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AT, TRENTHAM AND ELSEWHERE. Within .three weeks of tho opening day of tho New Zealand rifle championship meeting nt Trentham riflemen are beginning to give more than passing attention to long-rango practice. Tho "big meeting," as shooting, men describe tho an; nual carnival week at Trentham, will commence on Friday, March 3, and on the previous Saturday, February 25, tho range will bo closed to far as tho local week-end riflo matches aro concerned. Saturday , next,; therefore, will bo tho lost availnblo day of week-ond ehoots before the championship meeting, and in all probability that day will also see the end nf most of tho current competitions among local corns. Although a number of enthusiasts usually ■ continue to visit tho range for eomo weeks after tho close- of the championship meeting, to "wash up" unfinished competitions and get in a few more practice matches before tho light begins to fail, tho "big meeting" is usually considered to bo tho formal conclusion of tho shooting season. Saturday was n difficult day for tho men on tbo Trentham range. There was a strong head wind, with fish-tail propensities, requiring sound judgment and matured experience to ■ make all duo allowances for its vagaries. Thcro was a good deal of lone range practice among the senior men, but no ono appeared to havo covered himself with glory in Jho matter of sensational • scoring.- The following details of tho scoring in the various matches, however, speak for themselves:— . ' KELBURNE RIFLES. Competition for company trophies, agKregato cup, third "three-match" series, , 500 yards aggregate j seven shots at 500 and *COO yards, facores t— A Class. ' 500 GOO yds, yds. H'p. T'l. Sergt. Ki-fc '-* 31 5 G0 Sergt. Taylor 29 .20 0 55 Lancc-Corpl. Stidolph .27 ~ 18 0 d 5 Sergt. Munro, 27—17 —14; Bugler, 25-7 ~~." ■■ ' B Class. Pte. Snaddon, 20-19-6-51; LanccCorpl. Howard, 19~19-(H«; Pte. Ingram, " 17—16—10—43; Pte. Rogers, 18-12 -18-42 • Pte. Andrews,- 13-17-9-39. Third "Threo-match" Aggrqgate.-Soret. Taylor, 168; Lanoe-Corpl. Stidolph,; 150; Scrub Munro, 134. V . . ■• .■'•■■' , Teams , Aggrcgatc.-Sergt. Munro s toam, 210 [ Sergt. Taylor's team, liy). 500. Yards Aggrci;ate;-Scrgt.' Jlunro; 145; Lancc-Corpr. Stidolph, 141; Sergt. r 2OO ■Agßrcgato.-Sorgiv Taylor,' 137; Lance-Corpl. Stidolph, 134; Sergt. Aggregate Cup.-Sergt; Munro, 319; Sergt. Taylor, 310; Lancc-Corpl. Stidolph, 153.' " '. .. ,- . ' WEUINGTON GUARDS. Third competition for trophies (third series); eoffcn shots at 500 and GOO yards, handicap. Scores:— . ' : .• '■ ■•■ ■ :.-■ ■■- .-.■■ 'A- Class. :: '. :■■ : , -. . • ■ ,' .••.■'■■ ,-.;■. > 500 COO :'■•'' .-.• ''.>;■ , ■". ; ■■'■ . , yds. yds. H'p. T'l. Sergt/Snaddon ....:.... 80.,,28.' a, CO Sergt. Tinn0y............'28-v 27 .0 ■ 55 Bugl?r Bealo .20 , 19. 2. ,« Lieut. Gasquoinc;. 19—20—5—44.;' . ■,: ■•:• B Class.: • ' ' i■. ■• • ' / ; Pte.'Rutlodge, 23-22-13-58; Pto. Ledbrook, 22-23-10-55; Pto. RPotatw.' 26" 23_<>_4!). Corol. Tobin. 19-20r-?-4Sj Pte; Ellis, 22--IG-G-14; Pte. a.'l'ointon, o|_i2_B—l4;' Pto. L. Pointon, 16—2—i — 22. v ' , . , HUTT VALLEX . ij( _ Competition for championship •ehiold, handicap aggregate, and final for Mil,lett Cup; seven shots •ab-'ZOp• and 600 yards, handicap. ScorcS«- -Mrfnrc'i 200 GOO

