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$>y order of the Executors of the late James Johnson, deceased. JONES & ALLIES Will Sell an the Premises, Vincent-street, THIS DAY, 24th instant, at 1 1 o'clock, fTHE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Cabinet ■*• Maker's Tools, &c, Ac, &c.
HORSE BAZAAR. HARDINGTON & WOOD Will sell by auction, at the Bazaar, THIS DAY, (Friday,) 24th inst., at £-past 12 o'clock, This Day , (Friday,) in lieu of To-morrow, OEVERAL Excellent SADDLE HORSES Heavy and Light Harness Horses A capital Cob . A Pony (first-rate) A Spring Cart;, &c., &c. For Private S<tlo—Carriages, Dog Carts, &c.
OATS. HARDINGTON & WOOD Will Sell by Auction, at the Bazaar, THIS DAY, (Friday,) 24th December, at half-past 12 o'clock150 BUSHEL S CALIFORNIA OATS.
In the Resident Magistrate's Court. TURNER v. HARP. HARDINGTON & WOOD | Will Sell by Auction, on the premises of the defendant, Smale's Point, THIS DAY (Friday), 24th December, at f past 1 o'clock, unless this case be previously settled, — TTOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, comprising— -■-*■ Bedsteads, Tables, Chairs A Piano, &c, &c.
SURPLUS STORES. Ex ''Harwood 5 ' @ LondonTHOS. WE S~t7) N & CO. Will sell by auction, at their Stores, Shortlandstreet, on MONDAY next, 27th instant, at 11 o'clock, OURPLUS STORES, ex "Harwood/' consisting of — 7 barrels Flour 4 casks Oatmeal 1 " Split Peas 1 " Barley 2 tons preserved Potatoes 4 boxes Raisins 2 bags Rice 4 jars Tripe 13 bags Biscuit 1 keg Butter 486 lbs. preserved Meats York Hams, Fish, Pickles, Vinegar Mustard, Pepper, Coffee, Curranis Salt, Coffee snd Pepper Mills Scales and Weights Patent Water Closet, Medicine Chest 5 cases Wine, 3 doz. each. 100 barels Portland Cement Also— A quantity of Household Furniture
On Account of whom it may Concern,
Ex "Mary Ann," erom London. THOS. WESTON & CO. Will Sell by Auction, at their Stores, Shortlandstrett, on MONDAY next, 27th instant, at 11 o'clock, — |Q HHDS. SHERRY.
Spirits, Beer, Ironmongery, Coals, &c. "Ex "Spirit of Trade." WITHOUT RESERVE. THOS. WESTON&CO. Will sell by auction, at their Stores, Shortlandstreet, on TUESDAY next, the 28th instant, at 11 o'clock, Without Reserve, A HHDS. ALLSOP'S ALE 25 do. Furze London Stout 50 casks Robertsons bottled A?e & Porter 2 qr.-casks Pale Brandy 6000 Slates, 18x10 8000 " 20x10 6000 " 24x12 10 barrels Stockholm Tar 10 " Coal Tar 10 tins Turpentine 4 Burgess & Keys' superior Chaff Cutters 1 Ransome's Patent Plough 1 Howard's ditto ditto 1 Winnowing Machine 2 portable Forges 8 hhds. Blacksmiths' Coals 40 281b -kegs White Lead 1 case patent Dryers 6 American Stoves 10 nests Tubs 12 Steel Mills 12 bundles Washing Boards 2 casks bright Varnish 2 Iron Pumps Screw. Augurs, Tamahawks Grains, Corkscrews Brass Taps, Joiners' Hammers A! so — 70 cases Pale Brandy 60 sacksjßran, 1 cwt. each 10 bags Biscuit 2 tons Flour
NEWMARKET CATTLE SALE. MESSRS. CHEESEMAN Will offer for sale, at Newmarket, on Tuesdaj, the '28th inst., at 12 o'clock, noon, DAT CATTEB, STORE STOCK •*- Sheep, Horses, Pigs, &c. The Auctioneers call particular attention of buyers to the fact that an opportunity like the present seldom occurs, as the above cattle have been selected with great care from the Herd of R. Tnrnbull, Esq.
Important Sale of Store Cattle, Dairy Cows. &c. MESSRS. CHEE S E M A N Will offer for sale at Newmarket, on Tuesday, the 28th inst., Mr. William Potter's entire Herd of (J attic comprising about 50 HEAD OF DAIRY COWS, Store Cattle, Yearlings* &c.