— : —
KOTES AND COMMENTS.. j [Ilv (..VlrfjiCOli.'J Tlioro will bo roving (it 1-nteren.fjgiH Uwfay ii.iifi liMiiafWHi , , Tlio jMiiskirton QlWu, Autroni) Alocsting (xnndieirjes .to-morrow,. and ifill bo (ioHoludod on Fritla.} , . Aeseplances hr Mm mkmr wenln at Uro- AncUhtiul JSastor Aldothtg dose, 0:11 Friday Might. Act.mijta.uceH for tho J<"eilding meeting eicse en Satuvrduy niglit. ' ■ ■ Tfee liiicui cnnJidaljrs, Lady Bayieeforfi., is much fencied foe tho flash Heck Ha.'n«: rfieap at Mustorton to-mormft , . Sliu' h in at tho wtiniiivii.m, and will bp ridden by tho WaMgiwi'H.i- light-weight, K. J>a;.ni--bess. At Tr<sn-t;ljnni y<?stf;wl-ay nioriting sljo galloped four ta'iojnjß in a tide m> der fios<K':oii('l'3." . ■" .. Itotto bwised her foot wliifet gdllpping at- Treiithniu oho niorii.ijig last awj. in <x).iisqquoßco'. sho will 'have to forgo' her Opaki eiigagemoiila, . , . .■ , ' .A. Goodmaii joito'ieyod to O.ieberne reocjitly, and brought back with h'i'nv 4 couple of yearlings' by Muttifid. ■ One is a half-bfOther to .ifprt. William, ittd #(!■. other is e gelding out of.. Jfa'toe. Tho breaking-in tacklo will Uα 'put oft khg'. pair shortly. . • ' .';■'.. Big .Blast was well fancied, '.locally for the Mastertert Oup,'. litib ■ ]ior sfec)? de- ; terio rated ■eo.iisidoralii.v after a poor gah lop at. 'iWnthani"yesterday.- when dm was beatcM off ill.a 'wiflj Ladoga-. There is likely to be a great dearth of riders at Biterslitt. ntet -week.. .;.■€?, Eiiiersoii, who .passed through Auckland en Sunday last, was root at 'tho baat-by I several trai-ners-j and lie also .received ■; three wJreiess messages iiboatd ihe E£v* , 'erina. Altagethisr he had to-Teftiso'Jio.; fewer ttan cleveji fides at ElterSlie. ' ") ■ In soiho qu-artt'fs it is thouglifc tbt j Patroiiaio wifl represent M?.' A'. .Alexnnder 111 t-hfl ffia.ste.f Handicap at.Avick-..' land, and that lioiiny Helen: .iviU bfe .re-. served for the- Great Northern, Oaks. JIM. tho Minister Sarttone/: trained by A- G. Witsoh -ai New Jlrjgh-' ton, is spoken of as a. v«y;. like!.y «xrt ; of illy. a)id several .offers'to-pivrelwse her liare been received ,feiely,.-. Sα .far ■ she 'has only faced.a starter oitee. i:fl;.s. wns afAkaMa, wher«> she.ivas the ancient Ooroniform 6'ttrprised tta ■ touts at β-fceartwi 011 Saturday -nierhißg by fal'tepiiig a ha]h»ile-weM ttader, aUseconds. . •'■■.-''" Friday next is general .-entry day for, the' \Vellingtoii Bacihg Club's Autumn; iUeeliiilg. ' ■ " . : ' Expect is iiovr -first JavoWife- for. tlio' CJ.t". -Great ArakWiJi, Handiea-p, in whidi iiie Mvance. horse wiH bo fidi3en hyA. Oliver, , ".,/ , ■ So far Pier* M'Donald i R Btauding-up . to her preparation for .tho :big .Events trt' the C.J.O. n-ioßtiug and : the Dua:edto Oaf wjn:ii6r seenis; -gaitie sound-. ■ Private advices Min'Jh'e Bb-ti-tii etijte €ia*- Autajtiiis'us and Jliha.ldo. are both going oseepfeafly ;# Tho iatfef -gal'loiied with;. ■ and ■ Angelina, ever-'Six- Miotic feist &te*. day, ,a«d io caiSlfy a&SUUted ior the. paih" . . ■'. .;■.."."■..