T IBT of PERSONS who have, during the' months of January, February, and March, ISGG) in accord mce with the pro.lJ visions of the "Registration of Electoi-3 Act, 18-38,"and the " Rejftstntion of Electors Act, 1853, Amendment Act" oil, preferred claim j to be placed upon the Electoral Roll for the Electoral District of Manuherikia.
Christian name and Sur name of the Claimant at Place of Abode. Nature of Plate where property is situate Proviuceal Attested by full length. qualification and description of same. District. T Terry, John Alexandra household 1 house, Broad-street, Alexandra Dunstan John Jack Theyers, William do do house, Broad-street, Alexandra do \lexander Jack Thomson, James Charles do do house, Alexandra do John Jack Thompson, John Clyde do dwelling-house, Camp-st., Clyde do Charles Goodwin Tubman, Edward Roxburgh do Roxburgh, wood and iron house fitapeka John Beighton lubman, Francis do do Roxburgh, sods and zinc do William Joseph Flynn Tubman, Robert do do Roxburgh, wood and iron house do John Beighton Turner, John V Queenstown freehold sec. 26a, block 1, Queenstown The Lakes Ferdinand Falck Yye, Henry vv Lawrence do section, township of Lawrence Tuapeka J; C; Brown Walker, George do household Lawrence, house do Edward Walsh Warren, William Queenstown freehold sec. 11, block 2, Church-street, The Lakes Henry Manders Wcarne, Jaketh Eddy Manuherikia household Queenstown “Wakatip Mail ” Manuherikia, cottage Dunstan John Wrightson W eaver, David Queenstown freehold store and residence, sec. 15 and The Lakes Henry Manders 16, block 6, arid section 42, block 1, Beach-street, Qu^nsWeaver, John town Manuherikia household cottage, Manuherikia Dunstan John Jack Wells, William Clyde do Sunderland-street, Clyde, private do Goodwin Westcott, William house West Roxburgh do West Roxburgh, Teviot, farmManuherikia J olm Beisditon house and dairy W better, William Henry Cromwell do Cromwell, wood <fe iron building Dunstan Thomas Shanley White, John Roxburgh, Teviot do Roxburgh thatched house Tuapeka William Joseph Flynn Willis, Richard Queenstown do sec. 11, block 2, Church-street, : The Lakes Henry Manders Queenstown Willgoss, Edward Roxburgh,Teviot do Roxburgh, dwelling-house, sods Tuapeka Wiiliam Joseph Flynn and thatch Williams, Benjamin Roxburgh do Roxburgh, sods and thatch do do Williams, William Clyde do Hyde, household property value £5 Cromwell, wood &, calico building Dunstan Martin Marshall Williamson, Joseph Cromwell do do Patrick Kelly Wilson, Robert Queenstown do tenement arid residence, ReesThe Lakes Henry Manders street, Queenstown V, oodhouse, Francis Roxburgh do Roxburgh, two-roomed house Tuapeka John Beighton Woodhouse, James Ellis Roxburgh,Teviot do loxburgh, hotel hurt of wood • do William Joseph Flynn and iron 'Woodman, William Clyde do Sundorland-stroet, Clyde, iron Dunstan William Grindley and wood house Worth, Samuel Queenstown do tenement and residence, Reesstreet, Queenstown The Lakec Ferdinand Falck Worthington, John Scott Queenstown do I roomed bouse, Camp, Queensdo Henry Manders town Wright, Isaacf Cromwell reohold Victoria 5 tore,Main-st, Cromwel 1 Dunstan Patrick Kelly Wrightson, John Y Young, Andrew Alexandra rousehold aouse, Alexandra do John Jack Roxburgh do loxburgh, thatched house Tuapeka John Beighton OBJECTIONS to any of the above applications must bo lodged at my office on or bo 'ore the last day of April current. II.- W. ROBINSON, Registration Officer. Clyde, April 7, 1866. #
