PHASES 01? THE MOON. MAECH. Day. Hr.m. Last quarter 4 7 22 p.m. New moon 11 11 42 p.m. First ouarter IB 3 7 p.m. Full moon 26 751 a.m. Moon rises to-day, 7.17 p.m.; sets, 9.49 a.m. Wednesday. HIGH WATER. To-day, 7.18 a.m.; 7.30 p.m. To-morrow, 8.1 a.m.; 8.12 p.m. SUN. Sun rises to-day, 6:1 a.m.; sets, 6.50 p.m. ARRIVALS. MONDAY, MAEOH 28. KAITANGATA, b.s. (0.10 a.m.), 1983 tons, Nicolson, from Wcstport. Ltzm TAYLOR, schooner (4.30 a.m. in stream). 77 tons, Peterson, from Tiraaru. STEATHEARN, s.a. (6.35 a.m.), 4419 tons, Mackay, from Melbourne and Westpoft. BUTESHIRE, i B.s. (7.20 a.m.), 5574 tons, Page, from Napier. JACQUES, barque (6.30 p.m.), 1633 tons. L. Mioliel, from New York, via Auckland. MAOEI, b.s. (6.40 p.m.), 3399 tone, Aldwell, from Picton, daylight excursion. DEPARTURES. MONDAY, MAEOH 28. MAOEI, s.s. (7.58 a.m.), 3399 tone, Aldwell, for Picton. 600 excursionists. • PATEENA. s.s. (1.45 p.m.), 1212 tons, Crawford, for Picton and Nelson. WAKATU, s.s. (6 p.m.), 157 tons, Wills/for Kaikonra, and Lyttclton, via tho coa6t. HUIA, s.s. (6.5 p.m.), 127 tons, Dowell, for Wanganui. ■■■■■• MANAEOA, b.s. (6.5 p.m.), 122 tons, Hart, for Motueka. and Bays, MAOEI, s.s. (8.5 p.m.), 3399 tons, Aldwell, for Lyttclton, , EXPECTED ARRIVALS, Wairau, Karamea, March 29. Defender, Lyttelton, March 29. Mangapapa, Wcstport, March-29. Mapourika, Nelson, Picton, March 29.. Aotea, Bluff, March 29. Hauroto, Dunedin, Lyttclton, March 29. Mararoa, Lyttelton. March 29. Kaitoa, Nelson, March.29. Tarawera, Auckland, Gisborno. Nanier, March 29. Pateena, Nelson, Picton, March 29. Opawa, Blenheim, March 29. Mana, Pa tea, March 30. ' Manaroa, Motueka, March 30. i Huia, Wanganui, March 30. Maori, Lyttelton, March SO. ' . Arahura, Greymouth, Wcstport, Nelson, Picton, : March 30. Comma, southern ports, March .30. . . Warrimoo, Sydney direct, March 30. . liiinutaka, ' Napier,' /March 30. Queen of the South, Foxton, March 30. Victoria, Duuedin, Lyttelton, March 31,Nikau, Nelßon, Motueka, March 31. Navua. Suva, Auckland. Maroh 31. Wakatu, Lyttelton, Kaikoura, March 51, vUlimaroa, Melbourne, via south, April 1. Mouowai, ■' Auckland, Gisborne, Napier, April 1.. • Mokoia, Papeete, Barotonga, April 5. Manuka, Sydney, April 6.
