PHASES Of THE IJOON. '. -... A?KTIj. ; .' :?;> ■ Dαv. Hr, ra. !' Pirst quarter 4 1 U a.m. '■- Full moon :.... 11 «58 ».m. ;l Last quarter 17 12a t».m. J New moon S5 C 52 p.m. "..■ MOON. Moon; rises to-day, 4.12 a.m.; «U, 4.M p.m. ■ . ■'■■■. TIDE. ■ ■-. ■ ■;■ To-daj-, 2.59 n.m.; &.IS p.n;. ." .■ To-morrow, 3.46 a.m.; 4.17 ■■;. ■ ■;■.■■ sujr. ■■ ■■■■ ■ Sun rises to-day, 6.27 a.m.; eels, 5.10 p.m. ARRIVALS. : WEDNESDAY, AWL 22. A.WAHOU, s.s. (1.30 a.m.), 40? tons. Eod.g«t% from l'icton. I'ATKENA, β-e. (4.J5 a..ra,!, S2IS tons. Cam-, cron, from Xclson and Picton. WAHINE, s.a. (7.5 a,.m.), 4435 loiis, AldwcU, from Lytteltoa, Passenß«ra: Saloon—Jlis;ce Jl'Urcgef, Cool; IS), Nenall, ' Christie, DreWaigJi, Pir*r, Phillips. Jl'Kenzic, Smith, BawWU, 8011, Beach, Wiiyte, Mulr, Hogg, MXennon. Fairweathw. Mftsdamce Jl'Qre(ror, Everess, Non-tan, Sha.«v, .Ixidy Ward, Stead. Sinclair, Buehflnftu, Witiiariw. Christie, O'Brien, Thomnssn and ehiW, Orr and child, Sawtell, Camnboll, Kewkn, Wilkinson, Shaw, Herforman* Taylor, Walshew. Ford, Haelett, Kcrr. Bain, M/Donald, Eftßnail. Scotl, Jamicson, Irvine, Simpson,, Col. Ohaffey, Major Campbell, fetter Herring, Messrs, Bept, Ward, Hill. Jtorsc, Shallcrass, liyan, Phi Hips, Toylor, Hunt, Debeer,. M'Kcnzie, fiattrey, 'Fd-plcy, Bennett, Everces, Jloffett, fcrtan, Gutt<?, M'Grath. Tanner, Armstrone, K-asr, Evans, Douchty. Shaw, Soiit!jh<iuEc, .Polioek, Buchanan, Watson, Shaw, loim, Murray, Williams, Kractzer, Kelly. O'Bfiea, Cochrane, Kerr, Pxicc, SMHce, Christie, Thoro> son, Monzies, Pondalc, Orr, Diion. Soutor, Btavardeon, Barthoioratw, S. B. Eeid, Pollen, Irving, Whelan* Nmvton, Jlotlarits Thiedbolt, Welshaw, Anderson, Colemen, O'Connor, Scott/ Weedhouse, JfDenold, Brown, King, Stratfttrd, Cwran, Sill, Graddock, Pointer, Baylic, Belt? O'Oonnoll*. Spence, Watson, Lcckie, LilUco; 165 steef aee. HUIA. s.s. (10.40 e.m,i, 127 toaa, Burt, from Wan^anui. MATJNGANUI, s.e. f11.35 a.m. to. tho Ptrea-m), 7527 tons, tVorrall, froin Sydney direct. Pflssengera Hγ Wellington- Stiieoa —Misses BrlnKczu, J«nkine. Salvand*r, Attwood, Culhviok, Api> Fronklsn, earnor, Alldis, Blanford, HentfeKc-tt, Jtoed-aiftes 11. Bitt, .Eoberts, Taylor, Atti'ifflod, Davis, Babe, Webster and S children, Heading;, Hill and child, Gapjier ami 2 children, Soman, Ginger, Porter, Ifcte, lfit«he!l, ferrant. Lemon. Browji, Cole, Steill. &ir Joseph Ward, l)r. Kicliolsoa, Hw. D. J. Groean. Rev. Moofc. itesrs. Anderson. J. Fairchild. Morrison, Btt-U. HarSneas, IJanK, Davlce. Morrah, R&be, Harrowcll, Webster. Jenkins and son, Hoiwrtson. Hobineon, Homan, Grayj Ginger. Bligh, Werburton, Franklin, Hale-, Leuvoji, Pe-rry, Browju Huutcr-Brow-n, Hosan,, Pease, Amedjo <2), Kea,rne, jjlaidmcnt, MitehclJ, Jfce-dcA lioeii, Proctor, Wright, Nolsen. Thomfts, BufHcr, U'Grath, Easson, Etardao-, qfile, Proser. Neill, 'Halnes, On , , I.