4 PHASES OF THE MOON. MARCH. Day, l>. m. «ew moon 1 0 1 p.m. Firnt quarter 8 10 31 a.m. Full moon 15 1128 a.m. Last quarter 23 U56 a.m. Now moon 31 0 8 a.m. MOON. Moon rises to-day, 6.56 p.m.; ects, 7.48 a.m. Friday. man water. To-day, 5.15' a.m.; 5.42 p.m. To-morrow, 6.10 a.m.; 6.36 p.m. SUN. Sun rises to-day, 6.47 a.m.; sots, 6.12 p.m. ARRIVALS. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 15. ARAPAWA, e.s. (1.5 a.m.), 208 tons, Corby, from Puponga. . WAIMEA, t.s. (3.50 a.m.), 452 tone. Wildman, from Urc-ynioulh. MANAHOA, s.s. (5.15 a.m.), 122 ton 6, Hart, from Motiicka. QUEEN OF THE SOUTH, s.s. (6.10 a.m.), 198 tons, Harvey, from Foxtail.. CORIMNA, 6.5. (6.20 a.m.), 1271 ton 3, Cameron, from Lyttclton. ' MAORI, s.e. (6.40 a.m.). 3399 tons,' Aldwell, from LyttcUon".-279 passengers. ALEXANDER, s.s; (6.55 a.m.), 377 tons, Vickermah, from Wangnnul. . HUM. fi.s. (7.45 a,m.),.127t0n5,,8urt, from W.inganui. KAI'ITI, s.e. (9.25 a.m.), 242 tons, fiawyers, from Wang.tnui.. KENNED 1 , , 8.3. (9.25 a.m.), 226 tons, from WARRIMOO, s.s. (10.5 a.m.), 3529 tons, Cliff, from Sydney. Passengers for Wellington: Saloon-Misses Harle (3), Card (2). Delwyn, Tyne, Lambert, Basi-ctt, Mefdnmeii Shannon, Harlc. Card, Fraser, Smith and infant, Sharreau Gil!, Daly, Johnston, and Mathcwson, Messrs. Daly, Johnston, Byrne, Pitzroy, Sharman, Khannc3ky, Harvey, Pallieer, Lees, Langye, Shannon, Benz, K Mulgan. Turner, Spencer, Evans, Watt, Harle, Doyle, Frasor, Mason, Williams, Johnston, Cornelly, Miller, Land, Leo, and Hon. W. T. Whitol'.v; 76 etecrage. KIRIPAKA, e.s. (1V.35 p.m.), 133 tons, M'lntosh. from Patea. KAITANGATA, s.s. (8.40 p.m.), 1963 tons, Buxton, from Westport. : ARAIIUHA, e.s. (9.50 p.m.), 1596 tons, Crawford, , from West Coast. Nelson, and Picton. Vasscngers: Saloon—Misses Schultz, Stewart, Little, Ryan, Aynsley (2), Wallace, Moss, Matthewc, Hagedorn, Freeman, Aitcliison. Saunders, Hood. Bamford, Flower, Manson, Smith, Marshall, Funnel!, Mesdames Robinson and child, H'Bride, liranin, Glcsson, Condon, Sweetman, Wallace and infant, Sneddon, Baldwin, Matthews, Stewart, Itoach, Parkinson, Cockery, Dennehy, Piper, Brynildccn, Ha&edorn, Uaskin, Cate and child. Saunders, Giblin, Savage, Bartlctt, Mill, Glennie. Davis, M'NciU. Green, Foster, Miller and 2 children, Anderson, Strachan, Messrs. P. Williams, Meadows, Spear, M.'Kay, Spry, Georgcson, Fry, Lewis, Hayes, Groom, Sneddon, Keen, M'Kay, O'Kecfc, Deans and boy, Howie, Fletcher, Collins, Vine. Cockery and boy, Brynildscn, Rosenberg, Kollor, Harrington. Rickleuian, Booth, R. Foster, Piper. Savage. Martin, Coote, Begg, Gusrin, Davis, Eberhardt, Paul, Pit.her. Lauri Marcizi, J. Troup, Barclay. Aiden, King, Maysmor, Wadley. Fos* tcr, Hortou, Miller, Griffin, March, Strachan, Wise, and 63 steerage. WANAKA. s.s. (10.15 p.m. in the stream), 2442 tons, Todd, from Newcastle. WAIHAU. s.s. (11.55 p.m.), 93 tons, Shaw, from Blenheim. BLENHEIM, s.s. (midnight), 120 tone, Watson, from Blenheim. DEPARTURES. WEDNESDAY. MARCH 15. . PATEENA, s.s. (1 p.m.), 1212 tons, Collins, for Picton and No'.con. Passengers: Saloon—Misses Lampp (2), Reid, Hubbard, and Clinch, Mcsdames Ash, Georgcson and infant, Bailie, Wells and 2 children. Webb, Liiiscy, Franklin, Messrs. Goorgeson, Thomas, Dutton, O'Snllivan, Stevens, Zerface, and Rev. J. K. Elliott. KAPITI, s.s. (12.35 p.m.), 242 tons, Sawyers, for Puponga. KOMATA, s.s. (3.30 p.m.), 1994 tons. Angus, for Westport. nUIA, s.s. (4 p.m.), 127 tons, Burt, for Motucka. QUEEN OF THE SOUTH, 6.6. (5.10 p.m.). 