PHA>SES up THIS MOON, j HAiiOH. Day. flr. m. First Quarter 1 4 14 MB. Full moon 9 0 28 a.m. Last quarter 17 0 3 a.m. Now moon 23 J 35 p.m. First ouarter JO 10 6 p.m. MOON. Moon risr3 to-day, 4.39 jj.m.; sets, 1.43 ■ a.m. Tuesday. TIDE. To-day. 1.14 a.m.; 2.5 p.m. To-morrow, 2.29 a.m.; 2.48 p.m. SUN. Kun rises to-day, 5.35 a.m.; sets, 6.29 p.m. ARRIVALS. SATURDAY. MARCH 3. PATEENA,„ss. (5.10 a.m.). 1213 tons, Ritchie, from Lyttelton. OPAWA, s.s. (6 a.m.), 110 tons, Nicholas, from Nelson. NIKAU, s.s. (8.50 a.m.), 248 tons, Hay from Nelson. MAKAROA, s.s. (9.20 a.m.), 2598 lons Horn, from Lyttelton. ' COEINNA, s.s. (12.45 p.m.), 1271 tons, Elders, from New Plymouth. WAVERLEY. s.s. (3.45 p.m.). 157 tons, risk, from Patca. CALM, s.s. (7.20 p.m.), 981 tons, Gordon, from Onehuuga. MAIOIJRIKAs.s. (11 p.m.). 1203 tons, Scwell, from Nelson and Picton. SUNDAY, MARCH 4. nr£ AKA ,S o, t s - s - ft- 45 a-m->. 1521 tons, M Donald, from Grevmouth. WI.MMERA, s.s. (6.35 a.m.), 3023 tons, from northern ports. MAORI, s.s. (7.40 a.ra.), 3399 tons, Manning, from Lyttelton. KAMO, s.s. (12.50 p.m.), 1300 tons, J. Watson, from Greymouth. KAIUT; s.s. (1.35 a.m.), 267 tons, Chadwick, from Greymouth. TAR A WEB A, s.s. (1.45 p.m.), 2003 tons, Cameron, from Lyttelton. QUEEN OF THE SOUTH, s.s. (4.15 p.m.). 198 tons, Harvey, from Foxton. DEPARTURES. SATURDAY, MARCH 3. ! NIKAU, s.s. (2.10 p.m.), 248 .-tons, Ear ; for Nelson. , oP d, Wj \.' - s - s - (7 P-™-'- 110 tons. Nicholas. I lor Blenheim. NGATOBO, s.s. (9 p.m.), 1137 tons, Dowell, ! for New Plymouth. ! .KAPITI. s.s. (10.40 p.m.), 242 tons, Saw- ! ycrs. for Wanganui. WAVERLEY, s.s. (11.10 p.m.), 157 tons, Fisk, for Patca. \ MABABOA, s.s (7.55 p.m.). 2598 tons, I Horn, for Lyttelton. Passengers: Saloon —Misses Lunine. Chapman, Lilling, Lorrel Gloy, Wca;j, Chick, Cade, Stewart. StewPa *? rs °?' Mesdames Collins, Suncox, Little, Martin. Gloy, Turtell. Cox, thews, Bowe. Messrs. Milne. Collins. Bunco* Little, Jacobson. Barracloiigh, Beach. Hull,,Mancarrow, Wills. Elder. Hawldnson Higgs, Touby, Joyce, King, Cohen.
EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Koutunui, East Coast, March 5. Ripple, Gisbornc, March 5. Orcpuki, Lyttelton. March. 5. Moeraki, Sydney, March 5. Putiki, Wanganui, March 6. Magis, Sandy Bay, March i. Wakatu, Lyttelton, Kolkoura, March 6 Defender, Westport, March 6. Alexander, Wanganui, March «. Kapiti, Wanganui. March 6. Hawcra, Patea, March 6. Nikau, Nelson, March 6. Mararoa. Lyttelton. March. 6. Waverley, Patca, March. 6. Pateena, Nelson, Picton, March (. John, Wanganui, March 6. Ngakuta, Greymouth, March t. Ngahcre, Greymouth, March 6. Maori, Lyttelton, March 7. Kaitoa, Nelson, March 7. Blenheim, Sounds, March 8. Monowai, Auckland, Gisbornc, Napier, March 9. Riverina, Sydney, March 12. Manuka, Sydney, March 19.
PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Bawcra, Patca, March 5. Kauri, Westport, March 5. Corinna, Dunedin, March 5. Nora Niven. Cook Strait, March 3. Wimmera, Dunedin direct, MBrch 5. Queen of the South, Forton, March. 5. Kapnni, Patea, March 5. Wairau, Blenheim, March 5. Pateena, Picton, Nelson, March, 3. Kaitoa, Nelson, March 5. Maori, Lyttelton, Maroh 5. Orepuki. Nelson, Nydia Bay, March 5. Ma i ai 5 Cra ' Naplor ' Glsb ° r ne, Auckland, Kapiti, Wanganui, March 5. Mararoa. Lyttelton, March 6. Nikau, Nelson, March 6. Kamo, Groymouth, March 6. Moeraki, Lyttelton, March '6. Ripple. Napier, Gisbornc, Akilio, Mar b Ngakuta. Groymouth, March 6. Blenheim, HaTelock, Pelorus Sound March 6. '
Mapourika, Picton, Nelson and West Coast, March 6. Aloxander, Nelson and West Coast, Mar.
Rarawa. New Plymouth. March 6 Putiki. Wanganui, March 6. John, southern ports, March 7. Wakata, Kaikoura, Lyttelton. March ? Wimmera, Sydney, via northern port" March 8. ' Monowai, Lyttolton. Dunedin. March 9. Riverran, Lyttelton, March 13. Manuka., lyttelton, March 20.
TO-DAY'S BERTHAGE LIST. Vessels which have armed or are due berth 5 -•- aV ° allotted the following Wimmera, No. 4 (north). Queen's Wharf Moeraki. No. 1 (south) Queen's Wharf. Mapounka, No. 1 (north) Queen's Wharf rarawera, No. 14 (south). Queen's Wharf' Wairau, No. 13 (south), Oueen's Wharf .' Iwutoa, No. 10 Queen's Wharf. Wavcrley, No. 5 Queen's Wharf. Orcpuiki. No. 14 (north) Queen's Wharf Calm. Kind's Wharf. Queen of the- South, King's Wharf Ripple. King's Wharf. Kittawa, King's Wharf. . Kapuni, Glasgow Wharf. ■ Corinna. Glasgow Wharf. Kamo, Railway W.harf. Maeic, scow, Railway Wharf. Kaituna, Railway Wharr. Kakapo. Railway Wharf. Karu. .Clyde Quay. Koulnnul, Pipitca Wharf. ■ HT TELEGRAPH. OVERSEA. / • A ... , .', SYDNEY, March «. Arrived.—Tjctona (yesterday). Sail, 1 r -i NEWCASTLE. March 1. bailed.—Koromiko, for Now Zoaland. NEWCASTLE. March 4. Arrived.-Rokanoa, from Auckland. land' aDd Billlicl for Now Zca " COASTAL. SATURDAY, MAKOH 3. GISBOR.NE. Sailed.—ltipplo (ll p.m.), for Wellington. PORT A.HDIURJ. Arrivod.-Monowai (4.60 p.m.), from Wellington. To sail.-Koutunui (5 p:m.). for Wclliu s toh WANGANUI. A^J,, r C a" P 'i ,ik^' 8 , p - m - ) ' from Wellington EUDICe ' " Cm " P - m -'' &» picton. Arrivcd.-Wairaca (6 a.m.). from WollingNYDIA BAY. Sailcd.-tnga (3 a.m.), for Sydney. LTTTBLTON. Arrived -Cygnet, (4.15 p.m.), from Wcliin.. ton, via Pigeon Bay. * Sailcd.-Awahou (11.40 a.m.), for Pclorus hound. B WESTPORT. Arrivrd- Kahika (10.40 p.m.), from Weilingtou. GREYMOUTH. Arrived-Kamona (9.30 p.m.), from Wei lington. KAIKOURA. Arrivcd.-Wakatu (8.30 a.m.!, from Wellington. SUNDAY, MARCH 4. GtSBORNE. ArriTcd.—Torawhiti (12.40 a.m.), from Wellington. ' PATBA. Arvive-i. Kapuui (6 a.m.), from Wellinffton BLENHBiSf. Arrncd.-Op«wa (3.30 a.m.), from Welliu". ton. " , NELSON. ; To sail.—Kaitoa (6 p.m.), for Weiiiuglon. i WESTPORT. I Sailed—Kaituna (6.30 a.m.), for Wellington. I LYTTELTON. ' i Arrived.—Mararoa (9.25 a.iu.). from Wcl- ! linglon. • j HIMITANSI FOR CAMPBELL ISLANDS. I The Chatham Islands Fishing Company's • steamer Himitangi is expected to bo dis- ! patched for Dunodin later in the wecit. ! The vessel will then sail for tho Oampbcli Islands, where bho will load live utook and ; wool for Dunedin. Sho •. Bhouid arrive * hack about March 26, and after discharg- ! ing her innard freight, will ioad general • cargo for Wellington. j MAGIC AGItOUND. j Tho local agents of the scow Magic re-,I ceived a- •telegram on Saturday stating! that tho vessel had grounded on one of I the sandbanks in Sandy Bay. Sho wos j originally due at Wellington on Saturday, | bur, as tho cantata thought that it would i bo a littlo tiros before she can bo got off j it is nnt expected that sho will arrive j hero before Tuesday. i Tho colliers Kakauo and Kamo Arrived i in port yesterday from Greymouth,