«<:oib, Q. Stead; KJ KAITOA, e.e, (12.20 p.m.), 350 tons, Btcvens, from Motueka. AEAHUKA, s.s. (7.6tt p.m.), J596 toes, Ritchie, from, West Coast, Nebon. end Picton. Passensers: Saloon-r-if isses. flfetthe-ws. Ham Hilton, Elbeck, Bolton, Bishop flubson, Chisholm, P.vpcr, B.vmsby. fccßc, Banig. Palliser, Gable, Berctuist, Burton, M.esdames Donald, .Tackson, CoopW, Jfathew*, Anderson, Prentice and chj.ld, GodsUud, Tomlinson and Z children, ikrston, Jack, Pitchet, I<air, Hilton. Banks, Ijady Gibbs, Humphreys. Mooic, Da-vidson. Dawell, Woolley, Tarr, KoEWorthy. Goliitt, ilylton, Plumb, Martin, fcunwn, Higgins, Blunaell, _ Godfrey, Itanv>rthy, Turner, Mosstnr. Laurie, Wigham, Niss, Itoretoa, Pitche4 Gibson, Howard, Martin, Giffiord, pedson, Loir, Humphreys, Wileon, Sir Edrara Gibbs. Gould, Hilton (81, So-well, BUlctt! Strike, Woolley, Duncan, Gfiford, Sohivass, Bey, Hickman, Boßrito, Mead. Pltaer, Noiworthy, Oibbs, Yoms, jlylton, Jones, Prentice, Wilkinson, Hatoflten. Sodfr«y, Laren, Chappell. Tumor, KeeWott, Rirnshaw, Donald, Broadgate, GoUitt, Mulloy, Booth, Anderson, Avery, Biiko, Brantoil, M'Len* nan, Jeffrey, MuOToe, Burten, Beery, Chandler; 36 stcera-ee. COBINNA, e.s. (5.20 p.m.). 1271 talis, Cani' eron, from New Plymsirth. WAIKAU, p.s. -(11.25 p.m.}, 93 tons, Dcily, from Blenheim. DEPARTURES. WEDJfESDAt, APIJIi 22. : WAKATU, i.s. ta p.iaj;'j«>- Was, ffffls, tor iiaittoura and Lyitelten, HAWiifiA, s.s, (3.3u p.m.,3, ?sfl tons, Jacitson, for l'atoa. . PATIiEfiA, s.s. (545 p.m.), 1212 ioug. Cftmcron, for l'icton, and Nelson. I'ase-OH.qcrs; Saloon—Misses Anderson. Smith,' fctenlcy. Browne, JfKcnzie, Baesett, Johqsoii, Kisdames Morrison, K-esbil and c-hM, Parsons, Stanley, Head, Browne, flenry, Muiruy, Best, Anderson, Jellicoe. Souifar, I'etrie and infant, Irvine, Aubrey, fiasiett, Owss, Hulme, John, MilKcan, C-iptain Willis, Dγ, Boon. Colonel Chaffey, JlessiS. Morateon. Hill. Graham, Irvine. Paul, Glasgow, graham, Corde, Cottrell,. H'Cjirtfey, Ken.nJnßton. Aubrey, Alport. Qox., Wee, BiilJ.- Burroughs, Brown, Kerr, tfgryle, Harris. Jeffrey, Petrie. Cqx, Head. Johnson, M'Carthy, JlaUlcll, Nosfclt, Parsons, ■ Henry, Murray, Soul tor. Cross; W sfceeriiice. WAHTNE, s.s. (U p.m.), m tens. a tl<i wel', for Lytt«ltott. Pasecngefe: failoouMisses Sexton, Lees. Tftyfor, Arnold, Lloyd,: Craiir, Hodgers, PiiH< (2). Jittlone. Austin, Bradwell. Bates. Tester, fimitH. Gilib, Black- i more, Champion, Jttncs. laestemce Gneiss, Waddell. White, K'lHfcea, Greig, Coi, Davidson, Ford, Fraser, Caeray, Hc-yret, Hardcastle, Crossley, Livingstone, Lucas, Sinclair, Harrison, Jaflee, Sir