198 tans, Harvey, for Foxton. ALEXANDER, s.s. (5.10 p.m.), 377 tons,, for Tcrakohe. KENNEDY, a.s. (5.45 p.m.), 226 tons, Graham, for Nelson and West Coast. CORINXA, s.s. (6.5 p.m.). 1271 tons, Cameron, for Nclson.i New. .Plymouth, and Onehunga, MOA, s.s. (6.30 p.m.), 188 tons, Sawyers, for Wanganui. KOHOMIKO, s.s. (6.50 p.m.), 1541 tons, Drewotte, for Newcastle. . ...•>•■ MANAROA. s.s. (8.15 p.m.), 122 tons, Hart, for Havcloclt. MAORI, s.s. (8.5 p.m.), 3399 tons, Aldwell, for LyLU'lton. Pasjongers: Saloon—Misses Neil. Whitcombo (2), Johnston, Preston, Mesdamcs Fowlds. James, Brisk, Bicrty, Shaw, Fraser. Ohon. Nurse Pascoo. Osbornc, Kennedy, Johnston and- 3 children, Richardson, Messrs. Captain Collins, Hon. Fowlds, James, Anderson. Brisk, Bierty, Millar, Hill, Black, Oshorne, Kennedy, Brown, Simes, Broad, Waddel, Johnston, Master Vallance. OPAWA, s.a. (10.5 p.m.), 110 tons, Nicholas, for Blenheim. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Kahu, East Coast, March 16. Kettulus, Westport, Picton, March 16. Aorere, Patea, March 16. Kapuni, Patca. March 16. Nikau, Nelson, Motueka, March 16, Mararoa. Lyttclton,' March 16. Wanaka, Newcastle, March 16. Karamea. southern ports, March 16. Wimmera, Dunedin, Lyttelton, March 16. Petone, southern ports, March 16. Wakatu, Lyttelton. Kaikoura, March 16, Patecna, Nelson, Picton, March 16. Poherua, Greyinouth, March IC. Kamona, Westport, March 17. Opawa, Blenheim, March 17. Queen of the South, Foxton, March 17. Huia, Motueka, March iY. Moa, Wanganui, March 17. Maiia, Patea. March 17. Maori, Lyttelton, March 17. Monowai, Auckland, Oisborne, Napier, March 17. TJlimaroa, Melbourne, Hobnrt, southern ports, March 17. Kaitoa, Wanganut, March 17. Mapourilta, West Coast, Nelson, Mar. 18. Alexander, Mangarakau, March 19. Manaroa, Uaveiock, March 19. Rosamond, Onehuuca, New Plymouth, March 19. Iliiuroto, Dunedin, Lyttelton, Jtarch 19. Ripple, Napier,. Gisborno, March 19. Kowhai, southern ports, March 20. Arawa, London, via way ports, March 20. Surrey, Waitara, March 20. Corinna, Onehunga, New Plymouth, March 21. Tarawcra. Auckland, Gfeborno. Nam'er, March 21. M-uritai, Vi'anganui, -March 21. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Kiripnka, Patca, March 16. Waimea, Nolson, West Coast, Starch 16. Arapawa, Wanganui. March 16. Wairau, Wairau River, March 16. Aorere, Patca, March 16. Blenheim, Blenheim, March 16. Stormbird. Wanganui, March 16. Kapuni, Patea, March .16. Nikau. Nelson, Motueka. March 16. Mararoa, Lyttelton, March 16. Wimmora, northern ports, Sydney, Jlarth 16. , . - Warrimoo, r.out.hern ports, Hobart, Melbourne. March 16. Ruahinc, Lyttclton, Port Chalmers, Tlinaru, March 16. Petone, Napier. Gisbornc, March 16. Kahu, East Coast, March 16. Opawa, Blenheim, March 17. Qnean of the South. Foxton, March 17, Huia, Motucka, March 17. Moa, Wanganui, March 17. Mana, Patca, March 17. Pateona. Picton. Nelson, March 17. Maori, Lyttelton. March 17. Wakatu, Knikoura. Lyttclton, Mnrch 17. Ulimaroa, Sydney direct, March 17. Monowai, Lyttelton. Dunedin, March 17. Kaitoa, Nelson. West Coast, March 17. Karamea. Napier, Gisbornc, Auckland, London, March 18. Arahur.a, Picton, Nelson. W>st Coast, Mnrch 1?. Alexander, Nelson, and West Coast, Mnrch .20. Rosimond. Picton. Ne'.son, New Plymouth. OnehuntM, March 20. Kowhai, Nnnior, Gbborne, March. 