Wedding at Church of the Sacred Heart. On October IC, at the Church of the Sacred Jlcart, Hill Street, the marriage took place of Mr. Alfred J. M. B. Nielsera, of North-East Valley, Otago, and Miss Catherine Florenco O'Brien, of Orepuki, Wallace district, Southland. Tho Rev. Father Peoples officiated. Miss Burke, of Cbristchurch, attended tho bride as bridesmaid, and Mr. J, Duffy (Wellington) was tho best man. Tho bride was given away by Mr. Glassonbury, of Cbristchurch. After the ceremony a number of guests were entertained at a wedding breakfast, where tne usual toasts wero honoured, and congratulations received. Wedding at Havelock North. A protly wedding was quietly celebrated at the rosidenco of lho bride's parents, "Tho Moe," Havelock North, on Tuesday, October 1", when Miss Annie Masters was married to Hr. Chris Lassen, the Rev. Mr. Wallis officiating. Tho bride, who was given away by her father, woro a protty cream silk frock, trimmed with veil and orango blossoms. Slio was attended by Miss Myrtlo Masters, wearing a cream radianta frock, trimmed with tuckcd net and insertion, and a white hat to match, and Aliss S. Lassen (Wanganui), in a braided cream serge dress, trimmed witJi cream net and a whito crinolino hat. Mr. Albert Lassen was the best man. Tho bridcsniaiels receivcel from tho bridegroom gold dagger brooches set with rubies and pearls. After tho ceremony the guests wero entertained at afternoon tea, mid tho customary toasts were also honoured. Tho bride's travelling costujuo was a navy blue coat and skirt, and a cream crinolino hat. The future home of Mr. and Mrs. Lassen will be in Twyfcrd. Wedding at Napier. In St. Patrick's Church at Napier, Mr. William Denton Briinor, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Brimer, of Hastings, was married to Miss Annie Painter, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 11. Painter, of Napier. The bride, who was given away by her brother, woro a cream eolienne frock trimmed with lace and insertion and a tullo veil and orango blossoms. Miss Julia Painter, wearing a whito embroidered frewk, and largo white hat, and Miss Mabel Brimer, in palo blue mousseline do soie and whito hat, attended her as bridesmaiels. They also wore their gifts from the bridegroom—pretty gold brooches. Mr. Cyril Brimer was tho Inst man. Later in tho day Mr. and Mrs. Brimer left for the south, the bride's travelling costume being a claret coloured clotll coat and skirt, and large shotsilk hat. St. Hilda's Sale of Work. On Wednesday afternoon Mrs. Sprott opened a sale of work at St. Hilda's Schoolroom, Island Bay, in aid of tho church building fund. A largo number of people were present, and tlio hall
looked very pretty with its gaily-decorat* ed stalls, the refreshment room tains particularly effective with a sombre rod light, Chinese lanterns, and the walls docorated with arum lilies. The vicar, in a low words, iusKch! Mrs. Suroli to declare the gale of work open. Mrs. Sprott referred to her lon,' experience as a worker in similar undertakings to the one iu which the people of St. Hilda's wcro now. engaged, She knew well what <i Largo nmount of work it entailed upon the stallholders, but she was quite sure they would have a groat success;. Tho Archdeacon of Wellington proposed, and Mr, W. E. Murrcll, the sncretary, seconded a hearty vole of thanks to Mrs. Sprott for her visit to the parish. This was carried by acclamation, 'l'lio sale continued on Wednesday and Thursday even- » ings, and resulted in even a greater success than was anticipated. The object in view was to try,and obtain .£SO, and a . sum of about .