-— Christian name and Sm--Place where Property situate ■ 1 Christian name and stir- - ,i " ” — name of the Claimant at Place of Abode Nature o*f and name and description Provincial Attested by name of Claimant at Place of Abode Nature of Place where Property is situate Provincial Attested by full length, qualification of same District. full length. qualification and description of same. District. Insley, William Dunedin road sevenmilesfron do Dunstan and Dunedin road Dunstan Robert Barlow Preshaw, John Allan Mount Ida household i-ank of New Mouth Wales, do A. C. Stewart pubic-house Main-street, Mount Ida Ireland, George Iverson, Andreas Christian Dunstan Price, William Vest Roxburgh do West Roxburgh, house and do John Beighton Teviot do Teviot, sods and thatch Tuapeka William Joseph Flynn shop, wood and iron Conroy’s do house, Conroy’s Dunstan J ohn Jack R J Rankin, Andrew Kyebuvn Adams’s Gully do Kyeburn Station do James Thomson Jack, Alexander Alexandra do house, Broad-street, Alexandra do do Bedford, William do Adams’s Gully, wood and calico Dunstan Patrick Kelly Johnston, Thomas near Cromwell house <fc land near Cromwell, wood and calico do Patrick Kelly building Jolly, David A. Quartz-reef Point household bui ding John Perriam Redhead, George Dunstan do Molyneux Farm,Dunstan Plat Robert Harton Quartz’reef Point, go d miner, do Richards, John Bannockburn do Bannockburn, wood and calico do Patrick Kelly Jones, David Nil Pesperandum Company store and dwelling Alexandra do Alexandra do Richard Watkjns Richardson, Charles R. Roxburgh do Roxburgh, hotel, iron A timber Manuherikia William Joseph Flynn do Jones, John Teviot Junction, do house, West Clutha, Teviot Manuherikia John Beighton Riordau, Mathew Teviot do Teviot, iron roofed baker’s shop fuapeka Jones, Henry Conroy West Clutha Junction and residence Alexandra do house. Broad-street, Alexandra Dunstan John Jack Rivers, James Alexandra do store, Hroad-street, Alexandra <'romwell, allotment in Main-st. Dunstan K Thomas Shanly Roberts, Charles William Cromwell freehold do Keauey, James near Cromwell do near Cromwell, wood and calico do Roberts, John Thomas Kawarau Gorge household Ivawarau <-orge, canvas and do (olm Perriam Kelly, Patrick building timber tenement Cromwell freehold komwe 1, Go’den Age Hotel do James Lawrence Robertson, Duncan Balmoral freehold Manuherikia, Balmoral Rotel do , „ Kelsall, Robert Gee’s Plat household Gee’s F at, dwel ing-house of timber and canvas do Richard F, Badger* Roggiero, Augustin Benger Flat household Benger Flat, Teviot, thatched do • r house Kenny, George Clyde leasehold farm, Dunstan do Martin Marshall Robert, Ross Rowley, John Cotton Long Valley do Long Valley, household fuapeka Kenny, James Kawarau Gorge household Kawarau Gorge, wood and iron A ai Keri Keri Va ley, farm dwelling-house, Black’s Divings do Patrick Kelly HamiltonStation do dwelling on tation No. 201 Manuherikia Kenny, John 1 -unstan do do Robert Barlow Ryan, Lawrence Gubbins Alexandra do liouse, Broad-street, Alexandra Dunstan John Lord Kenny, Robert do do do do S Kenny, William Butcher’s Gully do Butcher’s Gu ly do L. G, Ryan Samson, James do do house, Broad-street, Alexandra do Kennan, Patrick Cromwell do romweP, wood and ca’ico do Patrick Kelly Sanders, John Bald-hill Flat do liouse, Bald-hill Flat do Kinnaird, Robert f bui ding Sandison, James Manorburn do Vianorburn ii. G. Ryan Richard F. Badger Blackman's Gully do house, Blackman’s Gully do John Jack Schade, Christian Kawarau Gorge do Kawarau Gorge, ? candinavian do Kinastou, John Roxburgh do Roxburgh, thatched house Tuapeka John Beighton Kinross, Thomas Long Valley do Long Va ley, househo d do William Baldwin Scott, John Alexandra do cottage, Broad-street, ft lexandra John Jack Patrick Kelly Kirkwood, Robert Kitchiugham, Alfred Teviot Kawarau Gorge do do Teviot, mud and wattles, iron roof Kawarau Gorge, dwe’ling-house do Dunstan Wiiliam Joseph Flynn John Perriam Scott, Robert