Joseph Ward, Captain Foster, jacut. BiVij-mand, Jfessrs. Strang, Talbot, Forsyth, H»U, Grcte, WiUcox, Eodgers, .Wafldell, Whites &ii«n, Pollard (2). M'Miken, Elder ft), Brooke, Batee, Detective Ward, Blactoore, Seott, Detective Campbell, H'Kenzie. Ball, Cteivard. Hardcastle, Howat, Armstrong, W<ibb, Sinclair. Anderson, King. MtUthsws. Hatrison, Jones, ButtcTwortli: 60 s^eefage. HUIA, s.e. (8.15 p.m.). 125 tons, Bart, fos Havelock. KAITOA, 6.5. [5.20 p.m.). JS to»§, StetenS, for Kel«on and Motuek-a. . BLENHPJjr e.s. (8,5 p.m.), 120 tons, WHkiTi«>n. for Blenheim. . OP.AWA. s.e. (8.5 p.m.), 110 tons, IfJcJiolas, WAPOUEIKA. j.e. (8.5 xi.m.). IJW. tons, Kolines, for Westnort and Breymonth. Passengers: Snlooft-Mis«*« ffnr'don, Gothflrd, Mri. Pari'! tind c.fiiM. >t«.?sre. Vatcs, Vi>rU. Iludd. Devor&: 5 stfor-ag!!. KAMO. B.s. (11.10- -p.m.), 1300 tans, Bold, lor Lyttelton.
EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Jtansrapapa. WcstimS. Awtl 25. Jtana. Patea, April S3* Nttakuta, Greyriroutlj, April' 23. Victoria, Duncdin, tyttelton, April S3. Kahu. East Coast, April UKalraki, Lyttelten, Apfil 23. Fohcrua, Grcymauta, April 2J. Kurow, WeEtnort, Aprs! 23. Alexander, Terakeito. April 2J. Stormbird. Wanjranui, Aiiril 23, Arapawa, Whnganuj. April 23, Kapuni, Patea, Afirii 23. . . Maori. -liytteltoa, April 25. Arahura. Picton, Aprjl 23, Fonna. Sydney, Anril 0. Walmca. Wangaimi, Audi 24. Onawa, Blenheim. April 24. Hawera, Paton, Avrii 14. Blenhoiin, Blenheim, April J4, Patecna, Nelson, April U. Kaitoa. Nelson, M&lueke, April 24. Wnhine, Lyttelton, April 24. Willochra, Melbawne, via south, Afirii 24. Monovrai, northern ports. April 21
PROJECTED qEPAHtURES, I Kahu, Picton, East Ccmtrt, April 23. Mana, Patea, April SJ, Aorero, Potea. April 23. Kennedy. West C'oast, April S3, Kapiti, Wangainri* Aoril Zα. Komato, Wcetpart, April i>. Kairalsi, Orej'moQtii,. Afcril U. Cflrinna. Picton, soutfcotfn ports, Apr. 23. Alexander. Nelson, JEetwcfco., April 23. Wairaii, Blcnhchn, April 23. Btormbird. Wan.gflßtii. April 23. jraori, Lyttclton. April 23. Jlounganui, Melbourne* vitt sontTi, Apr, 23. Athcnic, London, vr.-ty corts. April & Arahura, Picton< April 23. Victoria, northern ports. Aprii 23. UoEcommon, Boston. New York Apr. 25. Waimca, Nelson. West. Const, April £4. Opawa, Blenheim. April M. Arapawa. Wango,t>ui. April 24. Knpuni, Palci, April 24. Ilawcra, Blenheim. Aiwil 24, Blenheim, Blenheim, Anvil 24, Pfltccna, Nelflon, April 34. Kaitoa, Meon, 3tota«k». Ajifil 24. Wnhino. Lyttclton, Aarii ?A. Athenic, Loj;don. >ay p'ovts, April 24. Wei>tnioath. Bonlhftrn ports. April H. J[ono\vai. Lrttciton. S'tuicdin. Auril 24. Willochra. Sydney direct, April IA. Moana, San Francisco, way porls, Apr. U. INTERCOtOHtA!. BWVICE. ' MOVEMENTS OF STEAMERS, WILLOOHUA, duo liero from Jjfclbotirne April IA. Loaves f.imo day lor Syteey direct. Duo April 2S. ULIMAKOA, due hero freih Sydney ApTit 29. Leaves April 30 for Melbourne, via south. Duo May 9. 