1, . PIUSES OF THE IIOON. DECE3IDEK. Day. h. in. New moon 2 041 ani First quarter 10 635 a!m.' Full moon 16 10 35 p.m. I Last quarter 23 10 6 p.m. SiOOK. Moon rises to-day, 1.1 a.m.;.sets, 2.16 p.m. HIGH WATEIt. To-day, 1 a.m.; 1.25 p.m. To-morrow, 1.48 a.m.; 2.15 p.m. SUN.' Sun rißcs to-day, 4.16 a.m.; sets, 7.26 p.m. ARRIVALS, SATTJBDAY, DECEMBER 24. .QUEEN OF THE SOUTH, s.a (1.5 a.m), 19a tons, Harvey, from Foxton. kAPITI, 5.3. (2.10 a.m.), 242 tons, Sawyers, from Picton. LUNA s.s. (3.5 a.m.), 134 tons, Dixon, from wanganui. KUItOV, s.s. (4.35 a.m.), 2345 tons, Nicholson, frm lVostport. AEAPAWA, s.s. (5/0 a.m.}, 268 tons, U>rby, from Wanganui. MOA, s.s. (6.35 a.m.), 188 tons, Sawyers, Irom Wanganui. . WAKATU, s.s. (6.50 a.m.), 157 tons, Wills, from Lytteltoii and Kaikoura. ,-NIKAU s.s. (7.5 a.m.), 245 tons, Hay, from Nelson and Motneka. MAIIAROA s.s. (9.23 a.m.), 2598 tons, from Lyttelton: ffiO passengers. .TAIIAVEIIA, s.s.. (13.45 p.m.), - 2033 tons, Collins, from Dunedin and Lyttelton; 223 passengers. KIN!,, b.s: (12.45 p.m.), 1122 tons, WhiteParsons, from Westport. HIMITANGI,. s.s. ' (5.40 n.mj, 323 tons, Alanlev. from Castlepoin'gfcind East Coast. BLENHEIM, s.s. (6.10 p.m.), 120 tons, Watson, from Blenheim. KIMPAKA, s.s.. (6.15 p.m.), 133 tons, M'lntosh. from Patca. AOEEEE.'s.s. (7 p.m.), 77 tons, Fisk, from Patea. s.s. (9.5 p.m.), 1C36 tons, E. Crawford, from Picton; 92 passengers. EIPPLE, s.s. (10.35 p.m.), 370 tons, CarlBan, from East Coast. • < « STOHJiniE-D, s.s. (11.45 p.m.). 217 tons, Dowel!, from Wansanui and Picton. SUNDAY. DECEMBER 25. "„ ' PA.TEENA, s.s. (3.15 a.m.). 1212 tons, Crawford, from Nelson and Picton; 60 pacsengers. . HUIA,' s.s. (3.25 a.m.)', 127 tons, Burt, from Wanganui. JtANAEOA, s.s. (5' a.m.), 122 tons, Hart, from Havelock.. OPAWA, s.s. (6.50 a.m.), 110 tons, Nicholas, from Blenheim. •MAPOTJEIKA, b.s. (8 a.m.), 1203 tons, Showman, from' West Coast and Nelson-, 160 passengers. . NGATOHO, s.s. (8.30 a.m.), 1137 tons, Ohrir.tiau, from Greymouth. DBAI'TON GEANGE, s.s. (10 a.m.), 6592 tons, Murrison, from Wanganui. MAOBI. s.s. (10.10 a.m.), 3399 tons, Aidwell, from Lyttelton; 370 passengers. COEINNA. s.s. (11.10 a.m.), 1271 , tons, Cameron, from Onehunga. GEETIE, s.s. (2.20 p.m.), 269 tons, Rodger, from Foxton. ROSAMOND, s.s. (9.25 p.m.), 721 tons, Watson, from New Plymouth. MONDAY, DECEMBER 26. WAIMATE, s.s (2.25 p.m.}, £610 tons, mS-'.n2r I ?.. Montrcal ' via wav ports. IAhAPUNA, s.s. (6.15 p.m.), 1036 tons, E. Crawford, from Picton: 74 passengers. ' 3 f tODS ' Althvcl1 ' , . TUESDAY, DECEMBEE 27. fp ~ K ? U i, E V" S a-™»l. 3502 tons, Smith fiom Auckland, Gishorne, and Napier DEPARTURES. SATURDAY. DECEMBER 24 -SSr °2ki mx 62?3 tOD " ton\T y £kro S a. (U ° B - mJ ' "» »»«> c lSg^S----- t0M ' MONDAY, DECEMBEE 26. SUSSEX, s.s. (7.15. a.m.), 5474 ton- Eoh ertson, for Gishorne. ' MAORI, s.s. (7.55 am) 359$ lr,n« m^ COEINNA, s.s. (11 a.m.), 1271 tons, Camero". for New Plymouth. ' PATEENA, s.s. (12.55 p.m.) 1212 toni Crawford, for Picton and Nelson; 100 Ssengers. p MAORI, s.s. (8.40 p.m.). 3399 tons, Aldiri,Tl r "539 passengers. MAN A. s.s. (10.50 p.m.), 134 tons, Diion, for Patca.. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Eoseric, South America, December 27 Koromiko, . Westport,' December 27. Kapuni, Patca, December 27. Patcena, Nelson, Picton, December 27. Tarawera, Lyttelton, December 27. MaTaroa, Lyttelton, December 27. Mokoia, Auckland, Gi6borne. Napier December <27. ' . ■ Marama, Sydney direct, December 28. Mana, Patca, December 28. Arahura, West Coast, Nelson, Picton, December 28. - : Opawa, Wanganui. December 29. lonic, London, via way ports, Dec. 29. Waimea, Nelson, December 29. Nikau, Tlelson, Motueka, December 29. Opawa, Wanganui, December 29. , Monowai, Dunedin, Lyttelton, Dec. 29. ■Manuka, Melbourne, southern ports. December 30. .. ■ .' PROJECTED-DEPARTURES; Queen' of the South, Foxton, Dec. 27. Kapuni, Patea, December 27. ■ Pateena, Picton, Nelson, December 27 Mararoa., Lyttelton, December 27. Mokoia, Lyttelton,' Dunedin, Dec 27 Tarawera Napier, Gisborne, Auckland' December 27. ;. • : Mapourilta. Nelson, West Coast, Dec. 27 -. Wakatu, Kaikoura, Lyttelton, Dec. 27 Wairau, Karamea, December 27. Aorerc, Patea, December 28. '■ Opawa, Blenheim, December 28. , Blenheim, Blenheim, December 28 '■ Arapawa, Wanganui, December 28 Kapuni, Patea, December 23. Kiripaka, Patea, December 23. Stormbird, Wanganui, December 28 • Rosamond, Hew Plymouth, Onchuiiga December 28. . i, Ripple, Napier, East Coast, December 28 Jlanaroa. Motueka, December 28. Aorerc, Patea, December 28. i Corinna, southern ports, December 28 Drayton Grange, Avonmouth, Dec. 29. Waimea, Nelsan, West Coast. Dec. 29.. Takapuna, Picton, Nelson, December 29. : Nikau, Nelson, Motueka. December 23. Marama, Melbourne, via southern ports December 29. . ' Taiuui, London, via way porus. Dec 29 Monowai, Napier; Gisborne, Auckland.' December 29. ' Huia. Wanganui, December 29. Manuka, Sydney direct, December 30 Arahura, Picton, Nelson, West Coast December 31. . .'■ Mokoia, Marlborough Sounds, Dec. 31, INTERCOLONIAL SERVICE. MOVEMENTS OF STEAMEES. MANUKA, s.s., left Melbourne December 21, for Hobart, Bluff, Dunedin, Lyttelton and Wellington. Due Wellington December 30. ■ Leaves same day for Sydney direct. Due Sydney January 3. MARAMA, s.s., left Sydney December 24, foi' Wellington direct. Due Wellington December 28. Leaves December 29, for Lyttelton, .Dunedin, Bluff, Hobart,. and Melbourne. Due Melbourne January 7. VICTORIA, s.s.. left Sydney December 21, for Auckland, Gisborne, Napier, and Wellington. Due Wellington December 30. Leaves same day for Lyttelton and Duncd,in. MOERAKI. s.s., leaves Melbourne January 4, [or Hobart, Bluff, Dunedin, Lyttelton, and Wellington. . Due Wellington January 13. Leaves same day for Sydney direct. Due Sydney January 17. WAREIMOO, s.:i., loaves Sydney December 31, for Wellington direct. ' Due Wellington January 4. Leaves January 5) for Lvttelton, Dunedin, Bluff, Hobart. and Melbourne. Due Melbourne January 14. OVERSEA SHIPPINC. STEAMERS TO ARRIVE. From London. MARERE (duo about January 51, sailed on October 13, via Australian ports, Auckland, and Napier. iTyr-cr Line, agents.) KAIPARA (due about January 1), sailed on November 11. via Auckland. (New Zealand Shipping Co.. agents.) lONIC (due about December 29), sailed on November 12, via Cape Town and Hobart. (Shaw, Savill, yid Albion Company, agents.) ' TUUAKINA (due about January 10), sailed on November 25, via Cape Town and llohart. (New Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) STAR OP INDIA (due about January 25), sailed, on November 25, via Australian ports and Auckland. (Tyser Line, 1 agents.) '■*