Scott, Robert Smith’s Gully do do do -Tnith’s Gully, wood and calico building mith’s Gully, wood and iron do do do Knowles, Joseph Earnscleugh do timber and canvas John Jack Shanley, Thomas Near Cromwell leasehold near Cromwell, house and land G. W. Goodger house, Earnsc eugh do S minify, William do do near Cromwell, house and land do * L Lawrence, James Cromwell freehold and household %• Croimvel •, wood and iron building on freehold property do Patrick Kelly Shaw, Robert Sheedy, Bryne Long Valley Near Cromwoll household do Long Valley, household near ' Tomwell, wood and calico bui ding do do W iiliam Baldwin Thomas Shanley Leary, William Teviot household Teviot, sods and thatch Tuapeka William Joseph Flynn Sheppard, James West Roxburgh do West Box burgh, thatched house Manuherikia John Beighton Leslie, John Greig \ lexandra do house, Alexandra Dunstan John Jack Sheppard, Jan es do do West Koxburgh, thatched house Leslie, Robert Bald lull Flat do house, Ba d Hill Flat do John ,M‘Donough Sherwood, John Clyde do •underand-street, Clyde Dunstan Lett, Robert Alexandra do house, Broad-street, Alexandra BengerF.at,thatchedstonehouse do John Jack Sbewston, George do do iron bakery, Sunder and-street,-do Robert Barlow Low, John Benger Flat, M est do Manuherikia John Beighton C yde Luscombe, John B. M Macdonald, Alexander Mackersy, John Clutha Cromwell do Cromwell, wood and iron : unstan Patrick Kelly Simpson, WilliiuuLawrence Sims, Thou a i Roxburgh Manuherikia do do ■ toxburgh, stone house liouse, > anuherikia fuapeka Dunstan John Beighton Alexander Jack Teviot Flat Alexandra do do bui d ng Teviot Flat, Mount Benger, thatched house house, Camp-street, Alexandra Tuapeka Dunstan John Beighton John Jack Smith, Gurge Smith, Gkcm Anderson Smith, Henry Clyde Benger Flat Wejji Roxburgh do do do Mutton-town Point, Dunstan Benger Flat, West G.utha. thatched house West Hoxburgh, Teviot Junedo Manuherikia do Martin Marshall John Beighton do Maher, Cornelius Cromwell do Cromwell, wood and calico do Patrick Kelly tion, butcher’s shop Main, David Forsyth Dunedin leasehold bui ding Smith, Robert Marshall Benger Flat do enger F.at, Teviot, thatched do do Run 205 -Manuherikia Charles O’Niell Manson, James Surface Point household Surface Point, Kawarau Gorge, Dunstan Richard F. Badger Smitham, William Clyde do Sydney Hotel, Clyde Dunstan Robert Barlow dwel'ing-house of timber and Smitham, William do freehold reel 10 d tenement, C yde, of the do Charles L. Moricrf Mark, John Paterson Manorburn do canvas liouse, Manorburn do John Jack S.iell, William Benger Flat household va ue of £50 enger F at, thatched house Marsh, John Cromwell freehold Bridge Hote', Cromwell do James Hinds Stephens, James loiith bank of do near Cromwoll, wood and calico do Richard Thomas Marshall, Martin Clyde, Dunstan, do shop, Sunderland-st, Clvde do Robert Barlow hut Martin, John Benger Flat household Benger Flat, Mount Benger, Manuherikia John Beighton Cromwell May, George near Cromwell do thatched house near Cromwell, wood and calico Dunstan G. W< Goodger Stephenson. George StewartArchibaldCrawforci Manuherikia Eweburn Station da mnholder house, Manuherikia weburn Station, Mount Ida Dunstan Manuherikia John Jack John Preshaw Meanock, William Kawarau .Gorge do house ‘ Kawarau Gorge, dwelling-house do Richard F. Badger Stewart, I avid Strean, William Cornish Beacli W est Roxburgh household do oruish Beach, wood and thatch A est Boxburgh, Teviot June Dunstan Manuherikia 1’atrick Kelly Jolm Beighton Mervyn, David Hunter do of timber and canvas Commissioner’s Flat Commissioner’s Flat, thatched house Tuapeka J olm Beighton Strother, John Teviot do Teviot, dwelling-house, sods and Tuapeka William Joseph Flynn Michell, Thomas P. West Clutha, do Teviot Junction, West Clutha Manuherikia do Simmons, John Bald-hill Flat do house, Bald-hill Flat Dunstan John Jack Tov’ot Junction do T Moore, Joseph Smith’s Gully Smith’s Gully, wood and iron Dunstan Patrick