There's Something Good in Store For every lady who will do herself the justice of calling at "V. and A/s" Popular. Store Just now our-COATS are attracting much attention, because of their style, quality, finish, and reasonable.prices, — Coney Seal Coats All Wool Sports ■ ThreKiuiirler coats, with bis, wimn Fur V^OaiS Collars. Large and small fiizes. Lined-. with Mole shade Silk. Others have self In Tm , Black, Creme, Scarlet, I Collars in new roll style. Beautiful j Grej . ) or Brown, with or without belt, Coats at a very moderate price. roll or sailor collar. "V. and A/s" Prices, «y, and, A/s" Prices, ; " • £36/10/0 and £39/10/0 ' 35/-to 75/-' IMn About Some New Laces MailOrders the £ * ... Receive Comprising dainty designs in Valenciennes, Fillet, real ?nd mutation Chinese laco-3, with Beading and Insertion to match. All widths. ,Just _ DisCOUnt the ideal thing for trimming dainty lingerie. ' rrOttlpt Prices, 4Jd. to 3s. lid. yard. for Cash. SHADOW LACE-With beading top, and bottom for threading- Ribbon. Attention 18in. wide, for making dainty C amisoles. Prices, 2s. 11d., 3s. Ild. yard. , MEDALLIONS-In Laco and Embroidory; in square, round, and heart S l iapc> . i Prices, 3d., 5d., Bd., Is., Is. 3d. i«4[ '"Tiffll .
fi Our Telephone No. is 2280, M. ! j F\ Don't'forget we are at the J lojf other end of the wire. Pick [|. g»n/up your 'phone at any time Iyf/ " and give us your order.. We lj\\ " assure you a prompt and cour- . Qfewk- j teous service and delivery. || 'A ' , S | w We will fill your telephone orders as | quickly and as interestedly as if you had made your purchase in person. | jj! Try it and satisfy yourself next time n I you need something in a hurry. J i The Sims Hardware Co* Ltd. i I • 'Phone 2280, 3 f SUPERB WATER COLOURS OFFERED AT A GREAT SACRIFICED ~.,.. ~ TINGEY'S ANNUAL ,;SAL& r WE ARE SELLING THESEAt £4/15/0 They are usually 7 guineas and 8 guineas. A rare chance. | Hundreds of cheaper .pictures, framed and unframed, at SIMILAR BARGAIN SACRIFICES. TINGEY'S OIL & COLOUR MERCHANTS j. I Tho„e«7andmß. MANNERS STREET, WELLINGTON. f ' THE WINXEBS OE THE EIRST THREE PRIZES IN-THE ■ COM PETITION ' which closed February SSt'h ore, MRS. 13. ANDERSON, JIUBRAT CREEK. 5 GUINEAS. IKS-. G. KILGOWR. KAIRASOA, 0 < MISS M. LATHERLEY, BLENHEIM, 2 bllNLAfe. to eacli of whom a cheque has Veen sent | NEXT COMPETITION CLOSES MAY 31 Every Competitor receives a Prize.' I ARE YOU A TRIER? t- Jenkins Bros' Valves ■m^ GLOBE. ANGLE, CHECK, * FULLWAY ft fe .RENEWABLE DISC VALVES. 8|» All Genuiuo JENKINS hare J|| FOR'OIL, OTBAM. ACID, & WATER. litfij, Jenkins &Sa6k, Ltd.. If^H: ENGINEERS, Feathcrston Street, WEUINGTON._^^>->'^
Page 3 Advertisements Column 4
Dominion, Volume 12, Issue 149, 19 March 1919, Page 3
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