The amount of stone crushed at tlriB machine during the month ending September 30 is 609 tons, and the yield obtained from it was 5,6440z., or an average of 9oz. sdwt. and nearly 7gr. to the ton. Several test crushings at the single stamper, amounting in all to about a ton, from the Morning Bell, yielded loz. 19dwt. 17gr, of gold. A crushing of five tons for the Moon on the Mountains Claim yielded Soa. 6dwt.
The Tramway machine completed a crashing of 100 tons stuff from Tookey's Claim, which yielded about 15dwt. to the ton. A retorting for the Moanataiari Company yielded 3170z. of gold. The Una Company's machine crushed a parcel of4tons from the Mount Alexander Claim, for a yield of 3oz. 16dwt. of gold. A crushing of 12 tona of rubbish from the Novelty Claim yielded I\oz. of gold. The Hape Groldmining Company's machine has just finished a crushing of 90 tons of stone from the New May Moon Claim, the yield of which is 98 ounces retorted gold. A crushing for the Pretty Nelly gave 2%0z. to the ton. The usual retorting for the Shotover Claim took place on September 30, and yielded 3360z. 14dwt., which on being melted was reduced to 2860z. 6dwt. A very important trial as to the permanence of this claim took place thia week. A parcel of 20 tons from the 70 feet level of the 8-feet reef was crushed, and yielded 230z. 6dwt. of gold. The Whau Claim j A oleaning up which took place at the Pioneer machine, at present employed crushing for the Whau Groldmining Company, yielded 118oz. of gold. Clarkson's No. 1 Goldmining and Quartaorushing Company : A trial lot which waa crushed gave an average of l^oz. to the ton. A specimen picked up near the mouth of this drive yielded 1£ ounces of gold. The Flying Cloud Claim : A crushing of 10 tons for this claim was finished at Souters machine, and the result obtained was 7500z of bard-squeezed amalgam. The crushing of 140 tons of stone for the Alburaia company wai finished at the Hauraki battery on Oct 2, with a yield of 404 ounces 19>lwt. Some of tho stuff was of an inferior quality, which has reduced the average of the whole. The crushing of the Flying Clond was completed on October 2, and gave 121 ounces to the 10 tons crushed— a splendid average yield of 12 ounces to the ton, exceeding the most sanguine expectation of the shareholders. A trial crushing of 5 t«na from the Moon of the Mountains Claim, at the Prince Alfred battery, * Tetvrcn of 6oz 6dwt. In the olaims of the Tui and Cuckoo Company, new stone has been opened out, and the reef is several feet thick. A ton was crushed at the Kurunui battery, and yielded loz. ] sdwt. of retorted gold, which on melting at the B»ak of N»w fteaiftnd'garo the result of loz.. 3dwt, of good gold. Fifty tons oruahal from the City of Dunedin yielded* flue oatte of clear, good-coloured gold, weighing 131 ounces. Ten ounces of t-t >ne from the' Gollen Gata Claim were tested at Mea«r». Shepherd and Co. 'a premises, Willoughhy-gtreefc, »nd «»ave the satisfactory return of 3 z. 14wt. 16gr. of gold to tlietm, The crushing for Dixon'a No. 1 Claim at Bleaaard's machine ban been finished up, and the reiult was 1,153<>z sdwt. of araal* I $jam, which on being retorted yielded S94oz. 6dwt. of gold. This lot finished up the contract crushing of 1,000 tong, which throughout has avi raged 3oz. to the ton. The total yield for the p»st month depoiited in the Union Bank from this cl*im was 7430z. 6dwr> - the result of three retorting*. The crushing of stuff from the Shamrock ! Claim at the Una Company's machine is < finished, *nd yielded 54*oa. I2dwt. of gold f from 22 tons of stone. A parcel— lowt. of btone — from the Pride of Furiri, was oruihed at the Kuranui Company's machine, and yielded 15dwt. of retorted gold, 1j ' The crashing for the Dauntless Claim a| the Prince Alfred Battery has been finished, and a re^ortlqg of the result of the fir»t 70 tons put; through took place, which yielded 526<>e. of gold, or at the rate of 7|oz. to the ton. The amalgam from another crushing,! was retorted on October Q, at the Prince; Alfred b*ttery, and gave *h« return of 449} ounces of retorted gold from tb'e 106 tons) crushed. Th# trial crushing of one ton ofj • shot a from the London and Liverpool Claim ; gave a return 'of lOdwt. 9gr. of retorted gold. j The amalgam from ten tons from the HazaH bank Claim was retorted with » result of 17ozJ ' Vickery's machine ocmoleted » crushing of 22 tons for th» Queen of Sheba, which yielded IntaxlynQOunottothtton]