20. Hanroti, Napier. Gisbornc,' Auckland. Mnrch 20. Tnrawcra. Dunedin direct. Mnrch 21. M.inouriltn, Nelson, West Coast. Mar. 21. Dinilc. N-T-.ior, fiisbornc, March 21. Corinna, Timaru, Duncdin, Oamaru, Mn.rch 21. Surrey. Tlinaru, Lyttelton. London, March 22. INTERCOLONIAL SERVICE. MOVKMENTS OF (STEAMERS. ULIMAROA. s.e.. left Melbourne. March 8 for Hobart, llluff, Dunedin, Lyttclton, nnd Wellington. Duo Wellington March 17. Leaves r.amc day for Sydney direct. Due Sydney March 21. MONOWAI. 0.J., left Auckhnd (with transhipments ex Mahcuoj Jlarcli 14 for Gisborne. Napier. «nd Wellington. Due Wellington March 17. Leaves taino dny for Lyttelton nnd Duncdin. 'WIMMERA, e.s., left Dunedin March 14 for Lyttelton and Wellington. Due Wellington March 16. Leaves same day fc r Napier, Uisbornc, Auckland, and SyJinsy. Due Sydney March 24. MANUKA, s.n., leaves Sydney March 18, for Wellington direct. Due Wellington March 22. Lcivcs March 23 for Lyttelton, Dunedin. lllulf, nobart, and Melbourne. Due Melbourne April 1. MOERAKI, s.e., left Melbourne March 15 for Hobart, Bluff, Duncdin, Lyttelton, and Wellington, Due Wellington March 24,
Loa.v;s same day for Sydney direct. Due Sydney Jlarch 28. oversea shipplnc. steamers' to arrive. From London. KAIKOURA, !dup about March 20). Bailed on January 25, via Auckland. (New Zealand Shipping Co.. agents.) WHAKARUA (due about April 5). Bailed on January 30, via Australian ports, Auckland, and Napier. (TyEcr Line, aecnte.) ARAWA (due about March 21). tailed on February 2, via,' Cape Town- and Uobart. (Shaw, Havill ,and Albion C 0.,, agents.) KIA ORA (duo about, March 26), sailed on February 11'. ' via Auckland. (Shaw, Savill and Albion Co., agents.) INDIUBARAH (duo about April 10). sailed on February 11, via Australia, Auckland, and Napier. (Tyscr Line, agents.) RUAPEHU (due about April 3). sailed on February 18, via, Capo Town and Hobart. (New Zealand Shipping' Co.. aeonts.) TAINUI (due about April 18), tailed en March 4. via Cape Town and Uobart. (Shaw, Savill and Albion Co., agent?.) PAPAROA (duo about May 2), siilod en March 6, via Auckland. (New Zealand Shipping C 0.,, agents.) From Liverpool." ,1, l;: -.:. ■ : ••: KENT (duo"j»iJjlit'.''M4rch 26), sailed on January 16, visj Australian ports and Auckland. (F.-H.-S. '■•frfne. agents.) NORFOLK (duo-nboul April 9), sailed on February 4, via,-Capo Town, Uobart. and Auckland. (F.-H.-S. Line, agents.) NEREIIANA (duo about April 18), sailed on February 18, via , Auckland. (Tyser Line, MORAYSHIKE (due about May 14). sailed on March 4, via Australian porta . nud Auckland.. (F.-U.-ki. Line, agents.) From Montreal,,,,;, ~. ~,,' .. WIIAKATANE .Kdilei about .March 27), sailed on January 21,-. .via. Auckland.' (Now Zealand Shipping , Co.>' agents.) INVERTAY "(dflfc , iibouf April 29),' Jailed on February 18, vii Melbourne and Auckland. (New Zealand Shipping Co.. agents.) From New York. CRANLBY (duo about March IS), sailed on Decomber 24. via, Australian ports and Auckland. (Tyser Line, agents.) HARPAGUS (duo about April 20), sailed on January 7, via Australia and Auckland. (A. and A. Line agents.) SWANLEY (duo about -May 8). failed on February 10, via' Australia and. Auckland. (A. and A. Linoi,agents.), DRIEZ lZEL'ldue about May 20). sailed on February 21,, via Auckland. (Vacuum Oil Company agents.) SAILER TO ARRIVE. ARIEL, barque, sailed from Liverpool November 18. (Johnston and aeent«.) BY TELEGRAPH. OVERSEA. SYDNEY, March 15. Sailed.