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PUBLIC NOTICES, A PROHIBITION CATECHISM. .COMPENSATION TO LIQUOR TRADE Versus PROHIBITION FOR NOTHING. Q. What is the suggestion? Ans. That if you vote Continuance on April 10 you wiil then have the opportunity of voting Prohibition without compensation at next General Election! Q. Who is suggesting, this? Ans. THE LIQUOR TRADE. Q. What does tho Trade really want? Ans. It wants— (1) CONTINUANCE, (2) STATE PURCHASE, (3) COMPENSATION. The last thing on earth it wants is Prohibition without compensation. Q. Why, then, is the Trade suggesting a way to get Prohibition for nothing? Ans. Because it wants to side-track your vote on April 10, knowing ™|'« THREE-ISSUE handicap, which is as bad as the old THREE- ' f' 11' IHS handicap, will defeat Prohibition at next General Election. The trade knows that Continuance will be safo foe years to come unless the law is changed. Q. How will the voting work out? _ Ans. 500,060 electors will probably vote. Prohibition or National Ownership must havo at least 250,001 votes to win. If 250,000 voted for National Prohibition, 150,000 voted for National Ownership, _ 100,000 voted National Continuance, no issue having an absolute majority, Conlinuance would win. The present position would remain, although only 100,000 votes were cast for Continuance and 400,000 against it. FROM THE TRADE. DON'T PLAY THE ™i"?tk4 M^r-y,OTE PROHIBITION WHEN YOU HAVE THE CHANCE. DO.Y;i MISS YOUR OPPORTUNITY AND THEN REGRET IT ALL YOUR Ml j., ( REMEMBER !•- PROHIBITION never had a fair chance in the past because it had to fij&t the THREE-FIFTHS handicap. IMiHIBHIpN will not have a fair chance in the future because it will ™J!2™ to fi K ht tho THREE-ISSUE handicap. PROHIBITION pill have its FIRST,. LAST, and ONLY CHANCE of a lair run on Thursday, April 10. THEREFORE, STRIKE OUT THE TOP LINE ON THURSDAY, APRIL 10. For further information on Compenfation see last issue of this paper and next issue. NOTE.—If you require any information regarding Prohibition, or if there is (?V * lon ' you would like answered, write or wire "Abolition," Box 95, G.P.0.. Wellington. c WHAT THE A.M.P. SOCIETY DID IN THE GREAT WAR. IT CARRIED ON: IT MAINTAINED ITS STANDARD OF STABILITY UNALTERED. IT CONTINUED TO DECLARE BONUSES ON A LIBERAL SCALE. IT ASSURED THE LIVES OF SOLDIERS AT LOWER RATES THAN OTHER OFFICES WERE CHARGING. MANY OFFICES REFUSED 10 ASSURE THE LIVES OF SOLDIERS AT ALL. IT PAID ALL CLAIMS PROMPTLY. IT PAID ABOUT .£2,500,000 IN CLAIMS ON THE LIVES OF SOLDIERS. IT CONTRIBUTED OVER ,£9,000,000 TO THE VARIOUS WAR LOANS, YET IT DID NOT CALL UP A SINGLE MORTGAGE OR REFUSE REASONABLE ACCOMMODATION TO ANY OF ITS OLD CLIENTS. IT ALLOWED ALL THOSE MEMBERS OF ITS STAFF WHO AVERE ABLE TO'ENLIST TO DO SO, AND PAID THEIR SALARIES IN FULL WHILE THEY WERE AWAY. IT ISSUED POLICIES ENABLING EVERYONE WHO WISHED TO DO SO TO INVEST IN THE WAR LOANS, AND SPREAD THEIR PAYMENTS OVER AS MANY YEARS AS THEY CHOSE. THESE ABE REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD ASSURE NOW WITH THE A.M.P. NEW BUSINESS FOR YEAR 1918 INVESTED FUNDS SZZ ANNUALINCOME ZIZZ SZ ■ " A BONUS EVERY YEAR. ■ CASH SURPLUS to be divided for the YEAR 1918 over ONE MILLION STERLING against 4554,000 for 1917. ' A. AMIES, Manager for N.Z. TOURIST RESORTS. TOURIST RESORTS. TEVIATHAN HOTEL mm PAEKAKARIKI HOTEL. Li ■ npHE place to spend a week-end. Good • (Nearly Opposite Railway Station), „ „ bea , t e ? nis tomi ' an d golf links. Excellent cuisine. Only best liquors DUNEDIN, stocked. First-class accommodation. Enclose stamped envelope. THE FAVOURITE HOUSE TARIFF, Bs. 6d. per day; .