PHASES OF THE MOON. OCTOBER Day. Hr. m. Last quarter 1 914 p.m. Ne*Y moon 9 912 a.m. First quarter 16 1 21 a.m. Full moon 23 11 45 a.m. Last Quarter 31 4 10 p.m. MOON. Moon rises to-day, 1.22 p.m.;' sots, 3.16 a.m. Tuesday. TIDE. To-day, 12.24 p.m. To-morrow, 0.53 a.m.; 1.20 p.m. SUN. Sun rises to-day, 4.59 a.m.; sets, 6.14 p.m. ARRI VALSi SATURDAY, OCTOBER 16. NIKAV, s.s. (7.40 a.m.), 248 tons, Hay, from Nelson and Motucka. MARAIIOA. s.s. (8.39 a.m.), 2598 tons, Cameron, from Lyttelton. Passengers: Saloon— Misses Wright, Williams, Hiudmarsh, Auld, Thompson, Watson, Stafford, Thorburn, Mesdamcs M'Evedy and child, Elkins, Bacon, Burns, Martin, Morton, Muir, Smith, White, Preston, Miller, Watson, Burbidge, Williams, Rose, Rev. Pinfold, Dr. Williams, Messrs. Greenwald, Jeifrics, Hillyard, Angus, Williams, Bloomfield, MiUer, Waterman, MorraJJ, Taylor, Boxtou, Hicls, Hood, Woodhousc, Robinson, Ross, Farrow, Tipler, Preston, Miller, Butlerworth, E. Dut.hie, J. A. M'Cullough, Matthews, Zohrab, Young, Jack, Lee, Brown, Hodgson, Tait, Preston, Duncan, Muir, Hazard, Hamilton, Metzcr, Hobday, Whitcombe, Mulviliill, Ballinger, Manton, Anpieton; 60 stcerSCVUALL, s.s. (9.45 a.m.), 369 tons, Fletcher, from Napier and coast. KINI, s.s. (10.50 a.m.), 1122 tons, Platts, from Dunedin.
ARAIIURA, s.s. (10.5 p.m.), 1596 tons, Holmes, from Kelson end Picton. Passengers: Saloon—Misses WolfFc, Black. Jl'Callum, Mesdamcs Lantos, White, Babin, Hamilton, Beckett, Russell. Lambert, Adams, Hester, Fry, Johnson, Horner and; infant, Percy, Askew,. Bnrr, Corkin, Bailey, 2 Sisters of Mercy, Messrs. Rosey, Santos, Crabtree, Hutchinson, M'Williama, Ceozier, M'Artney, Suckling, Millar, Kirkpatrick, Beckett, Biesett-, Sherwood, Kidson, Kenney, Bowman, Burde, Hills, Laurie, Rowe, Clarke, Lambert, White, Leone, Swiney, O'Kalloran. Askew, Burroughs, Lord, Lemino, Wiliet, Newton, Fulton, Gardener, llrown, Kennedy, Duffy (2), Carreus, Andrews, Dawson, Iremonger; 14 steerage. WAKATU. s.s. (8.40 p.m.), 157 tons, Wills, from Lyttelton and Kaikoura.
SUNDAY, OCTOBER, 17. QUEEN OF THE SOUTH, s.s. (1.30 a.m.), 198 tons, Harvey, from Foxton. . WAVE'RLEY, s.s. (4.55 a.m.), 157 tons, Stewart, from Tcrakohc.
BLENHEIM, s.s. (5.5 a.m), 120 tons, Wilkinson, from Blenheim.
KAIAPOI, s.s. (5.5 a.m.), 2003 tons, Mawson, from l Westport. KAJIIKA, s.s. .15.15 a.m.), 1147 tons, Robinson, from Westport.
KTOItJIBIItD, • 5.6. (5.35 a.m.), 217 tons, Dowel!, from Wanganui. KAPUNI, s.s. (0.30 aim.), 150 tons, Gibson, from Patea.
