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DANNEVIRKE R.C. NOMINATIONS. (By Teleptraph.-Spccial Correspondent.) Dannevirke, August 25. The following nominations have been received for tho Steeplechase meeting of tho Dannevirko Raeiu? Club:— HUNTERS' HURDLES. One mile and a half.—Nescot, Connecticut, .lackman, Kualaniwha, Rangitane, Ranter, Riro Atu, Overhead, Sylvia Maid, Himitangi, Gargoyle. -MAIDEN STEEPLECHASE. Two miles and a half.—Watershed, Review, Wirihann, The Plough, Connecticut, Ranter, Glenmore, Rondo, Commodore, Pukeroa, Soman, Himitangi, Appin. Whatashot, St. Wood, Gargovle, Beacli, Grey Dawn. RAUJUTJ "WELTER HANDICAP. One mile and a quarter.—Waipunui, Projectile, Ainato, Tua Tahi, Golden Water, Loch Maben, Ariom, Leolanter, Gold Circle, Uarokoa, Epsom Lass, Onslow Park, Strathmoira. DANNEVIRKE STEEPLECHASE. Three miles.—Flamingo, Wirral, Lovell, Post Hasto, Sir Lethe, Rosogrovc, The Plough, Connecticut, Whimper, Glenmore, Winiata, Tho Clu'ef, Commodore, Rebel, Whatashot, Maidi, Pleiades, St. Wood, Gargoyle, Grey Dawn. OPEN HURDLES HANDICAP. One mile and three-quarters.—To Whetu, Windage, Oston, Donzel, Merry Lawn, Golden Water, Onslow Park, Stxatlimoira. HUNTERS' STEEPLECHASE., . Two miies.—Watershed, Review, Wirihana, Reckless, Connecticut, Whimper, Lord Ullin, Glcnmore, Rangitone, The Chief, Einell, Ponda, Commodore, Riro Atu, Pukeroa, Belviar, Sylvia Maid, .lack ( ato Dauber), Jiaster_ \\ ebb, Tally-ho, Canorous, 'i'oapongo, Uinutaoroa. HACK WELTER HANDICAP. Seven furlongs.—Slourton, Mailaby, Scots Fusilier, .Mere .Mere, Windage, Lady Scot, Tua Tahi, Seaweed, Florence Nightingale, Tho Nut, Trieze, Estnell, San Pluie, Bonnie Boy, Pipe Clay, Fleetweek, Fusilca, Queen of Scots, Horekoa, Amphora, Awha.

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Bibliographic details

Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1216, 26 August 1911, Page 13

Word Count

THE TURF. Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1216, 26 August 1911, Page 13

THE TURF. Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1216, 26 August 1911, Page 13


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