordinary compass and great richness and volume, her range extending from tho low E flat to the soprano F, or a little over two ootavos. She studied with* Madame Marchoai at Cologne, Pauline Viardot at Baden, and finally wi^h Garcia in London. Returning to America in 1871, sho speedily won for herself a high place as aooncert-singor, bnt two years later fhe took up her residence in London, where she is well known and widely popular. Though sho has often sung with sucaess in oratorio, and her repertoire embraces many of the masterpieces of German song, it is as a ballad singer that her reputation has been acquired, and it is most likely in this oharaoar that we shall principally know hor here. She will be assisted in her New Zealand tour by Miss Isabel Webster, Mr. James Wood, and Mr. Holder, a South Australian vooalist, and there is little fear but that her magnificent voice and her attractive style of singing will ensure her an amount of patronage comnißnsnratn with hnr folnntu

Stamp duty has lately been paid (according to the Mercantile and Bankruptcy Ga/.ette) on the estates of the following dcco.iscd porsons formerly resident in Wellington : — Frank Jollicoc, .£8537 ; Peter iluino, £32,4.11; J, H. Cook, Other largo estates were thoso qf John Buchanan, Napier, X 11.587 ; George Bowron, Christohnrch, £13,035; and W. R. Maddison, ChristchUrch, .£13,719. There were Iv 9 passengers from Sydney by tho Hauroto, which nrrired last evening-. Of tl'ose 92 landed hero. Tho vessel also brought an English mail, (JSO tons of genera-l cargo, transhipped from the China steamers Tainan aud Mcnmuir, aud 3520 oases of fruit, IGM cases being for Wellington, Councillor Harris is of opinion that the rate charged for insuring the Public Library (8s per -C 100) is excessive, considering that tho building is almost isolated, that no smoking is allowed iv it, nnd that some brick stores in the businoss thoroughfares aro covorcd at a co3t of only 7s. Ho moved at tho meeting of the Council list night that a representation should bo to the company interested, and that consideration of the Public Works Committee's recommendation to increase the risk on the Library from .£3500 to 44000 fhou'd be deferred. Tho motion was secondod by Councillor Parsons, and agreed to. Much regret will be felt by a large section of our readers on learning of tho doath of Mrs. J. B. Harcourt, whioh occurred early this morning, after a lingering illness. Tho deceased lady was of a most kindly and bonovolont disposili' v, and there aro many who aro indebted to her for spontaneous acts of charity. Until quite recontly sho filled tho position of honorary treasurer of the Girls' Friendly Society, having takon tho office- when the institution was first started, and for vory many yoars she has also been a nsoful member of tho management committee of tho Aloxandra Homo, besides which her sympathy with and rcadino3s to assist any deserving object has been unfailing. Groat sympathy will be felt with Mr. Harcourt and his six motherless children, tlneo of whom aro quite young. Mrs. Harcourt was tho .only surviving daughter of tho late Mr. J . H. Wallace. The Marino Department has received in. formation tbat a small vessel about 40ft or 50ft long and 15ft beam had been Beon float, iug bottom up, N. by W. about five miles from Cape Foulwind. The steamer Ngaio to-day got the wreck in tow, and will bring it to Westport, A telcphono message from the Lowor Hntt apprises us that Mr. Thomas Frothoy, one of tho oldest settlers in tho Wellington oUtrict, breathed his last at 1 o'clock this afternoon at tho ripo old ago of 85. Doceased came to Port Nicholson in one of tho vessels bringing tho pioneer settlers. He leaves a family of four daughters and threo sons. The following further contributions have boon received by tho Ballanco Memorial Committee : — Bnnnythorpe school children (penny subscription), Cs ; Dr. Henry, .£3 3s ; Dr. F. Wallace Mackenzie, Dr. G.E. Anson, J. M'Gowan, .£1 Is each ; Murray and Cnsey aud Wardell Bros., 10s each ; J. M. Harding Vosseler, a Friend, S. and S., J. Myers and Co , F. Cohen, W.W.8., 5s each; T.W.C., T.8.E., 434 3 each ; W.Rr.81., 3s; W.S., E.E., W.J., A.N., S. H. Carter, 2s Cd each ; Ah Hapo, 2»; already ackuowledged, J3141 0s 6d; total, .£151 135. After tho Wakatipn left the wharf last night sho stopped while sho was searched for stowaways. Two men who had no tickets wore brought back with their swags, and were immediately surrounded by n knot of curious people 011 the wharf. On one of them being aeked by a bystander whether he was not afraid of tbo punishment ho wonld havo roceived on tho other sido, ho said "I'd have got a month in Sydney, but I'd sooner do a month there than btay another week in tin's country." Evidently tho Premier had been too much for him. Mr. W. H. Levin has acceded to thn request of Iho City Council that hu should present li s portrait for hanging iv the Public Library. The Mayor in'o-med the Council last night that Mr. Justice Richmond hud not yet ropliod to a similar request that had been made to him. The tender of Messra. P. Hutsou & Co. lias been accepted for tho supply of pipes required iv connection with the city Drainago Scheme, provided a full set of samplc3 js supplied at once. Tho prices arc lower thnn thoso paid in Sydney aud Adelaide for similar "work. Tho local manager of the Union Batik (Mr Wardrop) wrote to tho City Council last nightroportingihat tho Sanitation Loan had been floated, and ho expressed a hope that tbo result was considered satisfactory. On tho motion of the .Mayor, seconded by Councillor Smith, it was resolved to inform tho Bank that tho Council was thoroughly satisfied with the result. Correspondence- which passod between the local manager of tho Bank in question and tho Mayor a fo\v days ago was also read, and on the motion of Councillor Fraser, seconded by Councillor Smith, it was resolved, "That tho undertaking given by tho Mayor to the Union Bank in his letter to tho Bank dated the 16th inst., to the offect that it is tho intention of the Conncil to .pay interest on tho Sanitation Loan