£2 10s. week. With the Travelling Public. TH OS. S. M'GUIRE, Proprietor. "V \pTT?T? Electrio Light in Every Bedroom, mHE Ideal Place for recuperating after Hot Bath 6 can be had at all hours tne Epidemic. Visitors ehouli cornFree of Charge to Visitors and Boarders, municate with PROVINCIAL HOTEL, MODERATE CHARGES. m The Tourists' Popular Home. Tariff, Bs. per day; ,£2 ss. per week. Country visitors are reminded that if P-O. Box 286. Telephone, night and only in Town for the Day they can ob- day, 631. tain a Good Lunch from 12 to-2. T. A. HEATH, Proprietor. Kl6 tt Po^ B ßuMinS THIRWELIWtYh^IT All communications to . ' THB HOUSE THAT NEVER HAD 1-fcLE FLU.' JAMES CONNOR, HpHIRWELL is well known as tho PrcTelenhone 67 P O Box 112 „■ ■ mler . House for Accommodation and imepnone bi. i ,u. ao\ m. Cuieine _ one minute J . rom Te]e _ (VTW mjiiwr, nTOTRAT P h ?. n , < ) Telegraphic address, "Thirin Tr ic? i tit ir °P™ AI " w«U- Tariff, 425. per week. 107 Cuba Street, Wellington T. P. BOWLING. Proprietor. Few doors above Royal Onk . t» ,>T)M/vr — LIV The most convenient, commodious, and RADNOR RESIDENTIAL HOTEL, comfortable Private Hotel in tho oity. An™-??^' . Ideally situated, Id. section from railway „. . , auuiU;.4«.u. 1 station and wharves; right in the centre Elevated position overlooking Governnf the shopping area. m ? nt , Hou6e lno Harbour. Five Eight modern bathrooms, electric light m l "™ s . l ™? l "f" 00 . Wharves, and throughout, electric fire alarm; fireproof C6 ™ 6 of Clt 5 T - Llectric Light throughbuilding. ' . . m ._ „, . „ 1 TERMS-Bs. 6d. per day; 15s. per week. Moderate Tariff. Strictly First Class. Permanent Guests by nrrnnganwnt. lelegrams; Ttadnor," Auckland. • 'Phone 3049. S ' W HITE H^ T j™- CHBIStI CARGEN HOTEL, AUCKLAND. v - , f „ lfl „ 7" . ~ ■RBCOGNISBD as one of the Leading Flr ™ s Accommodation. J& Hotelsjin Australasia. Specialty: ~-. .l?«n-lte. per day. Suites of Rooms, with private Bathroom, Dominion Always on File, etc., Ballroom, Orchestra. Tariff: 10s. 6d. S. J. ALLEN to 15s. per day. Special terms for length- (Late of Wanganui), ened periods. Bedroom and Breakfast Proprietor, from Cs. Othor meals optional. Full ■■ particulars from Thos. Cook and Son, or TYR. MURRAY LITCHFIELD D.D.S Government Tourist Bureaux. Telegrams: ■L' (Pentxa.), L.D.S., R.C.G (Edin ) "Cargen," Auckland. E. F. Black. Prop. DENTAL SURGEON, —— ■■ ■ Has Resumed Practioo at his Rooms, 29 PALMERSTON NORTH. Moleaworth Street. Telehone 055R OTAI " hotel. THE WEATHER Modern Brick Building. Electric Light • -> 80, 203. ThloUEho,,t - . Phon694 . FORECAST AND SUMMARY A ' E ' " « P-iTTTsT^PAV. Present indications aro for decreasing WTTTrTJI? TO t; r r4Y m ntVl<ir southerly winds, veering by west to inWHERE ID blAl U\ OmUbl- creasing northerlies again shortly. LiIUKUJI. Weather cool and changeable, and fair HOTEL FEDE RA L, l ? cl . out! .y Bencrally. liar.nueter rising Victoria Sqiwrc, Christchurch. ZJw i" b, M d,lc ' l 0 lall ■n mTTrac T),.r,„,.;<,i„- "Bam shortly in the south. D. COLLINS P opnetor. Atmospheric pressure has increased (Late Clarendon Hotel.) everywhere, and stroii- and squally west All communications receive prompt at- to south-west winds have predominated tention. An improvemsiit in the weather has taken Box 532. Telephones, 1010, 2279. P lMe to -" a J' ln nla "y Parts. ■ ■ D. C. BATES, ■ /PtHILDS'S COMMERCIAL HOTEL, Meteorological Office, \\ r ellin K tmi"' oCtOr ' The Square, March 18, 1919. PALMERSTON NORTH. , DISTRICT REPORTS. Handy to Station. (From Our Own Oorrosuondontß.) (T. CHILDS Featherstoii, March 18.-Fine; light wind. • " • V;i i J - IJi ' i '.> A Greytown, Maroh 18,-Fine, but dull. » , gropne.tor, Maatorton, March 18,-Fine; but windy, I
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Dominion, Volume 12, Issue 149, 19 March 1919, Page 6
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1,163Page 6 Advertisements Column 2 Dominion, Volume 12, Issue 149, 19 March 1919, Page 6
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Page 6 Advertisements Column 2 Dominion, Volume 12, Issue 149, 19 March 1919, Page 6
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