_ Tho Following nominations havo been ■reooiycd for tho Summer Meeting or tho Wellington Racing ,Club, to be held on January 19 and 22:— NURSERY. HANDICAP, of 400 sovs. Four 'lurlongs.—Hinemaru, Bonanza, Spannor, Alittland, Informal, Kilhope, Killowen, Kipling, Chantry, Astorial, Killala, Philomela, Cotillion, Activo. Robckah, Piraeus, Demagogue, Elous, Indus, Hcathoccoto, Lionskin, Long Range, First Rain, Persic, Pyreslan, War March, Chorry Mart, Troth, ■Domos. Principal Lady, Silver Link, licntiul, Stirrup Cup, Torfrcda. ANNIVERSARY WELTER HANDICAP, of *0 sovs. Ouc mite.—Zola. Ohiwia. Glenroy, Comely, Prince Delaware, Probation, Rood Hope, Parifonn, Silver Tunguo, Hrambletyc, Hondra, Whakahoki, Bcnnin Jfald, Sweet Tipperary, Wishful, Jchnur 'Walker, Mascot, Battle Evo, Square Deal, Sir Agnc?, Bagdad, Dribble. Whlto Blaxe, Gold Soult, Portland Lady, Multicipal, Hushman. WELLINGTON CUP, of 1300 sovs. Ono milo and a half.—Housewife, Hymcstra, Snub, Tcka, Miss do Val, Alteration, Rangitcro, U-cle Ned, Devotion, Good Nope, Silver Tongue, Form Up, Adjutant. Gamecock. Multiply, Bonnie Maid, Johnny Walker. ITenelan?, Mascot, Seadown. Battle Jive, / irtlo, Vagabond, Sweot Tipperary,, fiquar Deal, Oynic, Parooa, Red Ribbon, Orleans, Marc Anthony, Dribblo, Whlto Blaze, Multicipal, Nobloman. TELEGRAPH HANDICAP, of 750 sovs. Six furlongs.—Lady Black, Housewife Com' luenti Hymcstra. Nanna, Egypt, Astrcphel, Orowhurst, Miss do Val, Rangltero, Parisian Diamond, Croesus, Kilrea, Probation, Robert Bell, Parlform, Elocution, tiimonldos. Gamecock, Wrestler, Koeeian, Ayah, Sb'ela, Vagabond, Nyntad, Birlienvale, he y Goneral, Chimera. Bagdad, Centre, Waimatao, Hushiwn. JANUARY WELTER HANDICAP, of 300 sovs. Ono milo.-Zola, Ohlwla, Glenroy, Princo Delaware, Comely, Probation, Robert Bell, Good Hop©', Parlform, Brambletye, Hcndra, Whakahoki, Sweet Tipperary, Bonnio Maid, Wishful, Johnny Walker, Mascot, Battle Eve, Paddlugton Green. Sir Agnes, Orleans,- Bagdad, Matty, White Blaze,-Gold 6oult, Portland Lady, Multicipal, Hushman. FITZHERBERT HANDICAP, of 300 sovs. Five furlongs-Rene-Rose, Hineamaru, Bonanza, Spanner, Mlsslaud, Kilhope. Killowen, Kipling, Chantry, Asterml, Killala, Philomela. Cotillion, Piraeus, Eleus. Indus. Heathercotp, Lionskln, Long Range, llrst Rain, Persio, Pyresian. War March, Cherry Jlart, Troth, Demos, Principal Lady, BisIngham, Silver Link, Restful, fitirrup Cup, RACING OLUB HANDICAP, of 750 sovs. Ono mile and three furlongs-Housewife, Snub.. Hymcstra, Miss de Val. Alteration, Rangltero, Devotion, Good Hope, Silver Tongue. Form Up, Attdutant. Gamecock, Multiply, -Bonnie Jfaid, Jlenelaus. Johnny- Walker, Mascot. Seadown Battle Eve, Chortle Vagabond, Square Deal. Cynic, Paraoa, Red Rbbon, Orleans, Teka, Mare Anthony; Dribble, Nobleman. Multicipal. . . KELBURN PLATE, of 400 sovs. Four furlongs.