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The Go^rnment hare notified to Father Dwyer, ohaplain of the Darlinghurst Gaol, that his services are dispensed with. It is believed that this resolutioiihas been arrived at by the Cabinet through the circumstances conneofad with the publication of O'Farrell's confession. No successor to Father Dwyer has yet been appointed. Captain Lawson,|of the ' Royal Duke,' was drowned in Darling Harbour last night. The * Australia,' from Lyttelton, and the 'Spec' from Adelaide, bring together 2, 500 baes of breadatuffs and 750 bags of oats. The 'Charlotte Andrews,' from Calcutta, brines a oargo of rice. 8 May 22. The Government astronomer is making preliminary arrangements for a new survey of this colony. Captain Bradford, of the Amerioan ship ♦Crusader,' has been committed for trial on a charge of obstructing the police in the execution of their doty. The circumstances arose out of the attempt by the detectives to arrest a passenger by the ' Gentoo,' outwardbound for California, when they were obstructed, and the party wanted escaped beyond {the jurisdiction of the colony. The rports of the Nbrth-Western disfcriots respecting the disastrous effects of the drought are of a very distressing nature. The unexampled long-con-tinuance of dry weather had caused great loss to the settler*. At the usual produce sales the biddings were more spirited, and a considerable amount of business was done. Tallow is rather easier. Maize is unaltered. Since Tuesday last 12,700 bags of breadstuff's have been imported from New Zealand, Tasmania, and South Australia. _ At a meeting held last night, "a ßritish Association " was inaugurated. The objects of the association are — To support the Throne and Constitution of Great Britain ; the freedom of the established Government; thejf reedom of the educational question from clerical control ; strong opposition to State-aid to religion ; and to maintain that Government officials should recognise no earthly authority but that of the Queen of England. One hundred members were scrolled last evening as a commencement of the association. A maizena manufactory has been established at Merimbula. A gentleman named Ridgeway, supposed to have recently arrived from Hokitika, has been thrown From his horse, on the Botany Bay road, and killed on the spot. The accounts of the late pic-nio at Clontarf, on behalf of the Sailors 1 Home, have been balanced, and there is a surplus of nearly £500 in favour of the funds of the institution. This amount is exclusive of the donation of £50 given by bis Royal Highness bhe Duke of Edinburgh. The 'Charybdii' has been ordered to join the Pacifio squadron. May 25. The ' Jane Spiers ' brings 16,000 baskets of sugar t'rom Batavia. A fire occurred at the railway station on Saturday >vening, which at one time promised to be a serious , iffair ; but the fire brigades were quickly on the spot rod suppressed it. Little damage was done. The weather to-day is all that could be desired for the celebration of the Queen's Birthday. The sun is ihining brightly, and the grand display of flags ihroughout the city and at the wharf betokeas a letermination to thoroughly enjoy the holiday. Royal laiutes were fired, as usual. lunteers had a ■eview, which was well attended and the Governor's evee wts equal to any of the previous State cerenonialfl. May 26. Portions of the wreck of an American vessel have >een found near Brood Sound. It is supposed that ;he wreck belonged to a vessel of large capacity — probably a thousand tons. No clue has been disjovered, as yet, which gives an idea of the name of ;he unfortunate vessel. The defaulting bank clerk Blake, who pleaded joilty to embezzling certain moneys, the property of ;he Commercial Bank at Toung, has been sentenced ;o two years' imprisonment. The shock of an earthquake was felt at Maneroo )fl the 17th instant. The tickets of the Varrouville stud distribution ire going off well. One person bought fifty shares. The siim of £500 was recently offered for the brood nare Zoe belonging to this stud. Coulter, the postmaster at Gosford, has been sommitted for trial on the charge pf fraudulently ising