MASKS Of , TJIE .MOON. ' march. Day. Hγ. m. I'ii'sl. quarter 1 4 14 a.m. Pull moon 9 929 a.m. Last quarter 17 0 3 a.m. New moon 23 3 35 p.m. First quarter ....... iO 10 6 p.m. MOON. Moon rises to-day, 6.1 a.m.; sets, 5.49 p.m. TIDE.' To-day, 9:37 a.m.; 10.5 p.m. To-morrow, 10.25 a.m.; 10.53 p.m. SUN. Sun rises to-day, 0.42 p.m.; 9.38 p.m. ARRIVALS. WEDNESDAY. MAEOH 28. NGAKUTA, «.s. (5.45 a.m.), 1250 tons, Mutr, from Qreymouth. WAIRAXT, s.a. (5.45 a.m.), 143 tons, .yendore, from Blenheim. KAITOA, s.s. (6.15 a.m.), 305 tons, 'ffildmnn, from Nelson , . KAPITI, B.s. (6.20 a.m.), 242 tone, Sawyers, from Wanganni. MAOEI, s.B. (6.50 a.m.). 3399 tons, Meaning, from Lyttelton. WOOTTON, s.s. (11.45 a.m.), 151 tons, Litsen, from Lyttelton. HINEMOA, s.s. (5 p.m.),. 542 tons, 80llons, from Cook Strait. ' COEINNA, e.B. (6.20 p.m.), 1271 tons, Elders, from Now Plymouth. DEPARTURES. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28. OPAWA, e.s. (2.10 a.m.), 110 tons, Nicholas, for Blenheim. PATKENA, bjs. (12.55 p.m.), 1212 tone, liwin, for -pioton and Nelson. INVEHOABQILL, b.b. (3 p.m.), 224 tons, W«hlstrom, for waneanui. KAITOA, 5.3. (6.5 p.m.), 305 tons, Wildman, for Nelson. WAKATU, s.t. (6 p.m.), 157 tons, Wills, for Koikoura. WAYBELEY. s-s. (5.6 p.m.). 157 tons, TlsV, for Patea. .MAOltl, s.s. (7.50 p.m.), 3399 tons. Manning, for,Lyttelton. Passengers: SaloonMisses Mannsrias, Campbell, Dalgarus, Thomas, Potera, Chryetace, Lone, Bayner, O'Connor, Boot, Nioholls, Connelly, MLuskey, Keihe, Morgan, Mesdames Spedding, Burke, Hobertson, Sleeman, Hamilton and child, Deck, Milton, Wilson, Darby, WBiite, Dickey, Hooke, Hobbs, Bethell, Brock and child, O'Connor, Hallett, Bowley. Jones, Fitch, Wells, Matthews, ffrost, Martin, Piper, Juda, Poleon, JTeesrs. IJmoh, Spedding , , Kedpath, Nelson, Barr, Burke, Brooks, Kay, Daley, Gerard, Sir James Allon, Shields, Brock, Waugli, Wateon, TOiompeon, Netting, Angus, Pitch, Keld, White.
WOOITOJf, s.e. (9.45' p.m.), 151 tons, Larson, for Lyttelton. '
EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Kakapo, Greymouth, March 29. Kamo, Greymouth, March 29. Kapuni, Patea, March 29. Opawa. Blenheim. March 29. Rosamond, Dunedin, March 29. Patecna, Nelson, Pioton, March 29. Mararoa, Lyttclton, March 29. Nikau, Nelson, Morch 29. llonowai, Duiiedin, Lntolton, Mar. 29. Quoon of tho South, I'orion, March 29. Kahika, Dunedin, March 29. Hawera, Patea, March 29. Nora Nrrenl Cook Strait. March 29. Kapiti, Wanpurai, March 30. Kaxu, New Plymouth, March 30. Wairau, Blenheim, March 30. Kaitoa, Nelson, March 30. Maori; Lytitelton. March 30. Kennedy, Nelson, March' 30. Invercargill, Wanganui, March 30. Warerley, Patea., March 30. Orepuki, Lyttelton, March 31. - MapourlJca, West Ooast, Nelson, MarcTi 01, John, Gißborne, March 31. Wdkatu, Lyttelton, Kaikoura, Mar. 31. Blenheim, Puponga, Wanganui, Mar. 31. Mapourika., Westport, Nelson, March 31, Hipplo, Gisborne, .-via' Coast, April 1. Terawcra, Dunodin, Lyttelton, April 2.
I PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Nora Nircn. Cook Strait. March 29. Hawera, Patea, March 29. Opawa, Blenheim, Maroh 2?. Queen of Foxton, March 29. Mararoa, Lyttelton, Maroh 29. Nikau, Nelson, March 29. Monows.i, Napior, Gisborne, Auckland, March 29. • Kowhai, Wostport, March 2J. Pohorua, Greymoiith, Lyttelton, Mar. 29. Kapuni, Patea, March 30. Waverley, Patoa, March 30. Kahika, Pioton. Gisborne, March 30. Carinna, Dunodin, March 30. Wairau, Blenhoimi March 30.. Patcena, Picton, Nolsoni March 35. Kaitoa, Nelson, March 30. . ■ Maori, .'Lyttelton, Maroh 30. Kennedy, Nelson, West, Coast, Mar. 30. Ngaknta, Greymouth, March 30. Oropuki. NeleoiK Nydio, Bay, Mar. 30. .lohn, Wanganui, March 3). Tiivorcargill, Wanganui. MbtoT) 31. Karu, Groymouth, Napier, Maich 31. KapHi, Wajipanui, AprU 1. ) Mapourika, Picton, Nolson, Westport , , April 2. Wakatu, Kaikoura, I;yttelton, April 2. lilooheim, tiounds. Havelock, AgTil 2 Tarawcra, Napier, Gisborno,! Auckland, April 2. Hippie, Napier, Gkborno, Akilio, April 3. BY TELEGRAPH. COASTAL. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28. AUCKLAND. Bailed.—To Anau (0.5 p.m.); for Wellington. \ ONEHTJNGA. Arrived.—ltarawa (8.45 a.m.), from Now Plymouth. NEW PLYMOUTH:. Arrived.—Karamu ('.), from Onehnnsa. Sailed— Corirma. (12.15 a.m.), for Wellinjton; Karu (8.20 p.m.), for Westport. PATEA. Arrived.—Hawora (1 p.m.), from Wellinsrlon; Kapuni (11.45 a.m.), from Welling, ton. ' . > ; PIOTON. Arrived.—"Eunico (5 a.m.), from Wollinßtoii; Patecna (5.10 p.m.), from Wellington. BLENHEIjr. To sail—Opawa (9,p.m.), lor Wellington.' NELSON. Sailed.—Waimea. (1.30 p.m.), for Westport and Greymouth; Mapourika (8.39 a.m.), for Wcstpoift and Greymouth; Nikau (7.20 p.m.), for Wellington. WESTPORT. Arrived.—Kittawa. (1.35 pjn.l, from Wellington. GRBTMOUTH. Sailed.—Kakapo (1.30-a.m.), from Welling- ' ton. LTITELTON. Arrived.—Tarawcra- (1.45 p.m.), from Wellington. Sailed—Mararoa (8.20 p.m.), for Welling-. PORT CHALMERS." Sailed.—Kowhai (2.5 a.m.), for Wellington.
. WATERSIDEE6' AGREEMENT. Touching on tho matter of the recent ttatorside workers' trouble; the annual report of the Wanganui Employers' Association eays that no finality has bcon arrived at, says a Wanganui exchange. All agreements throughout tho Dominion expired on December 31, and .now demands of a. very drastio naturo as regards increase in wages and working conditions have hcen issued by tho Waterside Federation It may bo found necessary at an early datn to hold- conferences in all centres to fix the looal working' conditions applicable to the working of tho different ports. ■■ DADDAKT-PAEKEE NEW OFFICES. , Tho Huddart-Parker Steamship Co.,' Ltd., has purchased the vacant leasehold section in Quay Street, situated between Endean '® Buildings and Messrs Liohtenstein, Arnoldson and Oo.'s gum etore, for the purpose of erecting a modern omee building of four or five stories, says an Auckland exchange. The section, which is a Harbour Board lcaso with about 40 years to run, was until recently held by tho Dcvonport Steam Ferry Go. The HuddarWarker Co. intends to use part of j the now building for the accommodation of its own office staff, and will let the | remainder to tenants. I
TORT OP PORTLAND PATS DAMAGES. Damages to the extent of about £2000 were allowed Hind, Rolph, and Co.. owners of the barquontine Fuako, from tho port of Portland, in a decree signed by Judge TVolverton and handed down on February by .liulgn Bean in the VmwA States District Court. The Pualto, loaded Trith some 1,406,000 feet of lumbeo 4 for Australia, wae being towed out of Westport on one of the Columbia Rivers' sloughs into the river in September ' of 3915 \ by the port's tug Wallultt, when she grounded, and the consequent expense of lightering, reloadI ing, repairing, demurrage, etc., was alI legud to have been owing. ■ I . SEAMEN'S AGREEMENT. ! Mr. W. T, Young, secreta.ry of the Sea- [ men's Union, arrived back from tho soutb by tho Meori yesterday morning. Speaking to a Dominion reporter, Mr. Young said that a. largely-attended meeting was i held at Duucdin on Saturday night last, in the Trades Hall. Mr. Youdr read, hi a report, and gavo a general explanation in regard to the conferenco with the shipowners' conference and tho new agree--ment. Tho report was unanimously adopted. All the members seemed to bo pleased with tho new ogroment, aa waa also the caso in. Auckland. Owing to there being no ships β-fc Ilytt«Hon there were vory few members, of■ tho union there. Jfr. Young was advised by his reproEentiitivo that it was practically useless to hold a. meeting. Most of tho membors there were conversant with the new terms.of the
