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We hear that the soheme for a co-operative butchery .which .w£s diEctased at a sieetinjj held at Mr; 6. Bodley's restaurant on Wednesday evening has also eDgaged the attention of the Knights of Labour. The committee appointed on Wednesday night met yesterday afternoon and selected a deputation, consisting pf Messrs. F. Moeller, H. Gilmer, G. Bodley, D. £\ Lawlor, and H. Sullivan, who will to night meet £ deputation appointed by the Knightß of Labour and discuss the project, with the view of amalgamation and the formation of one powerful company. The conductors of the large steam laundries in the oity fosl aggrieved that while they are compelled to paj for tho water they consume at Is psr thousand gallons, according to tho consumptioa indicated by meter, there aro other laundry-keepers who pay only the ordinary water rate. Messrs. W. H. Tyson, E. Gawn, and A. Naismith waited upon the City Council last night, and complained that in consequence ot such partial treatment those trade opponents who escape the meter charges are able to compete unfairly with them. They asked that tho system of supplying by meter should be insisted Upon in the cisc of all laundries. As the case seemed to be simply one of the by-law overlooking the laundry-koepera in question, the matter was referred by the Council to the Waterworks Inspector for a report. Mr. Graham, R.M., to-day declined to grant Mrs. Charlotte Brown a niarried woman's property protection order, which was ipplftd fUr, dn the grounds that her husband <v&3 an habittial drtlnkaf d. The Hechabites of Wellington have decided to give four concerts in aid of the Free Library Fund. The first is to oome off on the Utith instant. A meeting of the delegatos appointed by the various friendly sooietios to represent thera on the Library Committee iB to be held neit weak for the purpose of making arrangements, to hold a monster concert in Rid of the fnnd. A statement of ihe oiroumstanoes connected with the foul which took place between G. S. Hill and W. Jonea, while competing in the Champion Soulls, Oriental Boating Club, a few days ago, has been laid by the former before the President. Hill has intimated to the Committee) that he refuses to abide by their decision, which awarded the heat to Jones, and will not surrender possession of the trophy unless the President rules that he wm in the wrong in regard to' the foul. The Star of Wollington Lodge, 1.0. G.T., held its quarterly session last evening at the Exchango Buildings, under the presidenov of Bro. W-. Johnson, C.T. One candidate Was initiated, The reports of officers and Standing Committee showed that no net inorease of membership could be reported for the quarter, that there was a -small balanco on the wrong side (which wits more toon recotiped during the evening"), and that a considerable number of absent members had bop'n Visited and urged, to'.aj^eiJS the. meeiinjj. me. M'Curdy , Ifodgo Deputy, with the assistance of two visiting brotborß, then installed the officers, aftor which the presiding officer pointed out the necessity of attention to duty and united effort in the important work which brings the brethren together every week. A Juvenile Executive Committee was then appointed to assist in the work iv connection with the Rising Star Juvenile Temple, the superintendent of which is Bro. David Thompson. Several committees were appointed and votes of thanks to those who assisted in the installation and to the visitorß, brohght the proceedings to a olose. , The Town Clerk notifies defaulting ratepayers that they will loso their votes unless rates in arrear are-paid very shortly. A meeting of the Amalgamated Sooiety of Kailway Servants, Wellington Branch, is called for to-morrow evening at the Eailway Hotel. Mr. James Bell, of Wanganni, has purchased, through Mossrs. Dvran Bros., the lease and goodwill of the Railway Hotel, Johnsonvillo. Tho now landlord is already in possession. The usual weekly meeting of the Wesloyan Mutual Improvement Sooiety waa held laßfc evening, tho Rev. J. Berry in the chair. The business of the .evening was tho reading of the Journal by tho editor, Mr. J. H. Helliwell. Afterwards the articles were criticised