Kelly Kawarau Gorge do do do do Kawarau Gorge, dwelling-house, Moore, Robert Cooke Moore, Walter Sunderland street (lyde Smith’s Gully do do store township of Clyde, of the value of over live pounds Smith’s Gully, wood and iron store do do Robert Barlow Patrick Kelly T ;rry, John Tiicyers, William Thomas, Christopher Alexandra do Cromwell timber and canvas house, Broad-street, Alexandra house, Broad-street, Alexandra romwell, wood and calico building do do do do Richard F Badger John Jack Alexander Jack : atrick Kelly Morrin, William Teviot do Teviot, iron-roofed dwelling i ' ° -Tuapeka William Joseph Flynn Qnartzrcef Point do house, zinc do John Perriam f Munford, William Henry Murphy, Cornelias Clyde Butcher’s Gully do do house Mutton-town Point, Dunstan Butcher’s Gully Dunstan do Martin Marshall L. G. Ryan Thomas, Richard Thomas, William Near Cromwoll Sandy Hook do household near Cromwell, wood A iron house dwelling-house, Bandy liook, 1 unstan Manuherikia Dunstan John Pascoe Robert Bartow Murphy, Michael Murphy, Patrick Manuherikia Butcher’s Gully do do cottage, Manuherikia Butcher’s Gully do do John Jack L. G, Rvan Thompson, John Clyde West bank of the do do dwelling-house, Camp-st., Clyde near Cromwell, wood A calico hut do do Charles Goodwin Patrick Kelly Mylrea, Phillip Roxburgh do Roxburgh, wood and iron house Tuapeka John Beighton MolvueuxRiver M, Carthy, Michael M'Cormick, John M‘Donald, Donald Moa Flat Tomwell WestClutha,Bald do freehold aouseliold Moa Flat, Mount Benger, store Cromwell, Victoria Hotel Baldwin’s Ferry, West Clutha, thatched house Manuherikia Dunstan Manuherikia do John Barr John Beighton Thomson, James Charles Tippets, Charles Alexandra North Bank of do do liouse, Akxandra near Cromwell, wood and iron building do do John Ja,ck John Paucoa win’s Ferry Cromwell M'Donald, Duncan M'Donongh, John Balmoral Bald Hill Flat do do Manuherikia, Balmoral Cottage rouse, Ball Hill Flat Dunstan do lames Cameron John Jack Tubman, Edward Roxburgh do Koxburgh, private-house, wood Tuapeka John Beighton M‘Douaii, Henry West t 'lutha Mt. Benger Alexandra do house, Moa Fiat, Mount Benger Manuherikia John Beighton Tubman, Francis do do "oxburgh, sods and zinc do William Joseph Flynn John Beighton M'Dougall, Ronald do Alexandra Dunstan Richard Watkins Tubman, Robert W Ward, William do do Hoxburgh, wood and iron house do M'Elligate, Thomas M'Elroy, Daniel do do do do Alexandra Alexandra do do L G. Ryan do Benger Flat do Benger Flat, Mount Monger, iron Manuherikia do M'Farland, William Hcghurn. Mount Ida do Mount Ida Hotel, Hogburn, Mt. Ida Manuherikia Edward Tobias George Watts, Alfred Bannockburn do Bannockburn, stone and calico building Dunstan Patrick Kelly M‘Govern. Thomas M'Intosh, Tliomas M'Lachkn, George M'Laughlin, John M'Lcod, Donald Cromwell Teviot Flat Roxburgh do Black’s No. 1 do do do do do Cromwell, wood and canvasstore Teviot Flat, Mount Benger Roxburgh, dairy and outhouse Roxburgh, thatched house black’s No. 1, dwelling-house Dunstan Tuapoka fuapoka do Dunstan G. W. Goodger • ohu Beighton John Beighton do Robert Barlow Wcarno, Jaketh E ldy Weaver, John Webb, Robert Joseph Wells, William Manuherikia do Cod Creek Clyde Toehold leasehold do do Manuherikia, cottage cottage, Manuherikia liouse, i 'oal Creek Mui'lor! aud-s tree t, Clyde, private do do Manuherikia Dunstan John Weigh tson John Jack do Char.es Goodwin M‘Kay, John Benger Flat do benger Hat, Mount Benger, wood and iron store Manuherikia • ohn Beighton Wostcott, William West Roxburgh do West Hoxburgh, Teviot, dairy Manuherikia John Brighton M'Kcnzie, Alexander M ‘ Kenzio, Alexander C olin Alexandra Teviot Flat do do ' lexandra, house Teviot 1 lat, Roxburgh, thatched house Commissioner’s Flat, Teviot Dunstan fuapeka John Jack ohu Beighton Whetter, William Henry Wiiito, John Cromwell Teviot do do Cromwell, wood A iron building Teviot, thatched dwelling-house Dunstan fuapeka Thomas Shanley William Joseph Flynn