MAORI, s.s. (7.15 a.m.), 3399 tons, Man. ning, from Lyttelton. Passengers: Saloon —Mieses Fitzpatriok, Gunn, Jeans, Gray, Guy, Dr. Eleanor Baker, Mesdames M'Donaid and child, Graham and child, Duncan and nurse, Grant, Peacock (2), Sauderson and infant, Glover. Birke, Hall, Turnbull (2), Harper, Flood, Goodwin and infant, Gilbert, Monro and infant, Lorraine, Grey and infant. Sadler, Messrs. Herbert, Smith. Duncan, Scott, 001. Tracey, Lieut.Col. M'Donald, Captain Hennah, Naplitali, Terrass, Hume, Wolfe, Peacock, Scay, Corbett, Sanderson, Taylor (2), Fisher, Andrew, Harrison (2), Harper, Humphrey, Johns, Parton, Fulton, Price, Waldie, Gilbert, Dcnddy, Mills, Pilcher, Luke, Cochrane, Sadler, Jacobs, Compton, "Wise, Middleton, Jones, Woolf. Tarrant, Lee, Hawthorne. Hay, Hall; 78 steerage.OPAWA, o.s. (8 a.Di.), 110 tons, Nicholas, from Blenheim. . KAITOA, s.s. (8.45 a.m.), 350 tons, Graham, from Nelson. OLAN FARQUKAR. s.s. (11.45 a.m.), 5858 tone, Xrom Auckland. MONOWAT, g.s. *(12.45 p.m.), 3433 tons, Drowcttc, from Dunodin and Lyttelton. Passengers: Saloon—Misers Simpson, Founky, Eclair (2), Mcsdames White and child, Thompson. Bunting and child, Stubbs and child. Patcreon and child, Founlcy, Stubbs, Robertson, Boag, Grave, Humphreys, Messre. Ross, Wells, lulder, Robertson, Boag, Wright, Myers, Jacombs, Lieut. Evenden, Collier. Van der Velden, Graves, Horsley, Humphreys; 7 otrerage. KIRITONA, s.s. (1 p.m.), 136 tons, Shirley, from East Coaot. RIPPLE, n.s. (4.20 p.m.), 370 tons, Carlson, from Napier. NGAKD'TA, s.s. (6 p.m.), 1250 tons, Muir, from Greymouth. KAMO, s.s. (9.20 p.m.), 1300 tons, J. Watson, from Greymouth. a MONDAY, OCTOBER 18. WOOTTON, s.s. (0.15 a.m.), 151 tons, Larson, from Lyttelton; "and Kaikoura.
DEPARTURES. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 16. OPAWA, s.s. (4 a.m.), 110 tons, Nicholas, for Blenheim. BLENHEIM, s.s. (5 a.m.), 120 tone, Wilkinson, for Blenheim. MAPOURIK.V, s.s. (12.20 p.m.), 1203 tons, Carey, for PTclon. Neleon, and West Coast. ICAIKOURA, s.s. (1.45 p.m.), 6998 tons, M'Kellav. for Lyttelton. NIKAT7, s.s. (1.50 p.m.), 248 tone, Hay, for Nelson and Motueka. ALEXANDER, s.s. (1.45 p.m.), 377 tons, Wildman, -for Nelson and West Coast. NGATORO, s.s. (5.45 p.m.), 1137 tons, Dowell, for Grcymoutli. KENNEDY, s.s. (7.20 p.m.), ISA tone, Purvis, for MangaTa.liau., KINI, s.s. (8.20 p.m.), 1122 tons, Plaits, for Westport. HAWERA, s.s. (10.10 p.m.), 2CO tons, Jackson, for Pa tea. , KAPITI, s.s. (11.6 p.m.), 242 tone, Sawyers, for Wanganui. MARAROA, s.s. (11.5 p.m.), 2598 tons, Ccfincron, for Lyttelton. Passengers: SaloonMisses William (2), James, Welding. Pointon, Giffney, Jackson, Sadie. Jl'Callu'm, Grace, Mre. Alps, Hon. J. 51'Kohb, Hon. J. Allen, Messrs. Armstrong, Brien, Jess, llougeit, Shand, Watson. Black, Dawson, Mathews, Robinson, Pellington, Hanley, Edenburg, Cocke, Bolkind, Jackson, Serous, Cornell; 12 steerage. EXPECTED ARRIVALS, Ripple, Napier, October 18. Koromiko, Nowcastlc, Octobor 