'. ■ : ' yds. yds. H'p. T'l. Pte; "Nicholson"».'.:.;.. 30" "30 ■ 0:. 00 Corp'. Mitchell:•..,.' 32'->'23 ■ 2 ' ' 57 Sergt. Baker 30 20 0 56 Pto. H. C. Russell, 31-21-2-54 i.Scrpjt. Domnoy. 30—22—1—53; Ptc. Lawton. 3115_0_16; ptc.;E.C. Russell, 31—15 — 0—16. B Class. Pte Curtis, • 30—18—2—50 ; Pte. R, R Flutey, 22—13—2-43; Ptc. Battersby, 20—20—2—42 ; Pte. J. Flutoy,. 13—21—2— 36; Ptc. Gcanße.' l6-15-1-32; Pte. Blanford, 19—6—3—28. . ,-,■:.;■>'"'. ZEALANOIA RIFLES. / Competition for company bolt and trophies. A Class, ten shot* nt 000 and 1000 yardsj B Class, seven shots at 500' and COO yards., Scores:— . > ■. ■ .-.■•.■■ I 900 1000 ■..•■. ' ' .yds. yds. H'p,. T'l. Lcc-C0rp.Hunt.......... S8 35 0 73 Lce-Corp. Hugo :........ 33 ,32 1 66 Sergt. Itugo .".;...:...:. 39 .21 O ; 63 <Loo-Corp. C. Huso, 27 —29—3—59: Capt. Corneal!,. 29-28-rO-57; Pte. Snolling, 30—21—6— 57;'Lco-Corp. Dalton, —53; Ptc.'Snow, 17—30—C—53; Ptc. Nces, 27—10—12—52. ■■'< ■■ , ii. • ■ ■ , B Class. Pte. B. Kimmo, 31-35-66; 'Pie. A. vNimmo, 28—28—50; Ptc. Gunner, 20—25— 45; Pto. Snellen, 21-15-36; Pte. Uren, 20—14—34. PETONE NAVALS. - ' . -A Class. .. - ; Competition for trophies; ten shots at 500 and GOO 3 - ar<ls. Scores:— . ' ':• ' • .•' 500 600 jds. yds. H'p. T'l. Gunner J. May.. 45 42 5 92 Gunner Wnlsh 33 37 17 92 Gunner Stewart 38 34 19 91 Bugler Hill, 44—37—7—83; Gunner Inetonc, 27-35-22—84; Scrgt.-Major Fiulay, 40—36-Hs—B2. B Class. .• ■ . , Gnnncr Pattinson,' 43—34—2—79; Gunner Walker, 2f1—22-17—C8; Gnnncr Holloway, 23-33-8-01; Lieut. Matthews, 29 —17-15-61; Capt. Bovan, 29—11—17 —60; 'Gunner Inshnra, 28—16—14— 58; • Gunner Late, 11-20-24-58. . D. BATTERY. • - Competition for trophies; seven ehots at fIOO and 1000 yards. Scores:— ■ : A Class. ■■-.■ "900 1000 : , yds. yde. T'l. S«r«t. Plimmer 21 27 48 Bomb. Fockp 29 10 45 Sorgt. AVickens , 2S 10 .33 '-. • ' B Class. Gunner Dinnie, 29-21-50; Gunner Fitzgerald, 24—12—30; Sergt. Nelson, 18—3— 2i. : ■ CITY RIFLES. Competition for the Ross Memorial and Serßt. Baker's trophy. . A Close, ten shots at 900 and 1000 yards. B Class, seven shots at 200 and 600 yards. Scores: • A Class. ; 900 1000 T'l. ' yds. yds. Sergt. Dodd 41 33 79 Corp. Given 42 33 75 Pto. Stranuemuir 39 31 70 B Class. Corp. ITart, 33-27-60; Lce-Corp. Hannan, 23-20-51; Col.-Serct, Davis, 31-23 -SJ; Tte. ( Bollins, 27-23-50. HIGHLAND RIFLES. Competition for company belt, M'Diarmid Junior Cup, nnd other trophies. Class A nnd B fared at 900 and 1000 yards, seven shots; C Class fired at 200 tiud 500 yards. A Clns-i. 900 1000 yds. yds. n'p.T'l. Cnl.-Serct. Sl'Donald 25 25 0 50 Ptc. Martin 29 19 2 50 Lco.-Corp. Eves 2G 23 0 13 Scrjt. Dobson, '25—18—13; Corp. Shannon, 27^-13—40. B Class. Ptc. Pinckney, 28-19—17; Pto. Williamson, 19-20-7—lβ. C Class. Ptc. Lawson, 28-19-5-52; Ptc. Penrt, 23—20—8—51; Ptc. Ryan, 24—19-8—51; Pto. Miller. 22-20-8-50; Ptc. Mnckay, 22—15—8—45; Pte. Chapman, 20—17—8— 45; Ptc. Smith, 17-16-10-43.

