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Messrs. Dalgoty and Company, Limited. Palmeretoii North, report ns follows on their weekly salo at I'almerston Nortn on Thursday :-Only a fair entry of shecD and cattle came to band, nearly every Hue changed hands'α-t the following prices:— Cull ewes, 3s. 7d.: rai.ral-ngo owes, vs.; small larabe, 53. 6d.j medium lambs, 7s. j Southdown rams, 11 to 2Jgne.; aired rams, lCs. 6d. to 11s. 6d.; four and five-year cwc.3, 83 .6d. to si. 3d.: two-tooth ewes, to Us. 2d.; weanor heifors, 255. 6d.; empty cows, 355.; coloured weaner heifers, 2diis.; forward cows, £3 19s. 6d.; three-year eteers, sens.; EprineinE heifers, £5 7s. 6d., £6 55., to £7 15s. Itare. Daljroty and Company, Limited, report on their fc'olway Ealo as follows:— A good yarding of all classes of sheep woro offered to a large attendance of buyers. Tim inquiry for nil good torts of breeding owes was particularly brisk,' and prices realised were in favour of sollc're. Lowconditioned ewee and inferior 'eheop woro not in demand. Wo had a total clearance at tlio following prices:—Best lines of four and ilve-year-bred ejres, to lie.; I medium, 7s. 9d. to 9s. 9d.; aped ewes, ss. Bd. to 75.; small wethers, to Hβ. 3d.; small blacklacod lambs, to ss. 6d.; two-tooth Komnoy rams, lgn. to Usns.; Lincoln rams, to ljgus.; need rams (potters), Cα. to 9s. Messrs. Dalsrety and Company, Limited, report as follows on their fortnightly Eala held at the Upper Hutt:—Wo had a good entry of both sheep and cattle, which met with fairly good competition at the start, but (slackened oil. a bit towards the end of the sale. Most of tho lines, however, wore dieposod of. Two-tooth ■to f.m. ewes, 65., Bs., to 11s.; two-tooth w-otlicrs, to 125.-, fat wethers, to 155.; lambs, ss. Bd., ss. 7d., 63. 6d., to 75.; rams, 12a. to 15e.; springing lwifers, £5, £6 2s. 6d., £7, £7 13s. 6d., to £8 55.; cows iff milk, .£8 10s., £10, £14 55., to £15; wcaners, 14s. to 153.

• Jlessrs. Williams and Kettle, Ltd., report 06 follows on the horse sale conducted by them on behalf of Messrs. ICuight Bros., ol Tahoraiti:—All the heavy horses were yarded in' very good condition, but met with a dragging salo throughout, there being about half pa-ssed in, the balance averaging £25. Tho brood marcs, which were not a good lot,, were mostly mssed in, what wero sold averaging £20. We report, the following price's:—Three-year-old unbroken geldings, £20, £23,. £25, to £35; three-year unbroken Allies, £17, £20, £26 105., 'to £31; geldings, .brokon to chains, £30 to £37; four-veai'-old broken to chaine, £21 105.,.£26 10s.. £30, £32, 1o £37; five-year flllys, broken to chains, £27 to £30; brood maros, £15 10s., £16, up to £30. HcajK. Abraham and Williams. Ltd.. report a3 follows on their Pahictu.i rale:— We offered a heavy yarding of both sheep ar-d cattle. There .was not much demand, and bidding was' decidedly slack. #We ultimately, however, rcnde.a good clearance •at late rato3. Quotntior.l3:—Good youTKr owes, 10s. Bd. to 12s. 6d.; good mixed-ag-?d owes, Bs. 3d. to 9s, 3d.; sound-mouth ottos, 7s. 3d. to Bs. 5d.; full-mouth ewes. 3s. 9d., 5?. 6d., to 7s. Id.; wethers, lie; fid. to Ifo. Bd.; go^d" lambs, 7s. '2(1.." 8?., to 9«. lid.; small lambs, 2s. fid. to.3s. 3d.; goodrrams. 1 to l?gns.; full-mouth .rams, Jfls. to ifc.: forward envnty cower £3 to £3 12s. 6d.; store, cows, 235. to 3Cs.; 18-month steers. £2 Is', to £2 18s.; good weaners, £?, Is. to £?. 35.: small do., 235. to 325. We will hold no . sale in-Foster week, tho dato of th-e neat ealo will he . April 1. Abraham and Williams. Ltd. ■niport as follows- on their Palmerston 1 North sole:—Wo had a fair y-nrdin? of l>y. T i sheep and cattle. practically overyi thing was sold under • the hammer at the ! following prices:—Brooding ewcc. sound raouth, Bs. Bd. to 9s. Gd.;.cuM 35., 3s. |,3d.. ss. 9d.. to fo. 9d ; lambs. 6s. 2d., fa. 5d., I to Bs.; cull lambs, 2s. fid.: two-year steers. I £3 M.; fat cows. £4 te.: fitore cows, £9. i Is., £2 18)5. (3d., to £4 2.?,; weaner heifers, £2 I Is. to £2 ISVj. ' .