The Victoria machine ia stilt crushing fo* the; Dawn of Hope and Moanataiari Company. A retorting latter took place on October 11, and) 2680z. ofgold were deposited ia the Sank of j New Zealand as the result:. . \ We' have been informed' "that l Boms Six] pound* of stone from a new district, only niaej miles from Shortland, was tested on October 4 j in a private berdan, and gave the magnificent ) yield of over four ounces of gold' to the pound ' of atone. > > ' ■■ * ' ' Gbahamstowk, October 21. ; , The Golden Crown Company have been getting out more quartz than they could crush in their own battery, owing to ,the want of an adequate water supply, Fifty tons' tent down to Messrs. Farmer and Co/s machine, Tararu, finished last night, yielded ovor 300oz. of gold. The Berkeley Castle Company's crushing of 70 tons of stone at the Prince Alfred Battery has yielded 730z. of gold. A small trial test of stono from the new leader in the Golden Gate shaft has given » gpod yield. A ton of stone from the same claim, crushed at the Hauraki Battery, gave l£oz. of gold. In the City of Glasgow (Moanataiari) the shareholders have commenced a drive for the purpose of opening the Flying Cloud reef. There are a number of other leaders in the claim which have turned out from one to three ounces to the ton from the several crushiogs. A trinl of nearly lcwfc. of Btone from the Challenger Goldmining Company was crushed yesterday at the two-stamper battery, and the result obtained represented a yield of 2oz, to the ton. The Dawn of Hope: A first retorting of some of the amalgam obtained from the crashing now going on for the Dawn of Hope at the Victoria battery took place yesterday, and yielded 180oz. of gold. The Just in Time leader, which was opened at the 150-feet level on Saturday lasb, has continued to yield rich speoimens since. — [Advertiser, October 21. 1 Goodall's Prince Alfred crushed one ton of specimens from the Last Hit Claim this week, which gave a return of 7oz. llgr. to the ton. Three and a ha'f tons from the Victorian Consols Claim gave the return of 2oz. Idwt. Bgr. of retorted gold. The Mariners' Reef quartz is still going through this battary, and is looking very good. The cleaning; up of the Goldeu Crown stuff at the Hauraki battery will be commenced to-day. This orushing will give a return of over lOoz. to the too. Htouefrom the Diggers' Friend G->ldmining Company will be commenced at this batteiy in a few days. 1 The Waiotahi Goldmiuing Company's .machine is still employed on the Mauukau stuff, and a large quantity of amalgam, say from 700jZ. to 800oz., baa accumulated. The stuff now going through ia ab.apin.2j well. A ton of a: one obtained from a Wader opened in the lower workings of the Lone Star Company's ground, Karaka, and crushed at the single-stamper, yielded 2oz. of gold. The Long Drive : Another batch of magnificent speoimens were taken out of the Long Drive mine yesterday morning. There were altogether about 1001b. takeu out this 'time of the name riuh chatacter at those lately crushed, bo that it is very probable that another specimen crushing Will take place in the course of the coming week, as there is on about 1201b. on hand. Goodall's Prince Alfred machine was Idle yesterday, owing to some difficulty iv getting the stuff dowu by the tramroad from the Berkeley Castle Claim, the crushing for which is not yet finished. A retorting for this claim took place y. sterday, and yielded Sj«. 