POST AND TELEGRAPH RIFLES. Tenth match of the company belt competition; -ten shots at • 1000 -yards, bcorcs :— Corp. Macmorran, 37; Sergt. Williamson, 31; • Lce.-Corp. Hunt, 32-; Serßt. Davidson, 28; Liout. Bolton, 28. VICTORIA COLLEGE O.T.C. Competition for the Barkas ChallcnßO Cup; ten shots at 500 yards. Scores-.— Pto. Clark, 39; Lce.-Corp. Caldwell, 36; rto. Dundcn, 29; Pte. Bell, 25. COLLEGE RIFLES. Final shoot, second trophy competition; soven shots nt 200 and 000 yards; handicap. Leading aggregates—Capt. Hutchen, 242; Sergt. King, 233; l'te. Richards, 233. Saturday's scores:— . 200 COO yds. yds. H'p. T'l. •Cnpt. Ilutchcn 32 29 0 Gl Pte. Casseriey 29 29 2 60 Pte. aooder 30 25 5 CO Pte. Hamilton, 27—21—8—50; Bugler Cimino, 29—23—5-57; Corp. Wollorman, 31-21-1-53; *Pte. Richards, 29—19-5-53; •Serßt. King, 31-17-3-51; Lieut. Mee, 23-17-10—50; Pte. Robinson, 11—13 —14-;iG;-Pte. Thornton, 11-15-11-43. •Winners of trophies. NO. 3 COMPANY, T.G.A. Competition ' for " Corp. Goo'lbehero's trophy; seven shots nt 500 and 000 yards, handicap. Scores:— 500 coo ■ . : . .- t „ yds. yds. H'p. T'L *Sgt. Dunn ~ 22 lfi 21 02 **Gunner Patterson 22 23 10 "CO Corp. Coleman 27 15 18 CO Sgt. Faulknor, 29-29-0-58; Gunner Dunn, 21—24—10—58; Gnnner Cooper, 12— 15-24—51; Gunner Macdonald, 2G-10-13—49; Gunner Henderson, 5—10—24—39; Bomb. M'Kcnzie, 4—10—24—33. •Winner of trophy. "Gunner Patterson is leading for rifle and ■ handicap aggregates. KARORI RIFLE CLUB. MARSIIALL WINS ME CHAMPIONsnip. Tho Karori Club fired the. final match of tho second series at 900 and 1000. yards. Riflcmon'Gritnstonc won the club trophy for the best scoro of the day with 59; Rifleman Bnlford (57) the ammunition prize, and Rifleman Street (54) the handicap prize. A feature of tfie"dav's shoot was the splendid performance of Rifleman Harris, at 1000 yards, ho. mado the' possible. Detailed scores:— 1 , 900 1000 •"' . ' ' • "•■ yds: yds. H'p. Tl. Grimstono • 23 31 0 59 Bulford £8 29 . 0 57 Halliday : 31 21 0-55 ■ Street, 18 26-10-51; Harris, 53; Marshall, 31—21 0—51; Jones, 26—10 -10-52; H. O. Browne. 29—15—6—50; Standidgo, 30-20-0-50; Hay, 20-28-0— 4S; Burns, 31-17-0-48; Aston, 30-17-0— 47; Mnisoy, 25-22-0-47; Eabe, 21-25-0 —46; Butler, ,25-15-0—16; Fellows, 29-17-O-4G; Tarr, 30-15-0-45; Randell, 23 -20-0-43; Guise. 25-18-0-43; Cassells, 15-17-8-40; . England, 25-13-10-38; Pringlc, 3-23-10-36; Cnldwell. 21-13-0 -31; Moore, 23-4-6-33; Claridge, 20-0 .". ■ .. ■ .- •■>.'• ■■ Saturday's slioot concluded, tho club championship*.which was decided by tho highest nggrcgato of eight out of ten mntclies. Presidont 11. Marshall (495), with an average of C 2 points per match, scored a vrcll-moritcd and popular win, and is club champion for tho season. Ho also holds the I'earco Challenge Shield for ono year, and .wins chnmpioh, gold racdnl and club trophy. Deputy-President Hal-' liday (the present New Zealand champion) ■was runner-up (477), and takes tho'trophy presented-by, Ptcsidont Mrifshall.-r,Ride-: ■man,Tarr'came third (470),. and ..won Mr, Bluhdoll's trophy. Notwithstanding', tho fact that longer ranges were fired for tho <club ctnrapiqns'hip this year, President Mafsl'inll's"'nV(TtißO slioot per match (02) was higher than last year's average (00.5), and S point? above the club etiijidardoyer ■'nu.'fangoi. ,, '? Tfib championship' aggre(jates woro as follows:— . , ■... llarshall .;.....'..: ...........•......./...... 495 Jalliday / ....;..... .'—•• ••. 4" Parr .:..:.:... ...•...-..■....:.:i..'. , .:. , .;.i- lift