-Victoria (3 p.m.), for Auckland. . TIOBART, March 15. Arrived.-Arawa (9.30 p.m.), from London via Capo Town. ' fihe ■■ailed for Wellington at 5 a.m. .on Thursday.. Ninety-nine, passengers landed, and 248 arc proceeding to New Zealand. ...--... MELBOURNE, Mnrch 15. Arrivcd.-Moemki, from Bluff, via Hobart. ■ . COASTAL, , WEDNESDAY, MARCH 15. AUCKLAND. Arrived-Moldavia (6.45 a.m.), from Sydney; Aldebaron, barque, from Newcastle; Houto, schooner, from Brisbane. Sailed.-Moldavia (5.15 p.m.), for Sydney; Navua- (2.30 p.m.), for Lcvuka. NEW PLYMOUTH. Arrived.—Rarawa (5.35 a.m.), from Onehunga. Sailed.-Rarawa (8.25 p.m.), for Wellington PATEA. Arrived.-Aorcro (9.40 a.m.), Mana. (9.45 a.m.), and Kapuni (10.5 a.m.), from Wellington. Sailcd.-Aorcre (10 p.m.), for Wellington. PICTON. Arrived.—Rosamond (6.30 a.m.). from Wellington; Pateena, (4.45 p.m.), from Wellington. - BLENHEIM, Arrived.—Blenheim (7 a.m.), from Wellington. I Sailed.-Blcnhcim (4 p.m.), for Wellington. NELSON. iArrived.—Mapourika (5.15 a.m.), and Nikau (5.40 a.m.), from Wellington. Sailed.-Nikau (5.15 p.m.) for Wellington. WESTPORT. Arrived.r-Kamoua (6.30 a.m.), from Papeete. GREYMOUTH. ' Arrived.—Poherua (7.40 a.m.), from Wellington. ■' ■'• LYTTELTON. Arrivcd.-Storra (2.45 a.m.), from Chatham Islands; Mokoia, (3.25 a.m.), Magdal.% (6.30 a.m.), and Jlararoa (8.20 a.m.), from Wellington; Ngatoro, from Orcymouth; Wiramera, from Dunedin; Fetbnc, from Timaru; Wootton, from Nydia Bay. Sailed.—Storm (3.30 p.m.), for Chatham Islands; Petone (6.55 p.m.), for Wellington; Ngahero, for Greymouth; Mokoia, for Dunedin; Kittawa, for Greymouth; Wakatu, and Cygnet, for Kaikoura. Sailed.—Wimmera (9, for Wellington, Napier, Gisborne, Auckland, and Hydney. Passcnger3; Saloon—For Wellington— Misses Godfrey, Archer, Warren, Mcsdames Pritchard, Bain, Messrs, Paterson, Morris, Faulkner, Rogers, For Napier — MisEes Bower, Cornford. For Gisborne—Mcsdames H G. Bullen and 3 children and maid, Houlihan, Temple, Smith, Strong and child, Messrs. R. B. Gillingham, Temple, Woolcr. For Auckland—Misses Goodwin, Morris, Mcsdames Wilkinson and child, Munday, Burns, Turner, Holdcn, Warren, Clarke, Clarke. Messrs. F.,J. .Wilkinson, Munday, W. Gee, WarrenJ For SydneyMisses Marchant, Buckley, Messrs. Norman, Marcliant, Evans; 36 steerage. Sailed.—Mararoa (8.20 p.m.), for Wellington.— Passengers: Saloon—Hisses Konipthorne. Cook, Harvey, Pearson, Clarke, Monson, Ooombes, Mesdr.mcs Carson, Brewer, Monwn, Mackic, Abbott, ICcmpthornc, Chenchen, Ward, Coombes, Duff, McesrF. It. D. Acland, Shierwood, Reates, Carson, East, Brewer, F 11. Labatt, Lochc, H. E. White, W. Wood, Monson, Young, Duff, G. A. Kennedy 11. Seasjcr, F. White. Mackic. Chenehen, Kennedy, Johnson,, Toitorsall. Zile, ,T. Baird, Whittle,, Barnes. J. E. Tovlor, Revs. W. Ready; , C.Whittnkcr; Gray, G. Jf. Curtis, A. Watkins; aiid ,36 Steerasc. PORT I! pnALMERS.,'(UO p.m.), for Wcllinston; Surrey, for Waitara; Bell Flower, (schooner), for Kaipara. . Sailed.—Olimaroa, for Sydney, via AVcllinglon. Passengors: Saloon-For Welling-ton-Jlisses Schacklcford, M'Lcary, liedford, Talmc; MesdauiO3 So.hultz and child, Somorville and infant, Lees, Cameron, Blair, Haggitt, Driukwater, Messrs. Lamb, Somerville Schultz, Lees, Nicholl,' Monk, Cuill; Fyfe, St-ewart, Cameron. Graham, Dr. Alexander, Rev. Drinkwator. For LyttcltonMisscs Dougal, Thomson, Mr. Johnston. For Sydney—Miss Ooak, -Meedames . Porter and two children, Thomson, Adams (2), Cook, Mill, Messrs. Thomson,' Milne, ltev. Porter, Dr. Mill; 20 steerage.;; ' MATATO';'LEAVi{s.:. 