£OO was realised. Tho following is a list; of stalls and .stallholders; Guild stall, Mcsdames Coleman, Griffiths, and Mylos; produce stall, Mcsdames liichardson, Gibbons, and Fenton; tancy stall, Mrs. Davies and the Misses Davios; sweet? stall, tho Misses Griffiths, 13. Collcy, Cnleinan; refreshments, Mesdamcs Badely, Williamson, .1. E. Hutt, and tho Misses B. llally, E. Badely; art gallery, tho Misses Chapman and M'Ewan. During the afternoon and evening fancy dancing was carried out by the jnipils of Miss G. Davics, a recitation was givtai by Mrs. Castle, exhibitions of first aid by tho Island Bay Boy Scouts, and an orchestra under the management of Messrs. C. and 1\ Proctor, gave some cnjoyablo selections of music. A Morning Tea, Very cheery and pleasant was tho rnorfl« •ing tea which was given by Lady Gibbes in the Pioneer Club rooius yesterday, about forty of her friends being present. The rooms were charmingly decorated with purple and white irises and jonqucls, while tho tea tables in tho "strangers' room" were arranged with exquisito pink Japaneso cherry blossoms, every spray of which was a delight to look upon. A number of gramaphono records, of musical celobrities of the day were given (what would people do without tho gramaphono now?), and Miss Putnam sang. Lady Gibbes wore a navy blue coat and skirt and heliotrope tloral toaue. Among those present were: Lndv Findlay, Mrs. Bucholtz, Mrs. Huntley Elliott, Mrs. Wheeler, Mrs. Buddo, Mrs." T. M'lvenzio, Miss M'Kor.zic, Mrs. 1?. M'Konzie, Mrs. Baleson, Mrs. Konalds (Christchurch), Mrs. and Miss Kane, Mrs. Corliss, Mrs. C. Elliott (Auckland), Miss Millar, Mrs. and Miss do Castro, Mrs, Jlogben, Mrs. W. Anderson, Miss Macnndrew, Miss Payne, Mrs. Thornton, Mrs. G. B. Bull, Airs. Knlmoiid, the Misses M'Gregor (2), Mrs. Jiutts, Mrs. Harris, Mrs. Campbell, Miss King, Mrs. Carter, aud Miss Fuvnamt Money to Spare. One of the features of a wedding in Stratford recently was tho scattering of largesse ill the shape of silver coin from the window of the bridal carriage as tho bride and bridegroom drove to the railway station after tho wedding breakfast. An Afternoon Tea. A very enjoyablo tea was given by Mrs,P. Turner at lior home on Goldie's Brao yesterday afternoon. Lilac, delicately fragrant, decorated tho drawing-room, while in tho diningroom, where tea was served, yellow flowers were to bo seen, chief among them being beautiful yellow irises. Much amusement was obtained from competitions, eomo of tho answers baing V3:.'y ingenious. Mrs. Turner was weariug a cream silk frock with an overdress of net, relieved with . touches of black velvet. Obituary. i , Mrs, Campbell, wife of Captain Alex--andor'Camplrell, late of Newfoundland, one of the best-knoivn masters trading out of Auckland, passed away on Monday at the age of 72 years. Tho deceased lady,who was a native of Jersey, came out to New Zealand with her husband in ISG4, in the sailing ship Pakeha. She leaves four daughters: Ill's. W. Hazard, Mrs. .1. J. Ci'aig, Mrs. E. W. Laurie (Birkenhead), and Sirs. A. 11. Brabant. The death occurred at ralmorslon North, after a long illness, of Mrs. Trevor, the wifo of Mr. Trevor, of Pal-mers-ton. The deceased, who was 27 years of age, was tho daughter of Mr. Andrew Jack, and was held in high esteem by many friends. Felldlng Notes. Mrs. M'AUum lias gone to Napier. Mrs. Kingdon (Te Kuiti) is staying at Mrs. M'AlluiuV Mrs. Alyuier has returned from Wangsw uui. Mrs. Miles is visiting WangaJiui. Miss Fcrgusson (Clirislchuroh) is tlio guest of Mrs. Wall (Kairanga). The Rev. A. Innes-Jones, Mrs. InnosJones, and family have gone for several weeks to Otaki, tho l!ev. J. Smith having exchanged pulpits. Mrs. Maekay is staying with Mrs, Fry. Tho engagement is amiouuced of Mr. Hani (Kiwitea) and Miss Jlcycock. Mr. and Mrs. G. Turnbull are spending a few days iu the north. Stratford Notes. On Friday evening, Dr. and lire. Paget entertained a number of friends at a piogressivo euchre party, tlio guests of honour being: Mr. and Mrs. W. Campbell Kaikcs, who has purchased a large placo at tlio Bay of Islands. They have always assisted at all social-functions, and will