obliterated stamps. The first squad of apprentices frem the trainingihip ' Vernon ' were shipped to-day on board the Ashburton,' bound for California. The Government has offered £200 reward for the ip prehension of the murderers of the hawkers at Nanandera. The markets are dnll. Breadstaffs are stagnant, ind only small sales are effected. Adelaide flour has been sold at from £22 to £23 per ton. Arrived: 'Harriet Army tage.' Sailed ; ' Ashburton,' for California. May 27. The Government hare intimated their intention of withdrawing State aid from thirty six denominational schools at the end of the half-year. Only £900 has been collected for the Young tesiimonial. A Mr. Pode is about to establish a sugar-factory it Tinonee. a township on the Manning River, about LOO miles from Sydney. The Bank of New South Wales at Sofala, a small sownship about 150 miles to the south-west of Sydney, was burglariously entered early on Tuesday morn- i ing, and about £2,000 taken from the safe. An entrance had been effected through bursting the doors open. The door and the safe were both found open when the robbery was discovered. The police are on the alert, and searching for the robber, but as yet no one has been arrested. The conviots Barnes and Mcßvitt suffered the extreme penalty of the law at Bathurst yesterday. In carrying out the dreadful sentence, the executioner needlessly allowed the drop to be too severe, and the necks of the unfortunate men, by the length of the fall, were almost severed from their bodies. In the case of Guinness v. Joshua, the jury returned a verdict for the plaintiff, damages £1,063. A cargo of Bourbon sugar was offered to-day at auction, but only a small portion sold at the following rates : — Counters brought £29 to £34 10s. ; yellow crystals, £34 10*. to £35 ss. Sales of Calif ornian flour have been made privately at £22. Sales of New Zealand wheat have been made at 7s 6d. The ' Alice Mary ' brings 400 tons of sugar. Arrived : ' Levi Stevens,' from Puget Sound, with 344,000 feet of timber; * Prince Alfred,' from Auckland. White gloves were presented to Judge Lutwyche at thft Brisbane Assizes. The Gjmpie Creek diggings are slightly improving. MitBOTONiE, May 21. For a frontage in Collins-street £180 per foot was bid. Mr. Tipping has recovered damages to the amount of £600 from the Hobson's Bay Railway Company for injuries received by an accident when a passenger on the 11th of November last. An inquest was held on the fire in Elizabeth-street, and the jury returned an open verdict. It is, however, believed to hav« been accidental. Ether spray has been successfully used in a case of amputation at Geelong Hospital. Messrs. Dalmahoy Campbell and Co. report a large supply of fat cattle ; best beef, 15i. to 17s. 6d. per 1001b. Of sheep there is a short supply ; 661b. wethers are worth 10s. Flour is quoted at £19 10s. to £20. Arrived : ' Cornelia,' ' Gertrude,' from Batavia. May 23. Yesterday, at the sale of the Geelong tweeds there was a large attendance, and the competition was spirited ; the prices ranged from ss. 3d. to 9s. for single width, and 13s. to 16s. for six quarters. The total result of the sale reached £3,000. May 25. A person named Bateman has been awarded £1,500 damages in an action against Mr. Moffatt. for injuries sustained while in the employment of the latter. An accident occurred at the Williamstown rifle butts on Saturday last, by which a man, while painting the targets, was shot by one of the volunteers. The morning was foggy, and the accident occurred through the indistinct view of the target. Th« sufferer is still living. ' Captain Gilmore Was a ; passenger by the ' Bombay,' whose mission to England it is to make arrangements respecting the cable which is to be laid across Bass's Straits. Notice of the ratification of the contract was sent by the previous mail, and it is expected that the oable will be here about January, 1869. May 26. Flour sold at auction at £19 Via. 6d., and Adelaide at £22 ; maize, 3s. 9d. to 3s. lOd. ; and oats are quoted at the same price. Business quiet. May 27. ' A man named Eenned^, at the South Bpurke eltctioD, very foolishly jumped ggme fences, when