18. Manuka, Sydney, October 18. Kiritona, East Coast, October 18. Kennedy, Mangarakau, October 19. llawera, Patea, October 19. Kapili, Wanganui, Ootober 19. Breeze, Wanganui, October 19. Petone, Lyttelton, October 19. Nikau, Nelson, Motueka. October 19. Mararoa, Lyttelton, Octobor 19. Corinna, southern ports, October 19. Paloona, northern ports. Octcher 19. Waimea. Onchunga. October 20. Manourika, West Coast, Nelson, Picton. October 20. Victoria, Dunedin, Lyttelton, Ocisber 21. Manuka, Lyttelton, Ootober 21. Arawa. Auckland, October 21. Tarawera. northern ports, October 22. Mokoia, Melbourne, via south, Oct. 22. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Squall, Grcymouth, October 18. ■.Tainui, Waitara, October 18. Aorere, Patea. October 18. , Turekina, Lyttelton, October 18. Blenheim, Blenheim, October 18. Opawa, Blenheim, October 18. Arahura, Picton, Nelson, October 18. ICaitoa, Nelson, Motueka, October 18. Maori, Lyttelton, October 18. Waverley, Nelson, West Coast, October 18. Kapuni, Patea, Octobcr 18. Squall, Grcymoutli, October 18. Stormbird, Wanganui, Octobor '8. Ngatoro, Grcymouth, October 18. Petone, Wanganui, October 18. Wakatu, Kaikoura, Lyttelton, Oct. 18. Komata, Westport, October 18. Monowai, northern, ports, October 18. l'aloona, Lyttelton, Dunedin, Octobcr 19. Hippie, Napier, Gisbome. October 19. Manuka, Lyttelton, Octobcr 19. Corinna, Nelson, Now Plymouth, Oct, 19. Nilcau, Nelson, Motueka, Octobcr 19. Mararoa, Lyttelton, October 19. Petone, Wanganui, October 19. Breeze, southern ports, Octobcr 19. Kapiti. Wanganui, Octobcr 19. Hawera, patea, October 19. Queen of the South, Foxton, Octobcr 19. Kennedy, Nelson, West Coast, Octobcr 19. Kiritona, Napier, Octobcr 19. Jfahika, Westport, October 20. Komata, Westport, Octobcr 20. Blenheim, Blenheim, Octobcr 20. Waimea, Nelson, West Ooast, October 20. Manuka, Sydney, Hobart, October 21. Victoria, northern ports, October 21. Tarawera. Lyttelton, Dunedin, Ocfobcr 22. Mokoia, Hobart, Melbourne, October 23. Mapourikq, Picton, Nelson, West Coast, Octobcr 23.
MOVEMENTS OF STEAMERS. INTERCOLONIAL SERVICE. JIOERAKI, left Hob.irt October 2, and Sydney October 7, lor Wellington direct Arrived Wellington Octobcr 11. Left Wellington October » lor Sydney direct. Duo Sydney Octobcr 18. MANUKA, left Ilobart October 9 and Svdncv October 14 for Wellington direct. Due Wellington Octobcr 18. Leaves here for Sydney October 21. Due Sydney Octoleft Melbourne October 13 for flobart, southern ports, and Wellington Duo Wellington Octobcr 22. Leaves Octobcr 25 for Hobart and Melbourne. Due Ilobart Octobcr 27. TJLIMAKOA, left Ilobart October 16. and leaves Sydney Oct. 21 for Wellington direct, line Wellington October 25. Leaves here October 28 fSr Sydney and Hobart, Duo Bvdney Xovcmbor 1. 'WULUIiItA, leaves Melbourne October 23 and Hobart October 25 for Weliinston dir. P3t, Du« here October 29. Leavcß October ?o tur BQUthMfl porit, Jipbwt, ap<l JteibflWlW.
