Messrs. Abraham and Williams. Ltd., report that at Fellding on March. 14 a heavy yarding of sheen and a <*ood entry of cattle camo forward. There wa.s a fcood attendance of buyers, and practically every lot changed hands at satisfactory prices. Quotations :-Bheep: Fat ewes, 19s. id., 21s. Bd.. 235. 6d., to 245. 3d.: fat lambs, tr 25a. id.;. two-tooth to six-tooth ewes, U> 255. 3d.; four and five-year ewes, 21s. llrt., 225. 6d., 235. lCd., to 245.; store ewes, 6s. 3d., Bs. 10d., 12b. 7d„ 15s. 9d„ to 16s. 7d.; iwo-toolh wethers, to 245. Bd.; b.f. lambs, 12s. 9d„ 133!, 14b. Bd.. 155., '0 15s. ,6d.; cull lambs, 3b. 9d. to 9s. 9d.; Southdown rams. 3a. 3d. to 4s. 4d. Cattle: Fat cows, £9 10s., £10 10b., £10 15b.. to £12 2s. 6d.; forward cows. £6 10b., £7 Bs.. £7 10b., to £9 17a. 6d.; two-year steers, to £9 7s. (id.; fif-teen-month steers, £3 17s. to £4 55.; Shorthorn bull, £14.
Dominion, Volume 12, Issue 149, 19 March 1919, Page 10
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