12dwt. of gold. Threp tiial cruahings of 10 tons each from the Crescent Claim have been put through, but the results were rather poor. A. parcel of 401 b. from some claim, the owner of which declined to give its preoise loo*lity, was put through the single-stamper, and gave a result of 38oz. of hard amalgam, which will probably yi*ld one-third gold. The Groat Republic Claim, Tapu Creek, | deposited 148oz. 17'Jwt. of retorted gold at tha Bank of New Zealand yesterday, the result of a orushing of 14 to is at the Tapu Crushing Company's machine. — Advertiser^ October 16. October 28. The Kur*nui battery has been orushing this j laat week for tha Eureka, Kuranui Company, Lou^ Drive, and a small lot from the Shooting Star. The Long Drive cleaned up yesterday, mid the anulgam was retorted aud gave a return of 408 ounces of retorted gold. The Waiotahi Goldmining Company's battery is still crushing for the Manukau Claim; there has been 1,200 ouncei of amalgam already taken from the plates, which will be retorted when the whole lot of 200 tous has been passed through, Good»ll's Priuce Alfied Battery is Btill crushing for the Mariner's Beef, which ia showing very well on the plates. There was on baud yesterday 270 ounces of amalgam, taken only from the plates. A trial ton from this claim wa3 retorted yesterday, aud gave a 1 result of 2oz. siwt. of retorted gold. The Una Company's machine ia utill fully 1 employed by the Pride of the Karak* and , Wells' R'ef stuff— lo head for each. The Pride of the Karaka stuff is showing up well, and a very heavy yield is anticipate 3, although the first sixteen tons put through 1 were inferior stuff. A trial orushing of a ton from a new three-feet leader found in the Wells' Reef lower workings gave » yield of one and a half ounces of gold — a yield which is considered very favourable. A. small parcel from the Golden Baurt Claim, Hape 'Creek, which was crushed at the single 'stamper, yielded Idwt. 6gr. of gold from Icwt. of stone. A parcel of thirty-three tons ' for the Star of the Sea was alao crushed this week, and yielded 240z. of gold. Bull's new battery made a start this week, and crushed a small parcel of stuff from the Challenger Company's ground, which yielded an average of 2oz. to the too. The Hoknnga machine is BtiU engaged crushing for the Lord Nelson Claim with eight stamper*, and we are informed the stuff is yielding payable returns, although not so rich as the previous yields. The remaining four head are crushing some stuff from the Hokiang* Company'^ ground. Viokery's maohiae has lately been employed testing the leaders of the Wade Claim, some of which turned out remarkably rich, while others were rather poor. The main leader yielded an average of from four to five ounces to the ton, The total quantity crushed wa.i forty-four tons, and the yield was 40o& of gold. Souter'i machine : Two small lots from the Shotoyer Claim, Coromandel, were crushed in tho early part of the week at the single stamper, and one of them yielded an average of L2oz. and the other 2oz. to the ; ton. The Hauraki machine finished a crushing of 50 tons of «touB from the Golden Crown Claim, which yielded 325 -z. of gold, or an average of six-and-a-half ounces t> the ton. The Golden Crown machine : A retorting took plase on Wednesday night, which yielded 5480z. of retorted gold. This was lodged in the Bank of New Zealand, and yielded 5270z. I7dwt, of melted gold. Tha VictOfia battery is still crashing for the Mo&na'aiari Company and for the Dawn of Hope. There have been two retortings for the latter during the wsek, the first of which yielded 180oz , and the second, which took , place yesterday, 2610 a. lOdwt. The Tararu battery crushed a 50-ton lot for , the Golden Crown Claim. One lot of the amalgam obtained from it w«a retorted, and j yielded 280oz. of gold. j The Australian battery finished up » crashing of 140 tons for the Great Repubik, which: yielded 260o«. of yetiorted gold. The crushing from the Shooting Star at the • Kuranui Battery was finished at a late hour j an Friday, and the proceeds deposited at the Bank of U aw Zealand, (Jrahamstown. From \ the ton of rioh atuflf the result was 830z.j 'l9Jwt«., and from the four and a-haH tons! ovutbed *fc the old battery 940*. £bout 120, %oa» of quartz are now 6ut, and will be commenced oiuihing at once at J Bleazard'sj October 26. \ Twenty-four pounds weight of specimens^ from 'MoEendV Claim, Coromand&J, l wer« oVunhed 'at Spencer's bjrdari Ut# l and gftvp,the splendic&ield of, 60o£ ftftfc of FroVn tb.8 !l 'nqmber u - of " spemnien»" lately! i&eWecP JfroTOnn&i distritt, there is eT«ry ptQipeotoiTltfß^^^nlan&to'goldfieiaa „