'FRISCO SERVICE. MOVEMENTS OP STEAMSKS. AORANOI, duo l)We from SAn Fmitcieco April 25. Leaves Anril 25 foj- Sydney direct. Du& April 29. MOANA. duo hero from' Sydney April 55. Sails April 24 for flan Francisco. Duo May VANCOUVER SERVICE, MOVEMENTS OF ETEAMEBS. KIAQAEA, arrivci Auckland from Syft-.
ney April 9. ' Left April 11 ■ for . Vancouver. Due tlicre Atiril 28. : 1 If AKTJIU,. att« et, Aucklacd from V<mcotivcr Slay S. Sails tmao day for F.yd- : ney. Duo ITfty 9. . MAKAJtA. diia at Auckland from Sydney May 7. . Leaves ftsr. Yaneauvcr May 8. Due there May. EG,■ '.'■'■•.'.'.■>{' . :; ■::t':V:,Dr :; x ';' [ ;; ; ?S>^S^^yOVERSEA. '-^iK,^'.'" if V-V-v i-.LONDOK/Alirii -52. ■.':.: ; Arri>c«,—Eua.ptlii.!. , from Wollington. , ' ■: '■ ■• : '"-■''. f■■■■■.- ; ■■■'SVIjSKV, APlilL 22.- . fcailed.—Blverina ,, (5 p.m.). i'or Auckland (New Zealand), .■-' " .'„ ~-.' ■■' . .- ....v NEWCASTLE. ■'April 22.*. Anclttaud, .." " .'..-L 1 .-.- '■ .■■■;. : .s >'~:' ■■ ;\ ;. COASTfIt. =.'-. aphil'.!2;;;-,j-;;- ; ,'■■'.■' :':'H.■■■■. ; ''<■ ACOKIiAND:-'"''' ,^^, "" Sailed,—Cyrena (6.25 a.m.), for Gisboroe; Rosamond (1.10 p.m.). for Gisboi'Kt-; Wsiirinia {1.45 p.m.)," for-Newcastle; Squall, for Giskorne. ... ..... ;. ■ ■■■ ■ PATEA. -'• )/■■■■ • - ' i "■' , Sailed,—Maaa.■ (7.60 p.ffi*,' for , Wellinston. . WANOAtfUI. Arrived—Kanunl (12-55 p.m.), Irom Wcllinston, for shelter. Suited.—Stombird (6.30 p.m.), owl Art. Dft«u (6.10 p.m.), for WeUihcten. ■ ■ utiESHEia. : ■ Siiiod.-Wairaji (2 jj.ra.}. for Wcilingkm, TEEAKODE. To Gail,—Alexander (8 p.m.)., for Wellinfiton. WESTPORT. SaUed.~Kuro« (8.30 a,ni.). for Wtllinrton. GBEXMOOTH. Sailed.—Poherno, (5.5 a.m.), a«i JTpakuto (11,10 a.m.), fw Wellington. ' . LYTTEtTOIf. Arrived.-Victoria. i*.S5 A.m.), from Butt' ■coin; 'Storm (7.35 p.m.), from Tiatanii Warrimoo (8.4(1 a.m.), from Wellington. To .mli,—'Cygnet (B.M, for Kai- ■ koijta,; fiakanea, for Westport; WarHwso, f«r Dunediii; Clan Katheson, for Tinmtii; Storm, for Kotoii; Victoria, for WoMinKton.. SoilML—Maori <B.JO p.m.), for Wellington. FfEsengere: Swoon—Missta Rose, liirdHnc, l&w-irreBor. Hoin, Coakfi, Mesda,nie.s Sose, BircUtas. Straus, M*iegreK-M\ Clifford. Fitiloa (l>, Boalcslipn, Smitli, Nicholls, Bridge. Bto-phy, Soott, SlcEsr3. Mihies, Aitlsen. Jtlallinge, Hamber, Sellers, Cotttes, tfesher, Strang, llarf-, ThornhlLl, Cooper, Maeasgcy, I Clifford, Scott, Waldenstrom, H-alin, Smith, Kicholle, Stewart, Sridiz*, Paul, Booker, I Eusseil, Addin, Davies. Wither. I Soiled.