! ANOTHER LONG LIST 'INCLUDING ELEVEN DEATHS Another long casualty list was issued yesterday;. It aiicludes\ tlhteo killed in action and eight died of wounds. A hospital list also was issued :— KILLED IN ACTION. Wellington Battalion. Esam, Second Lieut. Stanley 0. (No. 23751). Next-of-kin. B. J. Esam, Epsom, Auckland (father). September 16. Canterbury Battalion. Hickmott, Second Lieut. Rupert G. (No. 6/3961). Noxt-of-kin, G. Hick•mott, Okristeburch (father). September 16. Meuli, Second Lieut. Lorenz W. (No. 6/4577). Next-of-kin, Mrs. J. Mouli, Manaia. September 16. DIED OF WOUNDS. Wellington Battalion. Potroz, Pte. Augustus (No. 10/3983). Next-of-kin, Anton Potroz, Waitara (father). September 17. Auckland 1 Battalion. Simpson, Pte. Robert H. M. (No. 12/2895). Nexf>of-kin, J. Simpson, Ruawai (father). September 19. Wellington Battalion. Woodloy, Pte. Andrew (No. 10/4218). Next-of-kin, A. Woodloy, Eketahuua (father). September 22. Canterbury Battalion. Hogan, Sergt. George R. (No. 6/3683). Next-of-kin, 3lrs. E. Hogan, Grey Lynn, Auckland (mother). September 15. Ota-go Battalion. Harnett, Pte. James (No. 8/397). Next-of-kin, Mrs. N. Page, Tasmania (sister). September 16. N.Z. Rifle Brigade. Nelson, Rflmn. James H. (No. 25/1086). Next-ofrkin, F. Nelson, 3 Somerset Avenue, Newtown (father). September 16. Stuart, Lance-Corpl. Alfred M. (No. 25/1113). Noxt-of-kin, Mrs. N. M. Stuart, 26 Hill Street, Wellington. September 16. Thomas, Acting-Corpl. Sidney E. (No. • 23/296). Next-of-kin, Mrs. F. Thomas, Northcoto, Auckland (mother). September 16. CORRECTION. Previously reported missing, believed wounded', now unofficially reported l not missing but wounded: — Otago Battalion. ■ Cuthill, Lieut. J. Elliot (No. 8/172-1). Next-of-kin, R. Cuthill, Mosgiel, Otago (father).. Valentine, Liout. Arthur V. (No. 8/3805). Noxt-of-kin, John Valentine, Bluff (father).
WOUNDED. Auckland. Mounted Rifles. Coates. Sccontl Liout. Henry AY. H. (No. 13/2511). Next-of-kin, T. Coates, "Orakei," Rcmuera, Auckland (father). September 18. Auckland 1 Battalion. Wilson, Second Lieut. Frank R. (No. 1.2/2616). Next-of-kin, J.' AVilson, Ponsonby, Auckland (father), fecpteniber 1.8. AYellington Battalion. Scott., Corpl. Robort F. C. (No. 10/2452). Next-of-kin, Mrs. IScott, Mount Eden, Auckland (mother). September • 16. Morgan, Second Lieut. Charles . E. C. (No. 10/1295). Next-of-kin, Mrs. H. Harrison, Napier (mother). September 18. Cantorliury Battalion. Bush, Lieut. Launcelot L. T. (No. I . 6/2893). Next-of-kin, Mrs. J. fa. Bush, Invcrcargill (mother). Sep--1 tenibcr 16. Fryer, 2nd Lieut. Harry (No. 6/3216). ' Next-of-kin, Mrs. M. 1 1 .. Fryer, Methven (wife). September 16. Wilson. 