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THE LADY'S W, PALMERSTON NTH. Electrolysis, Manicure. Shampoo, Massage, Chiropody, Cut and Singe. HAIRWORK A SPECIALITY. | TOILET ROOMS, At Park, Bookseller, The Square. 'Phone IU. YOU; WANT A i: .. :. . . ; Starch ./ THAT WILL GIVE YOU Perfect Satisfaction. fHEN" USE . , JUaays Ask for lib. Box Red LabsL . fJELLYh | Frlmley Jelly Crystals stand on tholr 1 | quality. Not cheap rybblsh, but 1 | tho real and genuine thing. Pure 8 | Jelly, flavoured with the juice of pure B 1 fresh fruit. Guaranteed' pure citric 1 jj acid and i.A. Sugar only added. 8 Frimley Crystals \ ARE BEST! jj . V,.-,; .II .lJ 0 ■ 'Do away with J uncertain methods 1 in cooking. Use I EDMONDS' J :EGB POWBEH It is never "found || wanting," and is Ej "Sure to Rise." u AH Grocers. H in nmi..uiiimiij), | pin lllni■ 'imilimigm HELP IN THE KITCHEN. There is no trouble now •in making plenty of • delicious, rich Gravy. . is a real boon to the busy | . - Housewife or Cook, jj Everything but the Meat. | 0/Grocers, 7h Tins only. | ; Frost & Frost, jfW DENTISTS, 119 Willis Street WELLINGTON. abovo Perrett's. GET YOUR TEETH SEEN TO HOW, AND SAYEYOUR , HEALTH. Sets of-Teeth, £2 2s. and £3 3». - Single Tooth ss, Painless Extraction 1«. Temporary Sets Rp-made to Permanent ... £1 Is. Teeth Extracted Free when Sets are Ordered. Open Saturdays till 9 p.m. We want all Visitors to the Exhibition to Order Coalbrookdaie GoaS | CoaSfos-ookdale Coa! IT Saves Work and Money. It lasts longest and burns best. It ia obtainable from practically all Coal Merchants and from our Depots. \ THE WESTPORT COAL COMPANY, i LIMITED. Dixon Street, 'Phone 266. Molesworth Street, 'Phono 3160. LANE'S EMULSION. Sometimes people ask— " IS IT GOOD?" What a question I — OF COURSE IT IS GOOD. •' It's famous because it's good." Medicines that are not good can't be advertised very long. The people soon know. LANE'S EMULSION v HAS PASSED THE EXPERIMENTAL STAGE It has proved itself a reliable Lung Healer and Body Builder, 1 a. Cough Curer and a Killer of the Consumptive germ, a medicine and food combined that heals inflamed lungs and builds up bodily strength. THE SALES HAVE REACHED THOUSANDS ' OF BOTTLES EACH YEAR. This is because of genuine merit —because LANE'S EMULSION does all that is claimed for it— because of the good it has done —because when tried it is strongly recommended. 2/6 and 4/6 a bottle. 74 'TipßE DOMINION" employs a staff ol JL Advertising Experts, whose serviced , *rti always available.

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Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1170, 4 July 1911, Page 9

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Page 9 Advertisements Column 1 Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1170, 4 July 1911, Page 9

Page 9 Advertisements Column 1 Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1170, 4 July 1911, Page 9


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