Christian name and SurPlace whore Property situate, name of the Claimant at Place of Abode .Natiu-e of and name and description Provincial Attested by full length, qualification of same District.’ Ainge, Thonias Teviot household Teviot, thatched house Tuapoka William Joseph Flynn do Alexander, James do do Teviot, thatched house do Allen, Peter Pumery Manuherikia do bouse, Manuherikia Dunstan John Jack Anderson, David Benger Flat West do Benger Plat, West Clutha, Manuherikia John Beighton Clutha thatched house Anderson, James Duns tan do Dunstan, private house Dunstan Ashworth, John Kawarau Gorge do Kawarau, dwelling-house of timber and canvas do Richard F. Badger Atkinson, Prank Bf Badger, Richard Prancis Alexandra do calico house, Alexandra do John Jack Kawarau Gorge do dwelling-house and agency office, Kawarau Gorge do Christian Schada Bailey, William Lament Clyde do Sunderland-street, Clyde do Barr, John Cromwell do Cromwell, wood and calico building do Patrick Kelly Bate, Henry Clifford Clyde do Clyde, wood and iron building do John Beighton Beaton, Duncan West Roxburgh do West Roxburgh, Teviot JuneManuherikia do tion, Roxburgh Hotel Beattie, William Alexandra do house, Broad-street, Alexandra Dunstan John Jack Beck,, Canute Clyde freehold freehold property, Sunderlandstreet, Cyde do do Beasley,- George Kawarau Gorge household Kawarau Gorge, house and market garden do George Burrows Beighton, Janies Roxburgh, West Clutha do weatherboard house, Roxburgh, West C-utha Manuherikia John Beighton Bell, Prancis Dillon Dunedin freehold homestead and pre-emptive right on Run 2G1, Ida YaUey C ydo Dunstan Geo. M ‘Lean Bell, Roger Gee’s Plat 1 Kawarau Gorge household Gee’s Flat, -dwel ing-house of timber and canvas do Robert Kelsall Bonnets, John Conroy’s do house, Conroy’s do . , T . Beresford, William Alexandra do house, Broad-street, A’cxandra do do Robert Kelsall Bew, Charles Gee’s Flat, Kawarau Gorge do Gee’s Fiat, dwelling-house of timber and canvas do Bidgood, George Teviot do Teviot, sods and thatch Tuapoka William Joseph Flynn John Jack John Beighton Robert Barlow Benney, John Conroy’s do house, Conroy's Dunstan Birch, Albert Bolton, Robert Benger Flat Duns tan do do Benger F at, thatched house Mutton-town Point, dwellinghouse Manuherikia Dunstan Booth, David Cromwell do Cromwell, wood and iron bullddo Thos. Shauly Booth. Joseph Kawarau Gorge do Kawarau Gorge, wood and iron do do »>ui ding Broad, Charles Hamilton's do Hamilton’s, five-roomed house Manuherikia Phillip Augustus Connolly John Beighton Brouard, John Brown, John Roxburgh Clyde do do Bo < burgh, thatched house Camp-street, Clyde, iron house Tuapoka Dunstan Brown, Samuel Roxburgh do Roxburgh, stone and zinc house Tuapeka William Joseph Flynn Kichard Watkins Martin Marshall William Grindley Patrick Kelly Brown, Thomas Brown, William Browne, John Williams Bruce, John Alexandra Clyde Dunstan Smith's Gully do do do do A'exandra Mution-town Point, Dunstan dwelling-house, Dunstan Smith’s Gully, wood and calico bui ding Dunstan do do do Buchanan, Andrew Patcaroa do Patearoa, Station, Maniatoto house Manuherikia William Baldwin Burrows, George C Kawarau Gorge do Kawarau Gorge, dwelling-house and store Dunstan Richard F. Badger Cain, James Dunstan do Dunstan, iron and wood house do Robert Barlow Cakebread, Williams do do Wai Keri Keri Creek, dwellingdo do house Calder, Peter Alexandra do house, Broad-street, Alexandra do Callow, John Kawarau Gorge do Kawarau Gorge, dwelling-house do Richard F. Badger' of timber and canvas Cameron, Alexander do do Kawarau Gorge, dwellingdiouse do do Cameron, James of timber and canvas Alexandra do Alexandra, schoolhousc do Cameron, Thomas Commissioner’s Plat do Commissioner’s Flat, Teviot Tuapeka William Joseph fly ns Cameron, Thomas Teviot Flat do Teviot Flat, thatched house do John Beighton