2nd Lieut. Robert (No. 6/(42). Next-of-kin, AY. AVilson, Hokitika. September 16. I ■ Rifle Brigade. Lonsdale, 2nd Lieut. Waller (No. 23/814). Next-of-kin, Mrs. B. Lonsdale, Copenhagen, Denmark (wife). Soptember 17. Topliss, 2nd Liout. dive D. P. (No. 25/50). Next-of-kin, Mrs. C. P. Topliss, Remucra, Auckland. WOUNDED, ADMITTED TO HOSPITAL. Auckland Mounted Rifles. Henry, Tpr. Arthur AA r . (No. 13/2446). Next-of-kin, Miss I. Henry, Dannevirke (sister). September 16. Field Artillery. Curtayne, Bat. Sergt-Major Arthur (No. 2/1703). Next-of-kin, J. Curtayne, Ashlmrst, Palraerston North (brother). September 14. Frandi, Gunner AVilliam D. (No. 2/2124). Next-of-kin, F. Frandi, Auckland (father). September 14. Macalistcr, Dvr. John G.. (No. 2/1647). , Next-of-kin, AV. Macalistcr, Invercargill (father). September 15. Auckland Battalion. Barnctt, Pfce. AVilliam (No. 12/3246). Next-of-kin, Mrs. J. Barnett, Auckland (mother). September 17. Finlayson, Pte. X/eon (No. 12/2695). Next-of-kin, Mrs. Cross, G.P.0., Auckland (mother). September 13. AA'ellington Battalion. Burton,' Lcc-Corpl. Joseph (No. 10/175). Next-of-kin, J. Burton, Spalding, Lincoln, England. Septomber 16. Duck, Pto. Charlos H. (No. 10/3243). Next-of-kin, Mrs. F. S. Duller, Rhoda Terrace, Maranui (sistor). September 16. Duncan, Lcc.Scrgt. James (No. 10/3246). Noxt-of-kin, Miss A. Duncan, Martin Place, Motherville, Scotland (sister). September 16. Haslett, Pte. George (No. 10/3900). Next-of-kin, G. Haslett, Inglewood (father). September 16. Murphy, Pte. Patrick A. (No. 11899). Next-tof-kin, P. J. Murphy, Mataroa (father). Soptember 16. I'earce, James G. (No. 10/3701). Next-of-kin, J. D. Pearce, Trelau Farm, Cornwall (father). September 16. Wenck, Pte. Augustus J. D. (No. 10/4496). Next-of-kin, Mrs. A. La Forest, AYoolaliara, Sydney (sister). September 16. Canterbury Battalion. Hewett, Pte. AVilliam H. (No. 6/3355). . Next-of-kin, AV. Anscombe, Auckland. September 15. Ritle Brigade. Bradley, Lco.-Corpl. Edward J. (No. 25/587). Next-of-kin, R. J. Bradley, Timaru (father). Soptember 16. Brown, Eflinn. AVilliam R. (No. 25/1664). Next-of-kin, Mrs. E. Brown, Petane, Napior (mother). September IG. Clements, Rllmu. Edward R. (No. 25/855). Next-of-kin, E. Cloments, Dovonport (father). Septomber 16. Cobbe, Rtimn. Maurico (No. 25/267). Next-of-kin, John Cobbe, Feilding (father). September 15. Collins, Rllmu. A r crnon (No. 25/737). Next-of-kin, J. J. Collins, Henderson, Auckland (father). September 16. Cook, llilmn. Ernest (No. 23/2555). Next-of-kin, Mrs. D. L. Cook, Greymoutli (wife). September 13. Cook, Rtlmn. John S. (No. 25/7351. Next-of-kin. Mrs. M. Cook, Auckland (wife). September 16. Dixon, Rtlmn. Samuol J. (No. 25/1045). Noxt-of-kin, Mrs. AV. Dixon, Otahuhu (mother). Soptember 16.