Jlcosrj, Abraham and Williams. Ltd., report on their Jrastcrton stool; sale as foil-owe.:—Wc olFcrcd an exceptionally licnvy yarding of c-attle, comprii-inj; mostly qrown bullocks und a fair yardir.s of. sheep. A distllict-feature of the sale was the entry of 600 head,of cattle on behalf of Mr. John Straus, tllenside, t-ho hulk of which were particularly-'stood .quality, in splendid 'condition, ibuyeirt. being very complimentary in . their remarks as to t-lio quality offered and the icanner in which they were draft-, -cd. Four hundred of this ciitry Wero sold, jonly two lots failing,".tochange, hands, "off-aro beins obtained.^^'it^^ill'"''fe.. ; '.and , ''lfi?: 1 respectively of vendor's'anticipations; 100 t",70 and a lialf-year Shorthprn bullocks, bred .ct Glenoids, in., firot-elafa condition, £6 10s'. Several lueful lots of. bullocks we're offered on, bohalf of other venrtora, llr. 010 leakr-on selling—34 at £C 18s., 27 -at .£5 10;.; and Jlcssw. Wyeih Bron, JFikimiki, olio pen at £6 10s. fjhcop so'.d better than last week, an improved tone being prevalent, and a. lino of four and fix-tooth cull ewes offered ou behalf of Mrs. If. Jlolmcs 6d. Quotatioro:—ls3 forvard £7; 57 P.A. bullocks (Glenside). £7 Cr, ; IC.I two and a lvilf-yenr f-t-eers (Giensirte), .€6 10s.; 31 10-month si'cer-3 (Glenside). £4 95.; T6 18-month heifars (Glenside). £3 3s. On behalf of other vendors:—Forward bulloeki*. £6 Ifo. to £7 la.: others, £6 to £S»lss.: poodconditioncd bulloclcs, £5 ss. to £5 155.: 18-month steers,. a number of bad colours, £2 155.; ascd ev;c.=. sound-mouth, 9s. Bd. to 16-.: foor and f;ix-tooth ewes, 14s. 6'1.; others, f,-. to Ifn.; two-tooth ewes, flis 6(1.: culls, down to os. 9d.; blacl;-faco lambs, poor Condition, 7s. Id.