PROJECTED DEPARTURES. '. .. ■ Poherua, Greymouth, March 29. . . Mararoa, Lyttelton, March 29. ' Wairau, Pupouga, March 29.. ' Defender, Picton,. Hdkitika,. March 29.. Star of Australia, Gisborne, March 29. , lonic, Lyttelton, March 29. Aorcre, Patoa, March 29. . Alexander, Nelson, West Coast, March 29.. Blenheim, Blenheim, March 29. Kahu, 'Napier, via the coast, March 29. Stormbird, Wanganui, March 29. Opawa, Blenheim, March 29. Kapiti, Wanganui, March' 29. . Kapuni.'Patea, March 29. .RoHamond, Picton, New Plymouth, Onehunga, March. 29. Uauroto, Napier, Gisborne," Auckland, 'March 29. Tarawcra,. Lyttelton, Dunedin, Mar. -29. . Manaroa, Havclock, Pclorus Sound, March -20. . Uuia, Wanganui, March 30. < Patcena, Picton, Nelson,- March 30. ■ -Maori, Lyttelton, March 30. . . i ' Mapourika, '-. Nelson, Westport, Greymouth, March 30. .. : ..' Queen of .the-South, Foxton, March 30. Cornwall, .Lyttelton," .March 30. . Corinna, Nelson. New Plymouth, Onehuuga, March 30. ' ' , Wakatu, Kaikoura, Lyttelton, via the coast, March 31. Victoria, . Napier, Gisborne, Auckland, March' 31. - ,Nikau, Nelson, Motueka, March'3l. : Warrimoo, Melbourne, : via ■ southern ports and Hobart, March 31. . "> Buteshire, Timaru, March 31. Arapawa;-. Wanganui,'.'March-. 31.' ■ Ulimaroa, Sydney, April- 1.-'-'v . Monowai,. Lyttelton,. Dunedin, April' i.. Arahura, Picton, Nelson, Westport, Greymouth, April 2. '.•.:''- liimutaka,'London, April 7., -;■■'■■ INTERCOLONIAL SERVICE. '-.-"' MOVEMENTS OP STEAMERS. WARRIMOO, : s.s., left Sydney March .26, for. Wellington direct. Duo' Wellington March 30. Leaves March 31, for Lyttelton. Dunedin, Bluff, Hobart, and Melbourne. Due Melbourne April 9. ... ULIMAROA, s.s., left Melbourne . March 23, for Hobart,' Bluff, Dunedin, Lyttelton, and Wellington. Due Wellington April i. Leaves same day for.Sydney direct. : Due Sydney, April 5. . MONOWAI, s.s.,' leaves Auckland March 29, for Gisborne, Napier, and Wellington. Duo Wellington Anril 1, with . transhipments ex Maheno from Sydney,' Leaves same day for.Lyttelton and Dunedin. VICTORIA, s.s., leaves Dunedin ; March 29 for Lyttelton and Wellington. ■ Duo Wellington March 31. Leaves samo day for Napier, Gisborne, Auckland, and Sydney. Due Sydney, April: 8. . MANUKA, s.s., . leaves Sydney. April 2. for Wellington direct. . Due April 6 Leaves April 7, for Lyttelton, Dunedin/ Bluff, Hobart, and Melbourne. Due Melbourne' April. 16. -...'.-■. - WIMMERA, s.R., leaves Sydney March 30, for Auckland, Gisborne, Napier, and Wellington. Due Wellington April 8. Leaves same day for Lyttelton and Dunedin. ■■• OVERSEA SHIPPINC. . STEAMERS TO ARRIVE. . . From London, NIWARU (duo about April 3), eailed ; on January 26, via Melbourne, Sydney, Auckland, and Napier. ■ (l'ysor Line, agents.) ■ KIA ! ORA (due about April 2), sailed on February 8, via Auckland. (Shaw, Savill, and Albion Company, agents.) TURAKINA (due about April 5), sailed on February 17. Plymouth February 19, -via: TeneriHo, Cape Town, and Hobart. (New Zealand Shipping Company, agents.)' WHAKARUA (due about April 18), sailed on February 11, via Melbourne,. Sydney, Auckland, and ' Napier. (Tyser. Line, agents.) : •. , ~ . .-■ STAR OF SCOTLAND (due about April 30),' sailed on February 23, via Melbourne, Sydney, Auckland, and Napier. (Tyser Line, agents.)
