TRIBUTES TO LATE' MR. W. J. BIRCH AND DR. FYFFE. In the course of his opening address to the Wellington Diocesan Synod yesterday afternoon. Bishop Sprott said: "It is with much sorrow that I record tho loss through death of two laymen, both personal friends of my own, who have sat with" us and helped us in former; Synods. William Je'in Birch, of Thoresby, Mavton, rendered long and faithful service to the Church in many offices. He was for many years a member of this Synod, and of the' st.inding committee, and also of the General Synod and its standing ■ committee, a member of the Diocesan Board of Nomination, of the board of trustees of tlm Cathedral Fund, ■ and a member of tha board of trustees of the Diocesan School for Girls, which he largely helped to found. That ho held so many offices shows how greatly he was trusted by his fellow-churchmen, arid we all to-dav gratefully recognise how fully our trust was justified. I like most to think of him in. connection with our efforts to secure religious education for our children. He was an anient supporter of the Biblo-in-State-Schools movement, and when the success of that movement seemed to be indefinitely postponed, and we felt that we ourselves must take up tho work of education, he, With equal ardour joined in the new adventure. As 1 have said, he was one of tho founders and trustees of the Diocesan Girls' School, founded in 1912. Residing;, as he did, closo by Nga Tawa, he gavo tho school continuous personal care, and to him and Mrs. Birch is mainly owing the. beauty of tho school irardens. To the parochial district of Marton the loss is great. But his memory as an unassuming Christian gentleman abides with us as a permanent possession. "William Kingston Fyffe, M.D., was also a luemlipr of Synod whose jrrrnt kindness of heart was valued by us all. Never of robust health—indeed, it was for the benefit of his health he camo to Now Zealand—he nevertheless volunteered for modioli service in the war, and was wounded at Gnllipoli. T suppose he never fully regained his strength. To our Church people generally he was best known as tlie organist of St. Peter's, who. by his enthusiasm, reverence, and musical skill, hod made the services nt St. Peter's nn inspiration and a joy. Mny both these friends of ours vest in peace, and may light perpetual shine upon them! To Mrs. Birch and to Dr. Fyffe's sister, Miss Fyffe, and his brother tho Bishop of Rnncoon. wo tender our most respectful sympathy."
Dominion, Volume 13, Issue 242, 7 July 1920, Page 6
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