Dutliio, Loe.-Corpl. William R. (No. 25/611). Next-of-kin, E. F. Dutluc, Anderson's Bay, Duncdin (father). September 16. Fitzmaurice, Uflmn.. William 11. (No. .23/749). Next-of-kin, J. Fitzmaunce, Gisborno (father). September 13. Plynii, Rflmn. Patrick (No. 25/755). Next-of-kin, Mrs. K. Bradley, Widnes, Lanes., England (sister). September IC. Gillespie, Rflmn. James (No. 25/1734). Next-of-kin, J. Gillespie, Valeentroin, Tyrone, Ireland (father). ' September 1G Grantley, Sergt. George R. C. (No. 23/1648). Next-of-kin, Mrs. A. Grantley, Auckland (mother). September 17. Gray, Rflmn. George S. (No. 25/1739). Next-of-kin, llrs. Sr. .A. Gray, Birclifield, Nelson (wife). September 16. Hopo, Rflmn. Reginald ■ (No. 23/545). Next-of-kin, Sirs. I. Turner, Fairview, Rongotea (sister). September 15. Jennings, Rflnm. Alexander J. (No. 25/391). Next-of-kin, Mrs. M. Jennings, Whiteh'onse, Linton, Kent', Eng. (mother). Sept. 15. Johnston, Rflmn. Alan W. (No. 25/333). Next-of-kin, Mrs. G. M. Johnston, Linwood, Christclmrch (mother). September 16. Macdonald, Corpl. Alasdair (No. 23/491). Noxt-of-kin. Mrs. J. B. Macdonald, Mnirlaggar, Scotland. September 16. M'Gechic, Rftmn. Charles F. (No. 23/227); Next-of-kin, C. M'Gechio,' Greenlaue, Auckland (father). September 14. M'Lean, Rflmn. T?inlav (No. 23/1104). Next-of-kin, R. M'Lean, Onveralligan, Rossliire, Scotland (father). September 13 M'Lean, Act.-Corpl. "Wilfred E. (No. 23/514). Next-of-kin, J. H. ■ M'Lean, Birchwood, Southland (father). September 16. M'Neil, Rflmn. James P. (No. 23/234). Next-of-kin, Mrs. A. M, M'Neil, Thames (wife). September 12. Miller, Rflmn. Leonard (No. 23/1435). Next-of-kin, T. Miller. Hastings. September 17. Mitchell, Rflmn. Herbert H. (No. 23/2518). Next-of-kin, Mrs. E. Mitchell, Pukekohe (mother). September 13. Parker, Rflmn. Hartley (No. 25/1797). Next-of-kin, W. Parker, Colne, Lanes., Eng. (father). Sept. 15. Pimm, Rflmn. Frederick (No. 23/559). Next-of-kin, Mrs. E. Pimm, Christchurch (wife). September 12.' Pitt, Rflmn. Arthur G. (No. 23/1460). - Next-of-kin, Mrs. G. Pitt, Hook End Farm, Berks., England. September 13. Porteous, Lce.-Sergt. Jack {No. 25/226). Next-of-kin, Mrs. A. Porteous, Snug Harbour, Jolinsonvillo (mother). September 15. Rhodes,, Lance-Corpl. Percy I). (No. 25/906). Next-of-kin, F. Rhodes, To Koroa, Mangonui (father). September 16. Rogers, Rflmn. Edward V. (No. 25/409). Next-of-kin, E. H. Rogers, Kakaramea (father). September 16. Soper, Rflmn. William (No. 25/683). Next-of-kin, J. A. Soper, Balclutha' (father). September 16. Steel, Rflmn, John (No. 25/681). Next-of-kin, Mrs. A. Steel, West Plains, Southland (mother). Septembor 16. Wedd, Rflmn. Joseph W. (No. 33/1505). Next-of-kin. Mrs. L. WeAl, Otane, H.B. September 12. Army Service Corps. Osborne, Ptc. James (No. 5/424 a). Noxt-of-kin, Mrs. E. Osborne, J£araka Creek; Thames, September 12. WOUNDED, EMBARKED FOR j ENGLAND. I Field Artillery. Bird, Dvr. William (No.- 2/1625). Next-of-kin, Miss J. Forbes, Couto's Island, Kaiapoi (sister). September 17. Rifle Brigade. Payne, Lnnee-Gorpl. .Tames T. W. (No. 25/668). Next-of-kin, L. Payne, Fern Hills, Southland (father). September 17. Auckland Battalion. Powdroll, Lauce-Corpl. Thomas E. (No. 12/3787). Nqxt-of-kin, T. Powdrell, Matatoki, Thames Valley (fatfer). September 18. Canterbury Battalion. Smith, Pta. Walter G. (No. 24069). Next-of-kin, Mrs. E. lit. Smith, Onchunga (wife). September^. WOUNDED SUCHTLY, REMAINING WITH UNIT. Auckland l Battalion. Allen. Major Stephen S. (No. 12/2600). Noxt-of-kin, Mary ]3. Allen, Annandale, Piako (sister). Septembor 16. i Wellington Battalion.
