A REMODELLED TIMETABLE. ' NAPIER EXPEESS VIA MANAWATU. PAETICULAES. ' . A new timetable for the'-trains on. the Wel-lington-Napier and Wellington-New Plymouth lines will icome into- force cd December G. The .principal alteration, which was forecasted by The Dominion a few weeks ago, is the transfer of" the Wellington-Napier expresses to the Manawatu line. The Wairarapa will, however, have improved communication with; Palmerston North, enabling Wairarapa residents to .visit-.the- Manawatu and. return the same - day; . The Manawatu routo being 15 miles shorter than that by the Eimutaka, the passengers will get an advantage in fires as well as in saying of time. • Napier and Wairarapa .connections with the Main Trunk trains will also be improved, and, during the holiday season, there will be what are to be termed "daylight expresses between Wellington and Auckland, in addition to the ordinary services. Wellington-Napier Expresses. 'The new running of the Wellington-Napier train is as follows:—Leave Napier 7.30 a.m. (instead of 5.45) running via Woodvillo and Manawatu Gorge, leaving Palmerston .1.20 p.m;, Longbnrn 1.30, Shannon 2.4, Levin 2.31, Otaki 13.5, PaekakSriki 3.49, Johsonville 4.49, Wellington, arrive 5.15 p.m. Stoppages are to be made on request at- Tokomaru, Koputaroa, Manakau, Te Horo,: Paraparanmu, Paremata, Khandallah, and Ngaio. , The northward journey will. commence at 10.50 from Thorndon station, Johnsonville 11.16, Paekakariki. 12.19, Otaki 1.5, Levin 1.40, Shannon 2.8; Tokomaru 2.26, Longbnrn 2.47, Palmerston 2.57- (depart 3.30, • thus allowing time for the mid-day meal), arriving Napier 9.20 p.m. ThiSitrain is to stop at Ngaio. Paremata, Plimmertrin, Paraparaumu, Te Horo; Manakau, and Tokomaru, as well as the officered stations.
Wellington-New Plymouth Mail. A variation is to be made in tho running of the New' Plymouth to Wellington mail, which will' leavo Palmerston at 3.47 (seven minutes later than before); Shannon 4.16, Otaki 5.13, arriving Wellington at 7.23. This tram will: stop at Ohau, Plimmerton, l'onrua, and Khandallah in addition to the officered stations. .-;. On the journey from Wellington tho. departure time from Thorndon is to be 9.10 a.m., instead of 8.15. Other timings for the mail' are:—Johnsonville 9.37,-Porirua 9.55, Paokakariki 10.36, Waikanae 10.58,: Otaki; 11.20, Levm 11.50, Shannon 12.11; Loiigburn 12.49, Palmerston,- arrive 12.58, depart. 1.10.,'p.m.,-arriving. New Plymouth 9.20: p.ra; This train-will also stop at Khandallah, Waikanae, Ohau, Kopntaroa, and Tokomaru.i Theso new stops are, arranged in accordanco* with-a plan -under' which it is claimed.'that'each of the. small uriofficered stations will : secure some advantage from the mail trains as the Napier mail serves a different set" of similL stations.,