psrccinetitr, and besides Ms. tho majority hud attention , . the Wellington meeting, 'they wore in favour of the new agreenienl. <". EASTER SHIPPING.. IVELLnfGTON-LYTTBtTON , SERVICE. Tho following' arangomenta hftve bcon made for passenger traffic at Easter. In the Wellington-Lytteltoti Ferry service, as far as the Union Company is concerned, the Maori and llararoa. will run according to time-table. A special Huddart-Parker Steamer will run in order to asssit in the passenger traffic. This vessel will leave hero for Lyttclton at 5 p.m. on Thursday, April 5, ami 13 duo baok here from Eytlelton on tho evening of Friday, April 6. HONOWAI DELAYED. Owing to a. mishap to her hydraulic gear tho Monowai has been decayed at Ijyttelton. And is now duo hero on Friday— a day lato. Bhc leaves hero tho same day lor ( Napier, Gisbornc, and Auckland. . H'INEJIOA- EJ I'ORT. , From her periodical trip round tho northern lightiousea Uie Hincmoa arrived in port last evening, and occupied her usual berth, at the Ferry Wharf. Captain Bollone reports an uneventful trlp._ Tho weather eiperienoed wae mostly easterly and moderate. For the purpose of overhauling the dopote at-tho Three KlnfS tho Hiuemoa visited this island. In tho Hanraki Gulf muoh damage was done to the buoys find beacons, by tho recent north-ea-stsrly galo. Many weTe bent and broken, about. A neaoom oniD'TJrrille Hock was washed rlffht away, and will have to be replaced. The damage done will not be repaired until the Hincmoa goes north, on her next trip, es special machinery will have .to be carried to repair the damaged buoys, and a new beacon, for the D'Urvillo Eock will liave to' bo taken' u-tf and placed. The Hinemoo, goes to the Cook Strait lighthouses Eome time nert week. WBECKS SOLD. At Sydney, on March JO, the following two Trrecka were sold by auction:—Tho • wreck of the' steamer Tambaooona, as ehe now lies near Terrigal; also the wreck of the three-masted schooner Korora, as she lies about three miles south of Tacking Point (near Manning Biver) on a eandy beach, and Wgli and dry at low water* with easy access of Port Macquarie. Tho Yambecoona was purchased by Mr. W. TTaueh, of Balmain, for £32 10s., while tho Korora was bought by Mr. J. Platt. The price of the Korora is not supplied,. ' MESS-TABIiE GOSSIP.
Mr. H. Signal, acting second engineer of the Awahou, has signed off tho vessel's articles.
Mr. G. A. Marks, first mate of the Invercargill. hae signed off, and Mr. E. Hart, late ef the Putikl, has replaced him. Mr. J. W. Kobineon, ohief ,■ enjineer of the Invercargill. has signed off, and has been replaced by Mr. A. Murdock, late of the Piitiki. J , ■ '
Mr. A. H. Winsloe, extra officer of the Poherua, joined the Mapourika in a, ssneflar capacity. Mr. 0; S. Larsen, mate of the Waketu, has Dome ashore on elok leave, and has been temporarily replaced by Mr. 0. Grouohor. ■ . Mr. J. Grcoti, chief officer of the Maori, come ashore, and has been replaced by Mr. E. Paul. Mr. P. Ward, second engineer of twa\ Portland, has come β-shore, and has been replaced by Mr. 1 , . Hill. Kγ. A. Endlayson has joined tho Mararoa as third mate, and Mr. N. S. Imnn has joined the vessel as assistant purser.
Messrs. Johnston and Co. advise that the TUenheim Is not now expected hero until Saturday. . Tho vessel has been running a number of trips from Puponga to Picton. Sho is to leavo Puponga for Wansanui, and will probably cet here from the northern port on Saturday morning. Sho is fixed to leave here on Monday next, at B p.m. for Haveloch and tho Bounds. Cargo -will bo rocelTed up to 3 p.m.. The Coilnna. is now timed to leare here on- Friday for Dnnedin. She returns to Wellington, via TJmaru and Oaniaru. The Kakapo is due here this moraine ftem Gicymouth with a full cargo of coal. • ' lie Kahika is due this morning from Dunedin with genoral cargo and stock. She first goes to Petono to nnload the Block. On completion of discharge here probably to-morrow night sho will lcavo tor Picton and Gisbrne. The Karn leaTes New Plymouth thlß afternoon for Wellington with a, cargo of ppoduco. From Wcllintrton she goes to Greymouth to load for Napier. ' . Tho Kowhai may get away to-night for Westport; , . , . i Tho Ppherua is timed to learo hero at 11 o'clock this morning for Groymouth, whciro she loads for iyttelton. Tho Storm did not call at Wellington on; her trip from south to Wangonui. From Wanganui the vossel is to go to PictoD to load chaff and return to Wanganui, and Eho irill then proceed direct from Waugauui to southern porta.
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Dominion, Volume 10, Issue 3040, 29 March 1917, Page 8
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1,906SHIPPING NEWS Dominion, Volume 10, Issue 3040, 29 March 1917, Page 8
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