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TEN SHILLINGS REWARD. LOST, between Quedn-street and the Great Northern Brewery, a rough parohmentcovered CARTER'S BOOK, having the name of the undersigned written inside the cover. The above reward will be paid to any one bringing the above to W. J. HURST & CO., Queen-street.
fTIEN SHILLINGS REWARD. - LOST or X STOLEN, from Booth's Brickyard, last bunday morning, a Roan MARE, branded D under saddle.
ONE HUNDRED POUNDS REWARD. IT having come to the knowledge of tte-Djwjj™ 8 of the Gold Mining Companies that GOLDBEARING QUARTZ has been STOLEN from the claims at Coromandel, a reward of QNE HUNDRED POUNDS is hereby offered by the Directors to be paid to any person who -hall give such information as shall lead to the conviction of the thief or any receiver of the stolen property. , . By order of the Directors of the Coromandel, Waihau, and Kapanga Gold-mining Companies (Limited). SAMDBL OOCHRANE, Chairman. Auckland, February 7, 1866.
BANK OF AUCKLAND. NOTICE is hereby given that a SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING of the PROPRIETORS of this Bank will be held in the Bankinghouse, Auckland, on TUESDAY, the 27th day of February, at noon, for the purpose of confirming the following alteration in the Bunk's Deed of Settlement, passed at the last half-yearly meeting— viz., "That the words «fivehundred,'in clause 22, be omitted, and the word* ' one thousand 1 be inserted in lieu thereof.' C. F. JOHNS, Auckland, January 24, 1866. Manager.
FOR SALE, PRIVATELY, With their engagements, THE FOLLOWING HORSES, in training, the property of a gentleman leaving for England:— Bay Gelding ANNISTON, 6 years, by St. Aubyn— Symphony. Brown Mare KIWI, a well-known Steeple Chase mare. Also, Two HACKS that have been hunted with the Garrison Hunt ,_„»- And the Entire HorseYOUNG TOWTON. Apply at the office of this paper.
MONEY —WANTED, £80 on freehold security, a few miles from Auckland. Also, £100 on leasehold property in the city. TO LET, A Nine-roomed HOUSE at the top of Edwardes - street, suitable for a boarding-house or family residence. A Five-roomed HOUSE in Nelson-street, with large garden. A Six-roomed HOUSE and Large Allotment in Upper Queen-street, Newton. FOR SALE, The LEASEHOLD INTEREST in Three Detached Four-roomed HOUSES. Terms very easy. TO LET, An Improved FARM, comprising 48 acres, well fenced, and in grass, with a good house, &c, about two or three miles from town, with a large frontage to the main road. CARTWRIGHT & HUGHES, Land Agents, Canada Buildings, Queen-street.
FIRST-CLASS BUSINESS INVESTMENT. FOR SALE, THE STOCK, GOODWILL, and LEASE of the CRITERION, GENERAL STORE at OTABUHU, now in the occupation of Mr. W. Acklind. . . The Store is doing a good business ; is in the most central part of the rapidly-rising township. Rental yery low ; foiir years' lease unexpired. For full particular*, apply on the premises ; or to Messrs. Owen and Gbaham; or Messrs. Morrin and Co., Queen-street, Auckland.
WANGAPARAPARA, GREAT BARRIER. FOR SALE OR LEASE, THE Valuable ESTATE of WANGAPARAPARA, containing 3,500 Acres, in about equal proportions of bush and open land, embracing the whole of the Wangaparapara harbour, aud commanding a large Government run. For particulars, apply to jsvercoe> Flagstaff, Takapuna.
CHOICE FARM AT MAUNGATAWHIRI. POR SALE, 300 ACRES RICH VOLCANIC SOIL, having extensive frontage to the Great South Road. Apply to WILLIAM AITKEN, Land Agent.
t FOR SALE, THE HARP OF ERIN HOTEL, situated at the junction of Panmure and Great South lio»ds, and within three minutes' walk of the Railway Station. Adplv to * WILLIAM AITKEN, Land Agent.
SUBURBAN FARM, FOR SALE— Thirty Acres Fenced and in Grass ; with Six-roomed Dwelling-house, Stable, and Cowshed. Apply to WILLIAM AITKEN, Land Agent.
TTJEEELL & TONES Have for private Sale, A CHOICE FARM, of 320 Acres, at MANGAPAI, partly cultivated, and adjoining Mr. Philips's new stone quarry. If not sold privately, it will be offered for auction on March 20.
THE ALBION INN, Hobson-street. riIHIS eligibly-situated Licensed House to be LET, J and Possession, with the License, given on 20th March next. Also, The BAKERY adjacent, with immediate possession. On each of these tenements is a Well (with pump), 30 feet deep, with never-failing good water. Apply to - ' STICHBURY & SON, Queen-street.
"" HOTEL TO LET. AN HOTEL to LET, in the centre of the City, with Farniture, Bar. Fittings, Stock, &c, Ac Apply to RIDINGS k DOWDEN, Auctioneers.
TO ; LET, THE LEASE AND GOODWILL OF ! THE LITTLE DUST PANi FURNISHING, WAREHOUSE, Shbrtland-street. 1 ' Apply' 6_ J tKe'p'reirusesV'
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Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXII, Issue 2685, 23 February 1866, Page 1
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727Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXII, Issue 2685, 23 February 1866, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXII, Issue 2685, 23 February 1866, Page 1
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