PHASES OF TIIE MOON. JUNE. Day. li. m. First Quarter 4 934 a.m. Full moon 12 921 a.m. Last emitter 20 821 a.m. New 27 050 a.m. MOON. Moon ri&es to-day, 9.17 a.m.; sets, 6.1 p.m. lIIGH WATER. To-day, 5.29 a.m.: 5.50 p.m. To-morrow, 6.25 a.m.; 6.45 p.m. SUN. Sun rises to-day, 7.17 a.m.; sots. 4.30 p.m. ARRIVALS. TUESDAY, JUNE 27. MARAROA. s.s. 6.20 a.m.), 2598 tons., Manninp, from LyttcUon. Passengers: baloon -Misses Wis. Gush, G. Parker, Cabot, Parsonson. Harris, M. Rutherford, Clark, Gl.isaoii, Neall, Clark, Mcsdamcs Jameson, Reed, Buxton, Richmond, Stedman, R. Ni* ou » A. Andrews, Piercy, P. Kay, Vickers. Ross, Norbury, Wilson, Hon. J. T. laul, B«v» Closs, Captain Maxwell, Messrs. Crust, Muskor, May, Gjed?tcad, Holmes cote, Rnlfrcy, lloddinott, Sampron, Eraser, Cibb, Hcushaw, Field, Jones, Cato, Morn* son. M'Bcath. Daniels. Charles, fetorcy, Baldy, Harper, Frindlandcr, t M Culloch. Stcdman, Nixon, Lc Ijicrro, Dis;by> Clark, Fisher. Cowlishaw, Cox. Jeckill, Lomax. Dowpe, Kay, MiUigan (2); bcott, Hawke, Harraway, Barltrop, Glasgow. Fitch, Heed, Kinnery, Norbury, Corbett (2), Hancock. Fawson, Ritchie, Daysh. Dolman, Doig. Loughnan, Schmidt, Whito-ParsouF, Horrell, Norris, Rcdpath, Moore, Blackmore, Urc, Pcttigrew, Master M'Culloch; j5 stccraee. QUEEN OF TIIE SOUTH, s.s. (8.00 a.m.), 198 tons, Harvey, from Foxton. NIKAU. s.s. (10.10 a.m.), 245 tons, Hay. from Nelson and Mtueka. MOA, s.s. (10.20 a.m.), 188 tons, Sawyer, from TARAWKiIA, s.s. (10.30 a.m.). 2COS tons. M'Lcan, from Auckland, Gisbornc, and Napier. Passengers: Saloon—Misses Cummings, Griffon, Mcfdames Haslet, Maine and family, Smytbe, Messrs. Maine, M'Kcnzie, Blackctt, Masters Molloy and-Swift; 4 5 NGaIiERE, s.s. <2.30 p.m.), 11(0 tons, Dilner, from Greymouth. MANA, s.s. (11.45 p.m.), 134 tons, Dixon, from Waitara. CORINNA, s.s. (12.10 p.m.), 1271 tons, Cameron, from Onchunga. NAVUA, s.s. (4.45 p.m.), 2930 tons, Hutton. from Wcstport. PJPPLE, e.s. (6.25 p.m.), 370 tons, Carlson, from Gisbornc. PATEENA, b.s. (11.30 p.m.), 1212 tons, Oarcy, from Nelson and Ficton; 150 passengers. DEPARTURES, TUESDAY, JUKE 27. ROSAMOND, 5.3. (1 p.m.), 721 tons, Wallis, for l'ictou, Nelson, New Plymouth, and Onehunga. KITTAWA, s.s. (4 p.m.), 1247 tons, Penningtm), for Greymouth. FALCON, schooner (4.35 p.m.), 95 tons, Ainsvrorth, for Havelock. MAPOUItIKA, S.F. (O p.m.). 1203 tons, Angus, for Neleon, Wcstport, and Greymouth. Passengers: Saloon —For Nelson — Misfies Viall, Clark, Israol. For Greymonth —Misso3 Henderson, Montague, Russell, Mrs. Stark, Messrs. Bevine, O'Connor, Egan, Higgins, Palmer, Hofferman, M'Glnloy, M'Mahon, Lomax, Stark. HUIA, s.s. (5 p.m.), 127 tons, Buit, for Wanganui. _ KIICAU, s.s. (5.25 p.m.), 245 tons, Hay, for Nelson and Motueka.