MAMAHI (duo about January 27), sailed on December 1, via Auckland. (Shaw, Savill, and Albion Co., intents.) ATIIENIC (c'.uo about January 24), sailed pn December 10, via Capo Town and Hobart. (Shaw, Savill, and Albion Co., ÜBcnts.) > , MUIUTAI (due about February 22), sailed pn December 16, via Australian ports, Auckland, and Napier. (Tyscr Line, agent 3.) BY TI'XEGItAra OVERSEA. ArrivnH ir i S V DNBY - December 24. i^ d ' 7, :ir;lhono (ear! >' ) ' imm Auckland. hailcd.-Marama,, for Wellington. a,.,.;, j , r , SYDNEY, December 26. c!V i •nM [ooltan ' from Auckland. Sailod.-Whansaroa, for Wellington. a • ~ MEIiBOUKNE, December 24. Arrived.—Uhmaroa, from Bluff, via KoCOASTAL. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 24. AUCKLAND. Sailcd.-Moltoia, for southern ports. PasnXV" ™ U "P'»»" saioVsn™. tine Ko- Mooli s'. Morlcy, Valeqw^, i it tl,_ l V ' aim , ;Uo (1 P-™''- for Wellington; Wanalta, for Port Chalmers. GISBOP.NE. ca«?e iVCCl '~ Wlla " S;lpe <5 a ' m,) ' trom Now " PICTON. Arrivcd.-Aralnira (8.30 p.m.), from Wcliiugton. NELSON. Arrived.-Rcgulus (9 a.m.), from Wellington. ■*. WESTPORT. Arrivcd.-Mancapa'pa (7.15 a.m.), from Wellington; Ivaitoa (6.10 a.m.), from TeralA'TTELTON. Arrivcd-Strathleven (6.45 a.m.), Breeze I?; 5 ,,?-™;'. an d Monowai (10.30 a.m.), from Wellington. POP.T CIIALMEES. Sailcd.-Snowdonian (4 p.m.), for Newcastle. DUNEDIN. Arrivcd.--Mocral;i. from Lyttclton; Star of Scotland, from Lyttclton; Matatua, from Bluff; Hananni 11.- steam whaler from Auckland, via Whangamumu; Invorcargill, from Invcrcargill; Kotaro, from Waikawa. SUNDAY, DECEMBEK 25. / AUCKLAXD. Arrived.-Victoria (9.50 a.m.), from Sydney; ttairuna, from Wcstport; -Wimmera, from bast Coast and southern ports; Aldebaran-, from Newcastle; lianpiri, from East Coast Bays and Gisborno. Sailed.—Mineric (5 a.m.), for Sydney. JIANUKAU BEADS. Sailed.—Rarawa. (5.25 p.m.), for New Plymouth. WANGANUI. Arrived.-Storm (3.15 a.m.), from Wellington. NELSON. Arrived.-Nikau. (7 a.m.) and Wavcrlev (7 a.m.), from Wellington; Arahura (4.40 a.m.), from Picton and Wellington.' ' . LYTTELTON. Arrived.-Mararoa (11.10 a.m.) and Tarawcra (11.25 a.m.), from Wellington. DUNEDIN. Arrived.—Monowai, from Lyttclton; Delphic, from Wellington. Sailed.-Moeraki, for Bluff and Melbourne. BLUFF. Arrived.—Perfect, barque (9.30 a.m.), from Surprise Island. MONDAY,' DECEMBER 26.' NAPIER.. Sailed—Mokoia (9 a.m.), for, Wellington. . LYTTELTON. Sailed—Mararca (8.20 p.m.), for Welling, ton. DUNEDIN. Arrived.—Manuka,- from Melbourne, via Hobart and Bluff. Sailed.—Turkestan, for northern ports. BLUJF. Sailed.—Manuka, for Duncdin; Mocraki, for kclbourne. ... _ZEALANDIA, FKOM VANCOUVER. By Telegraph—Press Association-Copyright. ' ' ' Brisbane, December 24. Pho <2calandia arrivect from Vanrouver to-day. The following passengers arc for New Zealand. For AucKland-lle'ssrs,' Palmer, Roberts, E. Bison, Ji. Dixon,- SrOon™y'. Clarke, Johnston, Wadaworth, Clinstenseu, Jolly, Shaw, Hovel!,. iiuxton, Dr. Maxwell, Mesiiames Palmer, Harlcy, Roberts, Johnson, Miss Palmer, Master Palmer. For Wcllington-Dr. Grace, Messrs.- Willcy, . Kirby, • jiesdamcs Grace and infant, Kirby, Miss Grecniield. For Lyttclton—Messrs. Barr, Gayton, Kerr, Hall. For Duncdin—Messrs. P. Sargood, C. Sargood, Mrs. Sargood, Misses Sargood (2). Cargo: For New Zealand-60G9 cases salmon, 178 packages drugs, 64 packages rubber. goods, ',' 158 packages sewing machines, 6 cases bicycle parts, 25 packages machinery, 36 cases scales, 35 bundles leather, 25 packages doors, 94 packages general merchandise. , . TONGAEIEO LEAVES HOME. ' ' ■ ■ Ca-blo advice received states that the New .Zealand Shipping Company's E.M.S. Tongariro left London for Wellington, via waj? ports, on Friday, last, December 23. The