Christian name and sitrname of Claimant at Place of Abode Nature of Place where Property is situate Provincial Attested by full length. qualification and description of same. District, Canned, Robert Alexandra household house, Broad-.treet, Alexandra 1 tonstan John Jack Carlaw, Alexander Teviot do Teviot, sods and thatch Tuapeka William Joseph Flynn Chalmers, Nathaniel Moa Fiat do Lower Station, Moa Flat Run Manuherikia John Brighton Chambers, William Charles Teviot do Teviot, thatched house Tuapeka William Joseph Flynn Chappie, John Colo Manuherikia do cottage, Manuherikia Dunstan John Jack Chamock, Edward Alexandra do house, Camp-street, Alexandra do do Cbilman, William Teviot Flat do Teviot Flat, thatched house Tuapeka John Beighton Clancy. John Roxburgh do East Roxburgh, Teviot,thatched do do Clancy. Thomas house Commissioner’s ~ Flat do Commissioner's Flat Teviot da vv;n;atw www — ~ v,— Clarke, Samuel Marshall Clyde do Township of Clyde Robert Barlow Clough, Richard Manuherikia do house, Manuherikia John Jack Coates, James Julian Clyde do wooden house, Camp, Clyde Robert Barlow Collet, .George Hogburn do Hogburn, Ancient Briton Hotel Robert Crickmore Conelon, Michael near Cromwell do near Cromwell, wood and calico house Duristan G. W. Goodger Conlon, Thomas * do do near Cromwell, wood and calico do do house Connolly, Phillip Augustus Hamilton’s do Hamilton, two.roomed house Charles Broad Cook, Aner - Alexandra do cottage, Alexandra John Jack Condon, George Gordon Roxburgh,Teviot do Roxburgh, dwelling-house and blacksmith’s shop, built of Tuapeka William Joseph Flynn* % Cornish, Thomas stone and iron Benger Flat do Bengor Flat, West Clutha, do John Beighton Cox, Henry thatched house Sixteen - mile do sixteen-mile beach, Mount do do Crompton, James Gorton Beach Beriger, store Bald Hill Flat do house, Bald Hill Flat John Jack Crossan, John Camming, John Teviot Alexandra do do Teviot. wattles, mud and thatch bouse, Broad-street, Alexandra Tuapeka W illiam Joseph Flynn John Jack Curran, James ■ it vVest Roxburgh do West Roxburgh, Teviot, iron store :>) anuherikia John Beighton Gale, VV illiam Kawarau Gorge do Kawarau Gorge, dwelling-house Dunstan John Perriam Dalton, Daniel Clarke Vest Roxburgh do of timber and canvas West Roxburgh, Teviot thatched Manuherikia John Beighton Dalton, Daniel Clarke do do W est Roxburgh,Teviot thatched do do Dalziell, Andrew house Duustan do dwelling-house, Mutton-town Dunstan Robert Barlow Dawkins, James Cromwell freehold Gully Cromwell, iron building Patrick Kelly Doran, John Alexandra household Alexandra do Richard Watkins Drummy, Jeremiah Manuherikia do bouse, Manuherikia do John Jack Duhig, Benjamin Kawarau Gorge do Kawarau Gorge, dwelling-house Richard F. Badger Daley, John Alexandra do of timber and canvas cottage, Alexandra do John Jack Duncan, Malcolm Duukley, Henry Dunlay, John Duprey, Seymour Nevis do Skipper’s Hotel, Nevis Robert Barlow Clyde dtf Clyde; private house West Roxburgh, thatched house D. M‘Pberson West Roxburgh do John' Beighton Quartz-reef Point do Quartz-reef Point, near CromDuustan Thos. Shanley Eady, Robert well, wood and calico house Miller’s Flat do Miller’s Flat, thatched house John Beighton Elliott, Edmund Crabb Ellis, William Dunstan do dwelling-house, Dunstan Gorge Robert Barlow north bankKawado store, wood and iron building, do Patrick Kelly ran, near Cromnear Cromwell Escott, Isaac W. well Cromwell do Cromwell, wood and calico do Eustice, William K bui ding Clyde do Mutton-town Point, Dunstan do Martin Marshall . Fcraud, Jean Desire do freehold freehole tenement, situated in dcr do - the township of Clyde, of the Finlay, Robert value of £C0 Alexandra household bouse, Alexandra do i'itzgerald Patrick Tracey Roxburgh, West do Roxburgh, West, house and Manuherikia John BeightonFleming, John ■ CTutha Kawarau Gorge do Kawarau Gorge, Digger,s Rest dunstan Thos. Shanly Forbes, James Hotel ■Vest Clutha, do Island, near Teviot, house Manuhcriki John Beighton Frankton, Frederick Teviot Smith’s Gully do Smith’s Gully, wood and iron Dunstan ?atrick Kelly ■ building Fraser, William Manuherikia do Earose eugh Station do H. Campbell, Jr. Gairdner, Robert