; Messrs. Abraham and Williams, Ltd., report on their . Johr.Gonviile calc, hold yesterday, (is follows:—We •, offered a medium yarding of bullocks wliieh sold fairly well at lately reduced rates. Prime heavy bullocks, £10 17e. 6d.;'prime bullocks, £9 15s. to £10 2.?. 6d.; lighter, £9 7s. 6d. to £9 10s.; li«?lit. £9 to £9 2s. 6d.; veal-er-s, 255. to 295.; prime heavy wethers, 18?. 6d.; prims wethers, 17s. 6d.; lighter, 16s. 'lid.; f medium cwcg. 12*. ,Sd. to to; prime lambs, 13s. 6d. to to 3d. The New 'Zealand Loan and "Mercantile Agency Co. 'report:—At Waitauna on Wednesday stock did not come forward in full Advertised lines. Wo effected a t-ot-al, clearance, however, :at pricw satisfactory to vendors, every pen being sold. Wo. nuoto:Mixcd lambs, 8?. 6d.; rape lambs, Bs.. lid.; mo lambs, 9s. 7d.; light fat wethers, 14s. 6t1.; two' and foijr-tooth wet-here,' Ks. 6d.; ojjed rarae, 15s. Tito Now. fccaland Loan and Mercantile Agency Co. .{Jlasterton brarich) report:—"We had a large entry of b'heep at Solway yesterday, all of which wo cleared at satisfactory prices. Thero wo 6 a good attendance of buyers* and bidding was keen for aJI classes. Two-tooth wethers mo4o from 10s. sd. to 14s. 6d.; two-tooths, mixed ceres, lis. 6(1.; forward lambs, 103.; medium do., Eg. 6(1.; small do., 6s. 5d.; fat ewes. 12s. Bd.; forward do., ICti. 3d.; sound-mouth breeding ewcß, Bs. 3d. to lis.; aged do.. ss. 6d. to 73, lOd.; forward empty cows, £4 13s. 6d. Jlessre. James Macintosh and Co. report Having held their usual weekly salo in their Waipoua (Masterton) sale yards on Wednesday, when, they offered a very pood yarding of stoop and cfl/ttle, which met with only fair competition, consequently the sal© waff not.very animated, but practically all the sheep were sold, but cattle were hard to quit, and the bulk of tho entry was turned out uneold. Quotations are as follow:—Six, eight, to seven m. ewes* lis. 6d.: poor-conditioned ewes, 6s. to C-s. 6d.; sound-mouth ewes (good condition), 9fi. Id .to 9s. <d.; woolly lambs (good), 10s, 4d.; black-face lambs, 7s. 6d. to Bs. 4d.; email black-face lajnbs, 3s. 9d. to ss. 6d.; two-tootli ewes (small), 10s. 6t1.; cull twotooth ewes and wethers, 6s. 6d.; cull twotooth xvetliers, Bs. 6d.; cull ewes, 2s. lid to ss, 10d.; shorn lambs. Bs, Id. to 83. 3d.; Eomney rams, 20s. to 215.; pigs, 12s. 6d.; cows and calves, £4 25.; three-year 6teers £5 2s. 6d.; 15-month steers, £2 55.; 15-month heifers, £2 ss. ; bulls, £3 10s. to £5.

Mr. Ncivton King reports:—At Stratford yards on, Tuesday there was a good entry qf botli sheep and cattle, and the Dublic wero present in good numbers. Blddinpr opened poorly, but improved during the sale. Good weaner steers, Jersey weaner heifers, best-conditioned cows and bulls were in demand. There was no inquiry for weedy or bad-ooloured weancrs. ■ The whole entry of sheep, with one exception, was cleared. I supply prices obtained:— Oq aocount of'ifr. W. D. Colson, six very choice Jersey weaner heifers, £3 135.; on account of a Stratford client, a flno pen of 29 Shorthorn woancr stoers, at £2 45.: and on account of other vendors, weanor heifers, ffood lines, yrlth colour, £2 2s. 6d. to £2 155.; weaner steers, £1 Is. Bd.; 15 to 20 month heifera, r.w.b., £3 7s. 6d. to £3 175.: ZO-jnonth heifers, empty, £3 ?s. 6d. to £3 163.! asced cows, £1 10s. to £2 65.; store cows, £2 17s. 6d. to £3 lis.; forward and fat cows, £1 to £6 lis.; bulls, from £4 2s. 6d. to £6-129. 6d.; small, 18s. to £3 7s. 6d.; sprintrine heifors, £6; 20-month coloured steers', £3 6s. 6d. to £3 35.; two and a half-year heifers in calf. £5 Es.: bad coloured weaners, £1 to £1 2s. 6d.; lambs, Bs. Id. to Ss. 7d.; mlied-ased owes, 10s.; ■aged ewes, 6s. to 6s. 6d.; fat eives, 135.; small lambs, 3s. 6d. to fe.; two-tooth rams 16s. 6d. On Wednesday, at Toko, for an off day cattlo came forward in good numbers, selling cis follows Dulls, £4 12s. 6d to £6; small, £2 to £3 12s. 6d.; mixed weaners, £1 7s. 6d.-to £1 145.; bad-coloured, 15s. 6d. to 19s. 6d.; asjed cows, £1 165.; store cows, £2 16s. to £3 175.; forward and fat oowk, ,£4 2s. to £5; two-tooth ewes, 145.; two4ooth wethers, 12s. lid. to 13s. Bd.; small wethers, 9s. 7d.; f.m. ewes, 9s. !od.: four-tooth ewes, 1E«.; lambs, 75.; horse trap, and harness, £20 10s.

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Dominion, Volume 6, Issue 1704, 22 March 1913, Page 8

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LIVE STOCK SALES. Dominion, Volume 6, Issue 1704, 22 March 1913, Page 8

LIVE STOCK SALES. Dominion, Volume 6, Issue 1704, 22 March 1913, Page 8


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