vessel is duo at Wellington about February' 1. MAEAMA LEAVES SYDNEY. Advice received from Sydney states that the Marnma left there lor Wellington on Saturday afternoon. On arrival here tomorrow morning the vessel will berth at the Queen's Wharf No. 6. lONIC LEAVES HOBART. Advice received from Hobart s'esterday states that the Shaw, Savill, and Albion Company's R.M.S./ lonic, en route from Loudon to Wellington, left the Tasnianiau port for here at midnight on Saturday. The vessel, which is expected to show un early on Thursday morning, landed 107 passengers at Hobart, and is bringing 607 to New Zealand. THE ICOWHAI. The Kowhai, the latest addition to the Union Company's fleet, which arrived at Duncdin on Thursday last from Liverpool, via Cape Town, is a light-draught cargo .steamer adapted for working the bars at coal ports on .the West Coast. The Kowhai (formerly Hopeful) is a vessel of 792 tons gro63 register, and her dimensions are:-Lcngth 195 ft., breadth 3Gft, depth lift. 6in. She was built at Maryport in 1901, and has boon purchased by the Union Company to be used as a collier. The vessel will take a considerable amount of fitting up to adapt her to the coal trade. The bridge is situated amidships, and the forward hatchway extends from it to the break of the forecastle head. .Tho afterhatchway, occupies tho interval between the bridge and tho engine and boiler space, which is situated in the stern. Altogether (states a southern exchange) the Kowhai is remarkable for nothing more than her beautiful name. The veccol was brought out by. Captain Murdo Macfaiianc, with Messrs. C. 11. Stevens and W.. Smith as ur3t and Eceond officers, and Messrs. T. Hood, K. Jones, and J. Poynor as first, second, and third engineers respectively. On arrival the officer.'! and crew were paid 6ff, and the vessel- will undergo survey and alterations tit the completion of whicli she will be put in commission. WAIMATE, FEOM MONTREAL. An arrival in port yesterday from Montreal, via way ports, was the New Zealand Shipping Company's steamer Waimate. Leaving Montreal on October 16 fine weather was experienced, with the exception .of one gale in tho Southern Ocean. The vessel arrived at Melbourne on December 6, where cargo was discharged, and left two days later for Sydney. The Aew South Wales port was reached on December 8, and. after a stay of eight days the Waimate left for Auckland. Soon after leaving Sydney a stcampipe buret, necessitating a- return to that port, where repairs were effected. She left again on December 18, and experienced fine weather and smooth seas on the run across the Tasman Sea. Having landed 720 tons of cargo the Waimate cleared Auckland for Wellington at 1 p.m. on Saturday last, and after a good run down the coast berthed at No. 14 Jervois Quay Wharf at 2.25 p.m. The vcsFei, which has about 600 -tons of cargo to discharge here, is commanded by Captain Ryicy. Mr. 11. a. Coyto is chief officer; Mr. A. Willis, second; Mr. G. 11. ltamson. third; Mr. F. li. Hotop, surgeon; Mr. W. Jeukinson, chief Mr. A. J. Nicholson, Fccond: Mr. N. Matthew, third; Mr. A. S. Davidson, fourth; Mr. W. C. Pcarce, firth; Mr. A. W. Ball, chief refrigerator; and M.r. W. Russell, second refrigerator. While at Auckland Mr. S. J. Plummer, who was chief officer on. the voyage out, left the vessel, the other officers being promoted a step. Upon completion of discharge of the Wellington portion of her cargo the vessel proceeds south about tho end of the week.
