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IF CHARLES R. JOYNT, son of the late Dudley Joynt, Esq., will write to his sister, Mrs. M. J. Hosking, Perth, Western Australia, he will hear of something to his advantage.
WILLIAM WOODCOCK, Jersey, Geobge Towzbl would like to see you.— Auckland Hotel. . .
/ CAUTION.— I hereby caution the public against (> giving CREDIT tb my WIFE, MARGARET RITCHIE, as I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by her after this date. I hereby give notice that she is to continue business no longer in my store, at Waiuku. And I hereby give notice that anyone INDEBTED to me is NOT to PAY Mrs. RrrcHiß, but me ; and that if they pay Mrs. Ritchie, I will sue them for the amount.— (Signed) John Ritchie. Wainku, February 17, 1866.
«rriHE WHEELER & WILSON SEWINGX MACHINE is the one best calculated for household use."— From " Timbs'i Year-book of Facts for 1865."
WHEELER & WILSON'S Patent Look-stitch SEWING-MACHINES were awarled the prize gold metal at the London Exhibition, 1862, and at the Paris Exhibition, 1861, for being superior to all others.
WHEELER & WILSON'S SEWING MACHINES perform every species of sewing with a speed of 1,500 stitches per minute.
WHEELER & WILSON'S SEWING-MA-CHINES work equally well upon woollen, cotton, silk, and linen goods. .
WHEELER & WILSON'S Lock-stitch SEW-ING-MACHINES, with new improvements, at reduced prices. Testrmonials from all parts of the colony and illustrated ciroulars sent post-free-Messrs. H. and A. Shebbard and Co., Sole Agents, Fort-street, Auckland. .
SHARP'S AMERICAN AXES (handled), 80 Cases, Cheap, all Weights.-P. A. Philips, corner of Queen and Shortland-streets.
CORN SACKS.— On sale, by the undersigned, a few Bales of Corn Sacks, of superior quality. —Low and Motion, High-street.
riIOWNSHEND'S SARSAPARILLA, landing ex X mail steamer.— P. A. Philips, Corner of Queen and Shortland-streets. _____
A NYONE WISHING to JOIN Mrs. LAMAN'S ___. DANCING-SCHOOL, at Epsom, will oblige by sending in their names at once, as she is forming a Second Evening Class. N.B.— Payment quarterly, and in advance. ______
MESSRS. STEVENS & SON beg to inform Merchants and Tradesmen that they have commenced business as ACCOUNTANTS.- Stevens and Son, Shortland-crescent.
BOARD and RESIDENCE.— WANTED, comfortable Apartments by a Single Gentleman, at the Ndrth Shore.— Address, X., Box 3, Post-office, Auckland. ,
_Ti ENTEEL NURSERY GOVERNESSES, Good VJT Cooks, and General Servants, at Mrs. Hitngebford's Registry Office, Pitt-street.
WANTED, MUSIC PUPILS, by a Lady Pianist, who holds first-class testimonials.— Address, F.F., office of this paper.
WANTED, WEEKLY, from 301b. to 401b. of FRESH BUTTER, and a supply of EGGS. —Apply to Mr. Freeman, corner of Hobson and Wellington-streets.
WANTED, PURCHASERS of ANTIQUE, GREEK, ROMAN, and ENGLISH COINS ; Roman Spearheadi, Daggers, Signet Rings, Brooches, Incense Dishes, and Medallion. Also, Facsimiles of the Warrants of Execution of Charles I, and Mary Queen of Scots.— James Whtte, Tobacconist. .
WANTED, NEW-COMERS and others to call _t TWOHEY'S Cheap Farniture B«zaar, Wellesley-street, three doors from Queen-street.
WANTED to LEASE or SELL, the Large, Commodious, and Well-finished HOTEL at ONEHUNGA, situated on Geddes's Point, facing the new Government Wharf and intended Mangarei bridge. For particulars, apply on the premises.— George Hodge.
WANTED, HOUSES and LAND. Houses and Land for Sale and to Let.— Stevens and Son, Estate Agents, Shortland-street.
WANTED, a HOUSE of not less than ten or twelve Rooms ; near St. Paul's Church preferred. — Apply, J.C., Poßt-office.
WANTED, COPIES of the DAILY SOUTHERN CROSS for the months of October, November, December, 1863 ; January, February, March, April, and May, 1864.— Apply at the office of this paper.
WANTED, to Purchase a GOAT, in Milk.— Apply at the office of this paper.
WANTED, MASTERS and SERVANTS to APPLY at Chapman's Registry Office from 10 to 12 forenoon, the charge being only Is.
WANTED, by a Retired Officer, one or two PARTNERS with about £500 each, to join him in starting an Extensive Cattle Run.— Address, F.P.G., office of this paper.
WANTED, a DAILY GOVERNESS.— AppIy to Mrs. Machattie, Kyber Pass Road.
WANTED, a RESIDENT, GOVERNESS.Apply to Mrs. Paton, Eden Hill, Epaom.
WANTED, a Female General SERVANT.— Apply to Mra. M. Marks, London House, Queen-street.
WANTED, a Good General SERVANT, accustomed to children.— Apply, between 9 and 12 a.m., to Mrs. Mossman, Grafton RonrT.
WANTED, a FOREMAN BAKER iv the Country.— Apply to G. Dickson, Hobsonstreet. None but a steady man need apply.
WANTED, a Good CARTER, to drive a double team.— Apply, A. Amos and Co., Stables, Mount Eden.
WANTED, 20 MEN to Dig Potatoes, by the ton.— Apply on Tuesday next, to Mr. Sttak, Green Mount, Tamaki.
WANTED, a SITUATION as NURSERY GOVERNESS, by a young person lately arrived from England.— Address, C.P.P., office of this paper. .
WANTED, an ENGAGEMENT as Visiting or Resident GOVERNESS, in a respectable family. Unquestionable reference can be given.— Address, R.G., office of this paper.
WANTED, a SITUATION as BOOKKEEPER or CLERK in a Merchant's or Storekeeper's Office.— Address, "Messina," office of this paper.
WANTED, a SITUATION as CLERK or BOOK-KEEPER. — Apply, by letter, " Ledger," office of this paper.
WANTLD, by a Miller, a SITUATION as STONE-MAN, SPOUrSMAN, or GENERAL MILLER, or FOREMAN in a Flour Mill.— Address, C.E., office of this paper.
WANTED, EMPLOYMENT, by a Young Man, who could make himself generally useful; writes a good hand and is quick at figures.— Addess, " Fin." Post-office, Auckland. ,m, m
WANTED, BOOKS to POST, or any other Accountant's Work.— Apply by letter, " Competent," office of this paper. .
TO PARENTS.— WANTED, by a Yonng Lady, Two or Three CHILDREN to Board and Educate, in a delightful pleasant home, in the healthiest part of Onehunga. Highly respectable references given.— For address, apply to Davt and MoFarland, Queen-street.
TO MABTERS OF FIREWOOD CRAFT.--WANTED to be known that any amount of FIREWOOD (Tea-tree) may. be obtained at THREE SHILLINGS and SIXPENCE per TON 1 , cut and stacked at high-water mark. Also, an un«limited quantity of POHUTUKAWA.— For further particulars, apply, for one week, to A.8., office of this paper.
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Bibliographic details
Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXII, Issue 2685, 23 February 1866, Page 1
Word Count
974Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXII, Issue 2685, 23 February 1866, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXII, Issue 2685, 23 February 1866, Page 1
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