— Victaridi for sarllierfl porta, Vassingers: .Soloen'-For Welliiigton—llcsdajncs i'ayior. Critchlcy, Missers. Taylor, Andereon. Alien, Hyichiitsott. For Napier—Jtoers. FranWiu. Mosddmee ond chUd, Par Glstrorne—llrs. Chapman. Messrs. A. I Hose, Cortou. Far AuciUeit.d—Tifcars, CanEOII, Dicker. M'Kin.aey. Captain JfaclrenzK;. A.Trived.«-Hoici E, frdta Tim&Tu; John. (6.40 p.m.), Jrenj Waseanui, Tia w parts. S(ulod.~K<itaro 7.5 a.m.), lof Inrefcarelll; ffilloctea (1 p.m.), for Sydney, Via WeilingS«3fi. WIRELESS. Radio BlAtlon, WclHnitt(?n.—The steamers Yiirtoria (Wffllinfrtoa to Jfapier), ileunsanil! (Wellington 'to Lyttcitofi), WHiotVuu (Lytttlton, to- WclltnKten), ilawi (Wcllittft. toa to Lyttelton}> Wahtno (Lyitelixm to Welliastoii), Aoranei CS«n i'rimiii-ijo to AV«llinKton), Athenic (Willington to Loqdoii), and itoseotiinion (Wellington to Beeton) shattlS bo withitt wirelcsj reage thk evening. DIEEGI , STHNEr BOAT. TUie <xmVs dircot steamer isom —the Miiunganui—arnYcd in. port at 11..55 a.m. yesterday. Slic berthwi at tlio Queen's Wharf; No, S, two liours lfi.t«r. Departoie ■vvae tokctt trom Sydney at 6 <!ii Sftfc u«l<iy, and strong following winds and h«avy seae were 6S?.»?sienced on the run ■ esross the fesnian Sea. The MatmßaHui iirousrht transhipmftjits «a the following vesscle.—Hymettals. ITmballA', St. Albans, Coonitti Atue* Hcllmic, Orontes. Galse, lilooHmi," Eooii, P<!sen. flulloDJ!, Apolmi, WyAndr-a, Kunmro, 'i'Sie ste&mer will Icftvo Weliinpiou for Helbourne, tii south at 5 p.m. to-flay. IIOAKA ABBITEB IS A.M. ■ O-Dtotn St,rij!g«r, of f,he Jtoeno.. lias advised by wire'lcesi that he cxpeclcd to arrive at Wellington Eton* Sydney at 6 <, to-tlay., The vessel will bevtb. at tfeo Cla.?pow Whi-rf dad will coatinue her journey io Salt FraEcisGO, via way Bdtts, at 5 to-morfoiv. AOBAKGI EEPOETS. , By T?iT«lcß3 yesterday the captain, of , the reftottoil that h& oimolcS to ttrrive ftt w*lWnitten fi%mSan Prancjwo, via wdy ports, en Saturday, April 2S. Thft veeeol should have made port to-day, but 36 hoars late in leaving the Galifo.t» Eian port on account ef her mftin Bt«9m pips carrying avtaiy. MBSS-TABM GOSSIP, Mr. P. narrower, second engineer of the. AwalMU. came ashore et Wellißgtoii yesterday. • • ' Jfr. h. Jf. S#ede has joined the- Awajiow cs chief tng-imer^ ifr. S. 8, Jones, aspistafl'ts-pujfear of >ho MeiHWaani. has c'omctostero on «ieh leave. Mr, Miil.s, liite aasSstattt-putscr of the W<ir- i I'imoo, bos filled the vacancy. \ Mr. Ball, (in enftinocr in the tfftiott Conioany's service, wd-s a passenger from Sydney to Wellington, by the 'ilaunganui yestfrrday. Capt. Foster, late of the Taßaptjna, went South by the Wahino far ordefe lost evening.