-Hinoamaru,. Bonanza, Soannor, Hymestra, Nanna, ■ Pennon, Informal, dSGold. Kilhope, KMing. Asterlal, Cwelus.' KiUote, Bp-Peep, Rebokah. Dbbu--coeuo, Llonfkin, -Sweet Tipperary. Koeslan, Amoner Shining Mar , Birkenvale, Demos, Tonukohe, Blairflndo, HANDIOAP. of /00 povb, Skfu7iS b iLkdv Black Housewie Com. rnrot Hvme»t.ra, Nanna. Efrypt, ArtronM,Crowhurk,. Glenroy Rn««tern. P«W« ■niomniiil Kilrea. Probation. Rooerr linn. &rm, Floeutlnn,. Simonidos. flwjjJTiSi Wre9t»lpr Knnaian. Ayflh. flnwa, fl eral. Chimera, Bagdad, Centre, waimnmo, Dribble. ' '
By Telearaph-Press ■ AsßooiatioD. Palmerston North, December IS. The acceptances for the Morton.Summer M HAOK HUBDLES HANDICAP, of 175 sots. One mUe and a half.-PofSand Lady, list. Mb -Colorado, list. 81b.; Miss Baton, aft.; Mattel!. Tost.' IMb.! Hahftov Mat .Jg Want lOst. 41b.; Foeman, lOst. 31b.> l° r . ne *> m"W cUia. l» 8 t,. UK; Co«bnstlon 101b. Waraaid. 7at. 81b.; Vladieau,M. 71b-Mediator, U.; Zela, 7st.; jean Dels-vSVsßlb.-'Sea Foam. 6st. 1 b ; Mart-' ale 6rt. 101b.; Coral Queen, 6st. 101b.; Little liiry <Bb • Vivid, 6st. 101b.; Vacuum, tofuiW.fflS: «it. 1»b.; Bold Roblem, 'IbvENILE HANDICAP, of MO sots. Five ftirlones-Coolpan, Bst. 61b.; 'forfreda, 7st. 21b • Staccato, 75?..; Demos, 6bt. IM»., Whakahawea, **. Wib.j Matapua.tat. IMb'Tit Willow, Gat. 101b.; Sylla, drt. IMb., Oratress, 6st, 101b. ' ~ ItAETON OUP. ot 600 sots. One mile anda quarter.-Square Deal. Jit. Client, Ist 111b.; Sleight-of-Hand, Bst 51b.; Eangltero, Bst. 41b.; Impediment, Bst. 3 b., Dribble, 7st. 81b.; Gold "oalt. 7st. Bib.. Municipal,- 7st. 31b.; Nobtoman. Tst lb.. riwitrß fiat 131b.; Poteutia'ity, «tt l?io-. B,W. fib.; Eude. 6»t. 71b.; AHOW. BEAOEKT ct 10D sow. / Etfit furlongs and a half.-Colorado, IM. I'b., $»iW<ll!S 1& Jffittn.ltat.Gb. Blue Thread. lOst. Sfe j All O er, lOst. 111b.; Breton 1Sil!-: S3" °1 lb lb San E Fran' geld: ng,-loM'.; Sail We,.lo* 71b,; Seaweed, lOst. 71b.; General Hadero "■*; Tlb-s Gaekwar, lOst. 71b.; Lupemtc. lOst. 71b. _ RAILWAY HANDICAP, of 300 sovs. Six furlonga.-Nystad, Bat. Ifflb.; Bangitero, fist. 91b.; Lady General, Bst. 8)b.; sweat, lip. Horary, Set. 51b.; Moutoa Queen. 7rt. 131b.; Hyginas, 7st. 101b.; Waimatao, 7st.9lb,;Tuxangapito, 7st. 51b.; Glorify, 7st. 21b.; Star, engo, 6st. 121b.; Interlude,- 6st. 12Jb.j Bag. dad. 6st. 71b.; Hupana, 6st. 71b. NEW YEAE HACK HANDICAP, of 150 sovs. Seven furlongs.—Zola, 9st. 111b.; Hastie, 9at. 41b,; Namur, 9st, 31b,; Quinn's Poßt.9st. 31b,; Mystified, Sat. 31b.; Lady
Edith, Bat. 101b.; Ooral King, Bst. 41b.; Bay Berry, Bst, 41b.; Zela, 6st, 41b.; clla, Bat. 31b.; Vnscovia, Bst.; March On, 8?t.; Vivid, Bat.; Vacuum, 8bI.; Hold Prob. lom, 86t.; Jaokal, But. • STEWARDS' WELTER HANDICAP, of SBo sovß. Eight furlongs and a half— Mulliolpal, 9at, 41b,; Black Adi>.. U. 111b.; Zola, Bat. 51b.; Colorado, Bst. 21b.: Mystified, Bst.; Arrowflold, Bst.; CombuJtion Bst.; War Star, Bst.; Victoria, Bst-.; Fore, Bbl ; Yascovia, Bsl.