Additional. Main Trunk Expresses. ■ '; /'What is to be 'termed the. "daylight, express'" will run between Wellington and- Auckland during the heavy, traffic;season of tho holidays. It will leave Auckland'at 10.35 ■'' each weekday and'reach Wellington at 7.21 o'clock next morning.'. This means that a train will reach Wellington 'every morning except Monday. On .the reverw journey the timings are:.Thorndon (Sundays to. Fridays (inclusive) 8.55 p.m., arrive Auckland- 4.40,p,ni. 'The ordinary■ service ■'between■ Auckland and Wellington., and, back will continue, but some'slight alterations, will, be made in the tine-table. -The departure; from Wellington will be at 12.10 :p.m.,: which is some twenty-five minutes-later, -than usual, but: the through janrney w,ill.~be completed at about the same time, as it is now. On the run down, the Aucklaridiexpress will reach Wellington about fifteen minutes, earlier than.-it-'does-now. - •■> Now Wairarapa Services..'..,'.. Almost every train to and from the, Wairarapa has had its running times'altered; "A'. : number have been 1 done .away-with, and new. ones have been substituted in- such-a : way,'-.'as I'to mako much-needed long-distance.connections. The trains which are to he struck'out are the I following-—. .:.', ': Woodville-Masterton,.9.4o a.m. |..', Woodville-Wellington, .2.15 p.m. .- ; ~•■'•.'■. > Wellington (Larribtonj-Napier, mail, -r'-'. .■.(-. .-.••• • Napier-WellingtonWLarabton) .mail. ■;;- : '.". ■'-• "' : Wellington-W00(ivi11e,',4.45 ■■• -V. ;••..'■ i ■ 8.2 a'.tn.■■'.,-.' -■-I-.-- ,',-..,... .-.Masterton-Woodville,". 3.26 -p.m.- :.. .1 . ,;; '■% Instead of the'4'old'•' mail/train~,which rloft, Lambton Station \ at.;8.20:.f0r .the'•'. Wairarapa; and Napier, a train'<:will ; leave'-,' aim.;; stopping where" required, .'except between. LowOrand Upper, Hutt,'. and -Teaching iWbo'dville'.-'at' 2.20. , Napier-bou'n'd passengers:-' :resume .'tho journey at 2.35 p.m;','. arriving :Napier at'B.l3' p.m., or they may wait until.#3s p.m., and reach:' Napier atl9j2o,p.m. ;■■>'■ A train which now. leaves Mostcrton at 6.30., a.m. wiil start from Cross-Creek at-5.25 a.m., Featherstori 6.5, Carterton,Masterton 7.45, Pahiatua 9.55, arriving Wopdville' 10.25.-;a!m;; and connecting .with a Napier train'which will v . take passengers ''toS Palmerston .and connect' with the up New; Plymouth and 'Auckland ex- . presses..' ;■-• -■• "■' '"■■'\':':'-' ' ']'■' , The 7 a.m., train from Mastertoiv will leave half an : hour later and reach Wellington at 11.55.instead of 11.28., ■' '-.-"', :.v-;.-' The 6.10 a.m. Woodville to.Wellington train> will start sat 8.15.'a.m., after the arrivalYof a train from Palmerston North. Its main timings are: Paliintna, 8.55, Eketahuna' 10.5, Masterton 11,45, - Carterton. -12.30, Featherstoh 1.20 p.m., Wellington (arrive) 5.28' p.m.' '-...-- : Though the Napier-Wellington iexpress .will be diverted-through the Manawatu, it will be possible to contimiq .the journey through" tho' Wairarapa by-a train leaving Woodville at 1.20 p.m., Paliiatua 1.53, Masterton' 3.48, terton 4.12, Feathorston,. ; Wellihgton, (arrive) 7.40 p.m. .-,:'Y ' ; •:..,.,,'.' -~.,.., The' 6-55 p.m. Woodville-Masterton .train will start five minute's .earlier and ; be extended to Cross Creek, which-will: be reached-at 11.45 p.m. •!' .- ■;-..' .[:>■.:■,■' '.'•'■.■':• -;;. '-~-' .;. .