Hayi 4f>9; Slandid|*e, 464; Maiscy,, 4611 Fellows, 457; Judd, 455; Hnrris,,.4ss; Bulford, 453.. - . : •./\' , The handicap-aggregate resulted in. a win. for Killomsn Street (464),. who stakes Mr.'Keir's trophy, Rifleman Fellows (412) fired into second place, ' and won Mr. Black's trophy.- The excellence, of Halliday'e handicapping provided n .very oloso finish in this competition. Tho gates were: — ■ • ■'■,-.•• •-■''. Street,-464; Fellows, 4G2; Hams. 457; H.0. Browne, 457; Jones, 457; . Caldwcll, 454;.Ca550115,-451; Butler,. «5. ■; ■ y.v. , President Marshall, with'a total of 207, won'tho long range aggregate, and takes •Mr.- J. Rabes trophy, .Rifleman Hnrri9 was second in tho totals, with n. fcoro of 200. Aggregates:— . Marshall, 207; Harris, 200; Standidge, 198; Maisoy, 196; Tarr, 192; Halliday, 190; Fellows, ISS; Caldwcll, 185'. - • ■.; - . . Tho "Owen Daly" competjtiou. for. Rcratch men was won by Halliday (250). Marshall camo second (245); then Burns (241), Bulford (240), and Tarr (237) next in order of merit. ... , < : ; The "Owen Daly" , competition for handicap men resulted Wi a win for Rifleman- Street (241j. Bntler (227), nnd Cassells (212) next in tho list of aggregates. :■ Saturday's match also concluded the seo-' ond series competition, Deputy-President Hnlliday succeeding in shooting into.first, place (250), winning Mr. J. Mills's trophy. The following were also prize-winners in this series:— i : .'•■.. Marshall,' Mr. I;. Brundell's trophy, 245; Burns, Mr. A. Collins's trophy, 241; Street, Deputy-President HnHiday's trophy/ 241; Billfold, Mr. Hodder's trophy, 240; and Butler, Mr. Tisdalo's trophy, 227. . ' SUBURBS RIFLE CLUB. Third competition for trophies presented by Messrs. George nnd George, Q. ..Winder. G. Tulloeh, W. H. llornig, and tho Ardath Tobacco Company. Scores-.— ■ .. . ■ 300 500 ■'■ ' • • • yds. yds. H'p. Tl. F. Price ..,'. ; 42 ' 46 0' 83 J. Smart *...;.. 42 43 0 88 G. Oliver ■' 37 43 8 ,88 11. Mitchell,. 40—11-G-S7;.Jackson, 41-44-fl-So; H. Pitcher, 41—40—3—84; A. Jackson, 41 42—0--83; W. Follingham, 37 -43-3-S3; W. Gower, 43—39-0-82; A. •Bcllamoro, 33—35-G-82; J. 1,. .. Tumor, 30—42—0—81; M'Uavin, 22-38-8-07; H. Turner. 25-25-10--G0; S. White, 38—40-9-87: W. Collev. 33-45-G-84; C.Shiel, 32-41—10-83; T. lngies, 39-41-2-82; V. Dowman, , 35-37M0—82; 11. Duncan, 39— 32—10—81; W. Isaac, 31-39-8-78;. W. Hornig, 3G-~11-O-(7; Newton, 30-39-2— 77; C. Tandy,' 32-42-2-70; E. Whit-, comlw, 2G—3l—lo-67; n. Inkcrsell,; 2G--25—10—01.

" The club has now adoplod the figure, target ns used at Trentham. The following nro leading in the aggregate for the second series (thrco best shoots), with one match to bo fired next week, ranges 200, 500, and COO yards:— \ Class.— V. Price, 279; W. Gower, 277; J. Smart, 275; G. Oliver, 271;. J. L. Turner, 265. , iB Class Aggregate (second. soriesJ.'-W. Horniß. 201; \V. Colley, 260; C. Shicl, 255; W. Isaac, 255; S. Why to,: 253;. T. Inßles, 253; J. G. Newton, 251.

