PHAfit'.S OF TflF, MOON. MAHOrT. Dn.y. Hr. m. First, o'larlor ... 1 414 a.m. Full moon 1 928 a.m. Last quarter ... 17 Hi a.m. Mew moon S3 3 35 p.m. First, Quarter .'.O 10 6 p.m. .MOON. Moon rises lo.da.y. 0..59 a.m.; set?, .5.63 p.m. TIDE. To-day, Oil a.m.; 12.37 p.m. To-morrow, 1.5 p.m.: 1.33 p.m. SUN. Sun rises 10-day. 5.50 fl.m ; sets, 6.6 p.m. ARRIVALS, SATURDAY. MiROH 17. WAVERLEY. s.s. (6.25 a.m.), 157 tons, Fisk. from Pa.tca. WAIRAC, s.s. (6.25 a.m.), 143 tons, Yen-, dore. from Blenheim. NIKAO. s.s. (7-25 a.m.), 248 tons. Hay, from Nelson. VICTORIA, s.s. (7.40 f1,.r0.1, 2969 tons, Bates, from Napier. MARABOA, s.s. 19.10 a.m.). 2598 lons, Horn, from Lyttelton. JOHN. s.s. (10.30 a.m.}, 343 tons. Robertson, from Timaru. KAPT.TI. s.s. (12.50 n.mA 242 tons, Sawyers, from Wanganui. MAPOUKtp.. s.s. (6.40 p.m.', 1203 lons, Sewell. from West Coast, and Neh-on. PATEENA. s.s. (9.40 p.m.), 1212 tons, Irwin, from Nelson. BLENHEIM, s.s. '10.55 p.m.t, 120 tons, Wilkinson, from Blenheim. SUNDAY, MARCH 18. KOMATA. 's.s. (0.30 a.m.). 1994 tons, Lambert, from Westport. WAIMEA, s.s. (2.5 a.m.). 454 tons, Wildman, from Terakohe. NGATORO. s.s. (3.10 a,.m.1, 1137 tons, Muir, from Greymouth. OPAWA, s.s. (7.5 a.m.), 110 tons, Nicholas, from Blenheim. ROSAMOND, s.s. (7.J0 a.m.), 72! lons, Stewart, from,. MAORI, s.s. (7.35 a.m.), 3399 tons, Mannine, from Lyttelton. FAWRRA. s.s. (7.40 a.m.). 200 ton*. Jackson, from Patea.i KAITOA, s.s. (!0.5 a.m.), 300 tons. Wildman. from Nelson. TARAWERA. g.s. (1.50 p.m.), 2C03 lons, C'ampron. from Lyttelton. OREPTJKI. =.s. (2.25 a.m.), 525 tons, Dewhurst, from Lyttelton.
DEPARTURES. SATURDAY, MARCH 17. NIKAU, s.s. (2.5 p.m.), 248 lons, Hay, for Nelson. CANOPtJS, s.s. (2.40 p.m.), 1337 tons, Venn, for Westport. WAIRATJ. s.s. (6.5 p.m.), 93 tons. Yendorc. for Blenheim. KAMO, B.s. (6.15 p.m.), 1300 tons, J. Watso", for Grevmouih. MARAROA, s.s. (7.50 p.m.l. 2533 tons, Horn, to- Lytleltoa. WATEHLET, s.s. (8 p.m.). 157 tons, Fisii, for Patea. VICTOnU. s.s. (8.50 p.m.), 2969 lons, Ens-son. for Dunedin. QUEEN OP THE SOUTH, s.s. (10 p.m.), 19R tons, Harvpv. for Foxton. .TOBN. s.s. (10.30 D.m.), 342 tons, Robert 60ii. for Wanganui. KAPUNI. s.s. (11 p.m.), 188 tons, Gibson, for Patea. * KENNEDY, s.s. (11 p.m.l, 226 ton?, Stewart, for Pk'ton. •SUNDAY. MARCH 18. NGATORO, s.s. (6.5 a.m.), 1137 tons, Muir, for Tokomaru Bay.
EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Kennedy, Picton, March 19 Wn.irau, Blenheim, March 19. Calm, iyUellon, March 20. Kayuni, Patea, March 20. Queen of the South. Foxton. March 20. Pateena. Nelson, Picton, March 20. Nikau. Motueka, Nelson, March 20. Wavorley, Patea, March 20. Mararoa, Lyttelton, March 20. PutiM. Wanganui, March 20. Blenheim, Sounds. Havelock, March 21. Ha were, Patea, March 21. Kapiti. Wanganui, March 21. Kaitoa, Motueka, Nelson. March 21. Maori, Ijyttelton, March 21. Eunice. Timora. March 21. Wakatu, Lyttelton, Kaikoura, March 22. Monowai, Auckland, Gisborne, Napier, March 23. Mapourika, West Coast, Nelson, Mar. 25. Hippie. Akitio, Gisborne, Nnpier, Mar. 25. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Kennedy, Picton, March 19. ' • Hawera, Patea, March 19. Maori, Lyttelton, Marco 19. Kuitoa. Nelson, March 19. Patcena. Picton, Nelson, March 19. Waimca, Nelson and West Coast, Mar. 19. Orepnki. Timaru direct, March 19. Blenheim, ilavclocli, bounds, March 19. Tarawcra, Napier. Gisborne, Auckland, March 19. Kapiti, Wanganui, March 19. Kennedy, Picton, Marcu. it. Glaucus. Bluff, March 20. Putiki, Wanganui, March 20. Calm, Wanganui, March 20. Wavorley. Patea, March 20. Wairau, Blenheim, March 20. Queen of tho South. Foxton, March 20. TCapuni, Patea, March 20. Nikau, Nelson, March 20. Jffla-aroa, Ijyttelton, March 20. ' Ripple, Napier, Gibborue. March 20. Mapourika, Nelson, .West Coast. Mar. 20. Rosamond. Bluff. March 20. Ngahore, Greymouth. March 20 . ICe.ituna, Westport, March 20. Eunice, Wangamti, March 23. Monowai. Ijyttelton, Dnnedin, March 23. Wakatu, Kaikoura, Lyttelton, Jfarch 23. TO.DAI"S BERTHAGE LIST. Vessels which hare arrived and thoso duo hero to-day ha.vo been allotted tho following berths:— Maori, Perry Wharf. Pateena, Jcrrois Quay, No. 16. MapoiiTika-, Queen's Wharf. No. 1 (south). Tarawcra.. Jervoia Quay. No. 14. Rosaiuond. Tarnnaki Street Wharf, N0.2. Komaia, Kail-way Wharf, No. 2. Opawa.. Ouecn's Wharf, No. 11. Blenheim. King's Wharf. No. t. Ripple. King's Wharf. No. 2. Kennedy. Queen's Wharf, No. 11 (south). Kapiti, Pipilca Wharf. Hawera, Ptpitca Wharf. a •lohn, Jervois Quay, No. 12.' Waimea.. Jervois Quay. No. U (south). Kaitoa., Queen's Wharf, No. 10. Bl' TELKGRAPH. 'coastal. saturday. march 17. onehukoa. ATrived.-.Rorflw.T (8.45 a.m.), from New Plymouth. GISBORNE. Sailcd.-ftipnlr (10 p.m.), for Wellington. PORT AHUHIItI. Arrived.- Monowai (1.10 p.m.), from Wellington. WANC-AiVIJI. Arrived. Putiki (1.15 p.m.), from WellinKton. OREyMOUITT. Arrired.-Kir.i (7.35 a.m.). from Wellington. PORT CHALMERS. Arrived.- -Corinna. (7.55 p.m.). from Wellington; Foherua, from (jreymouth. fiailrd.-Breezc, for Wcllinclon. SUNDAY. MARCH 18. PATEA. Arrived.-Ka.puni (4.40 p.m.). and Waverley (4.50 p.m.), from Wellington.
