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BUSINESS NOTICES. '»'■ — • KIRKCALDIE & STAINS, LTD* "FAMOUS FOR OVER 55 YEARS FOR QUALITY, STYLE, AND VALUE." »-—:— BARGAIN DAY TO-DAY . !£ HOST OP UNUSUAL SAVINGS AWAITS YOU IN OUR BIG BARGAIN BOOM TO-DAY-COME EARLY. SPECIAL BLOUSE OFFERING. Chief among the many Bargain attractions for to-day only you will find a range of very smart WHITE VOILE BLOUSES. All good _. ' styles, and new clean stock. Some are trimmed Val. lace, others are embroidered. These are very dainty goods, and just the type of ... Blouse required for present wear under tho Costumo Coat. USUAL PRICES, 10s. 6d, 10s. 9d. TO. CLEAR AT Bs. lid. each. EVERY DEPARTMENT OFFERS SOME SPECIAL CLEARING LINES AT PRICES THAT MEAN SAVINGS FOR YOU. Just to mention a few more of the good .... things offering—there are some slightly soiled SPORTS COATS to ho cleared at . BARGAIN DAY; ridiculously low- prices, a few odd BARGAIN DAY, FEATHER BOAS almost given away, •-..., oddments in. LADIES' UNDERCLOTHSARGAIN DAY. ING, LADIES' HOSIERY, FOOTWEAR, BARGAIN DAY. Etc., and Clearing Lines in Towels and other Manchester Goods, all marked down far below present value. THE SPECIAL PRICES HOLD GOOD FOR TO-DAY ONLY, AND WE URGE YOU TO COME EARLY TO THE BARGAIN ROOM ON THE FIRST FLOOR, EVERY ITEM A BARGAIN. Further particulars would perhaps be : . ■"' superfluous, as the shopping publicknows , BARGAIN DAY. full well the wonderful values offered BARGAIN DAY. ' every AVednesday in cur popular Bar- ' \ gain Rcom. Just make a point of comBARGAIN DAY, ing to-day, and you can share in the BARGAIN DAY. great savings to be made by every purchaser. BARGAIN ROOM OPEN FROM 9 A.M. UNTIL 6 P.M. COME! — &- ..''■ ; KIRKCALDIE. &. STAINS., LTD. • ' R* -HANNAH k CO., I/PD. NONE.BETTER, FEW AS GOOD AS THE " WAREWELL" SCHOOL BOOTS FOR BOYS AND GIRLS. • We confidently recommend these boots to parents who appreciate real service, highest value, and matchless quality. . NOTE THE: REASONABLE PRICES. BOYS' STRONG;LEATHER BALS-With tips. 11 to 1, 12s. 6d.; 2 and 3, 13s. 6d.; i and o, lis. 6d. BOYS' CHROME LACE BOOTS-With rivited and slugged soles. 7 to 10 '■B^k.J&j; ll to 1 ' 12s - M -' 2 - nnd 3 - 13s ' 6d -: * nn d 5. Hs. Cd. : BOYS' CHROME OPEN FRONT DERBY BALS-Stout soles. 11 to 1, ]*.. Od. ■ • 2 and 3, 16s. Gd.; i rnd 5, 17s. Cd. " ' BOYS' BOX CALF BALS-Leather lined, square toes. 7to 10, 14s. «d.; 11 to 1 15s. 6d.j.2 and 3, 17s. Od.; i and 5, 18s. fid. GIRLS' CHROME BALS-Stout slugged soles. 7to 10, 10s. Gd.; 11 to 1, lis 6d.; Maids', 2 to 5, 14s. 6d. ' . GIRLS' BOX CALF BALS-Sewn soles, full toes. 7 to 10, 12s.' 6d ;11 to 1 13s. 6d.; Maids', 2 to. 5. 15s. 6d. • • ' ' .GIRLS' BOX CALF BUTTON BOOTS-Sewn soles, full toes. 7to 10, 13s Gd.- , 11 to 1, lis. 6d. ' ■ ' MAIDS' 2 to 5 GLACE DERBY BALS-Round toes, school heels, stout soles for college wear. 18s. Od. MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. ■ . R. HANNAH- & CO., LTD,, 260 LAMBTON QUAY AND 103 CUBA STREET. WELLINGTON. FROM ENGLANDCARBINE CAMERAS! From England! That is a guarantee of quality! From Waterworths! That is a guarantee of value! Here is a double assurance that the Pocket Carbine is a good Camera—it is made in England and sold by Waterworths! The Pocket Carbine is the latest folding Film Camera-compact, beautifully finished, and high-grade. Size of picture is 3J x2J 'inches, and the Extra Rapid Aplanat Lens ensures clear detailed pictures. Buy this reliable British Camera—price ,£7 10s. "'.'