'FRISCO SERVICE, MARAJfA. left b'nn Francisco October 13 for Wellington, via Papeete and Rarotonga. Due Wellington November 4. Leaves November 5 for Sydney diroct. Due Sydney November 9. MAM'AI, left Sydney October 9 for Wellington direct. Arrived Wellington October 13. Left October 14 for San Francisco, via way ports. Due 'Frisco November 3. VANCOUVER SERVICE. JfAIvURA, left Sydney September 30 for Auckland direct. Arrived Auckland October 4. Left October 6 for Vanoouver. via Suva and Honolulu. Duo Vancouver October 21. NIAGARA, left Vancouver September 29 for Auckland, via Honolulu and Suva. Due l Auckland October 18. Leaves same day for Sydncv dircct. Duo Sydney October 22. OVERSEA STEAMERS IN N.Z. PORTS. Following is a showi'ng, where the various oversea steamers trading to and from New Zealand ports are from day to day whilst they aro on the Now Zealand coast*.— Inwards. Bound from Where to-day. Kaikoura. .Liverpool Lyttclton Star Australia... London Auckland Shiny-o-M&ru - Japan _ Turakina London Wellington. IfuriUi New York Wellington Clan Farquhar... New York Wellington Outwards. Boand to - ~ Arawa London Auc,t ii?£ Jlirairo London Blutt OVERSEA SHIPPING Steamers. From Left Due Star of Australia London Aug. 21 Oct. J) Star of Scotland London Aug. 22 Oct. 31 ltangatira, London Sep. 5 Oct. 27 Ruapehu I'°ndon Sep. 19 Nov. 15 Star of India ... London Sep. 23 j>o\.au KtoOrd London Oct. 8 Nov. 30 Orari Liverpool Aug. 27 nov. i Themis New York Oct. 3 ov - 20 Riowo V. New York Sep. 21 Dec. 3 Indian Monarch Pj?' J xw 5 Boron Cawdor .. New York Sep. 18 »No\. | Karamea Montreal Aug. 1 Oct. M Mamari Montreal Sep. 20 Dec. 5 Ashburton ...... St, John Sep. » Dec. ,6 Waihemo '?Visco Oct. 9 Nov. b Fhysa Singapore — Nov. u
BY TELEGRAPH. OVERSEA. SYDNEY, October 17. Arrived.—Riverina (8 a.m.), from Auck-f-iilecL—Karamea, for Now Zealand ports. LONDON. October 16. Sailed— Asliburton, for Wellington. COASTAL, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 16. AUCKLAND. Called — Kumara (11 a.m.), for Monte Video; Araiuen (9 a.m.), for Montevideo. WANGANUI. Arrived.—Breeze (1.25 p.m.), from WellingPICTON. Arrived.— Mapourika H. 45 p.m.), from Wel-siu'wK-Mapourika (8 p.m.), for Nelson. KELSON. Arrived—Nikau (4 a.m.), from Wellington; Mapoiirika. (3.30 a.m.), from Picton. SUNDAY, OCTOBKR 17. AUCKLAND. Sailed.—'Star of Australia (7.35 a.m.), for Whangarei. WANGANUI An lved.—Kapiti (2.55 p.m.), from Wellingtoil. LI'TTELTON. Arrived—Kaikoura (8 a.m.), from Wellington; Mararoa. (12.35 p.m.), from WellingSaiicd.—Woottoa (midnight, Saturday), for Wellington. REMUERA LEAVES HOME. According "to a Press Association telecram, JUt;S. Remuera, of the New Zealand shipping Company's fleet, has left London for New Zealand ports, via Cape Town and Hobart. Auckland will be the vessel's first port of call in tlio Dominion, on or about December 3. CASE OIL FROM! NEW YORK. On September 16 the steamer Baron CaTvflor is reported to have left New York laden with case oil consigned to the Vacuum Oil Company. Prqvided she managed to get through the Panama Canal before it was Mockcd, the vessel should arrive in New Zealand waters about November 5. Tho Baron Ogilvy has been fixed to bring down a similar cargo for the eamo company. R.M.S. AR'AWA'S. MOVEMENTS. Tho Arawa arrived at Auckland on Saturday to continue Homoward < loading. She leaves thero to-morrow, arrives here on Thursday, and will bo dispatched for London on October 26 .