. ATHENIO (due about April:l9), sailed on March 3, Plymouth March 5, via. Tonenffo, Cape Town,, and Hobart. (Shaw, Savill, and Albion Company,' agentfi.) OPAWA (due about April 30),>; sailed on Maroh 10, via Aucltland. 'New Zealand Shipping Company, agents.) ' TONGAEIEO .(due about May 3), Bailed on Maroh 17, Plymouth March 19, via Toneriffe, Capo Town, and Hobart, (New Zealand Shipping Company, agents.) From Liverpool. ~ FIFESHIKE (due about April 12), sailed on February 5, via ' Melbourne, Sydney, Auckland, and Napier. (Fedoral-Houlder-Shire Line, agents.) EANGATIEA (due about April 15), Bailed on February 24, via Adelaide and Auckland. (Shaw, Savill,- and Albion Company, agents. ' DEAYTON GEANGE .(duo" about May 7), sailed on March 5, via Sydney and' Auckland. (Federal-Hoiilder-Shire Line, agents.) From New York. SPITHEAD (due about April 11), sailed on January 7, via Australian ports and A WJl an<i ' ' A - and A. Line, agents.) GEOEGIA (duo about April 8), sailed on January 6, via Auckland. (Tacuum Oil Company, agents.) ABEELOUE (duo about April 15), sailed on Janunry 27, via Melbourne, Sydney, and A ?SKffVI ~,<;*•• and A - L,no - agents.) • INDEALEMA (due about May 7), sailed on February 25, via Melbourne, Sydney, and Auckland. (Tyeor Line, agents.) SAILEES TO AEEITE. > JACQUES, baTtiue. sailed from New York on November 24, via Auckland. (Vacuum Oil Company, agents.) MABJORY GLEN, barque, ' sailed from Liverpool on December 15. (Johnston and Co., agent 6.) ' ST. KILDA', barquontine, sailed from Newcastle March 7. (J. W. Wallace and Co., agents.) COUNTY OF INVERNESS, barque, sailed from Liverpool on March 17. (Johnston and Co., agents.) PENDLEHILL, barquentine, sailed from Sydney on March 24. BY TELEGEAPH. OVERSEA. SYDNEY, March 28. Arrived.—Manuka (2.30 p.m.), from 'Wellington. Sailed.—Cruiser Pioneer, for Auckland. COASTAL. '. ' ■ ■ MONDAY. MAECH 28. . AUCKLAND. Arrived.—Georgia (9.30 a.m.), from Now York and Frcmantlo; Navua (11.15 a.m.), from Fiji. Sailed,—Jlaiiflno (&15 fining.
■'.-., kAipAea. Arrived.—Waipori'; from Wellington. ~; NEW PLYMOUTH. '. - Arrived—Earawa' (5.15 a.m.),: from • Onehunga; K00nya.(7.45 p.m. Sunday), from Wellington.' r-; , Sailed— Koonya (8.45 -a.m.l, for Wcstport; Earawa (10 p.m.), for Onehunga.; £- FOXTON. Arrived.—Queen of the South (11 a.m.), from Wellington; Kennedy (11.25 a.m.), and ; Himitangi (11.40 a.m.),'from Greymouth... ■ . ii.-.NAPIEB.:,-'.-'. :■;;,■;.■,''-.■:', To sail.—Tarawera (ltj'a.m.), for Wellington. •' ■■-'■■'.-' ■ : - " ■'■' -'- "-■•■ , - ■;'■•'■ PIOTON. ..',.:• , Arrived.—Pateena (6 p.m.), from Wellington. ...-■■: . To sail.—Mapourika- (2.30 a.m. Tuesday), for. Wellington. ■. ■-:■ NELSON. .'- ■ . Sailed.—Mapourika "(8.10 p.m.),' for'.Picton and Wellington.;,-. vv,,:.54.r v., -~-.-'. "''' . '■.;..-.■";,.■■: '.", Arrived.—Gertie '. (0.50 :a.m.), :'frora.,..Welv lington.--- ~,.,,,.,'-.;- -..'-.-.;■.. ...- ..:..,-■.. r -LYTTELTON. -':""•, '" Arrived—Petone, from Greymouth; Mararoa and Corinna from Akaroa.->. :, Sailed.—Hauroto- (6.25-p.m.), for Wellington, Napier, Gisborne, and Auckland, with 50 passengers; Mararoa (8.25 plmO, for Wei-, lington, with'3oo passengers. '-. : BLUFF.,,.. :'''':"-:-. Sailed.—Wanaka, fdrOamarui'Ulimaroa.for Dunedin; Moana (4.45.p.'m0; for Hobart and Melbourne. ._-■■';-.„'. > nayua,;feom'suva;., ;''-..-. Yesterday's - arrivals at Au'cklaild in? eluded the Union. Oompany!s ; Navua from Suva. The vessel is to leave the,northern; Sort to-day for Wellington,, and .is', duo ere on Thursday.-/" - • ■;■•; GEOEGIA, FEOMiNEW YORK.' '.. After a rather lengthy'passage from-New York, the Austrian tramp steamer Georgia arrived at Auckland.yesterday morning. She left New York on January 8, and made, calls at. Fremantle and Albany. Her cargo consists of ca;e oils. Captain Martinolich is in command of the vessel.;: ; . :■, STEATHEAEN, FROM MELBOURNE. ■; ■ ;After an uneventful voyage'from Melbourne, via Westport, /the steamer Strathearn ; arrived , hero, yesterday morning to commence loading fdr.tho-New Zealand Shipping Company. The Strathearn is,one of -the Strath Line of. .Glasgow. She is a vessel of 4417.t0ns !gross.register,' in command of- Captain-'Maokay, who-has not been, .thirty years. The Str'athearn'.'.procoeds: from here to Lyttelton, thence to Napier,, Auckland, and London. ■ ..THE''EILEEN ;WAEI), ;■;.,-.■'.,.,'v.' Being short of coal,- the dredge Eileen Ward called iin-' hero on Saturday nicht to fill up'her bunkers: (says a Mclbourno paper). She is •on her way to Westport, baring been recently built at Paisley, by Messrs. Fleming and-Ferguson, .Limited, for the New Zealand-Government. Tho . dredge is what is. known a-3 .a, "earidr sucker," being capable of lifting 1100 tons in twenty minutes. The Eileen Ward be-, gan her voyage at Glasgow 72 day 3; ago, and madecalls at. Port Said, Aden, and Albany. Tho dredge is fitted with twin screws; and can stoam 85 knota an hour. She is in command of Captain Mack.