..Wairarapa-Manawatu.Connections.' ; '■■\ The-present 9.55 a.m. train from Te Aro will change its timing after reaching ; the Summit; as follow:—Summit dep. 1.35 p.m., Featherston 3.18, Carterton 4.2o,,"Masterton 5.45, - Mauriccville 6.40, Eketahuna-7.30, Pahiatua 8.56, Woodvillo 9.31 p.m., connecting with'the evening train from Napier' arriving at Palmerston ■North at 10.45 p.m. .}'..:'..■.■;. ■'~;..,. ...a.-:', The present 3.45 p-m., train from To Aro. to Masterton will.start nine minutes earlior'and' reach its destination at.B'p.m. instead of 8.30.'• ■i. On the Grey town branch trains'will connect with every main-line train except '.the ; 5.25 p.m'. from Cross Creek and the 6.50 p.m. ex Woodville, which pass the junction be'of much'service. •.••;■•■■ Hawke's Bay and Manawatu. The 2.40 p.m. Woodville-Palmerston and 12.50 p.m. Palmerston-Woodville, trains aro . cancelled. '•'•,' "."■ <: The 8 a.m. train from Dannevirke will : start instead at 6.45 a.m. for Palmerstqn, which will be reached at 9.15 a.m. '■'-, The 7.15 a.m. Waipukurau-Woodvillc train will leave at 6.30 a.m.'and reach Woodville at 10.25. ' "•"..'■'■' A connection with the up Auckland express at Palmerston North,will bo effected by means of a train leaving Napier at 6.50 a.m., Te Aute 8.50, Waipukurau 10.15, Orraondvillo 11.50, Dannevirke 12.54, Woodville 1.42. , The 1.57 ex Woodville and 2.40 p.m. ex Wai- ■ pnkurau are subject to slight variations, whilo the present 2)15 p.m. Napier-Woodvillo train will be delayed until 3.5 p.m., and run right through to Palmerston North, which will be 10.45 p.m. A now train will leave Hastings at 12.30 p.m., reaching Napier at 1.8. ■,■ ■ : The 0 a.m. Woodville-Napier train will start from Palmerston at: 7 a.m.< leavjng Woodvillo at 8.10 a.m. (having connected'with a train to tho Wairarapa) and reaching Napier at 2.8 p.m. •'•..-_'•. , The 8.15 a.m. Palmcrston-Waipukurau train 'will depart at C a.m. • . Further ."cross-country" facilities , will, be given by a ; train ' leaving Palmerston at 12 noon, reaching Woodvillo at 1.7 and providing the inevitable connection with tho Wairarapa.' '. The 1.50 Woodville-Wnipukurau train will be delayed until 5.55, reaching its destination at 9.50 p.m. ; : ' The' 3 p.m. train from Woodville to Napier will start at 2.35, and, get through to Napier by 8.43 p.m. instead of 10 o'clock. On the Manawatu Lino. In addition to tho advantages to bo given to-wayside stations in tho Manawatu by the additional stoppings to be mado by the mail trains, other variations are to bo made. The present 6.40 a.m. train from Paekakariki will have its timing varied as follows:—Plimmerton dopart 7.lo,Torirua 7.3o,.Tohnsonville 8.15, Wellington arrive 8.45,-or sovon minutes later than originally. ■ _ ■' -■■.■ ■.:■-.' An acceleration of 19 minutes has been' mado in'tho timing of'tlio 7 a.m. from Palmerston to Wellington. It runs on the old schedule to Levin, and then begins to.improve its timing as follows:—Otaki dep.' 9.25, -Pnckakariki 10.33,Plimmerton 11.3, -Porirun: 11.19,' Johnsonvjlle,
a.m. mixed train from Palmerston to Wellington. Its' new. time: of departure will, be 1.5 E.m. ( and the arrival timo in Wellington will e 8.35 p.m. instead of 5.52 p.m. ' Starting from Palmerston ton minutes earl-' ier, tho 5.10 p.m.. train will, reach Wellington fifteen minutes ahead of the old timing. The mixed train which now leaves Wellington at 9.35 a.m. for Palmerston will leave at 7.33 a.m. and the arrival in Palmerston will bo 1.48 p.m., instead of 4.5 p.m. This train will stop at all intermediate stations. -~.. .. : The 4-o'clock train Wellington to Palmerston North willleavo fifteen minutes later than at present and arrive at 9:5, instead of 9 o'clock Fifteen minutes' later departure has been arranged for the present 9.30 p.m. train to Jolinsonville on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays,, and Saturdays. • ..;,'• Hutt Suburban Trains. ' '.The..7.43 a.m. train from' Upper Hutt will leave at 7.30 and reach To Aro at 8.50 instead of 9.10. ■■" . In the reverso direction the old 8 .a.m; train from Lambtou station will leavo at 8.22,. and reach Lower Hutt at 8.4G a.m. 1 '.. ; A similar acceleration of tho 7. 32 a.m. ex Te Aro will enable it to reach Lower;Hutt at 7.57, in good time for town dwellefslwho wish to start work in the suburbs at 8 a.m. Tho motpr train service between Upper: and Lower Hutt_ is not being altered, except to improve the. timing by a few minutes.
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Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 671, 23 November 1909, Page 8
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1,509NEW TRAINS. Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 671, 23 November 1909, Page 8
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