at tho rate of 41 por cent, in London, froo of dednation on any account and froo of colonial taxation on tbo same, is hereby confirmed." Tho Mayor, in reply to a question, said that of course if an Act woro passod tbat the Conncil must tax debeuturo-bolders, thero would be no option. In that caso the Council could not help itsolf. The Marlborough Express states that tho Government has forwarded a sum of to the Chief Survcvor, to be expended in tho repair of tho Wuirau Massacre Monument. In the Magistrate's Court this morning, before Mr. Martin, R.M., Elizabeth Adams and Thomas Simm woro each fined 40s, or in default three days' imprisonment, for drunkenness. Annie Cook, for being drnnk in Fraaor's-lano, was fined ss, or in the alternative 24 hours' imprisonment, and on a charge of having used obscene language sho was sent to gaol for Bovon days. Two young men named Andrew Collins and William Bowdon wero charged with having fought on Lambton-quay on Sunday. The caso against Collins, who pleaded Not Guilty, was dismissed, but Bowden was fined 5s and costs (7sK as ho had admitted tho charge. Mr. Hindmarsh appoared for Collins. An information charging Patrick Dooley with failing to comply with an ordor for a woekly contribution towards the support of his father, was dismissed, tho complainant failing to attend. John Cooper, fishmonger, «as sentencod to sovc n days' imprisonment with hard labour for haying used insulting language towards Cnjsari Pierotti on tho Queen's Wharf on the 9th instant. An information charging August Manson with an assault upon Sarah Harrington was dismissed. Tho business transacted at the meeting of tho Trades Council last night was principally of a routine character. Tbo Secretary was instructed to write to the Liboral Association asking if it intended taking any action in regard to tho Council's last communication bugpqsting nnothor conference on political matters. Mr. A. Ward, VicoPrasidont, occupied tho chair, in tho absonco of tho President. Tho half-yearly meeting of Conrt Epuni, No. 73H, A.0.F., was hold at tho Masonic Hall, Petoue, last night, Bro. H Findlay, C.R., presiding. Tha election of officers for tho ensuing six months resulted as follows : - C It., Bro. W. Parrant ; S.C.R , Bro J. Elvinos; S.W.. Bro. C. Vining: J.W., Bro. Hunt; SB , Bro. G. Pettitt; J. 8., Bro. T. Ryan; M.S., Bro. L.' Parrant; Auditor, Bro. W. White. Tho following nominations were received for District Officers : — D.C. X. . Bro. Skinner, Court No. 3118; D.S.C.R., Bro. Skene, Court No. 7009; D.8., Bro. F. Burnley. Court No. 7314; D.S., Bro. A. Whiteford, Court No. 4428 ; D.T., Bro. H. Birch, Court No. 5081. A committee was appointed with a view to the formation of a court of female Foresters in Petone. Tbo Star of Wellington (1.0. G.T.) Lodgo's woekly session was held last night. A vote of tlmnks was given to tho mombors of the Social Committee. It was announced that the dramatic performance in connection with the Lodgo anniversary will be hold on the 20th July. The Club Hotel, Stratford, ha 3 changed hands, Dwan Bros, having disposed of Mr. P. T. Spillano's interest in it to Mr. E. H. Campbell, late of tho Masonic Hotel, Woodville. At a meeting hold lastni-rhtrin connection with Miss M'Cloan'a tableaux, arrangements wero made for dolaying the last train on Monday to tho Lower Hutt to 11.15. Mr. Hall, of the tramwaj'fi, has also made special arrangements. A satisfactory rohcarsal was held, and everything points to an interesting evening's amusement. The scries of Popular Concerts which has been held in the Theatre Eoyal for the last eleven weeks ended last night in what can only bo described as an unseemly fiasco. Fiom tho vory outset the concert was characterised by hitches iv the management, but nothing very serious occurred in the first part, and tho sonpd of Miss Maggie Johnson, Miss Large, Mr. Prouso, and Master Widdop, with tho pianoforte solo of Miss Dugdale, the violin dnot of Miss Dugdale and Mr. Spaokman, and the Handel trio, wero greatly enjoyed. The real trouble was roservod for the second half of the programme. This was introduced by tho Kowalski "Marche Hongroise," played npon two pianos by Misses M. Myers and Dugdale, under difficulties as to seating whioh the management ought to have avoided ; but tho item was enoored,and tho draw hick remedied, when it was porformed again, with muoh better effect. Mr. R. B. Williams sang " Calvary" — a song which does not at afl Buit his voice. Then came the climax. Miss Maggie Johnson sang H. Parker's charming "At my Window," and with it brought down the house. Long and loud was the applause, but without any response having been made by tho lady or the managers, Messrs. Parker and Mao Duff Boyd made their appearance to go on with the next item, an instrumental duet. At once there were orios for " Miss Johnson," with continued applanso, and one or two faint hisses were heard, Mr. Parker tried to begin his introduction, bnt as the audience kopt up its clamour, the sound of the piano was not audible. Finally, sooing that they coald not get a hearing ui-til Miss Johnson had re-appeared, tho two gentlemen walked off the stage, evidently muoh annoyed. Still the applause was kept up, with no resnlt until, after tho strain had become^ painful, Miss Johnson came to the wing and trowed her acknowledgments. As there wore yet calhf of "Encore!" Mr. Maginnity announced that Miss Johnson had a cold, and was unable to comply with tho encore. Then ensued another long "wait," and it appeared as if the concert was not to be completed, _ though there were still tonr items on the programme. Mr. Parker -tad dearly withdrawn, and thero was every appearance of an utter break-down, but Mr. Prouse, with characteristic, good nature, came on out of his turn and sang " Nazareth," with uncommonly good effect, Mr. Maginnity accompanying, and a solo by Miss Largo and a duet by Miss Johnson and Mr. Williams enabled faith to be kept with the publio except as to .the Parker-Boyd item. There was oertainly iiothing in the behaviour of the audience to justify the manner in whioh .htR tram nmtMatd