bo much missed in the district. Dr. Paget, in a happy .speech, presented Mr. aud Mrs. liaikes with two very haudsomo pieces of plate, namely, a solid silver lea tray, suitably inscribed, and an entreo dish from their many friends in Stratford. Mr.' liaikes thanked tho donors on behalf of his wiio and himself, and said he would always remember the many kind friends in Stratford, and they looked forward to seeing them all again in the near future. The large reception-rooms wcro beautifully decorated with huge bowls of white and purple irises, whilo tho supper room was most artistically arranged with quantities of primroses and lato bulbs. The ladies' prizes wore won by Mrs. Munroe Ust), the Misses O'Brien and Peerless, consolation prizes, Mr. Fookes iirst in the gentlemen s prizes, and Mr. Cook the booby prize. Br. and Sirs. Paget received their guests in the entrance-hull, the hostess wearing a very handsome gown of blue chiffon tall'ctas, «it'll black scquined overdress. Mrs. liaikes was in a becoming gown of black silk, with diamond ornaments; Mrs. Young, white satin gnwn,_ with overdress of handsome lace; Mrs. Wake, grey ninon with touches of cei-jsc; Mrs. G. Hobbs, gown of pale blue lnousscline do soiej ilrs. I'orritt, frock of soft white silk, trimmed with lace; Mrs. Twiss, white chiii'on talfetas,_ with silver trimmings; .Mrs. Anderson, * red silk, relieved with black; Mrs. Munroe, pretty gown of roso ninon; Mrs. C. Penn, black silk, with gold ornaments; Mrs. Fookes. black velvet trimmed with handsome Maltese tacc; i!rs. W. M alone, white silk and silver scarf; Mrs. 0. Curtis, black silk; Mrs. Hcnnell, green silk gown, with spray of pink roses on corsage; Mrs. Clienchen, black silk crepe de chine, with touches of gold; Mrs. Crawsliaw, gown of black Spanish lace over black glace silk; Mrs. Lonergan, white silk, with overdress of black lace; Mrs. Conning, handsome black silk, relieved with lace; Mrs. (Dr.) Menzies, cream silk gown; Mrs. Grant, black velvet, with cream lace berlhc; lliss Wake, cream silk, with coral ornaments; .Miss liussell, cr«iin silk; iliss if. James, pale pink silk; Miss Anderson, frock of cream silk; Mrs. Black, gown of palo blue silk; iliss O'Brien, whilo satin, trimmed with laee insertion. Mrs. K. W. Wake gave an o-l-ornoontw for Mrs. W. liaikes on -TWilay afternon, and a very happy time was spent. Tlio drawing-room wa.s ikvoraU'd with quantitics of lovely flowers, ill's. W.ake iy> ceived her guests in a gown of heliotrope mjus.-u'lino ilc nvio. Mi's, liaikes was in black cv.shmero do ado, black toque, with ] i:\radlVv leathers. iliss Wake, cromo gown, and Mi.-;; I'. Wake also wore a cream frock. Mc.vdainoi doling, Paget, Johnstone, Crawsliaw, Fookes, Twifs, Fookes (New Plymouth), lionnell, nnd Miss Peerless (of Nelson). .Musical items wore contributed by Mrs. Johnstone aud Miss Peerless. On Monday Mr. and Mrs. W. Campboll Kaikos were again the guests of honour at an "at home" held by Mrs. W. 11. Young at her homo in Bracken Rood. Tho drawing-room was prettily decorated I with quantities of wkito broom, cLouiatis,
violets, nn<l bulbs. Euchro was played for n part of tho time. Miss OBrien carrying oft tho first prizo, Miss Fookes (xx»nd, and Mr. Johnston tho gentlemen's prizo. Music was also one of tho pleasurra of the afternoon, those contributing being Mr. Johnston, Mrs. Rennell and Miss Peerless. Tea was dispensed by tho hostess, who wore a gown of wedgwood blno cloth, trimmed with black silk braid. Mrs. Raikcs was in a black costume and black toquo. Mrs. Paget, peacock gresn cloth, braided with black, and a black velvet hat, with plumes; Mrs. Stubbs, bluo voilo, with copper-coloured trimmings; Mrs. Code (New Plymouth), green and black cloth costume, and black and white hat; JLrs. Crawsliaw, blue costntno en suite; Mrs. Fookes, coronation bluo frock, beautifully braided, and feather