Weston. Major Claudo H. (No. 10/2478). Next-of-kin, Mrs. A. L. Weston, Wellington. Septomber 16. Galloway, Sccoud Lieut. Malcolm S. (No. 10/2146). Next-of-kin,. Mrs. M. S. Galloway, 190 Sutherland Road, Marauui (wife). September 16. HOSPITAL REPORT. Tho following have been admitted to hospitals as stated:— 4oth Casualty Clearing Station, Franco Dangerously Wounded.—Rifle Brigade: Sare, Capt. Harry E. (No. 25/5). Next-of-kin, George AV. Sare, Dunedin (father). Ist General Hospital, Etretat. Seriously Wounded. —Rifle Brigade: Elder, Capt. Paul A. (No. 28/22) ; next-of-kin, Mrs. J. Elder, 66 Aurora Terrace, Wellington (mother). Bth Genoral Hospital, Rouen. Dangerously, Wounded. —Rifle Brigade-: Gilbert, Lieut. Charles E. (No. 23/15); next-of-kin, AYm. Gilbert. Dunedin. (father). Duchess of AVestminster Hospital, Le Toquet. Dangerously Wounded. —Auckland Battalion: Page, Lieut. George D. (No. 12/43); next-of-kin, Mrs. J. S. Page, 11 Everton Terrace, AVellington (wife). Ist General Hospital, Etretat. _ Dangerously AVouudcd. —Rifle Brigade: • Butcher, Lieut. Charles E. (No. 24/130); next-of-kin, Mrs. C. E. Butcher, Westport.
Duchess of Westminster Hospital, Lo Toqitet. Dangerously Wounded.— Otago Battalion: Pile, 2nd -Lieut. Philip (No. 8/3141); next-of-kin, Mrs. AV. l)ver, AVoolacombc, North Devon, England (mother). Gtli Red Cross Hospital, Etaples. Dangerously AVounded. —Otago Battalion: Petrie, 2nd Lieut. Edward R. V. (No. 8/2374) j next-of-kin, Annio Y. Petrie, 23 Epum Street, AVollington. Bth British Red Cross Hospital, Lo Toquet. Seriously AVoundea.—Auckland Battalion: Brodie, Pte. William (No. 12/3948); next-of-kin, Mrs. S. Brodie, Heme Bay, Auckland (mother). Now Zealand Riflo Brigade : Finlayson, Rflmn. William C. (No. 24/140); next-of-kin, Poter Finlayson, South Dunedin (father). N.Z. General Hospital, Brockonhurst, Seriously AVounded.—Auckland Battalion: Billings, Pte. Archibald (No. 12/1151); next-of-kin, Christopher Bjllings, Dargavillo , (father). N.Z. Riflo Brigade: Alomes, Rflmn. William R. (No. 22747); next-of-kin, Mrs. A. Nowstead, Coolgardio, AVest Australia (sister). Otago Battalion: Kelly, Pto. Charles S. (No. 8/1527); next-of-kin, John Liddell Kelly, Dpvonport, Auckland. Army Service Corps: Wilkio, Lance-Corpl. William (No. 5/546); next-of-kin, J. AVilkie, Glenoaniaru. Eighth British Red Cross Hospital, Le Toquet, Seriously Wounded.—N.Z. Riflo Brigade: AViddaip, Rflmn.Thomas L (No. 23/1872); nost-of-kin, R. AViddup, To Kopuru, Auckland (father). First British, lied Cross Hospital, Lo
Toquet, Dangerously Wounded.—N.Z. Rills Brigade: Ellii'e, iSecond Lieut. John M'F. (No. 24/2127); next-of-kin, 11. W. Ellifo, Mount Eden, Auckland (fa.thor).