Tho case of Barnsdnlo v. tho Longburn Freezing Company was begun in the Supreme Court this morning, before Mr. Justice Richmond and a special jury composed as follows : — Me-srs. James M'Donald (foreman), B. M. Molyncaux, W. R. Bock, and T. Carmichael. Ihe plaintiff, who belongs to Auckland, claims to recover .£3OO, being an amount which ho alleges tho Company agreed to pay him for tho erootion of machinery for tbo manufacture of manuro by a patent process of his o«n. The defotico is that tho plaintiff has not carried out hi? contract and is not in a position to astign any rights, I ecause the patent is not his own. Mr. Barnicoat is for the plaintiff, Mr. Brown, with him Mr. Hankins, of Pnlmerston No th, boing for the defendants. Tho ease had not concluded when we went to press. Lieut. - Colonol Neivall was unablo to attend to inspect the Guards last night, and Captain Pater<-on acted ns inspecting officer Thero was an excellent muster, 40 of all ranks being present. It was decided to prosent tho prizes at a social gathering. There was a good attendance at tho Zoalandia Lodge, 1.0.0. F., A.C., last evening, when the election of officers for tho ensuing torm of six months took 1 place, and resulted as follows :— N.G., Bro. B. P. Curtis ; V.G , Bro. A. Clark ; Roc. Sec, Bro. H. Cornwall; Per. Sec, Bro. O. Brooke Taylor ; Treasurer, Bro. R. H. Wilson. A piano, tho property of individual membors, was used at tho meeting for the first time, and a vory enjoyable programme of songs hy Bros. Wilson, Beharrell, J. Green, Jordan, Taylor, and Bott wqb gono through, Bro. J. C. Williamson playing the accompaniments. Tho plan of the reserved scats for tho MißScs Albu Concert Season was open yesterday morning at 10 o'clock, and within an hour a groat number had been booked ; while tho demand fur tickets to-day has been great since early this morning. The Columbia Skating Rink will bo open to-night, when the City Biass Band will porform. Ladios will be admitted freo. " Sister Magdala," asaociate-fouuder of the Students of Truth, Christchnrch, is now in Wellington, and will speak at Thomas' Hall on Sunday afternoon and in the ovening. "E, Fetxrce uo'iSes fho opoumfr-out of Bpeclal shipments of Noiwcgian cihppsrn. Ho also calls nttoution to somo special importations of children's, ladies', nnft ircntleiaeii'd eveuinp Rhoes, and a g'iat variety of waterproof buota for wiuter woar. Townsend & Paul will sell to-morrow, fruit, lie. W. F. Suortt will sell to-morrow, furniture, Ac. (ioonre Thomas & Co. mil sell to-morrow, fruit. Loiac, trap and harness.

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Evening Post, Volume XLV, Issue 146, 23 June 1893, Page 2

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Untitled Evening Post, Volume XLV, Issue 146, 23 June 1893, Page 2

Untitled Evening Post, Volume XLV, Issue 146, 23 June 1893, Page 2


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