TARAWERA, s.s. (5.30 p.m.), 2003 tons, M'Lean, for Lyttclton and Dunedin. MARAROA, s.s. (8.5 p.&.), 2593 tons, Manning. for Lyttelton. Passengers: Saloon— Mis.-os Morland, Hcrdman, Nurse M'Donald, Mrs. Morgan, Rev. Harper, Hon. .Mr. Paul, Messrs. Morgan, Af'Kinlay, Were, Brown, Candy, Cowlishaw.
GERTIE, s.s. (10.10 p.m.), 269 tons, Rodger, for Wanganui.
EXPECTED-ARRIVALS. Pohcrua, Greymouth, June 28. Waimcu, Greymouth, June 28. Aorcrc, Patta, June "8. Waverley, Foxton, June 28, Manaroa, Motuekn, June 28. Maori, Lyttcltoii, June 23. Varrinioo, (Sydney dlrccL. June 28. ■ ■ West Coast,. Kelson, l'icton, June 28.
l'arthenia, New York, via Auckland, June 29. Huia, Wanganni, Juno 29. Kapuni, Punonga, Juno 29. Kiripaka, Patea, June 29. Nikan, Nelson, Motueka, June 29. Marqroa, LyttelLon, June 29. Mokoia, Dur.cdiu, Lyttclton, June 29. .Arapawa, Wanganui, Juno 29. Wakatu, liyttolton, Kaikoura, June 29. 'foufarlro, London, via way ports, June 30.
Wimmera', Sydney, via northern ports, June 30. '■
Ulimaroa, Melbourne, via southern ports, Juno 30.. . Mapourika, .West Coast, Nelson, July 1. Tarawcra, Dunedin, Lyttclton, July 2. Flora, southern ports, July 2. Rosamond, Onchiuiga, New Plymouth, July 2. Monowai, northern ports, July 4.
PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Mana, Patea, June ,28, Ripple, Napier, Gisborne, Juno 28, Otaki, Picton, June 28. Queen of the South, Fost-on, Juno 28., East Coast, June 28. Mangapapa, Westport, June 28. Komata, Greymouth, June 28. Aorere, Patea, June 28. Waverley, Nelson, West Coast, June 28. Onawa, Blenheim, Juno 23. Manama, Motueka, June 28. Blenheim, Blenheim, June 28.Moa, Wanganui, June 28. Patcena. Picton, Nelson, Juno 28. Maori, Lyttclton, Juno 28. Corinna, Timaru, Dunedin, Oamaru, June 28.