> •■: ' ' The Hastings a Bl«e Lafe feooyai'ls6cen&j: Bva'dp, l>ia#to, and Eoyid Scout .afrwtfl at ttpalsi last e'V'emng. " ' ' ... Tn'dv'B liorsfes frofti feuteni. , V&iii* 1-ailcd toilaStfefttfU-ta-dW- 1 ' J«.'Wwe is. taking the Eenary f111y.,. wlio is engaged iiv % Maiden, itandicap, and jilso aid Leiiyeri flf four, viz., H.aum&k'akfc..' , .Odessa, A-s-che, .atvd■■another.,.; ; A.. : .C;ra\vfo.rd n t3lseß;. tady,yladimir;tf . r orosSi'oa|i;ur ? ,i'nrtfl J; , :Scp ; filf liavp' each. got, ii/te* preseiitaitive,. '/■■■'.- ';'.'... »'.»■"'' A contingent of fficeaftoii'horses., consisttog at" Briar Patch,, Bee, Con the Shaughrami and. fcariphi ,W1 probably ■ be «"iit to: Av-ste''a stio.rtly, with a v.igsv: to taciiig : the*. Tho iijteutiou is to ship' ..them ■early ttM'ai'. ■•'■, At-the ccjiclusioh ol the r&cirtg at' Butts last «X!.efc> papamaraimit was purchas.ed by a, Weffitigteh spnrt|&Mi, out delivery will not U take}! until after the-: Msfitfiitoii insetijigv . ■ ■ ■ ' • j It is wnderstQOd tha* «*sy.>i ; tl ride | Bon Bcve in the Bo'heastei ilaffidiCii'i), at llandiviok. ' 7 " ■ I . H. Berry cam* up froin tbo sdit-tftj yostercla-y, and will bo : ri|ing at Master- : , ton to-ißo.rr«>w. li arrJMgementa caw bo made, to C. Btaersoii to ta.ko.9vet to Ekearton en|agSmoUts. . JSe.f.ry frill] leave by tlie Alaiiuka on FridS}'; and Will rid* Stnapis in the Sydney Cup. A coinmcucßment will be made with, the, «r«ctS6ii of a new steWarfls , .- ttand ■au laulifcre'flilv'a-U r jieoc6«rse shortly, after this Easter meeting. The. fotjn- ■ dati'oiis., Which will bo. of concrete, an* now being kid ddivh, ... RICCARIOH TRACK KOTES . , (Pγ oerre?p6Bdsny 'C'hristc.h.prchj iforeh 31. ■ .f-raotieafly all' iiie ,'w'orfc ,; af EiccJirton this tooniing \vas «loiie P$ tlio plough, track, XherulM"! gave' Cirauts a geod ■statt, and r.m h,''miie in imtJi. isSee,,-tho ■ last seven' farloags bewig.'--rmi jw 1-Bjii!.. .'iosfet. 'WlO towes , were goijig very, ispnl* fottaWy o-voj thefitst fjiM.o'ngi but ,*fter tiiis the iisce-*as.era«kea-<m, -.i»d the pair flnisbed together. ■ Th'o .jie-r-form--anws -bv ChcruWiii WAS -aU .-SSBfiUent : Pc* (T{liomp#uJ and Bjiioldo (P. Amer-. gen) got to «ie end of -.sis furlongs tn: imin. W 2&ep.» finisMing ,weM, *!«; Slower- ol tfie'.West tfri'd Judith wer.o giveii a rouiid at tKrco-quafteT P^β.'; MastiiTpieeo cM'BW*ld) *as going, better than Aittuwmts (Sim*) at tho end of a mile this test seven ■ fci-rldflgs lieinr left. bchi-vid i'p'iwip. 3JSOC' tColtjgr) ntid ''Sj).m-us&v fNorrid) were, mgatlief. nfter tuiiijing >:i.X tekiftS in liaiTi, ISsp.G., a.nd Fastradi wd Cainvliis wercKbt Wily i>xtondwt white W'ttlvvug «'e-v-'ep tetoga in. '''"rSfaiia'stef a'lid 330W Stroke ga:llop«(] sis furlongs, and Qui-rkla-iid got to fte ciwi of five furio« s s to .Itotoy 3m&.< apS Civcory wftiit ft fftrlp.ns further ffl torn. ISJsec, -VaHialla; (W. 'HumiiliKte} c»*or.ed ■ s.c-Jc-u fliriaftes t-n tain. SPl'seC. a*d Hoi;-. esh: d>. A-iKieiiSon), (M' , G : ro.|o-r) i imii Charniillo, (F, Ttoiivpson) did halt a mile iu SO i-sscc. This was iv really -soM •tfallofl, *9 it was d'ono itflm. 