toquo; Mrs. W. Webster, navy serge costumo and velvet toquo; Mrs. Wake, mauvo costume, hcldotropo hat; Mrs. Johnstone, grey costumo and black hat; Mi's. Twiss, light grey ooat and skirt, and ve<l hat; Miss 0 Brum, brown costume; Miss Butler Brown, coat and skirt, with Oriental trimmings; Miss Fussell, navy costume, blue hat, with large wings; Mrs. Curtis, black costume; Mrs. Chenchon, brown ooat and skirt, and largo "Maud Halliaay" hat. Ft. Psigot and Mrs. Pagot entertained a fow friends at a supper party in honour of Mr. and Mrs. Raikes, and a pleasant time was spent. Among those present ware: Dr. and Mrs. Paget, Mr. and Mrs. Raikee, Mr. and Mrs. Young, Mrs. Cock (Now Plymouth), Mr. J. R. Mackay, and Mr. Cook. Director of the Mint. In ,the United States tho fault of being a woman is not regarded as a deterrent to an ambitious and clever girl, who seizes the opportunity of specialising her work.; Miss Margaret V. Kelly is a caso in point, for in fourteen years she has risen from being a more stenographer in the New York Mint Bureau to the responsible position of "Adjuster" of tho accounts of tho Mint, and on August 1 she received further promotion, which has made her the highest-salaried woman in the Government service of tho United State. Now Miss Kelly occupies the position of "examinor of mints," which means she is virtually the assistant director of the Mint, and draws a salary of 3000 dollars a year, which is approximately about .£BOO in our money. In this new capacity she will often act «s chief director of tlio Mint, in the absence of Director Roberts, who frequently loaves New York on extended trips. Mia Kelly, who is quite young, has had experience in all the departments of tlio bureau, and this has made her the valuable officer ehc is. Miss H. Vallanco (Otahnao) is visiting Wellington, and is staying with Miss Drummond, Kilbirnic. Miss Kummer (Kumm'erstern) is a visitor to Wellington. Mt. and Mrs. C. B. Mulville, who have been on a visit to relatives to Kelburne, wero passengers by the Rotorua for Buenos Ayres, where their home, is. The committee arranging tho afternoon tea and entertainment for Miss HardingeMaltby at the Marino Engineers' Hall on Friday next, have by general Tequest placed- a limited number of tickets for disposal at Mrs. Grady's, Willis Street, and the Dresden. Miss Diddams (GreybownV and her aster are on a visit to Wellington. Mrs. Anderson (Christclnrrch) left. by tho boat for Sydney yesterday, and from there leaves • for Cairo, where she will epend some time with her daughter. Mrs. Ronalds (Christchurch) is staying ■pith Mrs. Bateson. Miss Twigg (Petone, Hawke's Bay) is the guest of Mrs. Butts. The annual athletic sports of the boys of the Croydon Preparatory School take place on the Wellington College grounds Best Saturday morning. A demonstration of paper-bag cookery is to be given in Fulford's Hall next Wednesday afternoon, to which admission will be charged, with the objcct of raising money to donate towards tho Peareo fund. The demonstrator' is" a lady who won several prizes at the cookcry demonstration at the recent Exhibition, and lately she has boen studying under Mrs. Glennen, of paper-bag fame. ■jA reception to Dr. Karl Kumm, misnonary and explorer in the Sudan, is being arranged for next Wednesday in tho Mayor's room, Town Hall. Dr. Kumm is also a man of literary ability, tho author of scweral books on Egypt and tho Sudan, tho latest being "Klionthon-Hon-Kofer, or the Lands of Ethiopia." It is notified by advertisement in cnothsr # column that St. Paul's sale of work will bo held on November 1 and 2 in the Sydney Street Schoolroom. Contributions will be gladly received on the previous afternoon (October 31) by St. ,Paul's Church Guild.
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Dominion, Volume 5, Issue 1265, 21 October 1911, Page 10
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