John Run 205 leasehold Hun 205, Taieri Lake Station Alex. H. Benson George, Edward Tobias Hogburn, Mount household Victoria Hotel, Hogburn, Mt. do William M'Farlano George, Peter Ida Ida Roxburgh do Roxburgh, Teviot Junction Tuapeka John Beighton Gilbert, John Gledhiil, George Goodger, Geo. Wellington Goodlett, John Scott thatched house Manuherikia do cottage, Manuherikia Dunstan John Jack do near Cromwoll Black’s do do do house, Manuherikia near Cromwell, house and land Iwelling-house,Black’s Diggings do do do Alexander Jack Thos. Shanley Robert Barlow Gouldin, John Island, near West do No J Is and, West Roxburgh,thatched Manuherikia John Beighton Graham, Alexander Roxburgh Commissioner’s Flit do Commissioners Flat, Teviot Tuapeka William Joseph Flynrf Gorham, Thomas Graves, Phillip do (lee’s Flat, Kawado do Commissioner’s Flat, Teviot Gee’s Flat, dwe ling-house of do Dunstan do John Jack Gurney, James Hacket, James Henry ran Gorge timber and canvas Bald Hill Flat Dunedin do leasehold house, Bald Hid Fiat part of a 10-acre lease, on cast do do Robert Kelsall T. R. Hacket Halliday, John Shepherd’s Creek freehold bank of the Molyneux River Shepherd’s Creek, wood and do Patrick Iveliy Hancox, Jo!m Roaring Meg household iron store Kyrtleburn, Roaring Meg Hotel, ' do Joseph Booth Hand, Thomas Harding, Herbert Teviot Sandy Hook do do timber and iron Teviot, thatched house dwelling-house, Sandy Hook, Tuapeka Dunstan William Joseph Flynn Robert Barlow Hastedt, William Henry Hastie, Joseph Alexandra' Clyde do do Dunstan house, Broad-street, Alexandra Sunder land-street, Clyde, baker’s do do John Jack Robert Barlow Haughton, Joseph Hays, John Hayward, George Teviot near Cromwell Kawarau Gorge do do do shop Teviot, thatched dwe' ling-house near Cromwcd, wood and ca ico Kawarau Gorge, dwelling-house Tuapeka Dunstan do William Joseph FlynnC. W. Goodger Richard F. Badger Henderson, John Buchanan Surface Point do and dairy Surface Point, Kawarau Gorge, dwebing,house of timber and do James Manaon Henderson, William Alevandra do canvas house, Broad-street, Alexandra John Jack Heron, Henry Herbert Fourteen Mile do Fourteen-mile Beach, Mount Tuapeka John Beighton Heron, Thomas Beach Kawarau Gorge, do Benger, thatched house hotel Dunstan Phillip Graves Hethcrington, John near Cromwell Cromwell freehold Main-street, Cromwell, Postdo Janies Hinds Heyward, John Manorburn htnisehlod office Store house, Manorburn Alexander Jack Hillhouse, Charles Hinds, James Alexandra Cromwell do do house, Broad-street, Alexandra Kawarau Hotel, Cromwell do John Jack Robert Barlow Hinegan, John Hobson, Thomas Butcher’s Gully Alexandra do do Butcher’s Gully bouse. Alexandra do L. G. Ryan John Jack Holloway, John, Honner, John Duustan do dwe ling-house, Dunstan do Charles Goodwin Commissioner's do Commissioner’s Fiat, Teviot do William Joseph Flyna Honner, William Hopper. Peter Albert Flat do Clydo do freehold Commissioner’s Flat, Teviot freeho'd proyerty, SunderlandTuapeka Dunstan do John Jack Hoyle, James Hueston, Charles Hughes, Hugh Teviot household street, C yde Teviot, sods and thatch Tuapeka William Joseph Flynn Clyde do township of Clyde Dunstan Robert Barlow Kawarau Gorge do Kawarau Gorge, dwelling-house do John Perriam Hull, William. Frederick Clyde do of timber and canvas household property, township of C yde, of the yearlp value ol Five pounds, being the Bank ol New Zealand, Sunderlanddo A. Christophers Hurley, John Cromwell do street, C ydo wood and ca ico tent, Cromwcl do G. W. Goodyer
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Dunstan Times, Issue 207, 14 April 1866, Page 2 (Supplement)
Word Count
2,214HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Dunstan Times, Issue 207, 14 April 1866, Page 2 (Supplement)
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