Maitai, San Francisco, via way ports, June 23. Navua, 'Westport, June 28. Huia, Wanganui, June 29. K.'ipuni, Patea, Juno 29. Kiripaka, Patea, June 29. Nikau, Nelson, Motueka, June 29. Mararoa, Lyttelton,- June 29. Mokoia, northern ports. June 29. Warrimoo, Melbourne, via southern ports, June 29. TuraJijua, Londun, via way ports, June 29 Arapawa, Wanganui, June 29. Waimea, Nelson, West Coast, June 29. Wimmcra, Lyttclton. Dunedin, June 30. Ulimaroa. Sydney direct. June 30. Wakatu, KaiUoura, Lyttclton, June 30. Arahura, Picton, Nelson, Wost Coast, Julv 1. Rosamond, Picton, Nelson, New Plymouth, Onehunga, July J. Tarawcra, northern ports, July 3. Flora, Westport, Greymouth, July 3. Monowai. Lyttclton, Dunedin, July 4. Mapourika, Nelson, West Coast, July INTERCOLONIAL SERVICE. MOVEMENTS OF STEAMERS. ULIMAROA, s.s., left Melbourne Juno 21, for llobart, southern ports, and Wellington. Duo Wellington June 30. Leaves sauie day for Sydney dircct. Due Sydney July 4. WAItRIMOO, s.s., left Sydney Juno 24, for Wellington dircct. Duo Wellington Juno 28. Leaves Juno 29 for southern ports, ilobart, and Melbourne. Duo Melbourne July 8. MOERAKI, s.s., leaves Melbourne June 28, for Hobart., southern ports, and Wellington. Due Wellington July 7. Leaves same day for Sydney direct.. Due Sydney July 11. WIMMERA, n.s.-, left Sydney June 21, for Auckland, Gisborne, Napier, and Wellington. Duo Wellington Juno 30. L:a\es sanio day for Lyttclton and Dunedin. OVERSEA SHIPPING. STEAMERS to ARRIVE. From London. TONGARIRO (due about June. 30), sailed from London May 15, via Capo Town and Ilobart. (New Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) MARERE (due about July 1), sailed from London April 22, via Adelaide. Melbourne. Sydney, Auckland, and Napier. (Tyscr Lino, agents.) STAIt OF INDIA (duo about July 19), sailed from London May 13, via Australia, Auckland, and Napier. (Tyscr Liua, agents.) KAIPARA (duo about July 13). sailed on May 8, via Auckland. (New Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) COHINTIIIC (due about July 11), sniled on May 23, via Cape Town and Hobart. (Shaw, Savill and Albion Co., agent 6.) MUIIITAI (duo about August 12), sailed on May 31. via. Australia, Auckland, *ad Napier. ITyscv Line, agents.) WAI.WERA (duo about August 8), sailed on June 3, via Auckland. (Shaw, Savill and Albion Co., agents.) RUAIIINE (due about July 24), sailed on June 10, via Capo Town and Hobart. (New Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) INDRALEMA (due about August 281, sailed on Juno 15, via. Australia, Auckland, and Napier. • (Tyeor Line, agents.) From Liverpool. NAIRNSHIRE (due about July 7), sailed on May 6, via Auckland. (F.-H.-S. Line, agents.) SUSSES (due about July 30), sailed on May 27, via Auckland. (F.-H.-S. Line, agents.) From Montreal. ASCOT (due about July 6), sailed on \pril 23, via Australia and Auckland. (New Zealand Shipping Co., agcDts.) WAIMATE (duo about July 24),' tailed on .June 5, via Australia and Auckland. (New Zealand Shipping Co., agents.)
From Now York. PARTOENIA (due about June 29), called on March 29, via Australia, and Auckland, (Dalgety and Co., agents.) MI.UIHO (due about July 10), railed on April 18, via Australia and Auckland. (A. and A. Line, agents.) DEN 0r GLAMIS (duo about August 14), sailed on May 16, via Australia and Auckland. (A. and A. Line, agents.) HYNDFORD (due about July 25), sailed on May 20 via Auckland. (Vacuum Oil Co.. agents.) ANGLO-PATAGONIA?*' (duo about August 291; sailed on Juno 2, via Australia and Auckland. (Dalgety and Co., agents.) SAILERS TO ARRIVE. DUNCRAIG, barque, sailed from Liverpool March 10V, (Johnston and Co., agents.) AUSTRALIA, Italian chip, sailed from Marseilles Ajiril 8. (Briscoo and Co„. .agents.) • - - BY TELEGRAPH. \ OVERSEA, SYDNEY', June 27. Arrived—Manuka. (9 a.m.), from Wellingtons Casablanca, from New Zealand. Arrived.