The local tfffints {or the P. and 0. fft-o&pi Navigation Oov have been advised that the steamer Itoellan will k«ws Sydney for lieiidon on. Wednesday, Apfjl 29 S of May 2as per schedule. T.hc vessel will call at Sobart c.ii route 4,6 iondou. .It is Teportod tlKit the. 6te4mer John Ifftrdito, sit nroieut Mi Mute to Now Zealand wttß o. «wgo of case oil, will male liune* din Heir tefc port of can. Ths KmoWi which is chip, in port from , Westnftrt this moraine, vriil tfeturu thero on Saturday to Jcad Admiralty coal SydneyioadinK opcraUoifs on tho Poecoanion wore completed The vessel was ts have sailed from Wellington for Boston ansl Kcw York &i dttybi'eab this roornifig. I About 200 territorials wef& taken frojn i Wetoii to Mson by the Patecna lartcveji' iaij. On. hep nay tack frciin Wtffifc Coast uorts to WclUnßton on Saturday nest the Jfe- ■ Boi.irika. will land a number of cadois at NdSW. Tho Tonsariro left Durban an Sa:tuf#ay Jast. She is) en route from London tp-VfoJ-lißßton, and is due in port about 3f.a.y S. The stotwucr Star of TSctoria is due at; WcßsuKton oa May 4 to finish ioadsnsr fw LonSon. Th 6 Athefiic, Which leeTOs WcHingtsii f<?.r London «t 3 j>.ffi. to-da.y, is tnkiiifr the following t,Hir<t~c!loeM passensers from WellinEton!—Sfieees Ba-rltroi), J. Boyd. E. It. Brown, tlhotterten. M. Jreslsn, Pattoraen {31. Peddle, Tnwnicjr. W'ilkie «). PousSirtt. K'iwli, . ThotiiSsoii, Jresdrtrate Bojltfop and infant, L. A. Berfidec, B-eoth. Boyd. 0, 11, Utowji, 'Brii<;«, E. Cio.y, Sr-av.*on, Danby, Harte, Jreslon. lionEluirst. K'lrfaE. Orme, Patter-ra-n. Vatentine, Wilkie, ilersts. Bok, Baron, ■ Booth, C. Boyd. P. A?. Broivn. J, Coiliason, j. Crowlo. .f. ff. Earl, W. J. Caufloii, Osaysori. "• L. ITarto. J, Helm, W. J, Hill, P. SriVivin. tt. ITtean, ,T. J['J,.e.i.n, X. R. C. Ni>l«in. Orms. A. PalterEon. J. Peddie, J. Reia. Jas. SliArp. A, L. Stocker. A. Tflyler. Vnlcntine. 9. Webb, T. 3?. Wcslwoort, B. Wilteie, Jlfcit»p.h«ft, Bftird, Mfl.stcr.? Orme. T,. VolenHH.S. TY om Juieldrt.nd. 29: Cliri=t«hurch. 14: Thm<»Jlin. 5: Xftnior, 3; Kc» Plymouth, 2: Westport, 2: fJifljornc. 1: Wangwiui, 3: Tinxaru, 10; Blenheim, % Cm ftccoant nf tletav et Wnitero, by bail wo4th«r. the Wefniate is Bflt «specl«d to arrive at, Wcllioet-o-n frein Picton till tlio middle of next week. Homo loalliOE will be cofflpjEted at this port,
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Dominion, Volume 7, Issue 2130, 23 April 1914, Page 7
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2,183SHIPPING NEWS. Dominion, Volume 7, Issue 2130, 23 April 1914, Page 7
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