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rjadtoooooaaci | The landinaM 0 C of Milk. I fe Brown & Poison's Corn jjg ' Flour coaxes children to ™ P take plenty of milk, their P most important food. * U For example :— . % tea Blancmange and Jam, g B .Fruit and Corn Flour Custard, H L Blancmange and Stewed Fruit. | NBroiiin & Fblsosfs J t Corn Flour ■ P makei all iKese easily andecono- ™ k| mically. They are nourishing and » F delicious—the very ideal ol summer n k iweets (or children. anoDDaoaooD j " N.B. Firebricks are great heat resistors North Brunner is specially noted for its exceptionally 6nc quality fire clay—thus firebricks or firo tiles that bear the N.B. stamp can be relied upon to give the utmost satisfaction under all degrees of heat N.B.'s are best for gas-retorts, bakers' ovens, furnaces, etc. They will not crack or crumblo under the fiercest heat! Made in all shapes and sizes. Write or call for prices. taml ir©wi, Lti 31-33 JOHNSTON STREET, WELLINGTON. 'Phone 2648 a. TOWN AND COUNTRY. APPLES (Cooking and Dessert), Island and Sydney Fruit;, also Potatoes, Sneds, Seed Potatoes, and Niinmo and Blair's Standard Seeds at Lowest Prices. Country orders solicited. The Trade supplied. HAWKE'S BAY FRUIT CO., 'Phone 3864. 119 Cuba Street. NORTH BRITISH SOLID BAND MOTOR-LORRY TYRES. MADE in the Empire's largest Rubber Works, where enormous chemical Laboratories co-operate with skilled workmen. These tyres are perfect in shape— and servo longer. Fit thorn. Wellington Distributing/- Agent— W. A. ARNOLD, 34 Taranaki Street. LET th« "Dominion" General Printing / Department handle your next order, whatever your requirements. Prompt attoptlon. Beasol'aMß chargon. 'Ptono 4Q50,
When Fashion I. M Is The Topic . ffl«. You alwny.s find Mathewson Styles aro [M 1\ If) the subject of delighted admiration. jlftV By specialising in Modes'that are ¥ -lil'jr kfSllßt ' Newest — Smartest — Most Exclusive — |[ 1)1 (|^ffi^P« our assortments arc in a class by them- Jl^^l-X^ffittlfl/ The beauty and variety of our pre- ;kSßßiffii»\ sent displays make them worth your in- ~^. Call To-day. I • MATfIEWSON'S LTD. "' "Where the Smart Hats Are," 264-266 Lambton .Quay.;-. The Apex Electric tfftsraHß| I action Cleaner gets |B^HK3 TT i XT I? ' BSKI'IIHSkI Under Your rurnitare and into All j^^Rff' . Corners* j The "Apex" Nozzle can always be poked into hard-to-reach places in its j search for dust, dirt, and lint. What a lot of stooping it saves when i you can get dust and dirt without rummaging under the furniture and | in the corners for it. 1 The.long inclined duat-pan-shaped nozzle makes the "Apex" clean fsv | more thoroughly than most machine?, because no straight-up lift or | pull is necessary—dust and dirt just rolls up the "pan" into the dust-bag. | The air is maintained at the same density and velocity from the time j it enters tho machine until it reaches the bag—so that lint, dirt, etc., ; has tho same suction force continually applied. Tho "Apex" adjust- j ment ' Permits Three Variable Nozzle Positions , 1-16 3-10 and 3-8 'iieh from floor to suit the carpet to be denned. , | The entire nozzle width measured thirteen inches, cleaning thoroughly every inch of floor covering it passes over. j The "Apex" is mounted on three wheels, the rear one of swivel type to • 5 nermit the machine to operate easily in any direction, all having phos- [ phor bronze bearings moulded right into them to ensure permanent rigidity. J The "Aoe'x" also has a brush which is located in the mouth cf the 5 nozzle It performs the very important duty of loosening up all kinds of lint, hair, ravellings, etc., which may have become embedded in the • | nap of the rug or carpet. .- | Tho motor is (rouble and fool proof, is started by the turn of a button, and can be attached to any electric lamp connection in any room. ' 1 E W. Mills and Co., Ltd., I I Hunter Street and Jervois Quay, Wellington, ' jf \mi»ll|m
BiHflW L '" lA>JI - i """-" llt '"" ' "* iinmiimiimaaanwmMiMißiiMWMi* RATNER .SAFES! INSURE YOURSELF PROM LOSS FROM - FIRE, FALL,. OS BURGLARS, - S Bf (aetalUng one of theio Celebrated Safes. Twelve oornir steel 5*441 ft*. fwt Id oonstruotten; contain! all thrtt?sonO»!l points that are oswMiarj tn J NO RATNER SAFE HAS EVER HAD ITS CONTENTS DESTROYED I BY FIRE. NO RATNER SAFE HAS BEEN ENTERED BY BURGLARS. tti form of construction nlloire It to fall from aor ktljht without biirstlnirlh«rafor.a absalnto noority. DKITIBH MADfc Write for particular! or call an£ ace the goods M Hie STMT TIM, GIASS X HARDWARE COMPANY, ltd B, Hi, M OOOBTENAI PLACE. WELLINGTON AGENTB. ■ i n ,i, l n. l ., l . l ,.,»riT-™-7---gr»Bßaaßna^i»»rfiiJa»iiww«^^ QPECIAL" Lines"nTYadfOTd's Great O Stocktaking Snle notv on.- Chairs 6s. 6d., Tables 4s. 6J.. Quilts 7s. Gd., Plates ~R ™ „..T cunrrp >vii \,\\\k< 6s. 6d. doz., Enamel Plates 10s. Gd.'doz., I'KLE/,ING SHEEP LA.Ubfc. Blind Rollers Is., Axe Handles Is., Lamps ;',s. (id., Vases 2s. fid., Slair Pods Is. Gil. _~,, ,„,.....- v ~„.,,. p V t>rni'P ilfaz., White Tablcrovers 3s. 6d„ Glass rpHb WELLING l-J.N MEAI aXPOIU and China Sweets 'is. Gel. d 0?.., Saucers,- 1 - COMPANY, LTD., is. 6d, d 0?.., Wrinßors 245. Gd„ Door Mats j • 2s 6d„ Henrih Riirs ss. fid., Matting Is. Is Prepared to FAT SHEEP AND LAMBS "YOUR MOTOK-LOKItY SHOULD By Weight or at Per Head. HAVE CLINCHER BAND TITHES. Qmmy also offe „ diell ( s ore ry A N all roads, under all loads. Clincher facility for freerinn on then- own ac1/ Biuid Tvres serve longest. They're count. _ British-used at the Front. Get details. p r j ces VBn bo obtained on application Wellington Distributing Agent— „( ; tho Company's Offices, or' ! froui any W. A. ARNOLD, of the Buyers in the country. JU Tnrannici Street. w Cl FOSTER, AKTLE'S Cantiiaridine is a Celebrated Managing Director. , - Hair Tonic. 2s. fid. pov bottle. John Castle, Prescription Chemist, 139 Itiddiford Street.
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Dominion, Volume 12, Issue 149, 19 March 1919, Page 3
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950Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Dominion, Volume 12, Issue 149, 19 March 1919, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Dominion, Volume 12, Issue 149, 19 March 1919, Page 3
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