—Casablanca, from Now Zealand. FRF.MANTLE, Juno 27. Arrived—Orient liner Otway, from London, via Suez. COASTAL. TUESDAY, JUNE 27. AUCKLAND. Arrived,—Northern Chief, barque, from Newcastle: Laura, barquentino, from Newcastle. Sailed.—Parthcnia (7.20■ a.m.), for Wellington: Paparoa (9.50 a.m.), for London, via Monte Video: Wimmera, for Eouthcrn ports; Jessie Craig, for Holtianga and Sydney. TE KOPURU. Sailed.—Clan Ross (10 a.m.), for Melbourne. ONEHUNGA. Arrived.—P.arawa ■ (8.25 a.xn.), from NewPlymouth; Kotiiku (1.45 p.m.), from Now Plymouth. NAPIEK. Arrived.—Monowai (10 30 a.m.), from Wellington; Petono (3.15 p.m.), from Wellington. NEW PLYMOUTH. Arrived.—Koonya (4.30 p.m.), from Wellington. WANGANUL . Arrived.—Kiripaka (9.50. a.m.) and Breeze (10.45 a.m.), from Wellington. PATEA. Arrived,—Aorcre (8 a.m.), from Wellington. Sailed.—Aorero (11 a.m.). for Wellington. ■ • BLENHEIM. Arrived—Opawa and Blenheim (5.30 a.m.), from Wellington. Sailed.-Blenheim (4.30 p.m.) and Opawa (4.15 p.m.), for Wellington. Blenheim and Opawa had not crorecd tho bar at 8.30 p.m. MOTUEKA. Arrived.-llanaroa (8.35 a.m.), from Wellington. To sail.—Manaroa (3 p.m.), for Wellington. GREYMOUTH. Sailed.—Pohcrua (0.30 a.m.), and Waimca (0.40 a.m.), for Wellington. KAIKOURA. Arrived.—Wakatu (4.30 a.m.), from Wellington. LYTTELTON. Arrived—Maori (6.55 a.m.), from Wellington; Wakatu, from Wellington, via Kaikoura. To sail.—Kairaki (3 a.m. Wednesday), for Kalapoi and Karamca. Sailed.—Annie Hill, schooner, for Grey mouth; Oanopus, for Westport; Maori (8.25 p.m.), for Wellington, with 130 passengers; Kaituna, for Groymouth, to load timber for Sydney. I DUNEDIN. Arrived.—Ulimaroa, from Bluff; Drayton Grango, from Timaru. Sailed.—lnvcreargill, for Invercargill; Mokoia, for Auckland, via way ports. Passengers: Saloon—For Lvttclton—Mcrsrs. Langford, Christie. For Wellington—Miss Schutze, Mcsdames Schutzc, Ncale and 2 children, Mr. Hanan. For Napier—Miss Kirkpatrick. For Gisbome-Miss Robertson. For Auckland—McEdames Thomson, Whittaker and child, Mr. Thomson. PORT CHALMERS. Arrived—Storm (2.35 p.m.), from Welling-' ton. ~ . .. j FROM NEW YORK. Under tho auspices of the T.vsor Lino, the tramp steamer Cape Artego.i left Nov York on June 17 for Melbourne, Sydney, and New Zealand ports. She will bo.fql-' lowed by the sarno company's steamer To-' moana, which is to sail on July 10 for tho same ports. TUEAKINA FOR LONDON. Noon to-morrow is tho lime appointed for the Now Zealand Shipping Company's Turakina to take departure from Wellington for London,' via the usual way port;!. Given a good passage tho steamer should 1 arrive Home about August 9. . . MAITAI FOR 'FRISCO, 3 P.M. TO-DAY. At 3 p.m. to-day the Union Company's R.M.-S. Maitai is scheduled to leave her berth at the Queen's Wharf No. 4,- Wellington, for San Francisco, via Auckland, Karotonga, and Papeete. The vessel, which is due at tho United States port on July 21, is taking the following passengers:—