ORARI AT MELBOURNE. Advice rcccived by the local oflico of the New Zealand Shipping Company states that the Orari arrived, at. Melbourne from Liverpool on Friday last. Calls will be made at Sydney and Auckland before she arrives here about November 2.
■ KOMATA AGAIN HELD UP. On her last visit to Wellington the Union Company's lvomato, was delayed for about a week on account of a shortage in her crcw. She managed to sob away, however after considerable difficulty. On alTl ™' horc at the beginning of last week the stokehold crew signed off again, she is held up on account of being 1 three firemen and two trimmers short. MESS-TABLE GOSSIP. Mr B. W. Millier, chief clerk in the Marine Department, has been accepted for active service. Mr H. P. Griffin has joined the Mapourika as third engineer in place of Mr. Wishart, who lias transferred to the Maori. Assistant LiglrtUecpcr Perrott has been transferred, from Cape Campbell lighthouse to Capo Maria van Biemen as assistant in placs of Mr. Brough, who goes to Castlcpoint. The Norwegian barque Sardhana, is at present in the'stream at Lyttelton as she i» several men short of her complement. Wlien these arc obtained, she will proceed to Newcastle to load coal for the West Coast of South America, In the Pacific Slope service, tho steamer Waihcino left Sail Fraaic-lsco for Wellington on October 9. and is due here on November 6. The Waimarino is expectcd to leave tho same port in November. The Wafkawa. (ex Maritime) lias been delayed <u Colon sineo September 20 by slips in the Panama Oanftl, and it was nccessary to divert her via Magellan Straits. Sho is expected to leave Sttn Francisco about December. The Union S.S. Company Is endeavouring to arrange for another vessel for the November loading, in place of tho Waikawa. ' „ Tills week's Sydney boat—the Manukais due in port this afternoon, and will berth at tho Queen's .Wharf, No. 1 south. The Monowal will land 360 tons of southern cargo here to-day before proceeding on to northern ports. The Show-Savill liner Kuimara, which cleared Auckland at It a.m. on Saturday for London, via Monte Video, is due at her destination on November 30. Provided the cradle is vacant the coastal steamer Queen of the South will bo placed on the Patent Slip for overhaul to-day. The Opawa. which left Auckland on August 26, arrived at .London on Friday after a passage of 51 days. Tho Victoria has resumed running in tho East Coast service.. Leaving Dunedin to-morrow she will arrive here from Lyttelton on Thursday, and sail for northern ports tho same day. Stores will be landed at Cuvier Island lighthouse by the Hincmoa to-day, and Auckland should be reached this evening. JI.M.S. Niagara is due at Auckland from Vancouver, via Suva, early this morning. She will soil for Sydney this afternoon. Her mails should arrive in Wellington tomorrow morning. A Press Association telegram has been received elating that the Marama has left San Francisco for usual ports. Rarotonga should be made on October 28, and this port should be reached on November 4.
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Dominion, Volume 9, Issue 2595, 18 October 1915, Page 8
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2,233SHIPPING NEWS Dominion, Volume 9, Issue 2595, 18 October 1915, Page 8
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