4. Staawtiits ■■ Mart: W!tntfinssr hnd.Ron. FraiiKisto irali iwateii at tho end Ol sis fti-rlwgs, run in tinip. 20sec, »n?I Joan and Tr-*m 4id a mile i'jv tmiiu Binipewdor was going fecttcr ten JlMo'rietfe fflilliwcontra over'sis .fuftwfe rt*'J«•*«!«•. Msec, Airf Martial and; the. SfortiaivMiss lochkl colt spurted town two straight; Wfcile waS KOWK '»W r «iiin Scotch McMy over lial{.-. a. J»W, in Usec, eoftcg started «tqwii the straight, nAd Vicus-AiJuMral did steady pacing, and' Glsnfi'-nntiu .ran, » R , " l * 10 im'iis- 47 3-&0 C. W«e B:i'r4- nad bna-i)-'driecit hail fiv* ftirtonfe in ■,c.i.a. i nke Rilloi), and CifcciMiiaime hal-t a mite in 535-Seo. ' Miss KJl'uttf. ran «i» ■list fotar of five fuvtengS'iu D3sSc,, mid tlora MaePohivM (V. AVoodS). casiiS' <iisimin W 2-Sseo. Silver Shield (W. Sebioj ran •■seven furlongs in InMn, '3.tece,, ansl Siwrj- (iwtt imi Uai' spotM tiwßo fui'lpji'-'S in Iff 1-s'Sgg.. SUitda-nftpr i'f. il'wsson) attd \Vijßti?)i(W. &«M# did six .fnvlftmjs in lmiji. Jftcev,white spvrsa : (T.. Muastfn) ■ ftsttied ovei; ho.lf a. anle in •tSi«c. I'liiS' -fcinio is vary good;, but tho Martian j% was v«y iittlo woiijlit. At-helilene «6#eVe(l star, fu-t-lpiigs iii lniiij. SO.jitc.i: aiid Ckidic -rtiSti SVcabprji Wi l o gi'veli-a Jioufttl nil three-qiiai'lcr pte Aft?i' I'ireaWaSt Hie tfflcrk iras wnSjl»j» ■ My' fosteiN niid ilio wiiul- assisted tho Jidrses' ft RO'Jtl deal comins duw-n- Uto sfraigilt. Glijuciw]., assisted by (tVoi* tiife ];h«t 'tirtee, ran six ' furlwts's. i« Intili; It ?'ssoc,-, aSid an.rt E'Agl«rsifUftil ovor hull n 'iiViJ'o' i«. 5D S-Osie-, Lsdy Siareia (jefbjitpfl (Haiico aver ■fiis "fmlengti in imin. 1!I 2-Sst*., sv-.k- fey ■]>;:> nieans .ill iiiniressive ji^f fofni* adp*,' , an£l -SMenll -3 ivej The' C*)rn'ei ilei;ii" p-i-ed tmi-ji. iikett, in .irtuuviiif p. simiinT wii'ttej-. Kilt* did a KpaiJ vrprjfaflg gal. iop, .ftnd Dem Ch-arl vit not juHy e£>
feuded- white' elitl lialf-pae-3 Kriifc.' $%»■ tevran -Sis i«U>n«;- voe? ■cn&ily in. apt! Nii-liscfolq : was : indulged, iff- lia ; lfvj)Kce, I .woi*v , Giipinc jj&ttjlv mile i» JliiJa- ■•iß.:2r3s&q.,,sw! w Haim-Hon ' was ttoi'Mf®iiei) i if& Miifo Jcrtivrvsng>Ve. Jti.ifltiligs in 'imhi.-iS J Wflit* awlBonuo ISpUfilw .c6v?te(t..sjx |MrWiss V'-. imiil. |.ii i-5.S?t-i ttiiil' \\'ce jDoßTiltl -iiJiiJ ■ FoMSi; spriiitod-titijee £vi(«ngs '^f 1 t,li) in 3S=e&. Sijjridnife" w'ijpt sis fflrro-nijs at a ged -ttefe-ifuaTftJ' J>#e> !?«!irtliS, awl- ' (stoldseefer r»u. #x fwriaiigs-. in inrnv, ?4;i .soe., i)a.vl:igM BUt aftit teheloro 1-nijn. 22see. -for the siUiie- j<s«rn'ey. iViidrae* «*d Jteffiib %ftt fe:l<>Dg:s Milmi-ii. 7fflc, iiiul Sfe'in Dim -nivaPse 4Wd Sfifli- Patoh <iov.ei:?cl a siuriliii- ■ disWiee in imi.ii, Sscc- Fi'ce , »ai!' Jta:l.f a. m\k hi 4S. :i-s:sec, .q.n Hio , s.a-i«.I, u-.nd C:lirys.otis co«ted six ftir-loliga in Iftiiiv. iTsec. '
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Dominion, Volume 7, Issue 2112, 1 April 1914, Page 10
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1,292THE TURF. Dominion, Volume 7, Issue 2112, 1 April 1914, Page 10
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