by Messrs Goddard, G. B. Clark, Sims and Godber. The business for next evening is a lecture by^th'e Rev. C. S. Ogg; M.A., on " The Facts and Theories of Modern Astronomy." A meeting of the Garrison Band Amusemont Committee was held last evening, when all the arrangements in connection with their dance to bo held on Monday next wore completed. A strong snb-committeo was appointed to prepare tho floor. A general meeting of St. Peter's choir is tobe hold this evening. Job E. Lindberg, the cheap draper, wrong side' of Cuba-street, is to-day presenting our readers with an inset annonucing that he ib now holding n gigantic sale, aud eiiumeratinir Bomo exceptionally chuap lines in drapery and clothing which are stated to be well worthy of an early inspection. We are requested by Mr. C. Smith, the cash draper, of Cuba-street, to say that his window will be lighted up this •veiling for a specml display of beautifurrobes, jackets, and millinfery. George Winder, the now To Aro ironmonger, notifies that he will open his premises at the corner of Cuba and Manner-streets to-morrow. He undertakes to supply only the best of goods at the lowest prices. Messrs. Cuningham, Badham and Co. will sell by auction to-morrow afternoon nlongs'do the Opera House 20 Ay shire cows and 1 Ayrshire bull, just landed ex Waihora, also serornJ polled Angus, which may now be seen at the stables of the New Zealander Hotel ; and at 2.30 p.m. they will hold their usual monthly horso sale, and will offer Jo mo 25 horsos, baker's delivery cart, spring cart, harness, &o, Noble (iamDbell & OOi will sell to-morrow 1 horses, harness, fie. A. J. Beid will sell to-morrow, unredeemed pledges. Freeman R. Jackson & Co. will sell to-morrow, at Otaki, stook. O. M. Snelson will sell to-morrow, at Palmenton North, land. Francis Sidey & Co. wiU tell to-morrow, furniture, &c. We have been favoured with quite a rush of appreciative customers to our mantle Bhowroom during the past fortnight, both from the oity and country, which of itself is an evidence that our season's importations at Te Aro House have secured widespread approval. Ws have some attractive and fashionable artioles to show this week, whioh have been just received by direct steamer, the most novel being the "Highwayman" and " Coachman " capes, in great variety. Some of the leading colors are fawn, grey, brown, navy, terra ootta, and blaok. These are worth inspecting at Te Aro Honse. t Ot/b selection of ladies' plush and sealette jackets is most attractive. We have those in all the newest and most approved styles, and would call special attention to " The Fife," with modioi collar, and " Czarina," with embroidered Bilk rovets, whioh are exceedingly becoming, and are " all the rage" in the Old Country. These have attracted much attention from visitors to TeAro House. Ladi«s' tweed and oloth jaokets are also in great profusion, and in the most fasoinating and charming styles. Wo wonld particularly call attention to the " Classical " jackets; such as "The Milton," "The Byron," " The Tennyson.*' These are very handsome, have beautifully embroidered vests and lapels, and should be seen at onoe at Te Aro House.— Advt. " What's 'in a name ? " says Willyum Shako-his-spear. A very groat deal, say we For instance, had he lived nntil now, he would always have insisted on having- the Gold Medal Brand (and no other) of Condensed Milk. — Atcv^T. To get immediate ' relief in all oaeoa of congh, cold on the ohest, and all disorders of the lungs, we would s'rongly recommend Rerishaw's Monarch of Pain, which, from its soothing and healing properties, allays that tickling irritation of the throat, trachea, and air passages of tho lungs, whioh, when neglected, terminate in what is "called the ohronic or constitutional cough. " This continned irritation, when allowed to remain uncheoked, by exciting some latent disposition m the lungs, too often brings on that fatal disease— consumption. — Advt.

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Evening Post, Volume XXXIX, Issue 102, 2 May 1890, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Post, Volume XXXIX, Issue 102, 2 May 1890, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Post, Volume XXXIX, Issue 102, 2 May 1890, Page 2