First saloon—Miss Meyer, Mr. Geo. Rosn, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Coaoc, Mr. A. S. M'Kcnzic, Dr. and Mrs. Williams, Mr. Delmer, Mr. and Mrs. Blair, Mr. Linct. Second saloon—Mioses P. Hundley, Warton, J. Gall, Mrs. Edeun, Mrs. Brent, Miss Brent, Minn B. Allan, Mr. and Mrs. Taylor, and child, Mr. Mitchell, Mr. G. H. Graham, Mr. L. A. Phillips, Edcns, Wray. Johnson (2), Miller, and Henrod, Mr. T. Callister, Mr. R. W.. Ferguson,' Mr. J. Bell, Mr. J. Saremback.. - Third-class—Misses A. and M. Henderson, Messrs. Sigvald, Baxter, Famin, R. Hotfatt, Paton, Franklin, Kissane. PARTHENIA. DUE TO-MORROW. In continuation of her voyage from Now ■ York to Wellington, the U.S. and A. Line's steamer Parthenia left Auckland at ' 7.20 a.m. yesterday. Sbc should arrive in port about noon to-morrow, and will berth at tile l'aranaki Street Wharf to discharga her 7CO .tons of Wellington cargo. Oil Saturday it is hoped to dispatch her for Lyttellon and Duncdin, and. upon completion of discharge at the latter port* tho vessel proceeds to Sydney to load , wheat for the Continent Included in the list of latest charters,, the name of the baraue Marjorio Craig appears. She is to lalto a cargo of kaurt ' limber from Kaipara to an Australian port. _ ' . To-day the Tysor Line's steamer Star of Canada is to leave Sydney for Dunkirk. Liverpool, and London. H.M.S. Pioneer leaves Wellington for Nelson on Monday. After gun practice sh« returns to port, Owing to her lato arrival at Wellington from Gisborno this trip, Messrs. Richardson and Co.'s steamer Ripple-will not leave for Napier and Gisborno until 5 p.m. to-day. At ■ 5 p.m. to-day tho steamer Mangapapa is to leave Wellington for Westport and karumea. Rogulus, collier, camo off tho Patent Shp yesterday. Takapuna (Union fleet) will be taken up for examination to-day. At 9 p.m. yesterday the Arahura, bound from Groymouth to Wellington, left. Westport. She calls at Nelson and Picton today, and should roach port this oventng. On a special trip from Westport to Weilington, tho Union Company's steamer Navua arrived in port last evening. Sho goes back to tho West 'Coast port to-day, and loads up for Auckland' and Suva. ■ Mr. F. S. Bilton, who haß been chief, officer of tho Rosamond for a trip, was, relieved of his position by 'Mr. K. J. ' " Chad wick yesterday. Prior to the Mapourika's departure for. . .Greymouth yesterday, Captain Angus,"'of: - tho Komata, exchanged ships 'with Captain Cameron. From Lyttelton, tho auxiliary scow Echo' '' comcs up to Wellington. She has a cargo of timber from Karamc'a for tho southern port. At 9.!i0 a.m. yesterday, tho New Zealand Shipping Company's cargo steamer Paparoa, cloared Auckland for London. . ; Shortly after 4 p.m. on Monday tha ketch Linzio Taylor left Timaru' with a, load of produce for Wellington, The ferry steamer Mararoa was docked at Lyttelton on Monday morning for cleaning ajid painting. Waihora, s.s., .is to mako another trip to W«6t Australia, in which trade 6ho . haa boon running under charter for soma months. Sho iB duo back at Sydney about August 10, and will leavo (a week later) for Fiji. Captain A. E. Showman, who has been on holiday, has relieved Captain J. R. Jforley, of tho Kaituna. Captain Mor'ey la. - now on holiday leave. Upon her arrival at Wellington from ; Sydney direct this morning, the Warrimoo will berth at the Queen's Wharf No. I south. , , A telegraphic mcEKige received from - Blenheim at 8.60 o'clock last night stated that both tho Blenheim and Opawa, bound • for Wellington, were anchored inside.the Wairati Bar, unable to cross, owing to tho state of tho weather. "Fairplay" states that it is rumoured .' that a new steamship lino between Canada ■ Montreal) and Australian ports is being formed, nnd that six steamers of 7000 8000 tons carrying capacity are to bo char- ■ tercd for the purpose.
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Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1165, 28 June 1911, Page 9
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2,293SHIPPING NEWS. Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1165, 28 June 1911, Page 9
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