11,1,9. •■■ ■;' ■'■„■■ Matatua, Shaw,. .Sivill steamer, .which left Gisborno for London on February 16, continued licr vbyacc froui v liio do Janeiro on Monday. WAKATANE AT MELBOURNE. Tho New Zealand Shipping Company's steamer Whakatane, which left , St. John, New Brunswick, for Wellington, via. way porto, arrived at Melbourne on Saturday. THE STAR OF AUSTRALIA. Word has beciV'r/coclfed from Now York intimating that tho Tysor ■Lino's r-tcanier, Star of Australia;,-cleared-'New -York for Wellington, via ,way. Jiorts,. on Wednesday, March 8. Sho ,13 due here about May 12. WANAKA FROM NEWCABTLK. An arrival in tho stream at Wellington at 10.15 last evening was the Union Company's steamer Wanaka, from Newcastle. The officers reported, by Morco, that the vessel had experienced heavy north-cast winds, but otherwise had had a good passage. After medical inspection the vessel will berth at the wharf to discharge her cargo of coal this msrning. ARAWA AT lIOBART. Advico received by the local agents of the Shaw, Savill, and Albion Company states that R.M.S. Arawa, from London, arrived at the Tasmaninn port yesterday at 9.50 a.m. It is anticipated that she will : clear for Wellington pome time this morn- • ing. »n that case sho may bo expected to put in ail appearance hero on Monday morning next. ' ARRIVAL OF THE WARRIMOO. Arriving in the stream at Wellington at, 1.5 a.m. yesterday tho Warrimoo, from Sydney, dropped n::ehor to await medical inspection. Evorything proving the vessel berthed at the Queen's Wharf >'o. 1 south at 11.10 n.m, The nv ' port, of tho voyage Mates that tho Warrimoo lefj. Sydney on March 11 at 2.30 p.m., and encountered strong north-easterly winds and moderate sea , ! until Tuesday I thence smooth seas and light winds until ( arrival. Imports by the voswl are as follow- I 153 bags salt, 145 baga molascuit, 160 cases Schnappes, 51 drums carbide. 118 r..ves grease, 350 cases rardlncj, 50 rolls netting, I 45 roses conserves, 50 coeos matches, 1050 mats r«e, 40 cases soap. 35 bags steel crit, ( 453 sacks pollard. 67 packages periodicals, 1 269 sleepers, 135 cnees grape?, 200 bags coke 70 poles, 481 packages tea, and a quantity of merchandise. e In continuation, of her voyage, the Warrimoo will sail at 5 p.m. to-day for southem ports, Hobart, and Melbourne. She is due a-t Melbourne on March 25. ,
KEPAIItS TO TIIK ALEXA. '' The permanent, repairs to the barquentino Alcia, which recently bumped tna oar at Wanganui, have just been completed in Sydney, and cost over .CIOCO. The temporary repairs which were carried out at Wanganui cost £700. She commenced loaning operations on Jlarnh 13, and after tailing in tlio Sydney portk>n of her cargo leaves for Newcastle, where she will finish with coal for V'angaiiui. ANOTHER NEW ZEALAND TIUDEH. . If she is not destined to enter the Neit Zealand trade permanently, the littleDanish barrjucntinc Carla (ex Toorlichter) will, at any rate, bu employed therein for some considerable time. 