WAXGANUT. Arrived.-.lolin (.WO from Wellington. BLENHEIM. Arrived—Wflirvt.n M.30 a.m.i. from Wellington, WESTPORT. Arrived—Oanonus (?, p.m.). from Welling:- i lod, ! MTTEWON. j Arrived.-Te Anau IUO p.m.'. from Chat- | ham Islands: AwaJion (9.1 j a.iu.i, from i Petorns Sound; Alararoa, (3.55 a.m.;. fr.,m 1 Wellington. I .RABQDI3 KASSA'S KOUGfI VOYAGK. i The barque Kassa. Ifldcn with 370 inns i of wheat from Wallaroo, arrived at Ho- ' bart on February lit after a, rough trip. I On February 15 the vcaSel ran into a. very j heavy gale and mountainous seas, and ; was forced lo "heavc-tc." About 11 j a.m. a, heavy sea, struck the ship in the waist, smashing about. 45ft. i.f the 'but- 1 warks and t2 stanchions. This caused ; the vessel lo leak badly in the water- . ways. All hands immediately manned I tin i.ii.r.p:., and pumped for the remainder ; of thfl.t day and the whole of tho follow- I inn night, until tho pumps became cholicd . with wheat. All that could then he denewas lo pin. the vessel on h">' eo,us-\ ijiury- ! ing att possible sail, in order to reacl: port as soon as possible. Captain Brown ! ste.tej Uiat all the crew wori;c-d splendidly ! night. «,nd day. At the time the ship was ; struck by the heavy seas ihti M-st mate, I Mr. John Williams, was taor.kcd dom; j am! had his shoulder dialw-twl, jrhic'ii I laid him up-ifor Ihe vest of tho xoynge. : and necessitated his romoff.l to the hos pital on n.rriva.l. The captair. himself had his left aim badly bruised a little later. GOOD TIME BY A SAIUA'ii VE&SKI,. The American ship Dnnssvc. which was . recently sold to the Standard Oil Com- j paoy by Ma.yor James Floipu. junr.. for £50,000, arrived at Philadelphia lately, af- | ter completing a, remarkably fz-st voy- ) age from CaJeta. Buena. The vessel was only £0 days in raakinc the trip via. the Panama Canal, which is exceptionally good time for a sailing craft. The totaee from Christebal to Philadelphia, was in S3 days. ;
The Glmcus, which has been diseharcing guano at Wellington, is expected to leave for Bluff direct, some time to-mor-row.
Messrs. Cathie, Dempster and Co.. local agents for the scow Eunice, advise that the vessel will load at Timaru to-day for Wellington, and will sail from here for Wanganui on Friday or Saturday next.
Tho Calm is now duo here to-morrow morning from Lyttelton. and will sail later in the day for Wanganui. Slio should get. back about Thursday to load for liyttelton, Dunedin, and Bluff.
There was no boat from Auckland last week for the East Coast owing to the Arahura, being detained in Auckland for repairs. The neit vessel to leave for the coast, from Auckland will be tho Monowai, but, she may he later than to-mor-row in leaving as she was a. day behind going up the coast.
Three trips across the ft rait- have been arranged for the Kennedy to-dsv. She leaves here for Picton this morning, and returns to Wellington in time to raako another trip to the same port this evening. She is due hack again to-morrow, and will sail to-morrow afternoon for Nelson and the West Coast. Tho barquentine Wanganu!, which arrived at Melbourne on March S from Whangaroa. occupied 25 days on the passage. After diecharpini; her Limber cargo the vessel will load at. Helbourno for Wanganui.
The training ship .lohn Murray is still at Geelopg, hut she will shortly go into dock, probably at Williamstown, preparatory to being sold.
The Himitangi sailed from Dnnedin on Thursday afternoon for the Campbell Islands, taking in tow the 10-ton oil launch Komuri. which was recently purchased hy Messrs. Murray and Mathewson for towns purposes at the Ca.mphell Islands. The Himit.anci will load a. full shipment of wool and sheep nl the islands for Tlunedin. Sh» is expected to return about March 55. and after discharge will load general cargo for Wellington.
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Dominion, Volume 10, Issue 3031, 19 March 1917, Page 8
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1,413SHIPPING NEWS Dominion, Volume 10, Issue 3031, 19 March 1917, Page 8
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