M'Kensie, John Commissioner’s do do William Joseph Flynn White, John White, Thomas B dd-hill Flat Half-way House, do do house, Ba'd-hill Flat Halfway House, Nevis-road Dunstan do John M‘Donough lohort Barlow * X’ lil'j Long Valley Baldwin’s Ferry, Long Valley, household Baldwin’s Gerry, West Clutha, ♦ M'Kenzie, Roderick M‘Phersoii, Hector do do do Manuherikia William Baldwin John Beighton Whitfield, Robert Adams’s Gully do \ damn's Gully, wood and calico bui ding Kaw trail Gorge, canvas and timber tenement do Patrick Kelly Neale, Henry Havard West Ciutha Teviot do thatched liouse Teviot, thatched house Tuapeka William Joseph Flynn Wigmore, William Lane K iwarau Gorge do do Richard F. Badger Needham, Joseph N Noble, Roderick Novello, William Kawarau Gorge Dunstan Quartzreef Point do do do Ivawarau Gorge, canvas and timber tenement Dunstan, iron and wood house Quartzreef Point, near ferry, Dunstan do do Richard F. Badger Robert Barlow Thomas Wood Wilkins, Timothy Williams, Benjamin Williams. James Butcher’s Gaily Teviot, Roxburgh Cromwoll, Cornish Beach do do do Butcher’s Gully Roxburgh, sods and thatch Cornish Beach, wood and calico hut and garden do fuapeka Dunstan i . G. Ryan Wi liam John Flynn Thomas Shanley O Oliver, Thomas 1 lexandra do iron house Alexandra do Richard Watkins Williams, William Clyde do Clyde, household property value do Henry John Cope 0‘Kane, James O’Neill, Charles Butcher’s Gully Cromwell do do Butcher’s Gully tenement of the value of £5 do do b. G. Ryan James Bonn Bradshaw Williamson, Joseph Willgo.s.s, Edward Cromwell Teviot do do Cromwell, wool V c il ico building TeHot, so ls and thatch do Tuapeka Patrick Kelly William Joserdi Flynn O’Neill, Charles Cromwell do tenement of the value of £5 do do Wilson. Thomas Gee’s Fiat, Kawado Gee’s Flat, dwelling-house of timber and canvas Dunstan Robert Kelsall O'Neill, John Campbell O’Regan, Michael P Near Cromwell Alexandra do do per annum, at t romwell near ■ romwell,dwelling-house Alexandra do do Thomas Shanlcy ; ichard Watkins ; Wilson, William Woodhouse, Frands Woodhousc, James Ellis A lexandra Roxburgh Roxburgh,Teviol do do do Uexindra Koxburgh, two-roomed house Roxburgh, hotel built of wooc do Tuapeka do Richard Watkins John Beighton William Joseph Flynn Parcell, John Clyde’ do Sundcrlaud-street,Clyde, private do Charles Goodwin Woodman, William Clyde do and iron ffiuulerlar.d-stroet, Clyde, iroi Dunstan William Grindley Parcoll, William do do unJcrland-strcct, ‘ lyde, private do do 1 Woods, Thomas Quartzreef Poin do and wood house Quartzreef Point, stone house do John Perriam Pattison, John Pcrriam, John Manuherikia Quartzreef Point . do do house, Manuherikia Quartzreef Point, iron store do do John Jack John V> ilson i Wright, Isaac iWrightson, John Cromwell Alexandra freehold household | V ictoria • tore, M ain-st, Cromwcl [house, Alexandra i do do 1 James Hinds John Jack Perriam, William Kawarau Gorge do Kawarcm (i orge, d well in gdo Richard F. Badger \ Young, Andrew [Roxburgh I do Koxburgh, thatched house 'fuapeka (John Beighton Pascoe, John West Bank Molyneux River do near Cromwell, stone building, Ftone-wall ;• tore do Richard Thomas ' Young, Joseph Clyde do •Mutton-town i oiat, Dunstan Dunstan 'Martin Marshall Plan, Robert Dunstan do Dunstan, dwel 1 ing-house do Robert ‘ OBJECTIONS to any of the above applications must be lolgod at my office on or before the last day of April current. Phiun, Robert Clyde do Mutton-town Point, Dunstan do V art in Marshall Porter, John V\ cst Roxburgh do West Roxburgh, Mount Fen Manuherikia John Brighton II. W. ROBINSON, registration Officer. ger, house, wood and iron | I • Clyde, April 7, I860-
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Dunstan Times, Issue 207, 14 April 1866, Page 1 (Supplement)
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2,357Untitled Dunstan Times, Issue 207, 14 April 1866, Page 1 (Supplement)
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