'That at least ie tho impression to be gathered from tho chartpr arra:ißcd for her. She i?, it Bcems, due at Newcastle early next month from Uahia, and will at once load coal for Wanganui, being due there, at tho middlo of the mouth. Then she will begin a cerice ; of regular trips between the two ports on account of Messrs. I). R. Walker and , Co., taking coal each time from Newcastle and returning with pino from Wanganui. .THE SELWYN CHAIG SOLD. Tho Tlnion S.S. Company of New Zealand has completed negotiations for the pur,chase of the well-known I'lrciuenline Selwyri Cr,iig, of the Craig )4iio of Eailing shipr, Auckland, and on her , at Auckland from Grfoiig will take her ■ over, and nt once have her dismantled and converted into a. coal. hulk. The little vessel, which was built by Dobie and Co. in 1868, and Ins ch.iF.Eed owners no, fewer thin five times and in turn been, known as> Advancement, Prince John, Advancement, nml by her present name, has since her advent into tho Australian-New Zealand trade, been ono of the most consistent cailcrs. Voyage after voyage she has completed in almost steamboat tlmo. and (ioi'.'C of the smartest tri-ps yet madei between Australia and the Dominion have! to be credited to her. The Sclwyn Craig•is thn. so:ond sailing vessel purchased by the Union Company during the past month I to bo utilised as a hulk, the other being,' tho iron barnue County of Anclcsea, which will leave Sydney shortly for Newcastle' to load coal for Auckland, where it is intended sho also shall end her dnys. WAIWEEA'R OUTWARD CARGO. Leaving Wellington for London on Saturday last, the Shaw, Savill, and Albion. Company's ctcamer Waiwero, look the following cargo fuoni Dominion ports :—From ~ Dunedin 789 bales wool, 55 caeks tallow,, ■ 1887 carcasses mutton, 6603 c.arcasaes lamb, From Nelson—22B balen wool, 2 balea, loalher, 5 dumps sheepskins, 24 casks tallow, 766 cercaMes mutton, 3162 carcasses ■ lamb, 10 boxes kidneys. From Picton—224s carcasses mutton, 10,234 carcasses lamb, 290 balea wool. 5 dumps skins, 1145 sacks peae, 9 casks casings, 63 casks tallow. From. Timaru-291 bales wool, 12 casks pelts, 135 boxeo butter, 198 casks tallow, 2123 carcaseee mutton, 9235 carcasres lamb. From ( ' Oainaru—lß74 bales wool, 24 dumps skins, 105 casks tallow. 15 casks castass, 1740 car-. caEsei! mutton, 8191 carcases lamb, 81 boxes kidneys. From Gisborne—7l67 carcasses mutton, 2692 carcasses lamb, 677 Quarters beef, 52 boics kidneys, ICO cases proserved meats, 53 casks ti!!o\v, 52 caske pelts, 179 bales wool. From Lyttelton-4285 carcasses mutton, 15,897 carcasses lamb, 186 boxes kidneys, 5<6 bales wool, 157 caeke tallow, 30 casks casings, 73 casks pelts, 2 j dumps-ekins. From Wellington—l3l6 quar-, ters beef, H3.5Z3 carcasses lamb, 7364 car-' causes mutton, UW Jegs mutton, 18 boice ( kidneys, 5 bales skins, 443 casks tallow, 145 casks pclte, 8 bales hoofs, and 4 balea I horns. fc ' ■ J SHAW, SAVILIi, AND ALBION CO. '. LATEST MOVEMENTS. ' Waiwcra—Left Wellington for London oIS ■ March 11; duo London April 25. : Corinthlc—Arrived Wellington February \ 21; leaves Wellington for London March. ) 23; duo May 5. Leaves London again May \ 25; due Wellington July 11. ■' Ksiraniea—Wilt sail for I/jndon from., Auckland March 25; duo London May 11. , Kumara—Loaves Wellington for London March 25; dun May 10. j Rangotira—Arrived Dnpcdin March 7; leaves uealn from Lyttelton for London * April 8; duo May 18. . Kia, Ora—Left London February 10, Capo ' Town March 6; duo Auckland March 23. Sails again for London April 27; duel June 7. I Arnwa—Left Capo February 24; duo Wcl- ' liugton March -21, from where she taila again for London on April 20; due June 2. Tokomaru—Will fail from London early in March for Dunedin ond Lyttelton: duo April 20. i Tainni—Sai!