Acocptonces for tho Stratford Meeting are duo this evoniugTho Marvin Wilkt-B paoor, Sir .Fulham, is being snoclally prepared, for tho Auckland Trotting Cup. ill which ho will bo driven by J. Brycc. Tho two-year-old Auccuia (King MarkEnyo), purchased at. tho Karanra Bale D? an luveroarg'Jl sporlsmiin. E ai ß ett c . fi "'' place at the Southland A. and P. Show. Tho two-year-old Kilfoylo was recently Injured in Melbourne whilo being transferred from otio stable to another. Hor stablo companion, Kilboy, co.ntinueH to train on. Ho is regularly indulged in swimming exercise. A pleasing featuro of tho Karainu sale is that tho two highest-priced lots havo won at their hrat start, in their new owners' colours. Buying thoroughbreds Is a lottery at ally timo. and everyono is pleased when a plucky buyer has ms judgment vindicated. Carbine waa always willing, to mako a race with any of his opponents, but when called on in earnest-by his rider seldom failed. According to an American exchange, Omar Khayyam, the winner ot this aeasou'a Kentucky and Brooklyn Derby, is n elniilar sort of horse, for his trainer, R. Carman, recently said •.-"Omnv Khayyam will hang around until you call on him, and then ho pioks his way through tho hold, aud goes to tho'front. Ho never worries about anything, and after beading a horse he is just as likely to run beside him for a whilo aa if in conversation. But just shake him up, end show him there is danger around and ho bursts oil and is soon out of all trouble. In tho stablo ho is like an old cow, and when shipping ho siuply gets into his stall, and la comfortable in a minute. At exercise just cluck to him. and he will run a quarter in ZJsec., and keep oh at a rapid gait unless checked. Yet In races ho likes to bo surrounded by company. In my opinion, ho is one of tltoso wonderful horses ono scea only once In a generation." The entries received for the principal ■events at'the Wellington Racing Club's Summer Meeting aro quite up to tho standard.of previous years. All the best handicap horses aro engaged In the Cup, and class J3 also well represented in the other events. It Is to bo regretted that Biplane will not bo fit to race, but in the Kelbum Plate, four furlongs, thero will a meeting between Desert Gold, Bvmestra, and tho best of the two-year-olds. Thi3 year the Great Northern -Derby should jproylde a contest equally as good as anything in previous years. It is to be regrettei that Biplane will not bo seou out, but the meeting botween Estland, Hymestra, and Vagabond should be very Interesting. It is an open secret that Hymestra haa been tried over middle distances, and acquitted himself well, and his new owper is qdite hopeful that he will ■ down Estland •at Ellerslie. Rangltero has lately been given swimming exercise at. Foxton to see if he can shako off tho soreness which manifested itself after the son of Papakura raced at Woodville. His owner intends to race him in the Manawatu Cup. Sasanof, has won at his last two starts in Sydney, and. the Martian gelding Is now a good favourite for the Summer Gup, to bo run at Randwick on Boxing Day; .He la not badly handicapped with 9at,. 31b. mllo and five furlongs. The light-weight jockey Cyril Bolton, who formerly hailed from Riccarton, and who was e leading horseman in Sydney for somo years,, has just been re-]icensed by the A.J.g. Thero will be no dearth of runners at Awapunl on Boxing Day. Tho acceptances number 143 for tho eight events. The largest field is twenty-two in the Trial Plate, and the smallest fifteen in the Haok Welter. Visitors -to the Manawatu Meeting on Boxing Day will bo able to travel to Palmerston North by the 7.45 a.m. train from Thorndon or the.8,20 mail train.
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Dominion, Volume 11, Issue 73, 19 December 1917, Page 7
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1,468THE TURF Dominion, Volume 11, Issue 73, 19 December 1917, Page 7
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