■.;.,: FEENeH BASQUE JACQUES. ; . Yesterday afternoon the French barque Jacques was, signalled off .the Heads. A" light favourable wind was;blowing, • and Captain Michel came isto port without tho aid of a tug, and dropped anchor in the stream at 6.30 p.m. . This Jacques is from New'-York, via- Auckland, and has com: Sleted her voyage to thig port in 130 days.. !er original cargo was -65,580 cases of oil; consigned: to the ■■ Vacuum Oil i Company. Of this number,; 32,350 cases .wore landed in the north, and-the balance is for: Wellington. . It is . interesting to. note :• that the barque sailed into Auckland and Wellington without the.- aid of'. 8, .tug;: On; the run from New ; York she passed " several icebergs in the vicinity of Kerguolen .Islands. ■■ .' .- ■ .-.■.■
" Some 69 passengers are to land at Wel-lington-from the. Warrimoo, whioh is duo from Sydney to-morrow.morning. Of this number 34 are in the saloon,-, and 35 are travelling steerage.... 1 : ■ ■'>. It is.eipectcd:that the; Union Company's Waihora will; leave : Newcastle to-morrow with coal for Wellington'and Lyttelton. . 'An Australian paper states that: the i barque Bossuet; 1954 toes, has been chartered to load.timber .at Columbia.' Biver for Dunedin, with option .of part cargo: for Newcastle. : - •.'... ■ , Another charter has already, been arranged for the scow Whangaroa, now on her way to Melbourne from 1 Port Stephens with:a caTgo of hardwood. She isi-it appears, under charter to proceed to Bobart, Tasmania, and load timber there for a Now Zealand .port. ';. :,...,' The Mapourikais due this ..morning from Nelson' and Kctoh. .She arrived at Nelson on Saturday from Greymouth and Westport, but of coming >on to Wellington as usual, she was detained until last night for the convenience of excur-' sionists. In consequence of these arrange l ments, her departure for Nelson and West Coast has been postponed-until to-morrow. H.MiS.' now on her way to' Colombo with a., time-expired:brew. She willtheTe meet H.M.S. Hawk, sow on her way from Portsmouth with a relief crew for the Encounter, which is to ,be recommissiohed for,a;;further term on the Australian station". ....When the Hawk arrives at Colombo on April 10 crews will be exchanged, and both vessels will immediately leave that portii-the -Hawk returning to Portsmouth and the, Encounter to Sydney. The s.s.'Defender will;sail for Picton and Hokitika at 3. p.m. to-day.-,-.., ; .Only a few pieces of twisted metal:amid a mass of smouldering embers is all that remains of tho famous old cruiser Enter{irise.'.the last of those "dear old ships of ong ago." "ZoUo" Turner,, who started many a famous, craft, on : her last voyage to the port of the unknown, applied the torch to the solid-old- hulk -of-the Enterprise as it lay on tho sands at' the Point of Pines. The vessehwarpurchascd sevorai months ago by'junk "dealers, and, after, being dismantled, was stripped, of all her metal that could be taken from, her, .and was burned on-'January- 17 for the re= mainder. The. Enterprise., was built in 1875 Kittery,--Me.,'-and was one of the last of the.wooden -vessels of the Jiavy. that did service. - She was barcue rigged, of 1374 tons displacement, and: under steam' coiild make 11. knots'.as hour. She-was loaned: to the State of-.Massachusetts for the Nautical Training. School in 1894, ana until last year' did service in: this capacity, when she was'•: replaced by the TJ.S.S. Ranger.—"Boston Journal.".
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Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 777, 29 March 1910, Page 9
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1,983SHIPPING NEWS. Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 777, 29 March 1910, Page 9
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