>3 .from London for Wellington March 2; duo April 18. Leavo3 again for London May 18; due Juno 30. Dclphlc-Arrivcd London Mnrch !. Saile again from Liverpool for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttclton; and Dunedin llarch 18; duo Auckland May 2. Pakcliiv-Arrlved London March 3. Leaves again from London April 6 for Auckland and Wellington; due May 16. lonic-Left Rio February 20; duo London March 10. Will sail again for Wellington March 30; due May 16. Leaves for London June 15; due July 28. Roscric—Left Auckland for London February 16; due London April 2. Athcnic—Left Wellington for London February 23; duo April 7. Leaves again for New Zealand April 27; due Wellington June 13. Matatua—Left Gisbornc for London February 16; due London March JO. Mamari—Lsft Auckland for London on March 4; due London April 13. Leaves London again May 6 for Dunedin and Lyttelton (via, Australia); duo Juno 20. Turkestan—Arrived London March 1, , The Shaw, Ravill, and Albion Company's stcamei- Mamari, which is to leave London on May 6, w to bring a largo number of passengers for Australia. From Australia she proceeds direct to Dunedin. It is understood that Iho on her next voyage out from Home, will also conio via Australia with pasMiigcrs. , Mr. A. E. Cain, chief officer of tho Maori, ' who lvs been on holiday leave, rejoined tho v«Mil yesterday. Mr. ]1. Whyboni. who has been relieving chief - cf tho Maori, proceeds south to join tho llauroto. It is stated that, instead of iroiui; hack to Newcastle to load coal for San Francisco, the training ship Bartford may bo chartered to load wheat at Lyttelton for tho United Kingdom or Continent. Reports tu hand stats that the French ■ warship Kersaint arrived at Noumea from Lyttclton and Norfolk Island on March 1. On February 24 and 25 the vessel experienced a wore hurricane, but came through without damage. Caption Colliiif, late of tho Patccna.wae a passenger to Dunedin last night by the Maori, lie taken charge of the Hauroto at tho Boutlisrn port. Surrey, F.11.K. beat, is due in port on Monday from Wai-tara for Home loading. Klio sails again for Timaru, Lyttelton, and London on Wednesday. Between March 20 and 22 tho Wcstport Coal Company will havo three overseas vessels to supply with bunker coal, naaiey, tlie steamers Surrey, Mnrit.ii, and Durham. The Komata, which left port, night, returns from Wcstport with a full load of coal for this purpose. Yesterday morning tho Poherua left Rreymouth with' a full load of coal for here. Tho Kaniona loaves Wcstport at 6 a.m. to-day, also with coal for here. Tlio New Zealand .Shipping Company's steamer Rimutaka is to leave Lyttelton for London to-day. Karamoa, e.s., of the Shaw, Savill and .. Albion Company's fleet, left Port Chalmers at 6.50 p.m. yesterday for Wellington. Tho vessel, which comes for Home loading purposes, is expected in port this evening. Tlio e.s. Pet-one will sail for Napier and Gisborne this day.
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Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1077, 16 March 1911, Page 7
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3,531SHIPPING NEWS. Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1077, 16 March 1911, Page 7
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