PEESS EXCLUDED. The committee set up by the Ci!y Council to conduct an inquiry into control of tile city reserves, with special reference to tho disrating of a forcmnu at tho Botanical Ganlens, held a lengthy sitting iast evening. The Mayor (Mr. I). M'Laren) presided. Mr. Glen, (superintendent of reserves) and some, of the reserves employees were in attendance. Mr. A. L. Iferdman attended oh behalf of Mr. Glen.
Press representatives were present wlion the meeting opened, but tlio Mayor stated tliat the preliminary proceedings, at nil events, would be conducted in private Councillor Frost (chairman of the Reserves Committee} formally protested, staling that he wished to ask a question before the reporters left, but the Mayor replied that the meeting could not open until the reporters had left.
The committee sat in private for over half mi hour before the Town Clerk came out to intimate that it had been decided to proceed with tho inquiry in private.
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Dominion, Volume 5, Issue 1440, 15 May 1912, Page 6
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162CITY RESERVES INQUIRY. Dominion, Volume 5, Issue 1440, 15 May 1912, Page 6
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