! Mr. J. It. Turner has" bum appointed sole handicapper for the club. ; '

JOHNSONVILLE RIFLES. Competition for Cup presented by Lieutenant Cowles nnd trophy presented by Mr. Evans. Seven shots at 200; seven at 500; seven again at 200; and seven at 600 yards. Scores:— Corp. Washington, 30—29—30—30—0— 119; l'le. Ball, 30-28-31-29-0-118; Pte. •I. l'lirßusson, 25— H1—27—17—5—108 ; l»tc. 11. Itichnrilson, 2i—l7— 2o— l7—lS—los j I'te. D. Furausson, 23—21 — 27 — 11 — 14 — 101 ; I'te. M'l'arlaiKV 20-19-11-10-30-93; Sat, (Iriorson, 20-31-28-0-3-82; I'te. Cook, 20-27-0-0-17.

TERRITORIALS V. RIFLE CLUB. A teams' match between the Civil Service Rides and tho Petone Rifle Club was fired at" tho Petonc Club's rango nt Wniwetu on Saturday, the match resulting in a win for the Territorials by 871 points to BG3. Rifleman Ballinger scored tho possible, 35 at .200 yards, and also at 500 yards. Tho visiting team was hospitably entertained by the clubmen afterwards.

Scores (seven shots nt 200, 500, nnd 600 yards):— ...; , , , • , CIVIL SERVICE RIFLES. .: .. :. , ••■ 200 500 f>oo . ■.■-•- . yds. yds. yds.T'l. Corp.-I-ow .:......■.......... 31 ■34 32 9, Corp. Gazley. 33 31 30 .97 Sgt. Fisher .....v......... 33 ■•■ 33 ■ 28 • ••■ ?* Lieut. Hawthorn. Lcc.Corp. M'Kny. 32—27—28—87; Sst. A. Joplin, 32-30-r24-SG; Col.-Sgt. Colnier,'3l- -- 85 ;. Lco.-Corp. Colcinnii. 20—31—23 K!;.Sgt. C. Joplin, 25-32-19-79; Cnpt: Marshall, 30-r-22-22--71; aggregates,, 311-305-258-871. '. ~: TETONB RIFLE CLUB. • • ..;•■••. '■■■ :: :. ■. 200 ':500. C00\"- ~'■ -~ ' " yds.,yds. yds. ;T 1. Rflmn. S. Spencer, ..."M .. 33 : 29 0G Minn. M'llviido .33 31 "31 95 Rflum. Ballinger, jun. 35 35' 23 93 Rflmn. Drunimond;' 31-28-31-90 ;"Caldwell, 30-32-28-OUr M'Lnohlnn. 32-27-30-69;, Knight,■■ Clout. 31-33-21-85; CooV .Clark, 28-22-18--G3; aggregates, 315-259-259-863. -.' •■ ~■■lγ! .'■• ..■■■;•, •-;.' The following have been chown to represent the Pctono Club in n match with Upper Htitt at Wniwctii 'on". Saturday next:-Rflmn. M'Lachlan, f>. Spencer, Ballinger, jun.,.ll'llvride,,Wood, Ross, C. Bird. Henderson, Clout, Foiilknor. Lraergencies: Dnimmond, Caldwell. • PONGAROA RIFLE CLUB.' , At tho last fortnightly meeting of tho Pongaroa liiOe Club, nmo .riflemen competed for tho Club Cup, which is presented to the rifleman scoring first three "logj-in.". Mr..T.' Doardinan. with.ol oil tho rillo, and ab'-point handicap, secured his second "lejt-iri. Tho winners todate nro: Messrs. Kattray, A. C. Herbert, K. liced. and T. Boardin'nu (two "legs-in ), and Messrs. H. It. Robinson. H..R. Poble, F. Herbert, H. Hunt, and F. Brenton (one "leg-in"). Scores:' ' •■ ■ . 200. 500 , 000 ' yds. yds. yds. H'p. T'l; T. Boardman ... 31 32 31 6 .100 H. E. Poolo 25.--' 34 ■ 32 V 8 ,'99 H. R.' Robinson 23 33' "25 8 •..•:■- 91 liev. Hattray, 28-27-29-9-93; A.'c. Ilorbort, 31-30-29-2-82; C. Wrißht, 32 —29-20-84; R; Rwd, 30-29-23-82; S. Gibson, 24—27—Id—10—SO; A. M'Donald, 21—1G—1*—22—73.

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Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1050, 13 February 1911, Page 7

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ON THE MOUNDS. Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1050, 13 February 1911, Page 7

ON THE MOUNDS. Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1050, 13 February 1911, Page 7


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