Thirtieth Casualty Clearing Station, France, Dangorously Wounded.—N.Z. Field Engineers: Edwards, Sappor William (No. 4/1344); next-of-kin, William Edwards, Rooky Nook, Mount Roskill (father). King George Hospital, Seriously Wounded.—N.Z. Field Artillery: Lester, Act.-Bomb. Walter D. (No. 2/327); next-of-kin, E. Leslcr, Lyttelton. Walton-oii-Thames Hospital, now Removed from Seriously 111 List. —Auckland Battalion: AVilson, Pte. James E. Ed. (No. 12/2887); next-of-kin, Mrs. C. Wilson. Turntable, Moerewa, Kawa, Kawa (mother). Otago Battalion: Freed, Pte. Frank B. XNo. 8/32G1); next-of-kin, E. H. Freed, Erin Street, Roslyn (father). Wilson, Sergt. Charles Goo. (No. 8/717); next-of-kin, J. B. Wilson, lioslyn, Dunedin. N.Z. Rifle Brigade: Drower,- Rflmu. Pereival R. (No. 23/1369): next-of-kin, Mrs. I. Drawer- Danncvirke (mother). Hart, Rllmn. 'William H. V. (No. 23/1660); next-of-kin, A. M. M'Hardy, Rangataua, Main Trunk. Howe, Rflmn. Charles (No. 26/245); noxt-of-kin. Miss Lily Howe, Timaru (sister).
The following list was issued last ovening:— DIED AT SEA. Field Artillery. Redpatli, Driver Frederick (No. 2/1373). Next-of-kin, Mrs. S. Curless, Ncw-castle-on-Tyne (sister). September 8. Auckland Battalion. James, Pte. Harry (No. 22462).. Next-of-kin, Mrs. C. W. James, Grey Lynu, Auckland' (mother). September 13. j CORRECTION. Previously reported (lied of wounds, September 16, now unofficially reported not died of wounds, but slightly wounded, remaining with unit:— Wellington Battalion. Trcmewan, Capt. Hugh S. (No. 10/2480). Noxt-of-kin, Mrs. M. E. Tremowan, 26 Halswell Street, Wanganui (mother). WOUNDED, EMBARKED FOR ENGLAND. Field Artillery. Ready, Corpl. John T. (No. 2/243). Noxtof-kiii', Mrs. P. Chadwick, Mary .Bank, Wanganui (sister). September 17. HOSPITAL REPORT In Walton-on-Thames Hospital, dangerously ill from wounds: — Rifle Brigade. Parker, Rflmn. Hartley (No. 25/1797).. Next-of-kin, William Parker, Colno, Lanes.', England (father). vMAORI CONTINGENT WOUNDED, ADMITTED TO HOSPITAL. Savage, Pte. James (No. 16/531). Next-of-kin, Hirini Savage, Parioltara, Opotiki. IN HOSPITAL. N.Z. GENERAL HOSPITAL, BROCKENHURST. Graham, Pte. Robert (No. 16/320). Noxt-of-kin, Ngainaaiga Mare, Ahipara. (sister). Dangerously ill. Rapona. Pte. Kiri (No. 16/525). -Next-of-kin, Pita Rapona, MangaUi, Gisborne. Seriously ill. AUSTRALIAN CASUALTIES NEW ZEALANDERS REPORTED. By ToleeraDh-Press Assoclation-Copyrirht Sydney, September 26. Lists 220 and '221 include the names of the following New Zealanders — Killed, in action: Pte. H. W. Morris. Wounded: Sergt. N. M. Watchorn, Ptes. J. Armstrong, J. E. Grinlinton, J. W. Wells, 'T. Murray, H. E. Genet, A. S. Oullen, H. Carr, H. Breakspeare (last two severely). Missing: A. M'Lennan, C. G. Lynch.
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Dominion, Volume 10, Issue 2887, 27 September 1916, Page 6
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1,942ROLL OF HONOUR Dominion, Volume 10, Issue 2887, 27 September 1916, Page 6
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