. Xmas Gifts at Radford's! Electroplate Tea and Coffee Sets, Teapots, Cruets, Biscuit Barrels, Trays, Cake Stands, Sugars and Creams, Clocks, Art Pots, Art Vases, Epergnes, I'ire Screens, Draught Screens, Prams, Go-carls, Ornamenls, Animals, Birds, Fancy Goods, Glassware, Enainelwnre, Tinware, Copperware Kerbs, Fire Brasses, Companion Sets, Cutlery, Fenders, Carving Sets, Brusliware, Mirrors, Pictures, Toilet Sets, Dinner Sets, China Tea Sets, Hundreds of Useful Gifts, all at SALE PRICES FOR CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR AT laifiri I Co's Ntst Ciplete Furnisbisg House IN THE CITY. ' . INSPECTION INVITED. liSIfilFOI! P|3B milE opportunity to buy a five-seetor j -«- touring car at pre-war price is at I Aro you goin? to let it wail? a The "Partin-Palmer" at £345 j Is an extremely low p.rico for such an up-to-date, high-class car. ! Prices have an -upward tendency; it ie nnlikoly they will be so low I for * long time to come. I M r rite for specifications—or better, make an appointment for a demon- ; stration run. i Zealandia itetsr imputing Co., Utt, I NEW ZEALAND DISTRIBUTORS FOE "PARTIN-PALMER." ]■ ' 153 FEATHERSTON STREET...... WELLINGTON. | 'Phono 4163. . ' P -O' Box 705. is fkill of Xmas Geociies! j|| WE have catered for the Xmas menu Wt, W with, a splendid assortment of deli- /A *J cacies. Here everything is of the finest \ ( quality and prices are right for economy. \ \ SHOP HERE FOR- | \ The finest Pudding Fruits, Biscuits, Cakes, Xnias 1 Preserved Fruits, Nuts, Confectionery for Gifts, Christmas ' (' Crackers, Tinned Meats and Tinned Fish, Hams, and Cordials. |> W. CAMPBELL, LTD., ; ; i (C Mβ 42 Jtonner. SI-.-Fhone «3. 593 Cubn St...'Phone 2524 A 9 163 Rlddllord Streel.'Fhonc 1084. THE IiiifIFIIEIS'CO-fillifElSi. . (LIMITED). NOMINAL CAPITAL ... - - f 2SO,S J! SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL ... - . - * 20 J' 1 ?J . PAID-UP CAPITAL' ... ' ••• : ••■ * 192 '< 90 -HEAD OFFICE,'■ MASTERTON. FiRANCHES AT WELLINGTON, GREYTOWN, CARTERTON, PAHIA?Sr "kItISuNA MARTINBOROUGH, ALF«EDTO Ni DAN NE. VIRXE, WOODVILLE. AND PONGAROA. GENERAL MERCHANTS, AUCTIONEERS, WOOLBROKERS STOCK, STATION, AND .COMMISSION AGENTS LIBERAL ADVANCES MADE ON WOOL, STOCK, ETC., AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES. ;i pSI MADE IN CANADA. . .jj Wmn GLOBE, ANCLE, CKtGit, AND S . . 'Mm FOLLWAY ' "ftfli W4W ' RENEWABLE DISC, VALVES. E||w f'HliiM- ALL Genuinu JENKINS VALVES |j ■SjfeMj'a harti iinm* engraved on Sodjr. I 1 For Oil. Staam, Acid, and Wator. (^OT^ 'jMLKS ■& ¥ACI, Ltd., ■ Feathoraton Strwt, WELLINGTON.
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Dominion, Volume 11, Issue 72, 18 December 1917, Page 8
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370Page 8 Advertisements Column 6 Dominion, Volume 11, Issue 72, 18 December 1917, Page 8
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