THE ANTIOPE. The iron barque Antiope, which is at. present, el Port Chalmers refitting after her stranding at Bluff, has been engaged on n. oha rtcr from Port Chalmers to Newcastle. Ihenco to tho West Coast of South America. Sho will probably load timber at tho latter placo for Australia, or Now Zealand. SYDNEY BOAT. Tho Mocraki from Sydney is due hero at noon to-day, Recording to an aerogram received yesterday. After tho discharge of 1500 tons of cargo tho vessel will leave for Lyttelton to-morrow evening. ABOUT THE CUNARD LINE. Sir Alfred Booth, of the Ounard lane, whilo latoly In Now York, was interviewed. Though ho refused a formal interview he spoke of his own company. He explained that ho did not believe in monopolies, but felt that healthy expansion at sea must be the result of competition. No company could completely monopolise a trade, and so thore was overlapping and competition which prevented shippers and passengers from being charged exlortionatcly. As regards tho Ounard Line, he pointed out that they were consolidating their North Atlantic interests, firstly through the Anchor Line and the strengthening of the Ounard service; secondly, through the working ajreement with, the Donaldson Line; thirdly, by the purchase, of the Canadian-Northern steamers, which strongly reinforced, the Canadian service. Concurrently, the Ounard Company, through tho Anchor-Brocklebank Line, were spreading their business to India. More recently the Cunard had purhcascd the Commonwealth and Dominion Lino to Australia and New Zealand, including that company's New York service to those countries. Their object by these acquisitions had been to develop tho North Atlantic sido of their Interests, and also to extend those interests to other parts of the world, and thus avoid having all tho eggs in one basket. .
The Blackball Company's steamer Ngahere is expected to arrive hero to-morrow. Tho Tarawcra will continue her voyage to Auckland, via way ports, this after- 1 noon. The Karu, with a load of timber, arrived | from Greymouth yesterday. The Wimmera arrived from ' northern nort3 on Sunday, and is sohedulcd to sail for Dunedin direct at 5 o'clock this afternoon. 'fh» Canopus is due at Timaru on Tuesday, with a cargo of Westport coal. It has been arranged for the Oanopus to tow the hulk Hannah Nicholson from Timaru to Wellington this trip, and Captain Lobb, marine superintendent for the Westport Coal Company. 1b now in Timaru mailing arrangements for the necessary -work to be done. Captain H. 8. Why'oorn, of the Kaianoi,, has come ashore on holiday leave, and is* being replaced by Captain J. 0. Jl'Lean, late of the Kamona. The Hlnemoa left Auckland on Friday with stores for tho lighthouses in the gulf. She will return to Auckland to-morrow, and will then load stores lor the northern lightouses.
A Dunedin paper stales:—"lt is understood that negotiations are proceeding with a view to disposing of the Invercargill to a Wellington firm, bnt so far the name of the buyer has not been disclosed. Captain Sundstruin is at present visiting ■Wellington in connection with, the matter. On completion of the discharge of her cargo tho'"Te Anau, which' arrived at Dunedin from Auckland on Friday, frill proceed to the Chatham Islands to load sheep for Timaru.. After discharging this consignment she will return to the Ohathams for a load of sheep for Lyttelton. The Kaiapoi was expected to leave Greymouth on Saturday for Melbourne with a cargo of timber. Sho will load a full shipment of general cargo at the Victorian port for Bluff, Dunedin, and Lyttclton. The Kaiapoi is expected to 'be dispatched from Melbourne about March 17.
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Dominion, Volume 10, Issue 3019, 5 March 1917, Page 8
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1,612SHIPPING NEWS Dominion, Volume 10, Issue 3019, 5 March 1917, Page 8
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