t .,m,T '. Man , lw ' o£ thc steamer Ilimi- ' i!„ih ' ~ tll!lt ,vneu his ""-el "as oif i nim-oi Hay 0 n Saturday afternoon a .1 {Mirier pigeon, with thc letters C.F.O. '" SI i'lnli™ rn ","!=" «"< ;il 'c | i"B its leg, (lew ' "IV V? !l . r(l i rk V blr<t "PPeared to be quite i f. ?, a " s , I=<l ' an<l W! >s kc l"-- on board until J jesterday morning, when it was liberated. ~l!;« 1 -.'; i A,Ickl: "«! Braving dock will bo •iV%',,„. T rop:urs Ur :lbol,t three weeks, ■is nam January 12. hS Finn '?..who is in charge of the hit i ' cani f r Kul elit of the Garter, which SVmwT li h:inmA »J' «'=-' Xcw Zealand Company, was in command o! contingent from Lyttclton to South Africa " 2 l - h0 "'"•• *«■ Knit-nt of "ho Jihomi - s no "i ?" hor way rlow » from Wiangjiai, and is to load at Auckland. London."'' ?Japlor> Bnd Wellin Ston, for ■n T! ; o „} Vana,ta is to undergo survey at eariv C in a ' mC '' 6 - She wUI I'esSn.e running ~ eauj m January. ' Advice has been received.that the Nor-ti..-T. f'L ba . ro - ue tUordis has been charri r;lt^,, bniJ P a cai 'B° °t Bnltio pine from tr :U!Eani1 '. Norway, to Lyttclton. The [:'°„? ls a ».>''on bariiuo of 1027 tons, and n™ m °t" 0 time owned by the well-known !£?i T -cM L . aw , and Co - ot Glasgow, owners '- fn,.m'„°,,' r0 '"', e x° f Sa ' lin S sili l )S - Sb <! Was a formerly, named Nairnshire. " n W i hilc . , at : I>ort Chalmers the Shaw, Savill, Si i Albl °" Company's new -.steamer ; 1 altetia was docked for cleaning and Painting. Besides being the largest vessel to use thc now dock, she was uunocked with tho greatest accuracy of '- movement of any vessel yet handled down sputh. In passing through the dock gates she only had 2ft. 3in. clear of the stone- .. work, on cither side. When the stern got, beyond the gateway the twin propellcru span round, and the big vessel shot out . .without receiving a scratch on the white lead and tallow with which she had been cowered below the water-line. j Captain Griflith,- of the steamer Snowdo- . llian (lately here with jarrah timber from Buubury), states that his owners, the Golden Cross Line, are building a 10,CC0-ton cargo s'eamcr for the Australian and • New Zealand trade. Captain Charman is in command of tho Shaw, Savill. and Albion Company's stea- ._ mer Waiwera, and has associated .with him Iho following officers:—Chief, Mr. A. 11. Kirby; second, Mr. L. W. Gould; third, Mr. S. Lcvack; fourth, Mr. H. W. L-ang-r bein; chief engineer. Mrs G. E. Geaeh;' ;• chief steward, Mr. H. Brewer; surgeon, '. Dr. Humo -Bett.
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Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1009, 27 December 1910, Page 7
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2,513SHIPPING NEWS. Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1009, 27 December 1910, Page 7
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