FOR SYDNEY. As^ THE Ftst Sailing Barque JK^ X "BREADALBANE," £&9^Rsg P. Jones, Commander, will rail for "^^^^^^ the above port on Tuesday, Jan. 4, 1859. ' <2T Superior accommodation for passengers. For freight or passage, apply to, Hemdkrbon & Macparlank. Auckland, December 24, 1858.
For Napier Direct ARMULAB TRADER. <^. TPHE Clipper Schooner 'ELIEZER,' VjKJP^^,-'- 80 Tons, W. Kean commander, fy§25JSJ£ — receiving cargo alongside the Queen-street Wharf—will sail THIS DAY (.Friday), 24th instant. For freight or passage apply to Bain, Grahame, k Co.
SHIP "EVENING STAR," XBRIVED ON THE 21st INSTANT, are requested to clear, at the Custom,"Hottse,'their respective Shipments forthwith, and to obtain upon Bills of Lading the indorsation of the undersigned, in order for •delivery '4f the same : otherwise Goods coming to band in the Ship will be landed at the Queen's 'Warehouse, at Consignees' risk and expense, in -with Terms expressed in Bills of , Lading. D. Nathan & Co.
gttgfo SUdtw Sate,
FRUIT, &c. CONNELL & RIDINGS TWill Sell by Auction, at the Mart, Queen Street, THIS DAY, at 11 o'clock, f A >P P L E S -**■ Cherri< s 'Gooseberries Potatoes Onions Hams
Unreserved Sale of Congou Tea, Ale, Wine and Spirits. CONNELL & RIDINGS j Will Sell by Auction, on Wednesday nex t, 29th instant, at Eleven o'clock, at the Stores of Messrs. GILFILLAN & Co., Queen Street Wharf, 1 00 HALF-CHESTS Superior CONGOU -j-w Tea 20 Chests do. do. do. 100 Casks Marzetti's Ale and Stout, now landing, ex " Evening Star" 50 Cases Marzetti's Cyder 4 Quarter-casks Dark Brand/ 2 Hogsheads Hennessy's do. 25 Cases Pale Brandy 10 Hogsheads West India Rum, 8 o.p. 60 Cases Claret 10 " Sparkling Hock 10 " Still do. 10 " Champagne . Texms. — Under Thirty Pounds, Cash ; over Thirty Pounds, approved Bills at 3 months.
Preliminary Notice-
CONNELL & RIDINGS Have received instructions to sell by auction, on the Ist day of February, 1859. rpiJE FACTORY MACHINERY, Punts, Dwel- *- ling Houses, Land and Effects of the GlenEden Works at Matakana, belonging to the late Firm of M. Whytlaw & Co., amongst the .Property are the following : — An Iron store, 50 feet by 30 feet A Steam Engine, 15 horse power Hydraulic Jack, power, 10 tons 2 Circular Sawing Machines and Gear Weighing Machine ton, Steel Flour Mill with Fly Wheel, and Dressing Machine A Power turning Lathe and Tools Smith's Forge — Bellows and Tools complete Carpenter's Tools — Frame and Cross-cut and Pit Saws -Blasting Tools, Pulleys, Iron Blocks and Tackle, Fall -and Slings 1 large Punt, diagonal built 1 do. do. do. do. About 1,000 Puriri Posts and Rails Half ton Galvanized Iron Fencing Wire Tin Plate 3, about 4 cwt. Nails, Rivets, Bolts and Nuts Bar and Rod Iron, Paints The Dwelling Honge and Farm at 'Glen Eden,' Matakana, 442 acres, of which about 10 acres, -are under grass, and three acres in other - crops. The land is of the finest quality; a good supply ••of timber for Fencing and Firewood. An inexhaustible supply of valuable Timber on the Government land adjoining. Is in part Fenced bj a deep Creek fit for Shipping produce.
On Sale by the Undersigned, EED AND WHITE CLOVER SEED Colonial Rye Grass Seed English ditto ditto ' Timothy Grass ditto •Cocksfoot ditto ditto Mixed Grasses. Alfred Buokland, Queen-street. February 8, 1858.
Auckland Bethel Union. DIVINE SERVICE will be held (weather permitting) on Sunday next, December .26th, at 2 p.m., by the REV. A. MACDONALD, board the ship "Spirit of Trade," Captain MoCulloch. All Officers and seamen in the port are earnestly iayited to attend. Tae rendezvous F.;g in absence of a Bethel Flag will be hoisted jib the main. Edward King, , Hon. Sec. \l)ec. 23, 18581