■■..•.■WATERWORTHS LTD.- .'..: THE ANSCO PEOPLE, LAMBTON QUAY (Next Kelburn Tram), WELLINGTON. And at 08 Queen Street, Auckland. PASSPORT PHOTOGRAPHS ,/f- . can be supplied in an inexpensive process at ; GENTLEMEN'S TAILORING a few hour*' notice. . BY ■ MILLIGAN'S EXPERTS, JgARTLETT aND ANDREW, 10 Willis Street, KELBURN AVENUE, WELLINGTON Tel 1238 ' IS A KNOWN QUALITY. TONDON AND LANCASHIRE FIRE INSURANCE CO., LTD. nn .m»n.Axtn, tm!lnm ' IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. FlßE.—Lowest Rates and Prompt Settlements. MARINE—AII Classes Covered, includ- mmi ing Personal Luggage, against All TP H E GUARDIAN TRUST AND Risks. : -=- EXECUTORS' COMPANY OF ACCIDENT.-Employers' Liability, and N - z - LTD., a most Liberal Personal Accident Policy, including a List of Diseases. Begs to announce tho appointment as ' SECURITY TO POLICYHOLDERS, Advis ° ry Directo . rs in 0f.£6,249,479. MESSRS. W. H. SEFTON MOOR- — HOUSE AND O. S. WATKINS. Full information can ba obtained at Tho Guardian Trust is merged in and 'JOHNSTON & CO., LTD., guaranteed by CHIEF AGENTS & ATTORNEYS THB SOUTH BRITISH INSURANCE CO#, LJD, . . ' WELLINGTON. ' - _ ~ . t t Combined Assets exceed .£1,500,000. — ■— Full information upon application to TjINORMOUS IS THE WEALTH made JL' from simple little patents. Baby's T. B. CHING rattle and crinkled hairpin each made ' ' ft*S ** «»««. i Soiree '"l~or?Guh,^ if ßaYd- ™ Lambtol ««* ****>»• \ win and Rayward. Patent Attorneys, 215 Lambton Quay, Wellington. TO READERS. . '. ~~ — , HAWKE'S BAY WINES. TpO avoid disappointment readers of HAWKE'S BAY WINES. ■■~ "T he Dominion " nro/irged to sub- Q rown ilnd Matured at ecribe for a regular period through the ,mi V tmimtitk! nearest agent (name on application). __„ „. m , ~™™,,,,,. Prepaid Subscription Rates ;,ro- f JJAIA H.B. 3 months. G months. Yearly. * n MAIA VINEYARDS, H.B. s(J £r (1 £s (1 44/-and ,54/-per doz. From Agent ... 12 0 13 6 2 6 6 HOCK 40/- and 50/- „ Posted 15 3 110 0 219 0 £™ IS ' an < »" » Extra for book-, p ORI «- «m 58 - „ ing 1 0 0 2 G 0 6 0 MADEIRA and 08/- „ effects a saving anj en- _NOTE TO CONSUMERS -If your own '"-wires regular ■supply; Casual purchase Wine Merchant be. unable to supply, : means disappointment when the paper is E leaso communicate direct with the most desired, as the heavy demand at "f o " 6l * - such times rapidly, absorbs the available TE MATA VINEYARDS, LTD.. •"""Jls- IRQ. Bos 88, Huyelook North, Hiß.
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Dominion, Volume 12, Issue 149, 19 March 1919, Page 6
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944Page 6 Advertisements Column 1 Dominion, Volume 12, Issue 149, 19 March 1919, Page 6
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Page 6 Advertisements Column 1 Dominion, Volume 12, Issue 149, 19 March 1919, Page 6
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