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The Expeditionary Force Reserve iff being enrolled by the Government Statistician, "who is ordinarily an officer of the Department, of Internal Affairs. The Minister in charge of this Depart ment (the Hon. G. W. Russell) was asked a question rogarding the progress of the enrolment yesterday, but Mr. Russell ropjied that his Department. was not doing the work. "Tli©.. National Register was arranged wider the control of the De* partment of Intornal Affairs," said Mr. Russell. "When the Military Service Act was going through it was provided that the Register under that Act should be made in such manner as the Government directed. Cabinet re- , solved that the whole control should he under the Recruiting Board. The Go\ l- ( eminent Statistician possesses statutory , powers under the Act, and ho and the / Commandant ?re the official organisers. I • of the soheme.. The Department _of ) Internal Affairs has nothing to do with It. All Government officers are, liowever,' required by Cabinet to assist in ■ every way possible, and are instructed to carry out the requests received from the Commandant and the Government Statistician in pursuance of their ■. duties." .

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Bibliographic details

Dominion, Volume 10, Issue 2887, 27 September 1916, Page 5

Word Count

ENROLMENT OF THE RESERVE Dominion, Volume 10, Issue 2887, 27 September 1916, Page 5

ENROLMENT OF THE RESERVE Dominion, Volume 10, Issue 2887, 27 September 1916, Page 5


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