The Royal Standard Gol-Jro'oing Company^ Murphy's HiiJ, are about to commence taking out more stone from the -leftdflr cat Ihiough! oprae time ago, the yield of.fourounoestothei 'tan obtained from tbe lajja, crushing' being considered ■uffioiently encouraging. ■ '■■ The famous Maoukau Claim,; although little talked of, in still, showing up as prosperous As ' ever. The WaiotnhiGompanyte battery has, i we are informed, been, engaged for a period, of ojx> months, and the crushing going on promises to v be- equal to. r any. former one from the Man ukau reef. ',.' The crashing, which. w« I s,iini9bp6 l on Friday l»sfc at the Kuranui Company!* battery, for the Shooting; Star Company, has given a- yield of gold! that 7 will compare favourably with any yield yet obtaiued |from \ anyi cjaim on the Thames. 'J?he total yield from the air tona brushed amounts to 177 ounces 19 Jwfc. in all, or an average of 29 ouncea 13dwt. to the ton. This gold was deposited to the credit of the company in the Grahamstown branch bank of New Zealand on Friday night. We are informed that arrangements b»ve been made for crushing 100 tons from this mine at Bleazard's machine, and that operations are to be commenced to-day. The stone is already on band, so that no delay need take place for want of stuff to crush. There is very little doubt that when the Shooting Star mine is properly opened up it will rank amongst the best gold-producers oli the Thames, and, with the accommodation which will-be afforded by the wire tramway ; now in course of construction, there will be no difficulty for the future in sending as much stone as they like to the mil!. , The crushing for the Pride of the Karaka at the Una mill was completed late on Saturday night, but the result is not yet cleaned up 'or retorted. A parcel of specimens, weighing about 801b., were crushed in the single stamper, and the result, as retorted on Saturday, was 750z, 6dwt. of rich-quality gold. The general crushing hai yielded a large lot of amalgam, and the retorting, which takes place to-day, will doubtless be a rich one. There were altogether about 90 tons of stone put through at this crushing, and preparations are now going on for taking out another lot as soon as possible. The specimens from the Tokarea Claim, Cororaandel, which were to be seen a few days/ ago at Mr. Hoggs office, were, on Saturday, crushed by Mr, Spencer, of Grahamstown. There were 241b, of stpne, which yielded GOoz. of gold, being at the rate of 2J^z to the pound. The Advertiser of October 23 states that a number of natives are about to proceed to I Opotiki to prospect that place. It is hoped that these natives may be able to penetrate further than Europeans would succeed in doing. The following return to an order of the House of Representatives, moved for by Mr. O'Neill, dated 12fch August, 1869, shows the amount of revenue received from miners' rights at the Thames goldn'ekls, by whom received, and by whoni distributed among tha 'natives entitled to it, together with the namei of tbe natives to whom such revenue was paid, from 7th August, 1867, to 80fch June, 1869. The total amount received, amount! to £17,761, namely, by Mr. James Mackay, junior, £5,282, and by Mr. John Kobinaon, £12,478. The paper shows that these amounts have been placed by the General Government to the credit of Mr. James Mackay, junior, and Dr. Pollen, and thesumof£lo,o7s was paid to the natives up lo January last on this account. No i statement appears to have been received by the Government of any payment made from January to August 31st, the date of the report.
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Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXV, Issue 3803, 27 October 1869, Page 7
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2,843THE KURANUI CO.'S MONTHLY RETURNS. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXV, Issue 3803, 27 October 1869, Page 7
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