his horse fell on him, and inflicted such injuries .13 to cause death. Mr. Kerford, Minister of Mines, has been elected by a majority of 200. Sugars and teas have been speculated in. Mffssr*. Dalmahoy Campbell and Co. report the fat cattle market moderately supplied, and prices higher for best beef, viz., 20s. to 225. 6d. per 1001b.; 59at. wethers av* worth 10s. '(■ May 28. McDonnell, Attorney- General, and Bayles, Com* mlssioner of Customs, are elected. Mr. Moffat, a squatter, has threatened the Argus with an action for libel, laid to be contained in the oomments of that journal on the case of Bateman v. Moffat. The Argus contends that the comments referred to were justified in the interest of the public, and refers Mr. Moffat to their solicitor. The Melbourne Meat-Preserving Company is fairly launohed. Operations have been coinmeDced at Raleigh's Punt Co.'s buildings, which have been leased, together with 160 acres adjoining. Sir Redmond Barry is re-elected Chancellor, and Dr. Brownless Vice-Chanoellor. There was great excitement at Ballarat on the day of the election . There were serious street fights, religious animosities were aroused, a shot was fired by a man whom the mob tried to lynch, and the police were severely handled . The Victoria railwaj returns are improving by an average of £470 weekly. Parliament meets on May 29th. The 'Alma' and ■J. R. Moore' have sailed for i Hokitika. I The ship ( Natolia ' is ashore at St. Kilda. Flour is quotad at £19 10s.; little business doing. Arrivals: ' Onward,' f rona Hongkong; 'Robert Kerr,' from Liverpool. Adslaids, May 20. The Government have determined to pay one-half of the expenses about to be incurred in giving Dalhke's salt water filters ,a thorough trial. It is anticipated that, in the event of the filters standing the test of the experiments which are being made with them, the patent will be a lasting benefit to squatters in districts where plenty of brackish water can be had by sinking for it, at the same time that drinkable water is not to be found for miles round. Parliament will be oajled together for business early in July. There is nothing doing in breadstuffs, and the prices of wheat and flour remain unohanged. May 21. The painful excitement which was occasioned a few days ago by the disclosures in the prosecution of James Reddaway, proprietor of Hansom cab*, for rape on the wife of Colonel Biggs, the head of the Volunteer Office, alleged to hav* been committed at her house at Edwards Town, near Adelaide, has been intensified to-day by the trial in the oriminal court. The proiecutrix repeated her evidence, identifying the prisoner as the man who committed the outrage ; but numerous witnesses will be called on the other side. The oase is not yet closed. The corn market oontinues very quiet, and, in the | absence of any orders for export, quotations must be looked upon as nominal. Wheat is quoted at Bs. 6d., and flour at from £20 to £21 10s. The balanoe of the cargo of sugars ex the ' Jane Bell,' from Mauritius, was offered to-day by auction, and 1,400 bags were disposed of, at the following prices : — Yellow counter*, £32 ss. to £33 7a. 6d. ; light counters, £34 Ids.; brown brewing crystals, £33 55.; white soft counter*, £37 to £37 10s.; white crystals, £37 17b. 6d. to £39. The competition was not very briik. Arrived : ' Goshen,' with timber, from the Baltic, for orders. May 22. Mr. Coppin opened a skating rink last night. The novelty of the affair brought a large attendance, and for a time at least it promises to be a Bucoessful addition to our amusements. It is reported that about £20,003 worth of new Government Treasury bills has been takeu up t-day, at from par to a quarter premium. The amount was taken up by tender. The banks this month are buying drafts on London at 1 per cent, discount, and selling at 1 per cent, premium. A parcel of 80 tons of flour was sold to-day at £20 per ton. May 23. The Colonial Treasurer has issued drafts upon England to the extent of between £20,000 and £30,000, at a rate of exchange under 1 per cent. Allen, editor of the Satirist, has been sentenced to one year's imprisonment with hard labour, and £100 fine, for a libel on Cherry, official assignee. Arrived : ' Sun Lee,' from London. May 25. In Allen's oase it is stated the Judge exceeded his power in sentencing him to hard labour. Allen's counsel to-day obtained leave from the full Court to move for a new trial on Friday next. A man was killed to day, having been run over by a railway train. May 26. At the levee to-day there waa a large attendance. 1 Archdeacon Woodcock died to-day. May 27. Private letters state that the detachment of the 50th Regiment at present stationed here will be removed, and replaoed by the 18 th Royal Irish.. Flour is £22 10s. May 28. The Governor has remitted that portion of Allen's sentenoe referring to hard labour. Prices in the corn market are unohanged. Arrival : 'Lord of the Isles,' from London. Brisbane, May 21. Mr. Arthur Hodgson is a candidate for the vacant seat in Parliament for the district of Leichhardt. May 22. Very unfavourable accounts have been received from the Kelwan (Kilkivan ?) diggings. The miners are leaving in large numbers. Water is very scarce at the Cape (?) May 26. There was a fair attendance at the races. Maiden Plate : Pandora, 1 ; Norman, 2. Corinthian Cup : Hermit, 1 ; Killarney, 2, Prince of Wales Stakes : j Canute, 1 ; Roanoake, 2. Hack Bace : Won by Barney. May 27. I The Races. — Hurdle Race : Nimrod, 1. Ladies' Purse : Why Not, 1 ; Chancellor, 2. Brisbane Cup: Sydney, 1 ; Premier, 2. Optional Handicap : Centipede, 1 ; Canute, 2. Wakefield, aged fourteen, while galloping round the course, was killed. Mabyborough, May 25. The Commissioner returned from Yabber on Saturday, and reports that prospects have been obtained of £dwt. to the dish. Gold has been found on the banks of a creek, five miles in the Bunya scrub, and the country round looks auriferous. May 27. A rush has taken place to Yabber, sixty miles from Gympie. The prospects obtained are 4dwt. to i the dish. Five miles of the creek have been opened up. The s. ( Saxonia' left to-day with 4,3000z. of gold and 8,000 sovereigns. Wjlrvmambool, May 23. A man named Robert Durbridge, a compositor, committed suicide to-day by cutting his throat at the Farmers' Hotel, Warrnambool. An inquest was held on the body this afternoon, when a verdict of temporary insanity was returned. He had been at work for seven months on Mr. Tobin'a Yallook station, but prior to that had worked as a compositor in Sydney and Melbourne. Quehnsolut, May 27. Arrived : • Ann Moore,' from Hokitika ; * Wimmera' and ' Natolia,' from London. Cape Otwjlt, May 26. 6 aim.— -Large ship passed inwards, name unknown. 3 p.m. — Ship in sight, inward-bound.

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Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXIV, Issue 3404, 13 June 1868, Page 5

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LATER AUSTRALIAN TELEGRAMS. Sydney, May 21. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXIV, Issue 3404, 13 June 1868, Page 5

LATER AUSTRALIAN TELEGRAMS. Sydney, May 21. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXIV, Issue 3404, 13 June 1868, Page 5


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